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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Maybe I am misreading your words... You don't see that your phrases... and Are not being harsh? They way you write them seems like you are angry at me. Or am I just misunderstanding the intent of your words? That you are just being direct with me and I am being overly sensative and missing the point and reading stuff that doesn't exist into those words.
  2. Do you consider that people who see no-copy furniture might think the creator is being greedy?
  3. Lag as in low FPS? Or lag as in you are walking and keep rubber banding and things you type comes out slow? If it's the first make sure your draw distance isn't set too high. 128 to 192 meters should be ok on a 1060. Also consider simplifying your shadows, or even turning them off. If it's lag when you walk and talk you might have set your network bandwidth too high, this is a less-is-more setting, lower it to 850 to 1024.
  4. Often what an overly sensative person takes as harsh is not harsh, just written without sugary words. What is rude is clear, what is direct isn't rude. It's just... direct. I don't believe that wrapping people in cotton wool and using sugary words so they can feel snuggly is the correct thing to do.
  5. change is only allowed if you pick a new surname.
  6. I can't attend office hours, events such as the atlas crawl are difficult (as much as I would love to be sold on the idea), out of hours live support is out of the question, most in world dances are out of the question. Maintenance happens during or prime time. Aussies tend to spend their days alone in world as both Europeans and Americans sleep - and SL is super empty in those hours. Then when the Europeans and Americans schedule their events... they arrange things at our 3am-5am. Such is life.
  7. Market Manipulation. It was 248 for so many years, then Christmas 2016 went to 270-ish. Christmas 2017 saw it almost back there again. Otherwise there is 100 million or so on sale to keep it pegged. When the 2016 weirdness stopped, the 100 million seller returned from holidays and placed large blocks of currency for sale to drive the market back.
  8. OP, sadly there isn't much choice for people like you and me who want a realisticly average but clearly male body. The Signature Geralt has mesh abs, but at least the arms are not oversized. With a smooth skin it's passable, but the clothing choice is horrid, right now I'm about ready to give up on it. The Jake is ... beta quality at best, the constantly splayed hands are a huge turn off. But it has good clothing support. The Slink is average and rather good, but the clothing support isn't there. The rest, are too overmuscled in my eyes, or a hack on a female body (which means large hips).
  9. For a European it's 8pm at night. Quite a civilised hour. For me, it's 4am. Sure I guess I could wake at 3:30am and start my PC and strap on the goggles. Watch out for the old and chubby looking avatar with the green hair who yawns a lot guys \o/ Just be patient as I am not really that good at moving.
  10. I have both a Realistek horse and great dane avatar, not the ridable. And Teegle avatar. And Waterhorse Riding (which I have to remove my tail for ) and a Breeder's Choice foal avatar and a centaur avatar. The Realistek is certainly worth looking at based on the quality of the avatar. Not having tried the ridable I can't speak of those. OP, another option to a ridable is to find a horse roleplayer and form a friendship. Ridables are fun, but I think it's even better if you can go riding with a living horse, one who can add a little more realism through their RP.
  11. Copy/Mod. I've lost too much transfer no-copy stuff over the years to be rather wary of it. I also try to reduce the amount of NoMod stuff I buy.
  12. Actually no, I don't think it's critical at all, he shows his personal desire clearly by the fact he can find time most Saturdays to go into Sansar, but never a Saturday in SL. That he openly states he prefers 3D to 2D reinforces that. I stand by the comment that the LL Board really need to start hiring product evangelists. Ongoing issue for people outside the USA timezone, just as we can't get the luxury of live support, we also don't get the luxury of such sync-ups. I will keep hoping Ebbe actually spends some time in SL like we see the other Lindens doing.
  13. I've often wished there was a small text entry box up the top of the floater. Type "something" in there and the photos are something_001, 002.... change it to "nextplace" and the photos are nextplace_001 and so on. Edit: Ooops, didn't mean to quote you specifically Whirly sorry!
  14. Are there any error messages or other hints so we can try and help you?
  15. Correction: Apart from the fact his hair never rezzed, we only heard Ebbe's every third word. It was the most painful video I'd watched for a while. I guess Ebbe's good microphone is hooked up for his eager Saturday Sansar Playtimes and not for SL, so hopefully the Lab can afford to buy Ebbe a better microphone for SL next time. Yep, my biggest take away was Ebbe saying "I am in Sansar each and every week, but, I am only inside SL when I really have to be, as I am way too busy." Edit: It honestly beats me why the board of Linden Lab keeps choosing CEOs who are not diehard product evangelists.
  16. I sometimes wonder if your TTS has to stop and take a deep breath (light hearted words said with a smile), but your posts are well reasoned and mostly valid. We've butted heads a few times, but I've also very much had my opinion and position changed by you. A lot of people have changed my position, I'm very open to change! I think most people are in fact. Learning, accepting that one is wrong, growing from the advice of others is part of being a grown up after all. We get to spend our entire childhood practicing that very skill. What I see in the "snowflakes" is they are too proud to listen and have become stubborn as goats. They read something they don't like and they close up their minds to dig in their heels. They want their world view validated as absolutely correct and the only truth. Anyone who won't validate their views is a troll and to be reported. Oh and a word for Rya, as a now recovered from depression Aussie (took 15 years and three suicide attempts), I absolutely abhor RUOK day, I'm as strong as hell and think most people fighting mental health issues are too. We don't need fake pity from people on just one day of the year. I'd far prefer genuine acceptance and understanding of mental health issues 365 days a year without that saccarine sweetness shown on just one day then forgotten. Having experienced RUOK day since it started I believe it sends the wrong message. People struggling with mental health don't need just one day of this, they need understanding and support 365 days a year. They dont need Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison to wear a token lapel badge as they shout down the opposition in question time as a political point. They need the Prime Minister to actually give some serious funding to mental health. https://www.openaustralia.org.au/debates/?id=2018-09-13.45.1 (yes, that was RUOK day, just a political point for Scotty)
  17. Things might get quite a bit harder for huge slabs of the US economy if the tradewars the cheetos-in-chief's already started ramp up too more more.
  18. Inkscape is only at version 0.92.3 right now too.
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