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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. Thanks Drongle, I am almost able to understand all that.... (at least I think I do!) What a ride this stuff is! I'll try some more things myself now. I can't see any reason why this can't be 0.5 thick, as long as most of the thickness is transparent, and Over it rather than under it.
  2. Thanks. But my question was also about the Developer tool. It shows that the mesh HAS got a hole in it. So is this a bug in Firestorm or SL?
  3. OK I have a very simple, but large 30M diameter, octohedron with a 25M octohedral hole in the middle, made in Blender. Each of the 8 segments is identical, and consists of 4 quads (8 tris after conversion): two are the inside and the outside edges 0.1m wide, two are the identical faces with the 22.5 deg ends. This is to be the awning round an octablonal structure. I export it from Blender 2.78, using the preset for SL + Static. The .dae file contains what I would expect. In Beta, I import this using the same file for both visual model (High) and Physics. The file is so simple, anything I could make would be just as complex. Looking at the preview of the physics I see that the yellow physics model fits, it is co-incident on all faces and edges, and does NOT cover the hole in the centre. On import without analyse, rez and set to prim, this mesh does NOT, repeat NOT, show a collision surface over the hole using the Render Metadata->Physics Shapes tool in Developer, yet you can walk your avatar over the hole in mid (simulated) air!!!!! As a prim, this comes in at 1.0 download, 1.0 physics, 0.5 server, and 349 display. But is useless. If I do the same thing and Analyse, the physics model is similarly co-incident and now the usual pinky-glow. On import and rez, switch to prim, the mesh behaves as expected and you fall through the hole. The picture seen in Render Metadata->Physics Shapes is IDENTICAL to the one not analysed. But as a prim it is 0.9 download, 2.9 physics, 0.5 server, and 339 Display. Is there a bug in the Render Metadata->Physics Shapes tool? Or better still, is there a tool that actually shows the physics in world?
  4. also, related to that... how do I 'really' get onto the beta grid. it seems to be always inaccessible when i try. ??? Just a thought. You HAVE raised a ticket to get your account set up on Beta, haven't you? There is still, as far as I know, a bug, and new users of Beta don't get access unless they ask for it. The error message looks like it is inaccessible.
  5. Number one priority, get an Aditi Beta-grid account so that you don't waste money learning.....
  6. Doh! Found my mistake. Sorry for the noise.
  7. Has anyone managed to upload a mesh to beta WITH a physics file since it came back? Mine are all being silently uploaded without the physics, and can't be set prim.
  8. I am having the same problems. Could you say what kind of support ticket to file? All the ones I have raised have been acnowledged and then ignored. There doesn't seem to be a suitable category in the drop down lists.
  9. Did you assign a material and UNWRAP the landform? No. Didn't know I had to. Now I do. All I need now is to work out how to do it. Thanks. Anna.
  10. I'm trying to make some mesh landforms for my parcel. (48x48 squares, about 4-7 land impact) I have discovered how to make them in Blender, and have successfully imported them into SL, using the same file as physics - which seems to be essential. The landform is then set to prim so that the physics works. My problem is with texturing them. I can do it when they are set to 'Planar', but not when they are textured as 'Default'. I have some made by a Marketplace seller that texture fine as 'Default'. Can someone point to what I'm missing, or give me a hint. Kisses, Anna.
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