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Everything posted by steeljane42

  1. Some people are just like that. I used to know one person a few years ago that would do the same and not just to me, but to a few more people she knew. And if it wasn't inspectable, like animations/poses/skins/makeup for example, then she'd keep asking. I didn't mind it during the first few (quite a few really) times, but then it became rather annoying as it would happen every single time she'd see me with something she didn't recognize. I've ignored her, and then later blocked (one of a very few non spammers on my block list) as ignoring didn't really help.
  2. It will work fine as there's no rigging or mapping differences between 3.0 and 3.1 versions on any evo/evox heads. Only rigging change was when they've updated the first few Evo heads to the "boundless" rig, which happened in the 2.5 update, so none of the previous shape would look fine on that rig (they still include dated versions with those heads in case someone really doesn't want to change their shape, though). It still will be a gamble, however. Depends how honest shape creator is. A good light (not just EEP, but also a rezzed lights around when taking a picture) and especially some post-processing like Reshade and extra editing via Photoshop combined with a perfect angle might make a shape look way more appealing than it does in "real time" even if you'll follow the style card to get the exact skin, makeup, addons, hair etc.
  3. That's not how normal search engines work by default (even if they do have such and many more options for the advanced users), so expecting people to know (or bother) to use all the boolen when they just want to find a "legacy black dress" is rather optimistic at best too. They'll just get frustrated it shows them random stuff and close the MP. Perhaps that's why it'll be fixed/changed, though. Since LL takes 10% cut per MP transaction and a fee when merchants cash out, they'll notice the drop in MP sales/cashing out (because MP sales will be less for merchants) and might actually check why it's happening. But we'll see. I'm glad I don't really use the MP, though. It was barely usable before, now it somehow became even worse.
  4. Windows 7/10 aside, I would imagine when the PBR viewer gets released (and TPVs will get updated with its code), then it just won't run on a such machine anymore, not counting the text-only viewers/modes. Knowing LL they'll probably take forever to finish it (and given the amount of issues with it right now it's for the best), but when they will the lowest system requirements will get bumped up some more as the forward renderer won't be a thing anymore. Unfortunate for those on the ultra low end machines, but maybe some creators will finally stop "overbaking" their textures and using the excuses like "Some people are not using ALM" for that. One can dream at least.
  5. Front/back view is usually fine on maitreya, it's the side view when the fact it doesn't do curvy well starts to show up way more. Breasts and especially butt do look rather odd then, compared to the more curvy bodies anyway. It can be compensated/smoothed out with some extra height, but it's really not an optimal solution to say the least.
  6. It is. I really dislike any kinds of hunts, so over the years I did 3, perhaps 4 of them in total when I really wanted one of the prizes, which I'd rather just buy anyway. And all of them had rather easy, but effective methods used against area search, including renamed objects owned by the same avatar as the rest of rezzed stuff, a certain amount of fake objects, or the prizes being hidden inside pieces of decoration/landscape that already had "regular" names as is. Given how those hunt regions/locations were setup already, it wasn't even that much of an extra efforts to hide them for the hunt's creators. But some people sure do love to point fingers and whine "But muh immersion!" on such things, for years. And yeah, some stores really make it nearly impossible to find anything, when new releases might be all over the place without any system whatsoever, so area search is pretty much required unless someone enjoys spending up to an hours (assuming the store exists for a number of years and releases new things every now and then) looking for what they want. And sometimes that something is just not there to begin with. And that's also a big peeve of mine. In fact I do know some creators who are especially awful about that, to the point that if you miss their event release, then you can expect it to show at their mainstores from a few months later to pretty much never. Something I just don't understand. They've created an item, did all the rigging/texturing/packing/ads/vendors. All what is left to do after an event ends is to just move it from the event to your mainstore, perhaps reconfigure vendors a bit if there's some mainstore group discounts and what not, done. And then it's a passive income for them, since all work is done already, but nope.
  7. You don't need to delete anything, nor anything will get returned. It just region's global position will be changed, the rest is going to stay as is.
