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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. SL is sort of like RL... In RL you have to be attractive to get sex. In SL you have to be attractive to get sex. The difference is that in SL you can be very attractive very easily, but in RL... The most useful control in SL is the Mute. For the persistent the De-render.
  2. Go to your land settings. Enter all the names in the group you were ejected from into the Banned list. Enjoy your revenge.
  3. I liked a store called LaVian, and predecessor Liv-Glam, the owner gave up. I recently went through my Inv looking to get under 50,000 items, and found all these outfits I'd gotten there. Some of them even fit.
  4. You guys clearly need to know about the 'Render Metadata'. If you have the 'developer' menu item.... about 6 down is 'Physics Shapes'. (hint: Preferences, Advanced tab, and check "Show Developer Menu") Shows you what you can and can't walk through.
  5. It occurs to me that many people don't know how to do this. In Firestorm: RIGHT Click on their avatar. choose MORE. Derender is on the right at the bottom. It asks one question: Temporary or Blacklist. 'Temporary' derenders for the session (until you log out), Blacklist is permanent (or until you decide to remove them from your blacklist) Now. You may still see messages from the de-rendered moron, so you should mute them too. To remove an avatar from the blacklist, go to the Menu item World->Asset Blacklist, and find them in the list. Oh, and by the way, for added fun, you can derender an Avatar's mesh clothing.......
  6. My photo is of my system head. I do have a mesh head now, but I made it look exactly like my system one. I often wonder why I bought it......
  7. De-render him. And then mute him. If you check the right boxes you can make him completely not there as a far as you are concerned. I have a few people in that state.
  8. Historical note: Everything is SL is backward compatible (well mostly), and if you really want to, you can still rezz the avatar to had 12 years ago. To my mind this is good. I rezz my non-mesh non-scripted avatar from time to time to go sailing or flying, because its low simulator footprint aids the process of sim crossing at pace.
  9. If Linden Labs has some spare development effort I, for one, would prefer them to invest it in making the fundamentals (that I pay for) work. Like fixing the glitches that happen when you cross a sim boundary since last Wednesday's snafu. And not spend it making stuff for expletive deleted people who can't be bothered to invest $10 in a mesh body from one of the popular suppliers. If LL spend my investment on your body, then I am subsidising you, and I don't like that.
  10. SecondLife Instability Fri, Aug 25 2017 5:38:05 AM PDT Since this week's server restarts, there appears to have been increased instability in SecondLife. This morning especially, I notice that 10 locations are affected. Some appear to be a recurrence of the bug observed before where a physical vehicle simply stops on entering the sim. If you want to know what routes are broken, the Pod Status web page at http://yavascript.co.uk/ will show you. Locations highlighted in yellow (4 or more fails in the past 3 hours) are the suspect ones. Seems I'm not the only one who thinks SL have screwed crossing sim boundaries after the Great SecondLife DNS Meltdown on Wednesday (20170822) .
  11. Well I don't think I did. The people I'm talking about were all very up front about their RL situation, that's part of their charm. Still, the rest of what you say is a reasonable analysis prognosis.
  12. Not wanting to disagree too much with what everyone else has said, I would say that 'The IMAGINATION is highest bandwidth of our senses' granted it isn't a primary one. Imagination uses most of our consciousness , and quite a bit of our unconsciousness, before SL we did it by closing our eyes, now we can do it with our eyes open. I have deeply loved friends here in SL. Some that I know are very old and sick, some deformed by surgery and disease, but because I only saw what they wanted to look like I fell in love them before the physicality could affect my imagination. Now we live on a plane of existence where their vision on me, and my vision of them is unconstrained by the limitations of our physical RL bodies. That's why SL is so wonderful. Good question, lucagrabacr.
  13. My alt has this in her profile: "Don't be fooled by the collar, it's just there to cover up the joint where my head screws on'. She's an alt, no need to spend a fortune.....
  14. I rented for a while, but you always have that pesky 'land covenant' to stop you REALLY annoying the neighbours! In the end I decided that I wanted to be a land owner on a mainland, next to a highway where I would get random visitors, so I splash out the $72 a year. Now we have a POD station too. And I collect stats off-world on visitors, so I can blackmail people. :-)
  15. For some time now the sims round the big Nautilus Island at the western end of the Blakes Sea have been the very worst places for sim crossing in boats and airplanes. Since the Great SecondLife DNS Meltdown on Wednesday (20170822) it seems even worse. Once good sims in the area to the north-west, De Grasse, and the German Admirals, are now impossible to sail into. Is this just me? I tried several times yesterday, with different boats, large and small. And every time the crossing failed and I had to wait for an age, or relog. The main area of Blakes seemed OK. Having a think about it, if there is a continuing DNS issue then the sims may be having issues transmitting the data packet that is me and yacht to the next sim. Not that I fully understand the mechanism of sim crossing.
  16. https://modemworld.me/2017/08/23/april-linden-explains-august-22nds-second-life-woes/ and now the explanation. It was the DNS server wot broke!
  17. Just in case anyone hasn't already spotted it. LL says Logins are now back to normal. Doesn't mean you'll get in, but then that's normal..... Resolved - Our unscheduled maintenance is now complete. Thank you for your patience. Aug 22, 12:46 PDT Patience? WTF is that?
  18. Everyone is having those today. Linden Labs broke something, and are working hard to fix it. The trick is to be persistent, and try lots of sims.
  19. I guess so. I was having a selfish moment. Sorry. If I could change my title from 'Advanced Member', it would say 'Usually Wrong'. There's a guy in SL called 'Generally Offcourse'. I wish I'd got that one.
  20. I am competent to build computers from scratch, compile and install an operating system from source code, read manuals (yes, even READ MANUAL) and I have no idea who might be such a competent person Klytyna. So this advice isn't worth much.
  21. I managed to get in using my VPN (so they don't know my IP!!!) I think they are victimising Europeans.
  22. Well I'm not in to SL yet, but the website let me in. But then I'm not in California, so 9th class citizen.
  23. Perhaps their misgovernment blocks Google Translate?
  24. Да, это Unscheudled Maintenance. Мы не знаем, что это значит, товарищ.
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