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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. I always get pissed off by upgrades that trash my settings and loose my add-ons. It's taken me a week to get blender back to workability after this one. Not happy about it either, but I decided to persist with 2.79 (on Linux).
  2. I don't get deformations, but I often get items either missing (no longer attached) or 'visible to me, but not to others and I can't detach it'. Re-log is my usual answer.
  3. So the message is clear. Make everything, don't buy anything. Guess we all need to learn how to rig clothes after all.
  4. I wouldn't mind if it was encrypted and LL held the key. It's just relying on their database that worries me. I don't want to go to another grid. My partner and friends are in SL.
  5. Don't you just wish you could take an off-world backup. Or even buy one from LL.
  6. I find it interesting that 'use a box' isn't an option for physics in the uploader. It should be, and then we wouldn't all have to make one. I suspect most people pop over to beta and test-upload a mesh before they get round to developing all the LODs and a PHYS, I know I do.
  7. I love living on a road in the mainland. We get such interesting visitors. We host a Pod station too, great fun. We used to rent, but in the end the covenant got us down (no airships below 400meters).
  8. One of the best things about SL, is that you can go to a club, and turn their music off, and dance to your own...
  9. OK, thanks guys. I'm giving up and going for the 'approximately close to the ground using the big slider' option. If I have to stand naked, and with AO off, on Linden Ground, just to get the exact value of hover, then it's not worth the hassle. When I make objects for SL, I go to great lengths to make them perfect, or at least as perfect as SL will let me, but the avatar will just have to suck.
  10. I AM using that one. It's still far too coarse for me, hitting say -0.054 instead of -0.050 is impossible, but that is what I need. Maybe I need a tracker-ball instead of a mouse.
  11. How do you use that slider? It wangs you right up in the air or underground, with no fine setting. Or have a missed something about getting it to do fine things?
  12. I'm on Linux. I hadn't tried the SLViewer (, because I require RLV for my scripting, I only ever use the expletive deleted thing for uploading mesh. And all the shoes that I had carefully set with shoebases to be on the ground plane using Firestorm(, float above the same plane in the SLV - however it's a consistent height, and that's actually all I need. Consistency and understanding of the processes. And I too have noticed that some regions and some floors have a different view of what 'on' means. Ce la vie.
  13. Chic, thanks for trying, but it cuts no ice. My gripe is not with the clothes or body designers. Some shoes designers don't supply shoebases any more. and I don't care, I just make my own. No, my gripe is that I can't understand what is happening! There is no rational explanation of why when I set a height in a shoebase it should look right in the viewer UNTIL I save it, then spring to another height a moment or three later! Checking the shoebase confirms the numbers are unaltered. WHY? Doesn't anyone know? Here is an example. The fact it's from Baby Monkey is irrelevant - Pixieplumb is one of the good guys, it happens with my own shoebase too. Pic 1. The boot without the shoebase. Pic2: The boot with the shoebase added, snapped quickly: Pic3: Count 1, 2, 3.... and the whole avatar jumps higher... The floor, by the way is a mesh plane, part of the fantastic 'Chinrey' 1 prim skybox that I use for outfit fitting and photos.
  14. I'm pretty sure that isn't my problem, because I am constantly checking the inventory 'worn', which I have fully expanded. I do this because some feet have a shoebase too, and I only want one, the shoe. But it's good thought.
  15. Ok, I understand the two hovers, and I know about the system shoes used as shoebases for mesh shoes. But the system is driving me insane as I try to put my hundreds of shoes into some kind of order. I know that the Shape hover runs from -50 to +50 by having 50 as zero, each point being about 0.05 meters. I know that the Viewer Hover can be adjusted by entering nice fine numbers (meters or fractions thereof), or dragging a slider for ultra coarse adjustments - why it's so coarse escapes me, so it's a pain but you can do it. And I know how to make a shoebase (a system shoe) and set the heel and platform height between 0 and 100, but I'm not sure of their real size - probably same as Shape hover. But I get some shoes, and mesh feet - which are the same thing really - that when I put them on have me way up in the air. So I don't want to fix this with the Viewer Hover - that way every pair of shoes I have will require a notecard to record the correct setting - I want to fix it with the shoebase. So I set-to to edit it (or create a new one if the supplied shoebase is No-Mod [HATE Unnecessary No MOD]). I reduce the the platform and heel height to the correct visuals (it looks right), and then save, wait a bit, and then the height changes! So edit it again, save, and the height changes again! So edit it, and ----- ad infinitum. Sometimes, I end up with THE SAME VALUE as I started with, but at a different height! Edit: Re-logging sometimes seems to change things too. 2nd Edit: I've noticed that when things get really out of control (e.g. when increasing platform height makes you sink...), a quick walk about with the avatar gets things back to a reasonable point. OK, so something is happening that I don't understand. Can someone help me understand this multidimensional problem? And, is it possible to replace the whole thing with a scripted object - attached to the foot perhaps?
