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Everything posted by Christhiana

  1. The LI of mesh objects increases when you increase the size of the object. There are a lot of reasons why a house can be only 3 LI. It could be a very simple design with good quality LOD models and a well made physics form. The same house with LOD and physics calculated by the uploader instead of being handmodelled could make it go up into the hundreds of LI. For example I uploaded a small space module I made this week. When autocalculating the LOD and physics it was 236 LI. After uploading it with a modelled physics shape and tweaking the LOD a little it was down to 16 LI, a huge difference. It also makes a big difference to what type you set the physics shape of an object (none, convex hull or prim). Prim usually increases LI a lot but may be needed to get the correct physics shape (e.g. an object with a hole in it you need to be able to walk through).
  2. If a mouse avatar farting on your avatars head is enough to make you cry and leave SL I doubt you would have lasted longer then a day. I doubt she even would have made it through welcome island! I call TROLL on this one! Had fun reading though! thanks!
  3. As stated before I'd recommend starting with simple things, like maybe a hat or a purse. If you're planning on creating rigged or fitted mesh, get the avastar plugin for blender! It'll save you a lot of work and frustration. Then follow the great tutorials Gaia has made for it. Build along with these tutorials to really get a feeling for how it all works. Making clothes involves quite a few disciplines that are an art in it's own right like modelling, texturing, rigging and maybe even scripting. Set a reachable goal first and master each of these disciplines well.
  4. Those are some good tips and I agree on every one of them! What I would like to add is, get it right from the start. Make sure the snaphot(s) you take of your product are top notch. And if you're not good at this, hire someone to make you the best possible snapshots. Shopping, especially on MP, is a visual thing. If I can't see the product well enough and from the angles that matter I probably won't buy it. The same goes for mesh clothing and demos. No demo, no sale!
  5. The temperature of your CPU going up can have different reasons.. for example if your GPU is heating up, so will most likely your case temperature which in turn makes it harder for your cpu cooler to give off it's heat to it's surroundings thus raising the temperature on your CPU. With some good case cooling this offcourse not be the case (no pun intended).
  6. Can I ask what your purpose is for making this game? Make L$ selling stuff for your game? Start a new roleplay community? or maybe you just like making stuff? Knowing your goal would help a lot with giving you a good opinion. Also I'm saying this because it is a good thing to ask yourself. I spend a great deal of time learning to build and script a little so I could build me a club to run only to find it was actually the building I liked and not having a club. So as soon as it was about finished it packed it up in a box and started building something new but with a more thought through purpose this time. I would also suggest getting beta testers involved as soon as you can and listen to their feedback. One final piece of advice. If you're in it for the money then trying to cash in on a saturated market with an already established big player, such as bloodlines, is not going to work. You'll need to come up with something that's unique and something that people really want or need. Then be the first, the best and the biggest player in that field. Good luck!
  7. And furthermore you could add a personal beacon as well, like the BL garlic necklace. Then a resident could still visit a game friendly sim and choose to opt out of bite requests... Honestly this way should be more fun to play as well. At least now the people you sent a bite request are more likely to rp with you instead of telling you to go bite yourself...
  8. I Myself am a bloodlines player. At least I have the hud and some items but no time to play because I like building more. The amulet keeps me from having to stalk people for their precious liquids so I'm fine... About the bite requests... I think this type of game inherently encourages it's players to 'spam' other residents. Whether it's with a bite request, an im saying 'hi, can I send you a bite request' or chatiing you up for 15mins only to find out they just want to bite you and leave. And when, like bloodlines, you are required to bite people to stay alive and you get awarded points for 'first bite' this only encourages spammy behaviour even more. Two at least partial solutions to reduce this behaviour could be A) An opt in system where the humans opt in to receive bite request via a wearable item or registration system. B) A system where you rez an item on a sim or parcel that the hud need to be present to be able to send bite requests. This would create a game friendly zone where bite requests are allowed and expected. A landowner can decide to support your game and rez the item. You could in turn provide a list of game friendly land (like the BL haunt system). This approach might not give you the fastest growth of your game but you'll be less likely to gain a bad reputation for creating an annoying spammy game... Good luck with your game, I will keep an eye out for it!
  9. See Johnboy, I told you the smug, arrogant, self-righteous people would emerge Aren't we all
  10. The fact that you'll die someday is not a good reason to stop living....
  11. If you all stay in SL doing what you've always done, SL makes Linden Lab money. Linden Lab is a buisiness. A business likes to make money and does not close down a product that makes them money. Especially when they are investing in a new product that won't make them money for a while...the keyword here is MONEY! So when you stop buying stuff, it's actually you that is making Linden Lab close down SL Really is this so difficult to grasp?
  12. I've been looking at mesh bodies for a while now and last week I bit the bullit. The reason being Slink comming out with their physique body. I already own slink hands and feet and this body perfectly matched with them. I've been using a freeby skin from tutuy's until now and faced the same problem that this skin had become a big part of how my avi looks. One of the skins that came with the physique body matchged quite well with my skin but I decided that my new body deserved a new skin anyways. I settled on the Gemma skin from DeeTaleZ and was surprised that with a few little tweaks I got pretty close to my previous look but looking noticably better! You can always give it a try with the physique demo and a demo skin to see what results you can get before buying. If you've already got a good quality skin, you could IM the creator and ask if they're working on appliers for the mesh body you are interested in. Keep in mind though that it will be a little more work to get mesh clothing to fit right and the alpha options on the mesh bodies never seem to cover the area needed. As long as we're not able to create our own alpha's as with the system avi, this will remain a problem when the clothing is not specifically designed for that body. I myself think the better curves and streching alone are worth rebuilding my avi and mess around with clothing to get it to fit. But that is personal to everyone.. I agree that at the moment the physique body is most likely to get most widely adopted by content creators. There are already appliers from some of the more well known skin creators and lots more will follow.
  13. SLink has a new fitted mesh body with alpha parts you can turn on and off.
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