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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Translations in the viewer are a thing. They need people fluent in English and the language they are willing to work in. The translator gets an XML file and alters it to be the desired language, that is checked and merged in. Here is the profile page in Japanese, it exists because someone who knew Japanese and English sat down and did it....
  2. Because nobody has volunteered as a translator. Are you up to the job?
  3. Seems our prayers have been answered : Thanks to the Emoji Builder @ http://phlntn.com/emojibuilder/ This one is likely the sleezebag being discussed in the "Lines that annoy you most" thread
  4. Heh. Works the other way too, although she ends up more like Cher.
  5. Even at $33 a day this would be US$1320 a head. So, I'd suggest you go to China or India love, they are likely cheaper then Mexico. In fact, why not use Venzuela, they will do it much cheaper then Mexico. Maybe you can get the price down to as low as US$1000 a head, You clearly don't understand the work involved to not just do the basic workflow, but to clean up the generated model, weight it to Bento bones, correct errors in the UV Map you introduced, and bring it in as a finished product. Having the finished product you then need to fine tune the animations/scripting so the eyes blink and the mouth moves when they talk... No matter what way you look at this, even doing the work in another country, this will be more then your expected US$5 cost.
  6. Looks like a Normie head, maybe. Not sure of the skin, but look at Mudskin. As for clothing, use an inspection hud on people wearing things you like, or use the inspect feature built into Firestorm -- World>Area Search, then... You can right click anything on the list and choose inspect to see the creator.
  7. I like this softmare term. Oz did comment (I think) in the townhall that they recently had had some problems with the Bake Server as they brought in Bakes on Mesh. The bake server is a prime factor in the orange cloud. Now, while it might not be the ongoing problem you have seen for years, it is something that would have made things noticeably worse in the last week only. Now the bake server fixed, the problem will return to it's normal state of 'errors less often'. I don't think they will ever fix the softmare completely, Prok.
  8. The evil ones blockchain their cloud, or was that cloud their blockchains.
  9. Really depends on the cost of the item, and how often you buy things. Something that costs L$299 will cost US$1.88 on paypal vs. US$1.14 via lindex (if you buy L$6000 batches. The fees mean if you bought only L$299 on the lindex, then it would cost US$3.02) If you buy only small things rarely, paypal is cheaper. Any more then about L$2000 (US$9.16) and the Lindex will be cheaper.
  10. No need to call me a troll. The reason many estate owners (and the Lab) try to drill the correct word is that it is the word Concierge will use it in tickets. As simulator has a different meaning to region, getting into the habit of using the correct name means there is less chance of a mistake when you need to write your own ticket to concierge. On mainland grouping allows you to hold 10% extra meterage for free. In your own region it has no bonus. The allowance is fixed at a maximum of 5000 for a homestead region, and 20000 for a full region, with an option to pay extra to increase a full region to 30000.
  11. If your region is public access, and you have the land in your name + you wish others to rez = you can't use auto-return, so you need to manually clean up any trash. If your region is public access, and the land is grouped + you wish the public to rez = auto-return can clean up the ungrouped trash for you, you need to manually clean up grouped trash.
  12. In this case it's a symbol, planck's constant, which has the symbol h
  13. The IPA is /dɪ/ /klɛi̯nɛ/ /uːɐ̯/ I wonder... phonetically, with an Aussie-ish accent: dee klynah ha But my German is likely worse then yours. (And aussies mostly pronounce h as haych to confuse the matter further .) Heh, we can't even agree how to say the same words : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:English_pronunciation
  14. Heh, I know for sure that female avatars recieve a larger number of creep messages. The few times I have worn a female avatar I have ended up surrounded by naked/semi-naked horny males with their tongues hanging out, panting like a dog on a hot day. ...and one avatar with large breasts and oversized male parts as well.
  15. New group find for me, yay - very little of them on youtube, but a heap on youtube-red.
  16. Maybe they are having difficulty finding enough bubble-wrap to keep the ponies safe during transport!
  17. /me giggles and returns to working on his 10 year plan.
  18. Hope there is a transcript soon. Did anything interesting happen, or was it just a meh-vent?
  19. Mmm, profiles. There are a HUGE number of creepsters who don't know how to read them Creepy Lady with 50ZZ breasts: your cute (sic) Me: Daww, thanks Creepy Lady with 50ZZ breasts: wanna ** <click> (I know in real life that Lady with the 50Z breasts is likely male and a 50 year old Truck Driver with a large belly, but I'm one of those weird immersionists who looks at the gender of the pixels, not the person behind them)
  20. The context is that this is a terrible poem to hold up against the memories of those that died in WW1 and WW2 on both sides. This includes, amongst many, one of my ancestors who was a private in the 3rd machine Gun company. He was killed at Polygon Wood, Ypres in Belgium on 20 September 1917, his second tour. In this picture taken on 26 February 1917 near Eaucourt l'Abbaye during the advance on the Somme. He is the one on the left.
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