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Everything posted by Christhiana

  1. They should have kept the terraform by grenade! "What is going on, did a war break out?" "No dear, it's just the neighbours doing some gardening...."
  2. I have only recently opened my first MP and inworld shop and it seemed like a good idea to register for an expo/fair (RFL) to get some exposure for my products and brand as well as have a fun new experience. I am interested in hearing from other merchants that have experience with these kind of events. What tips do you have for first timers? Do you attend the fair until it's over or do you set up shop and get on with daily business? Do you have a business (note)card to hand out at the event? Do's and don'ts? etc...
  3. Some time ago there was a change in the mesh uploader. Since then materials get sorted alphabetically. Try starting your material names with a number (e.g. 1wood, 2metal, 3glass). It is explained by Drongle in this topic:
  4. Thank you so much! I've been meaning to learn about the Cycles engine. Will bookmark the tutorial!
  5. Maybe it's an RLV related thing? Try turning it off in the viewer....
  6. You might get more response if you mention what it is you need help with. Is it scripting? Building inworld? Building in blender?
  7. Had a quick look and LMed the place for a later visit. Definetely worth taking the time for a proper visit!
  8. Just go to secondlife.com and create a new account. You can use the same name and email adres as your main account. An "alt" is nothing more or less then a new account.
  9. You are allowed to have up to 5 alts. Each alt is allowed to have it's own marketplace store. You are however not allowed to sell the same product in multiple stores.
  10. If you need a hole in your mesh to be walkthrough, analyzing is your only option. Without analyzing, any holes will be closed.
  11. You cannot make imported mesh flexi. The easiest way is to use a prim set to flexi. You can then apply an uploaded texture to that prim.
  12. Upload the textures seperate from your mesh for the reasons Drongle already mentioned in the previous post.
  13. There are Natalyas as well as brendens. Here's a link to an older topic about them. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Brendens-and-Natalyas-landing-on-sims-and-leaving/td-p/2856392 The question of who they are and what they do remains unanswered to this day.....but there are lots of them!
  14. One of those teepee's appearred on the land next to me a few days ago. It's in the heterocera delta and priced at 7.5L$/m which is a little overpriced for the region but not as ridiculus as the plot on horizon. At least the Teepee looks a lot better then a big for sale sign....
  15. My guess would be that it is indeed because you are the creator. I use an alt account for test delivery. This way you see exactly how a customer receives the product.
  16. The Buillder Brewery is indeed the best place to start learning more about building. They also have a very helpfull support group where more experienced residents can help you with questions you have. Drop me an im when I'm online and I can see if I can help you out, I'm not to social in SL and have some time to spare between building.
  17. I've had this happen with lamp I had created previously. When I uploaded it again I had the same problems you describe. It turned out to be due to a change in the uploader where the material names got shortened and ended up being the same for both materials used. Also try numbering your material names in your 3d software in the order they are used (e.g. 1-lemon, 2 applejuice, etc...). This prevents the uploader from swapping them.
  18. The 1Li furniture most creators are selling have no decent LOD's. All the LODs are just a few triangles. The creator ussually then tells the custumer to up their LOD viewer setting to 4 or higher. When you lower your vierwers LOD setting the will turn into triangles just a few meters away. This way of building is NOT good common practise. The best thing to do is experiment a lot with different LODs until you get a good feel for how to balance Li and LOD.
  19. I don't know about jetski's, but I just bought a Buttonjar Bumper Boat. They work on any surface so should be good in a skybox. And did I mention they are a ton of fun!
  20. Ok, let's have a look at this from the landowners perspective..... I have a small parcel at a corner of two intersecting linden waterways in the heterocera lower delta. I have a security orb installed but have it set to passive and I even have object entry turned on. So everyone with a vehicle can fly over and sail through my land. All to often when I am building, one of them so called 'explorers' comes racing through the builds on my parcel in a speedboat that's too big and fast to be controlled on the narrow waterways of the lower delta. Sometimes they just park their boat in the middle of whatever I'm building try to start a conversation and then leave the boat in the middle of my build and teleport away again. I have had the same happen with flying vehicles in my skybox. I've logged onto second life many a times only to find another helicopter stuck in my skybox. Personally I can live with this and don't see it as a reason to set my orb to eject people or disable object entry for my parcel. But I can imagine a landowner can get really fed up with this and decide to lock anyone out of their parcel. Eventually I will be putting a shop on my piece of land and you can bet I'll disable object entry then. I don't want to log onto SL only to find that a boat is stuck in half of my vendors for the past few hours. Let alone open myself up to a griefer attack!
  21. Hi there and welcome back to SL! I started with blender simply because it's a free program and I first wanted to see if 3d modelling was going to stick. Since blender fullfills all the needs I have for modelling fot SL and the community support is great, I decided to stick with it. If you decide to go with blender you could hgave a link at the tutorial below. It covers everything you need to start out, from the basic use of blender to making LOD's and uploading to SL. You'll end up with a nice coffe mug too! If you want to make mesh clothing, especially rigged and fitted, you could have a look at the avastar plugin which will make your life a lot easier. It's worth the money 10 times over! http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avastar/1-0/what-is-avastar/ For texturing I personally like to use the, once again free, program Gimp. Some others prefer photoshop. What works for you is ofcourse very personal. You might find that 3dmax or maya works better for you and is worth the investment. You can always start out with one of the free programs and later on decide if a commercial program is worth the investment for you. It might all be a little much to learn at first, but just hang in there and things will become clear quickly! Also, there are some very experienced creators on this forum who are more than willing to help out with any questions you may have. Good luck!
  22. Chic Aeon wrote: There were plenty of folks that were (and likely still ARE ) ANTI SLOCCA. I would never want to be a part of that group THESE days. . You remember those cliques in high school? Well SLOCCA is right in line. I think that is a good piece of advice in general. Be carefull as to which groups you associate your business with. Associating yourself with a drama filled group can do lots of damage to your business. You might not even be aware of the negative image a group may have amongst your possible customers. A label from a group on your ads can easily work against you this way.
  23. As Chic Aeon coreectly mentioned it will take lots of learning, practising and experimenting to get your mesh to a professional level. However I do think you can already make some nice simple things and get them textured and uploaded to SL just within a few days to a week. While I agree that the cycles render engine will give you the best result, I think it would be better to start out with the blender render engine. With cycles you'll have to learn using the nodes with can be a study on it's own. The Blender render engine has some simplified nodes you can start out with, but it already does a fine job without them. Normal and specular maps are something more advanced to get into down the road. Not that it is difficult to make a good normal map. It's as Chic Aeon already mentioned quite tricky to get them to work correctly for you. SL has some quircks when it comes to normal mapping but they can be overcome when you know how to account for them. One more thing to add to the end of list of steps I gave you is to familiarise yourself with the concept of LOD (level of detail) and physics models for SL. A good and simpel tutorial to follow that covers all the steps from modelling in blender to uploading to SL (incl. a tutorial on LOD's) is the coffee cup tutorial by Gaia Clary. I would recommend following that tutorial and make your coffee cup for SL. Then do the tutorial again but instead of modelling a coffee cup, try to recreate one of your columns. You should have the basic knowledge to do so by now and it doesn't differ to much from making the coffee cup. You can Just follow the same steps from the tutorial. If you close the curtains, lock the door and unplug the phone you can be sipping your SL coffee from your own mug within a day *EDIT The playlist I first posted was missing some steps, so I made a new one with the correct order to follow.
  24. The site actually is working, you just need to copy/paste the url. I agree it would be better to start a new topic about this instead of necroposting this one... And I do think a site like that is worth discussing!
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