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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Too Late bwa hahaha - (no I had to be good, I was taking a friend new to SL exploring)
  2. They are asleep now, including a sleeping Patch
  3. So true... Just worked out that scrolling down on that page shows the motivationals you previously had (I am slow sometimes)
  4. Sometimes it really does (randomly) create something properly inspirational :
  5. I wrote one like that that detected people coming into the region, and adding them to the ban list for 4 hours. I spent quite a bit of time working out how to allow planes to fly through, but not boats or cars. So, it was a plane safe security orb operating via the ban list, that also turned itself on and off as I entered the region. It worked well. One day I should package it and add instructions (Back a few years ago when I was doing this I asked on the forums and Qie said there would be no need for it, so I stopped the last bits of cleanup)
  6. Hmm, too late. We are 50% safe from the Cheetos This sort of makes SL sense....
  7. I'd advise against it Misha. The griefers at the info centres, the one's who push, are seeking a reaction from someone. If you bite back they get what they want. From that point they will harrass you more and more. Stay silent and pretend they don't exist, they quickly move on to other poeple.
  8. No. 8 weeks to make the head = 40 x US$33 a day = US$1320. Unlike the OP I don't believe a bento rigged, and cleaned up head can be churned out in 1 hour.
  9. yes, this matched my thoughts. Looks really wonderful
  10. He just noticed Patch on the forums. *nods*
  11. Yes, not so good to scatter dancers - but people standing at events rez zone are fair game Welcome to SL Misha.
  12. A few times. Here is one: Sorry you thought using red to highlight the wrong word was trollish. It wasn't meant to be.
  13. Interesting, i will check it out tomorrow cool!
  14. With the region blocking access, this is correct. The parcel details should still be alterable. Possilby RiViT hasn't have control in that group? With this setting.. they must be in one of the groups you allow. It's pretty rock solid security. What I would suggest you do is clear out the allowed groups in Alt-R, and allowed people list to just you (as estate owner you can always enter, no matter what). That will stop anyone coming in at all. When you have finished, put the allowed groups back, and flip it back to anyone can visit. Don't forget the apply.
  15. Something a little rarer, but squee... the happiest animal on earth, the Quokka
  16. (cropped from ^ ) Old school photo, Love?
  17. That produces quite bad translations, especially with some of the colloqial terms used in SL "What is the proper Chinese phrase for 'Region Control' or 'Avatar Render Settings'" as used by people who play SL currently? I can't say with certainty but I doubt google translations would be suitable. Hopefully someone who knows more then me can answer the other questions.
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