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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. Somewhere I have a drone avatar. It always seems sort of odd to use it though. If I'm feeling inhuman I usually go Velociraptor.
  2. OK, what the others said is right, get an Omega applier. Omega appliers come in various kinds and you need to have them to apply both head and skin - sometime Upper Body Skin and Lower Body Skin - you may also need Feet and Hands appliers too. But if you have skin textures legally, then making an Omega applier for them is really easy. You get the Omega Applier kit - IIRC it's free at their store on the Creator's floor. You take a copy of the Applier Kit's Skin applier, and rezz it on the floor of a sandbox, edit it, and in the Contents tab you will find a notecard which you open. Now you get the UUID of the texture (right click the texture in your inventory, you'll see 'copy uuid') into the place in the notecard - it's obvious where. Now close the edit, and 'take' the applier. You can leave any parts of the applier that you don't need as zeros. Now you can 'attach' the applier you made as a HUD. It is much easier to do than to describe. And once you have done it once you will feel empowered to make your own skins..... well maybe. Here is how it looks when you do it, I have blanked the UUIDs of my IPR to prevent theft:
  3. I always start to laugh when the words 'Human Rights' roll across my consciousness. You get born - no choice, you got a right to die - no choice when or how. Just the same as 'Bovine Rights' and 'Viral Rights'. Everything else is just power and politics. If you got the power, then you can decide what the politics is. If you ain't, then the only rights you got are the ones those with power give you. In a democracy the people en-mass have some power, but those rights are only there as long as the consensus agrees to them - usually only as long as the consensus of the armed forces agree. Even in so-called representative democracies (not People's Democracies ) you only get the right to vote for candidates, and they are all brown-nosers for someone with real power. I'm just grateful for free-ish* speech, and don't expect any 'Human Rights'. It's poignant for me, my ggggranddaddy was Tsarist diplomat when the Revolution broke out in 1918, being a British citizen now is a result of he being in Paris with his family - interesting who has more 'Human Rights' today, me or my ethnic relatives back in Mother Russia. I would like Net Neutrality, what power I have I will extend to support it, but not being an American I don't have any. * Can't say nothing about lots of subjects on these forums, for instance.
  4. Thank you! And it runs under Wine on Linux. Wonder of Wonders! Now to find out how to use it...... http://www.truancyfactory.com/tutorials/mapzone/mapzone01.html
  5. Premium is the way to go. Costs $72 USD a year, but you get 52x300L$ in stipend. Work out how much you would pay for those Lindens, and it turns out you are only paying about $15 pa for the 512sqm plot. (Can't be bothered to check the figures, but it's not far off)
  6. Just to follow-up everyone's good advice. She got some Lumae skins. For the 1500l$ some people want for a very indifferent skin, she could buy the Lumae store..... Pink Fuel seems only to have Logo, which are Omega, but I'm not sure of the issues. I'll try sugar garden, when I have time. But the Lumae Eirtae is great. And has freckles. Thanks everyone.
  7. I hate most mesh hair, especially the longer cuts. All my long hair is old flexi. Even the short hair I wear all the time is EMO Ariadne from before the flood. Check out my old pre-mesh had shot in the profile pic with this from last month....
  8. When I am role playing, then I am imagining what it would be like to be in that situation in RL. I assume those I am playing with are doing the same. We are all real people exploring things together. To take a concrete example...... Oh No! I can't do that here! And that's the point.
  9. This is exactly what I was on about. However, it's worth pointing out that your last picture doesn't include the automatic conversion of the 4-sided faces (Quads) to triangles (Tris) that takes place in the uploader (if you don't do it first) - but these are still visible in the raw mesh generated picture. The real saving is in the 9:1 reduction in the major faces. And the elimination of those costly long thin Tris in the edges of thin boxes, like the roof - SL hates long thin things. And not to forget how much easier it is to understand the structure of the building once all that clutter is removed!