  8. Most won't for sure. There's no reason to other than "this mod exists". If anything I do notice some creators dropping already existing chest variations for the way more popular mods/options. Legacy Perky's support never was "full" to begin with, but despite still selling relatively well (based on the bodies charts) the support for it got less over the years, and when mounds for Reborn got all trendy last year lots of stores were rigging for them. Some still do, but a number dropped support by now. So it's nice that Belleza does something this time around instead of disappearing for a few years again, but creating a mod and people/creators adopting it are two different things. And in my opinion it won't help them to get popularity/numbers either. Aside of the terrible pricing model other thing that did/does hurt the Gen X bodies are having two of them instead of one, in already oversaturated market. Those mods will only make it worse from that perspective. Nah. Bodies like Kario, Davis (and Geralt before it) and that new CZ Slim pretty much "exist" compared to the main 3 (If count Legacy M and Athletic as one, which is pretty much the case). Some shopping/fashion enthusiasts have an option to do something with those extra bodies/looks, but numbers and support are not there, and never will be. Jake's replacement would be interesting, but if pricing and lack of support will be the same as with the female X bodies, then I doubt guys are going to rush and buy it too. Not counting bloggers and dedicated flickr users, of course. Now if Belleza did learn something about what I'd call a big failure of Gen X launch, they will offer an upgrade path for Jake's users and then the transition from Jake to its replacement will go much better. But we'll see if they did, it's still Belleza we are talking about, learning from past mistakes is not their strong side. Gen X's hands still don't have P0 idle animations even in the newest update, and it has been the issue ever since last gen's bento update. Included hands animations are P5, so will override any bento AO and must be disabled if anyone wants want their AO to actually work. Not an issue if you stand still or walk, but an issue if you sit and furniture doesn't have bento animations for hands, making it so for everyone else your hands do that infamous "spray" pose. All they had to do is to make default idle animation P0 so it could be kept on at all times, but nope, it's an impossible task apparently.
  9. It's not a script, it's either animation or rigged (not animation based) deformer objects. They have their uses if you want to adjust your shape beyond what sliders allow, or enhance/reduce certain body parts in some way. You may look them up on the MP if you're interested, there's a number of demos available. However some creators tend to include bone translation into their animations for no reason whatsoever. it's somewhat common, sadly, with some holdables (can be anything, from weapons and bags to pets and drinks), that will deform avatar's skeleton to fit said animation. Most often seen is the one that makes avatar's shoulder wider. In most cases skeleton does not reset back after you stop using said animation/item, so you have to reset it manually (and that is entirely viewer side, so if you have people around they'll have to manually reset it for your avatar too). Some dances (usually the sexy kind) also "deform" skeleton to fit the animations. Birth (store) is a good example of such, but they at least include the reset button on the HUDs from what I know, so it's easier to reset.
  10. Of course we all our opinions, and that's a good thing. Back in the days it did its job for guys for a while, because like you've said the alternatives were either half broken TMP "deluxe" or that "aestethic" monstrosity (still see them around, sadly). But there always was something about slink bodies that was off in my opinion. Maybe the angularity (more noticeable on the female ones for obvious reasons) would be the one thing that I never liked on them. And yeah, if Slink had some small chance to push the BoM only mode, it was only with the female bodies, and even that didn't really work out too well as we all know. Guys from my experience like, and often need, it super easy. Put on and forget, so while auto-alpha system has its fair share of issues on most bodies, it's still far from having to make own alphas. In the ideal world all creators would start to include well made alpha layers to their clothing, but since it was Slink with already small userbase most didn't bother. Plus some outfits with asymmetric sleeves are just not possible that way, thanks to the standard UV. It's pretty much even for the top 3 male bodies for a while now. I do consider Legacy M and Atheltic to be the same thing (so far I've seen 3 tops that didn't fit Athletic version around the arms, the rest seems to fit both versions all the same), so counting it as one. Gianni seems to slowing down with more creators stopping supporting it, but it's not too drastic yet. Both Jake and Legacy doing fine and get all the support they possibly can. If combine Legacy numbers it's a solid 2nd place for the male bodies, which is quite interesting considering that Jake has been on the pretty much permanent 50% sale for 1.5 years, while Legacy ones are 5k with just a few 50% off sales through the year (Black Friday and their Legacy Fairs). There's Kario too, but it's out for more than a year and while not completely dead it's still not really supported and given the current numbers/trends, I don't see it changing much either.