  16. If you don't like some avi, just de-render it and mute it. This causes it to go away (even the tall ones with fat thighs). To moan about what some avi is doing is the height of stupidity - or more likely you didn't discover de-render yet (right-click offending avatar, More, De-render)
  17. You have the choice: Buy now, or Try to buy at a price. If you chose to buy now you get the price quoted. Or did I miss something?
  18. Me born 1995. What do you mean 'discovered the internet'? It clearly says in Genesis: 'In the beginning, God made the internet and the earth.....' (Anna's New Sensible Version) Edit: See for yourself: ἐν ἀρχῇ ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν διαδίκτυο καὶ τὴν γῆν and this from the oldest know manuscript.
  19. Indeed, I never did understand why creators don't make things mod. It doesn't deprive you of any business really, as long as trans is not set. and a BIG HUG for Omega!
  20. This is a better method than mine, since Firefox then does the Scary Editing of the handlers.json file for you. Glad we sorted that out between us.
  21. OK, I have found out how to do it. Thanks to a thought which occurred as a result of Whirly Fizzle's suggestion. It's complicated, but I document it here, just in case there is another fool running Linux who wants it to work. 1) Find the file handlers.json in your profile. Mine was in my home folder in .mozilla/firefox/handlers.json. 2) Open it in a text editor (Scary Movie: this can seriously bork your copy of Firefox.) and carefully add in the secondlife protocol with: "secondlife":{"action":0,"ask":true}, 3) close and save the file. 4) close firefox and reopen it. Now go to the Preferrence->Applications, and you will find a secondlife protocol has been added. 5) edit the action as desired -you must have at least one action so choose: Use other, and then fill in the full path to firestorm or your viewer of choice. 5a) repeat the above for as many viewers as you use, then finally set the action either to the viewer you want, or 'Always ask'. 6) close and restart firefox again, and now you can use the secondlife maps, and the links work! My full handlers.json is here: {"defaultHandlersVersion":{"en-GB":4},"mimeTypes":{"application/x-tar":{"action":2,"ask":true,"extensions":["tar"]},"application/pdf":{"action":3,"extensions":["pdf"]},"application/x-debian-package":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["deb","udeb"]},"video/mp4":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["mp4"]},"application/zip":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["zip"]},"application/vnd.ms-excel":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["xls","xlb","xlt"]},"text/x-python":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["py"]},"application/x-xz":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["xz"]},"image/jpeg":{"action":0,"extensions":["jpeg","jpg","jpe"]},"image/png":{"action":0,"extensions":["png"]},"application/x-gzip":{"action":0,"ask":true},"secondlife":{"action":0,"ask":true},"text/comma-separated-values":{"action":0,"ask":true},"text/x-sql":{"action":0,"ask":true},"application/x-bzip2":{"action":0,"ask":true},"application/x-iso9660-image":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["iso"]},"application/epub+zip":{"action":0,"ask":true},"application/x-mobipocket-ebook":{"action":0,"ask":true},"application/vnd.palm":{"action":0,"ask":true},"audio/mpeg":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["mp3","mpga","mpega","mp2","m4a"]},"audio/x-wav":{"action":0,"ask":true,"extensions":["wav"]}},"schemes":{"mailto":{"action":4,"handlers":[null,{"name":"Gmail","uriTemplate":"https://mail.google.com/mail/?extsrc=mailto&url=%s"},{"name":"Yahoo! Mail","uriTemplate":"http://compose.mail.yahoo.com/?To=%s"},{"name":"Yahoo! Mail","uriTemplate":"https://compose.mail.yahoo.com/?To=%s"}]},"irc":{"action":4,"ask":true,"handlers":[null,{"name":"Mibbit","uriTemplate":"https://www.mibbit.com/?url=%s"}]},"ircs":{"action":2,"ask":true,"handlers":[null,{"name":"Mibbit","uriTemplate":"https://www.mibbit.com/?url=%s"}]},"webcal":{"action":2,"ask":true,"handlers":[null,{"name":"30 Boxes","uriTemplate":"http://30boxes.com/external/widget?refer=ff&url=%s"},{"name":"30 Boxes","uriTemplate":"https://30boxes.com/external/widget?refer=ff&url=%s"}]},"apt":{"action":2,"handlers":[{"name":"apturl-gtk","path":"/usr/bin/apturl-gtk"}]},"secondlife":{"action":2,"handlers":[{"name":"firestorm","path":"/opt/firestorm-"}]}}}
  22. Thanks, but it may be a Linux thing, there is no secondlife in the applications list. I ran, as root, the script in etc/register.secondlifeprotocol.sh, in the Firestorm installed files, but this doesn't seem to install the needed protocol - looking at the script it doesn't mention firefox or any browser, just Gnome and KDE (desktops) which I don't use. I'll just have to keep on with the cut and paste.
  23. I use firefox, and firestorm. I'd like the secondlife maps 'Visit this location' to work, but my firefox says that the protocol is not supported. Does anyone know how to add it? I know I can copy the URL to the viewer, but I'd like to avoid: The address wasn't understood Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (secondlife) isn't associated with any program or is not allowed in this context. You might need to install other software to open this address. If it's important, I use Linux. Thanks.
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