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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Here’s an emoji guide for you boomers (remember when some people used to talk only in gestures? We’d be going back to that)
  2. I mainly post on there by uploading, but they recently changed something with the login....again. That might have something to do with it.
  3. Itgirls and skinnery have soft belly options too I believe.
  4. I’d be more worried about them doing this than taking 40 seconds to rez
  5. I started this account as a clothing dummy back in 2014. I have a Maitreya body, Hourglass, Freya, a couple of *gasp* Sking bodies and body parts, Kemono, Ebody and a few others. Heads I have a couple of Catwas, a Lelutka, a fiore, and a couple of Genus heads. So we’re talking well into the double digits with this body over the last five years. I love to tinker, so switching it up is pretty normal for me. If I’m bored, I’ll sit there make a shape from scratch and just let it happen. If I like it I’ll save it. My appearance folder is full of looks that I like but I just haven’t worn yet, all different.
  6. Being a good conversationalist comes down to one thing: knowing who you’re talking to. Someone who talks a lot isn’t necessarily a good conversationalist. They just....talk a lot. Someone who is quiet isn’t necessarily a bad conversationalist. What you’re talking about might not be interesting to them or they may feel they have nothing to say or add. A good conversationalist knows when to talk and when to listen. Also what cues mean. That’s going to be a little difficult in textual conversation, but they exist. Conversation is a dying art, but it’s something we all can strive to be better at.
  7. Cosmopolitan and Collab had a fair amount of Isis items this month. I saw a couple of things that were only Maitreya and Isis. Like I said, each month up and down. This month is looking better than last month already.
  8. It’s not that you’re not normal (but if you say so!). It’s more so, that you expect everybody to do SL the way you do, which is quite common. When you think about it, everybody steps away from the computer for a moment for something. If you don’t you're very well disciplined or you have a catheter attached to you or something and are malnourished. I’m kidding. You might want to re-examine your expectations though.
  9. It’s even funnier when you recently changed skins or demoed a few. Your face is one color, body another, hands and feet still another. Hairbase from this morning, hair you just put on before the crash.... good stuff....good stuff
  10. *Joenewby6969 resident has disconnected*
  11. Followed by “I heard you can have sex on here. I’m curious about that, but I can’t find anyone willing to do it with me.....:(“
  12. I hear you. I have a Maitreya me saved in my outfits, especially for when I want to wear costumes. That’s usually where you’d have the hardest time finding something for Isis.
  13. I thought about it a couple of times. I still wear Freya and Isis primarily though. Last month as far as events go, was particularly brutal as far as “Maitreya only/exclusive” clothes go. They were everywhere. It tends to go in cycles, the month before, there were tons of clothes supporting Isis and Freya. Im not switching though because I think Belleza’s bodies just look better aesthetically. Sometimes if you send a creator a notecard you’ll find that they do support other bodies, they just can’t crank out for three+ bodies for X event, so they just do Maitreya. The notecard also might plant the seed that there is a demand for other bodies enough for them to consider it. Still not switching, saves me money too!
  14. I’m taking it as second language faux pas. I’ve been in the US for 16 years and sometimes someone says something and I’m all “Bwahhh? What does that mean?”
  15. I tried not to get too upset about this when I read it. The op just kind of lumped all of the “English” speaking countries together, without realizing Canada’s official language is also French.
  16. Love the Riverwalk! And that open air Mexican market near the Alamo, authentic tacos and elotes. If I were to move anywhere else in the states Texas is on my short list.
  17. I’m thinking [HD] is Happy Dispatch. I know I’ve been using that one since the beta for static facial expressions because both the eye and mouth expressions are adjustable. So while the default expressions don’t look right, when you turn down the sliders they look pretty good! The fact that you can mix and match the eye and mouth expressions give it more value. There are literally thousands of expressions you can make just from the combinations and adjusting them.
  18. Not only that but tinder has made it much easier even if you are a shut in. Swipe left or right? It’s really that easy these days ( glad I’m married). But let’s be honest. The reason they want confirm you is so they’ll feel better. People that do all that just want to feel “not *****”.
  19. Most of the time it doesn’t, you can usually tell when someone’s using one. They either have a super high voice and sound like a 9 year old or just metallic. I’ve never called someone out for using one (none of my business), but I’ve seen it happen plenty of times.
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