  11. Which facts? The lack of support by said big stores? Check their flickr, or check their mainstores and see for yourself. Most decent (i.e. not the template garbage) stores dropped it ages ago, with very very few remaining ones that will probably drop it now/soon after creator has left SL. Based on your further comment it seems like you buy FP, so yeah, you wouldn't know in this case. They (FP) still rig for totally not used bodies like Tonic too, because it's what they do, quantity over quality. But we all have our standards. About the lack of popularity - Lucia Nightfire's system stats on worn mesh bodies the she collects for years. Here's the last sample, only top 20 to keep it short. #1 : Maitreya - Lara : 141373 : 32.8% #2 : Signature - Gianni : 31791 : 7.3% #3 : Belleza - Jake : 23877 : 5.5% #4 : MeshBody - Legacy (Female) : 21728 : 5.0% #5 : MeshBody - Classic (Female) : 15548 : 3.6% #6 : eBODY - Reborn : 15253 : 3.5% #7 : Inithium - Kupra : 13770 : 3.1% #8 : MeshBody - Legacy (Athletic Male) : 13289 : 3.0% #9 : MeshBody - Legacy (Male) : 12271 : 2.8% #10 : LucyBody - Atenea : 10678 : 2.4% #11 : MeshBody - Classic (Male) : 9696 : 2.2% #12 : MeshBody - Legacy Perky : 8398 : 1.9% #13 : Niramyth - Aesthetic Mesh Body : 7319 : 1.6% #14 : Belleza - Freya : 7162 : 1.6% #15 : Utilizator - Kemono : 4960 : 1.1% #16 : Sweet's - Ruth : 4683 : 1.0% #17 : Slink - Male : 4667 : 1.0% #18 : eBODY - Curvy : 4667 : 1.0% #19 : Slink - Hourglass : 4128 : 0.9% #20 : Signature - Geralt : 3152 : 0.7% Most importantly they also did show either no growth or a negative trend for a long while already (there's way more stats, feel free to check Lucia's profile to get them yourself, much easier that way than posting walls of text on the forums) even before creator has left SL. Non template creators in most cases do not have time to rig for more than just the top few bodies, so Slink have been out of the picture for ages. Female one even longer. And no, not bitter at all, I just happen to enjoy stats and facts. That said I do consider Slink bodies to be pretty bad looking, always have, even when there weren't as big choice as we have now. --- Some topic related stuff now since I'm posting anyway. Few more negative experiences with creators this year already, like Rick's post above or very close. 1. Got a fancy interactive thing to play with (it had no demo since it's not rigged). Mostly happy with it, it works and does what it supposed to do, but lacks one basic function - being able to cycle through the animations easily. Dropped a creator's CSR notecard - nothing, dropped creator the same notecard after a week - nothing again. Not sure I'd buy something there again at the full price at least. 2. Missing Legacy size in the box of one outfit that should have had it (demo did). Creator (no CSR there, sent her an IM as it's the way she wants to be contacted) instead of checking told me to get a redelivery after 3 days. I did - same thing. Another IM - she told be to double check the folder this time... obviously it wasn't there. I even did try to wear other sizes in case of the naming mistake (had this with some clothing before when there were two of the same body sizes, while one of them actually wasn't for that body). After 3rd time she finally got around to check it and I've got an auto-redelivery with all sizes included. No reply back with even basic "Thank you for letting me know.". 3. Issue with the texture on one decor item I wanted to buy from a rather large/well know store. Rather noticeable in my opinion, so I dropped creator a notecard with the information and the screenshot of an issue. Fast answer in this case, less than a day, but he said "it's fine, I'm not gonna redo the texture.". I did not buy it, of course. One positive experience, though. Found an issue with one dress' demo. Some of its faces got all messy texture after using the HUD. I wasn't sure if it's just a demo or the full version too, but decided to send creator a message first. She fixed it within a day and even sent me a fatpack of that dress along with a nice message.
  12. Might be the case. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232037 Per LL comment it's a high priority issue to fix. Except Jira has been up since April. If that's a high priority, then I suppose normal/low priority would be between a few years and never.
