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Everything posted by Christhiana

  1. I use the 10% to buy some micro parcels where I can keep copies of my caspervend dropboxes. They are also handy to tp to when the sim my main parcel is on is rebooting.
  2. Maybe you have breedables in your inventory
  3. My guess is they will put it up for sale soon. I can imagine it takes some time to get all the ads done and the product listed.
  4. I didn't mean to come across negatively. It does look a bit suspicious though... I googled it for you and it seems they will be releasing it at the skin fair.
  5. So you sign up on the forum to ask this question instead of directly asking the creator/merchant? Sound like shameless self promotion by alt.... I could be wrong ofcourse.... has happened before
  6. I use caspersafe myself and it can be deeded to the group. You can rez a separate enforcer object for each owner in order to eject, tp home, etc. It's not a gridwide system though as far as I know.
  7. With group owned land you also have more control over things via the group and role settings of the group the land is owned by.
  8. I think that's more a problem of your specific orb. That doesn't make personal land better then group owned.
  9. Stranger things have happened in SL lately, so who knows
  10. Happy 15th birthday Second Life! I'm blown away by all the goodness LL has in store for us this year. Last names? Who actually believed this was ever going to happen I think it is a smart move to balance the revenues a little better. Even if LL takes a bigger tax on mp sales and cashout fees. When land gets cheaper people will have more money to spend on stuff on the marketplace or in inworld stores. And more land means you need more stuff to fill it. Who knows, us merchants may even see a rise in sales revenue. Thank you Lindens!
  11. I didn't update the driver I reinstalled the one that was already installed. But yeah, it sucks when you have everything setup and working and a windows update messes it all up again. Looking forward to the new blender version though!
  12. I've had blender drop out on me a few times after the creator update. Reinstalling the driver for my graphics card fixed it for me.
  13. Ik heb hier ook al eens naar gekeken toen ik muziek wilde streamen op mijn parcel. Ik kwam idd op ongeveer eenzelfde kostenplaatje uit. En dat is dan nog slechts voor niet commercieel gebruik ook.
  14. Nee, dat zullen er hooguit een paar zijn. Maar ik wilde het even vermelden voor de volledigheid
  15. Afhankelijk van of je copyrighted music streamed, heb je hiervoor officieel ook nog een licentie nodig van Buma/Sena....
  16. Buy a L$1 tipjar and put It in as many places as you can. You might make some more L$
  17. In caspervend, when set to a product a giftcard it can be redeemed anywhere....
  18. You could include a gift card for the free food with your starter kit that customers can redeem in your inworld shop. You can then limit the gift card to 1 sale per customer. Good way to generate some extra traffic to your store too.
  19. Hmmm...the gift card in the donation vendor idea got me thinking. Maybe I will put up a vendor in my inworld store that sells giftcards for the products in my store. Since they are trans only they can be given to someone as a present. When they 'claim' the item they would get registered with the vendor system and be able to get deliveries. That would solve the no redeliveries on gift items problem
  20. Different opinions are what I'm looking for! I don't have that many products yet so I do have some extra prims to spare for decoration and other stuff. I like the idea of a little gift with all the info inside. I will look into doing something like that (If I have the spare time ). You have some valid arguments though and I will need to think on them a little....
  21. You have a very valid point there! And I don't think it's your avatar. Your probably one of the least scariest things out there! I'll be carefull to approach people that enter the shop. I do have experience in running several RL shops so talking to customers and giving support is nothing new to me and I am actually quite good at it in RL. But as you mentioned, people in SL tend to react a little different from RL. That's just terrible practise! What I meant was a giftcard for the specific product they buy. No extra payments. I did already set up the vendors with the event script since that is preferred by the organisers. I do want to register as much of the sales as possible to my caspervend system to give me some insight on how I did at the Expo.
  22. Thank you Chic, you have some good points there! That was why I was planning on spending much time at the event. To show there is a human behind the brand that is available for questions and support. They do notice! I already got feedback from the organizers that they were happy that unlike many others I was fast to respond with my logo and payments I'll have my exhibit prebuild so I'll be up and running in no time. I have no Illusion of making money at this event. I'm doing it mostly for the exposure and sponsoring RFL. My first product line is indeed building supplies but I do intend to expand into other categories. I have a small store at the H&G Expo so that should fit my product well. In the future I may end up on a different event with a completely different product. There would indeed be no point in featuring my products at something like the Fantasy Fair atm Your right about the extra images. I have been meaning to add them but then I applied for the expo. Got in. Had to make extra products. Had to build a store.... so that got sidetracked a little. I wil have extra images on mp for the products by the time the Expo opens. Maybe I shouldn't have applied for the expo so soon after opening my store but as you mentioned there aren't that many events that fit my current productline and I didn't want to wait a whole year for the next H&G expo. Applying some elbow grease will help getting things sorted out in time
  23. OMG! You wouldn't want to set that one of by accident
  24. Another great tip I got on the caspertech support forum was to put giftcards for the actual product in the donation vendors. this way when the customer redeems the giftcard it will register in your vendor system and the customer will be able to redeliver while you can track sales.
  25. Thank you for the replies! I hadn't really thought about generating traffic from the event to the store yet. I will probably make an info sign with a landmark, fb profile, etc.to put at the expo store. And put up a sign that there is a redelivery terminal at the store I was planning to be at the event as much as possible so I could get feedback on my products and meet possible new customers but you have a good point about taking up an avatar slot on the sim. I guess I'll just have to see how busy the event is and decide when the time comes. I was a little on the late side applying for the event and all but the smallest store were already taken. Luckily a store one size bigger became available and I was able to upgrade. It fits all my needs for now... I'm planning to first see how this event goes before applying for another one. And I think your absolutely right that it's better to do one or a few events and do them well. Excellent point. I will keep that in mind too!
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