  10. Decided to get the alt a Utilizator Normie Bento head ($L500 !!!). Next problem, all her skins are Maitreya or LeLutka, the best one is L'Etre. But L'Etre, and most every other skin maker I have experience of, don't make Omega head skins (just Catwa, LeLutka, and Catwa, oh, and did I mention Catwa too). Tried an MP search for 'Omega Skin' which showed up a few, but nothing I liked much. I want something cute, not hyper-glam, ideally with freckles and a mole or two. Where do I start?
  11. You ain't lived until Klytyna has worked you over properly. Not all geniuses are cuddly.
  12. I never want to disagree with these folk, they taught me all I know about mesh, and I am sincerely grateful. However, my partner is an accomplished long-time prim builder, and like Alazarin, she bought the Mesh Generator. It can do an useful job, especially when there is someone who can make physics models for it. We have found it good for making prototypes, a major problem when you are cooperating on a build but have complimentary skillsets, kinda the SL equivalent of brainstorming round a whiteboard. The approach we then take is to import the .dae file the Mesh Generator makes into blender, apply some simplifications automatically: Tris->Quad on the faces, Remove double verts, and then the mandatory Apply Location, Rotation, and Scale. Now you have a good working model to enhance in blender, use to make physics, and simplify for LOD models. Some people can work directly in a 3D modeller, others need the prims.
  13. I have the Normie head for my alt. Can't praise it enough for the price. But I love my Lelutka too much......
  14. Best profile piccy I ever saw. So hot, so tasty!
  15. It really annoys me that when you sign in to MP you can't click anything to get to Dashboard, but if you get in at Dashboard it will happily let you click through to MP and then the back button won't ever work. (Using Firestorm anyway)
  16. I tried ArseTome when I was 16, but I couldn't get the hang of it, my friends thought I was weird. He he, I AM weird! I want to be weird. It's like *****ter, which I use to monitor SL Status (and that's all). I just can't see the point. I'm totally uninterested in what you are doing now (even less interested in your brat, kitten, or parrot), unless you are doing it with me.
  17. I think this is the thread we need to read. Took a bit of finding,so I thought I'd post the link.
  18. It never occurred to me that there was a way to copy normals like this..... I would never have looked for such a facility. I'm in awe.
  19. I'm sort of thinking of making it in rough prim first, then exporting the collada, and refining it in Blender. I do that quite often when something has to fit, even if all that is retained is the edges.
  20. Oddly enough, I am today about to embark on a big-for-me landform project. So you may be getting questions! One issue is that it is so long between landform projects, that I forget all the tricks I used last time. And the other is that it has to abut a Gov Linden road with a variable slope.....
  21. This is just the 'is RolePlay real' debate. We make a big thing about SL avatars being real people (caveat Bots and AniMesh) with real feelings. You can hurt the ones you love here, just as easily as you can in RL. But you can lie better.
  22. The items stay in world, but they have to live in the #RLV, and you need an RLV capable viewer with RLVa switched on. There is an in-world HUD that is given instructions from the off-world database to find the item you want added, and to add it to your outfit. So the perms don't matter. If you don't run an RLV relay, then RLVa isn't anything other than a nice inventory scripting extension. I've sent you private message with links.
  23. Yer head is missing..... and yer legs.
  24. I have Maitreya, totally happy with it. LOVE the Autohide technology that works perfectly with my CTS Wardrobe. My partner says the same. Friend, who is male, has a Signature Gianni and says similar things after they came out with an Autohide too. The management of outfits matters at least as much as the other things, apart from the achievable shapes (if you can't make the demo look like you want to look, you woundn't buy it, would you).
  25. Thanks for resurrecting this thread. I must have missed it 1st time round. I have a simple system with junk mail, one that I'd like to share, and encourage you to use. Collect reply-paid envelopes. Put junk mail into a randomly selected reply-paid envelope, and post. If everyone did this junk mail would soon be a thing of the past. But in any case my bank needs double-glazing far more than I do. P.S. If I mute you, send money. If it is enough, I might un-mute you. If I don't, it wasn't. Notecard is uneccessary.
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