  13. Creators have been dropping Slink for years. Feel free to browse recent years of releases by some popular/decent stores and see for yourself. As far as male clothing is concerned deadwool and cold ash (just as an examples of the very well known original male clothing stores) both dropped Slink around mid 2020. Her leaving SL will/did just give an additional little push for the remaining few to drop it as well as there won't be any new customers that would need slink sized clothing, not there were many to begin with.
  14. Shape tab, bottom right corner. Click on the mesh nipples. Alternatively the alpha tab has a separate entry for the mesh nipples too.
  15. You can also turn off mini map's property lines, it makes the cone a bit more visible without those white "bars". MiniMapShowPropertyLines in the debug settings. --- And my own peeve for the last few weeks. Flickr's "awards" from some groups, which are nothing, but the endless spam of images (even worse if it's gifs) making comments unreadable there. I have been making Ublock filters to make it more bearable, and it works, but it's still super annoying.
  16. That's what I meant by the micro freeze. It really was quite bad. It was fixed a while ago on the FS' release candidates (before current one got promoted to be the main release), and on this release version it's all good as well. Building/editing anything was impossible like that, so I did swap to the beta FS back then.
  17. Performance/fps wise it's about the same. Right click micro freeze is fixed in this one (it was really awful in the last one), some little fixes here and there, separate transparency view toggle. No reason not to upgrade. And people always going to have problems with any and all versions.
  18. Not always the case, so there's a truth in Moe's words as well. I still encounter some "dinosaurs" from time to time, they probably didn't change a single thing on their avatars since 2005-2007. They know nothing about SL and in many cases have no desire to learn either. They are in for some sexy pixel action, and often get rather mad when they don't get it. So from time to time when such individual wanders into the modern SL, they indeed know nothing about SL at all. Not always the case, I've met some people who did look like that, but were a lot into scripting and that was almost all they did in SL and didn't care about the look at all, but as always there are some exceptions, and that's okay. Not just SL. MMORPGs did evolve into the mostly single player experience too, unless someone really wants to socialize. But that's what many people want and need, especially more aged gamers. Back when it was all new some of them/us had a lot more free time and energy to bother with social/guild stuff, and staying up all night wasn't an issue. Now the same people are 15-20 years older, have families and children, so "jump in at random time, play for 1-2 hours and log out" fits their schedules the most. And when there's a demand there's a supply. Sad or not is rather subjective, too. If someone's world and imagination is to make 100 new looks while standing on their sky platform, then I don't see how is this sad. It's their time and they enjoy it. Just like I enjoy building/decorating my region that is access list only (with a very few people ever being there). Might be all "sad" for some extroverts that still can't imagine how it's possible to not want to socialize, but I find it very enjoyable (except 259/month price tag for it) and relaxing. I still go explore/socialize sometimes, but 95% of my time in SL is spent between doing stuff in my region and looking for new stuff I might like (clothing, landscape stuff, furniture/decor etc). That mostly depends on you/each person and just how much you/they enjoy said activity. For example I'm playing games for over 3 decades, and while I'm way more picky than I was back in the days, I still enjoy new ones, despite been there done that part. And some just stop playing completely, because except for the new graphics it's all the same, and often even worse, because current/modern games tend to be overly simplified in many aspects. So I suppose if some people really enjoy those virtual clubs and parties, then 50 or 500, they'll keep enjoying them.
  19. ~10.5 years old account here too, and can't have I've ever noticed it in times I'm feeling like socializing and go check around a few of my usual spots. Then again I don't consider it old when there are 17-18 years old accounts around. I know for certain that the new acounts with female avatars getting a lot more attention, though. Very obvious kind of attention, too. Even more so if they are looking passable, but not amazing. Think of something like free Genus head, maitreya body with default shape, super basic outfit and obvious freebie extra fidgety AOs that can be found on the MP. I would say not getting that kind of attention is a bonus.
  20. It's no use. As long as a merchant has some connections to the owners they will get a pass. C88 used to be more strict about their themes in the past than they are now, so if it was a "Spring themed round" you could expect majority of the stuff to be in that theme. And yet one particular sci-fi clothing creator was always there, always out of theme with her sci-fi releases that don't fit the round the slighest. And still is to this day, still with random sci-fi outfits. Or another example, a side/sub brand of one clothing creator that is well known to copycat others designs up to the HUD level, and I believe she was caught buying models from 3D sites as well. It's known it's her other brand, yet a couple of "original mesh only" events still invite her after it was brought to their attention.
  21. I'm more than aware about the state of new releases from some more or less decent stores as I happen to shop a lot for all kinds of clothing. Nor do I care about complexity/triangles numbers to begin with, which should be obvious if I wear 1.4m triangles hoodie. So it was purely from the "lag-free" bodies perspective. 3 bodies (Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn) that I think are usable I've also mentioned already, too. The rest from outdated and terrible looking Slinks to the new and still more dead, than alive (and still bugged on top of it) Gen X ones, plus all others, I wouldn't recommend to anyone who is not looking for some kind of challenge in shopping for whatever reason. Must be quite difficult at times. I just went through last 30-ish hairstyles I've got, and only a single one was under 200k triangles, vast majority are 350k-450k, and a few are 550k+. No short/unrigged hair, though. Those are not as heavy usually, but I rarely wear/buy them.
  22. As Beq from FS posted a long while ago already, it's the alpha cuts that have made far more performance impact than amount of triangles, so technically best "lag free" bodies are alpha cuts-free Slink, Kupra and Prima. The rest are all just more or less bad, if you care about that to begin with. Still shouldn't be as triangles heavy, though. No idea why their feet are that heavy. Body itself is around 200k triangles, hands another 180k, but feet add another 380k. That being said, given that average (modern, so an alpha hair with a few styles included) medium to long hairstyles are around 350 to 650k triangles alone, it's really just drop in the ocean. And fluffy clothing that is so popular around this season is truly terrible in that regard. Below is the stats hoodie I have on now, from a very popular store that makes pretty things, and that's just the top part of it. Did I know it before buying it? I sure did, can't say it really matters, though. And (not directed at you, just a general comment) another note for people who think that current complexity number means anything, too. Edit: Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn. Pick any, all got a lot of support from varied clothing stores. If everyday clothing/styles, then it really doesn't matter at all, if a bit more on the historic/RP heavy side, then Reborn still lacks it quite a bit, Legacy is better, and Maitreya has it all.
  23. GA has their older skins boxed with Maitreya, not the newest line. They are on their 3rd line now since Maitreya is out. Older line that was included with Maitreya at the start has names like Artic, Europe, Asia, Tropic etc, 2nd line is numbered 01 to 12, and the current line that has been out for a few years already are Milk, Fair, Ivory etc, ending with Cocoa. They are not exactly compatible between each other either. Although I'm not sure if their 3rd line head skins has blended neck for comptability or not, I've stopped using their skins when they've created 2nd line, because somehow they were far lower quality than 1st line (body skin wise), and pale tones were way worse as well. 3rd line is better, but sadly still far below some other choices as far as face/body details go.
  24. If you are sure you have all gestures turned off, which you can check by right clicking yourself, choosing gestures, and checking the "active only" mark, then it's something else you're wearing. I remember seeing some ancient stuff that would do such things if/when worn, along with some silly animations. So either check carefully in your worn tab, or just detach everything and attach things one by one until you find what causes it.
  25. High altitude issues were fixed over 2 years ago, except regular Legacy male and freebie bodies they have (which are not legacy, but classic). So your "advice" is outdated, or based on a freebie body. It only needs media page on the hud to either activate the BoM or change the nail color, the rest works (and always did) without media. I have it turned off at all times. And with new 1.5 update even that is not needed anymore (bom is activated via chat command, 3rd party nail appliers will soon make default options redudant). I'll agree with the overpriced part, though. Then again it's somewhat relative and depends on the shopping habits. Couple of fatpacks from big shopping events is often already 2/3 of the body price. No. You'll miss out on so many styles and good creators. Maitreya, Legacy (Regular, not Perky one. Perky has less support), Reborn, get one of those if you want a nice shopping and dressing experience that is not a challenge. Then later, when you're more experienced and know good stores, events, made yourself some bookmarks and landmarks, and if you still like it, get Erika too.
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