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Everything posted by steeljane42

  1. Things like games and virtual worlds are more likely to survive even through the current/upcoming economy issues. While they are from being essential, like food and bills, they are cheaper than traditional hobbies (cinema/movies, most rl sports, art and so on). A movie night with a family of 3 can cost up to 100$ for 3 tickets, foods and drinks, and that's just 2-3 hours. it probably does vary per country as mentality is different around different parts of the world, but through our local crises over last decades that I had a "pleasure" to experience the home hobbies like books, games and what not always did better because they are simply cheaper and more accessable. it's the bars, cafes, sport clubs and other stuff that did suffer through them the most.
  2. I didn't like them one bit in 2012 when I did join SL, I don't like them now, too. Full flexi, partial flexi, all the same thing. None of the top creators makes them anymore either, although opinion on what top creators are might vary. But Magika, Stealthic, Doux, Truth (and their collaboration projects this year), Dura and so on, all full mesh and for a very very long time. I remember some tried to make key framed hair with "animations", Exile Exxess and more, those also did look terrible, and Stealthic+Vista made one animesh style which also wasn't received very well given the fact it was their first and only attempt. Of course, personal opinions on that as well, but I dislike flexi on others too. The clipping, the jerky movements, and of course just general quality of them all make them look awful in my opinion.
  3. One I can think of would be poor LoDs on some of them. Rigged mesh "works" a bit differently, so even less than good creations tend to look okay from the distance (usually), while badly made unrigged ones will crumble to a single triangle or just disappear. But it's pretty easy to test.
  4. Only the styles tab is MOAP, other two are not. So it being slow in a laggy areas has nothing to do with networking, you can even disable media completely if you're not using the styles tab (and don't need media for anything else in SL); I have it off at all times myself. That said turning the preview model around instead of just having front and back parts like most (all?) other bodies' HUDs do definitely doesn't help when the region is already slow as it can double the amount of clicks needed to alpha something.
  5. For cleaning out the demo sign - click HD tab on the Lelutka HUD, swap to the HD lips tab there, press clear option on top right. For trying other makeup.. that does depends which one you try to mix. But yes, if there's some overlapping in makeups it might look weird.
  6. Reading through the announcement and most messages I'll just add my 0.02$. Requirements are quite silly. Schedule wise and some others. I'll also disagree with some other people in this thread and say that original SL viewer is way more confusing than Firestorm or even Black Dragon. Depends on what kind of a userbase you might have in mind, possibly. But from a gamer's standpoint the original LL viewer is beyond saving and I had zero issues with FS when I started 10 years ago. It's still a "viewer" and not quite a game/mmo client, but somewhat passable. I suppose if you target people who can barely find a power on button on PC, then yeah, the less options is "better" as those will get confused over everything, but otherwise making people "suffer" through LL viewer so those few who would stay still would swap to something else in the matter of a few days is rather pointless. And last, but not least. Not counting very small forums, I have yet to see when random people from all other the world don't try to abuse any grains of power given to them. Yes, there are some good cases when people actually care and help/moderate/whatever. But a few "bad apples" can and do spoil it for everyone else in almost ever case. Reddit is a good example where some even very big subreddits (see the Xbox subreddit) are handled in the most unprofessional way possible. So I'm not sure that the amount of new users who would decide to stick around because they get some little help at the start will be more than those who decide to delete the viewer after bumping into such types. So to me it really feels like a bandaid to the main problem, which is terrible new user experience. Instead of actually improving it (aside of upcoming new default avatars, whenever it might happen) LL decided to throw some unpaid people at it.
  7. That's assuming other bodies won't get updated. Some dropped ones like Slink and 1st gen Belleza ones won't be, but all current ones will be most likely. So unless it'll be really amazing looking, which I doubt it will be considering LL themselves saying how they don't want to compete with the mesh body market (which makes sense as it makes them a lot of money), they won't stand out. For example you can imagine some current freebie bodies like Lucy and Ruth 2.0 PBR enabled too, it won't make them pretty. Besides there's only two 1024x1024 textures, top and bottom, on the body's SLUV. Don't expect some drastic changes with PBR for the body skins because of that as it's two tiny textures for a rather large surface. Unless one of the market leaders will use an opportunity and introduce a custom UV like Lelutka did for their heads. Then, perhaps, PBR would make a bigger difference.
  8. Perhaps read my entire message including what I was quoting before getting all "confused".
  9. Nothing really happens. The name of a creator under the edit/inspect tabs (whenever someone edits/inspects an item) does change like everywhere else, but that's about it. There's a number of creators who change their names a lot. And I mean a lot, like every other month. I think if brand's/store's name stays the same most of their customers don't even notice it until/if they need to message them about something.
  10. It is not unisex. It only has female neck sizes, so unisex ones are only River and this new Zo.
  11. You should start by actually creating a wishlist here (or follow the link when you wishlist something at any vendor). https://www.casperpanel.com/wishlist There you can choose the theme, name it and get a link if you wanted to share it with someone or put to your profile. Not sure about exact steps as I don't use them like I've already said, but from a quick glance it seems easy enough.
  12. Caspervend has a global wishlist, and it is indeed separate from the MP's one. Maybe if the merchant did link the in-world vendor to the MP's listing, which is possible with caspervend system, they might sync so whatever you would add via MP's wishlist will show up on the casper's one. Can't say I did try that before as I don't really use wishlist function at all. I don't remember other big/popular vending systems with their own wishlist systems either, so it's probably just those two.
  13. It's probably either your system hair or the root prim of something else you're wearing. If it's the former, then edit your "brows shape", which is default/system hair. Move all hair sliders in the styles tab to zero, change hair texture to the "transparent". Alternatively wear a brows shape that came with your Lelutka head in the folder, they have it all adjusted already, then adjust actual brows from the eyebrows tab there to how you want them to look like. If it's the latter, then check what else you're wearing and either make that object's root prim transparent if it's mod, or remove it completely if it's not.
  14. As already pointed above it's not an issue since the 1.5 updates (current is 1.6). The only remaining part that might become unavailable if they ever take down the servers is default nail appliers/colors. The rest can be done via chat commands and/or via applying stuff from the original appliers and not via their media portion of the HUD. Given that they've finally released a nails dev kit with 1.5 update it really doesn't matter. Many things do that. Lelutka HUD doesn't use MOAP, but if you'll attach the HUD without the head on it'll tell you to attach the head before it becomes usable. For the stores where I shop for more interesting outfits at there's probably less than 3-5% of support for gen X in total, and what makes it even worse is that some of them support curvy, some classic, and like you've said, some only on some releases. Basic stuff like jeans, tank tops and all the rest is easier to get, because the "default" casual/urban wear stores always did support more bodies, so there's always blueberry, addams and so on. But yeah, that is nowhere enough. And even their new event is... well, more of the same. Lots and lots of generic stuff, some of which is not even new, but rather updates for gen X bodies, a couple of better releases. That's not how you get people to swap from existing bodies and start asking their favorite creators to add new body sizes. Based on Lucia's body stats their endless 50% sales started to move their numbers a little bit more, but none of the bodies did approach even 500 units detected so far, and that's 7 months after release. To compare Reborn gets as much in two weeks in average without any sales going on.
  15. It's on more complex end, but all mesh bodies with alpha cuts are "bad" in that regard. Amount of triangles, which it has plenty of thanks to its feet (for some really unknown reason, if they weren't it would be within range of most other bodies), is secondary. Mostly because compared to the hair, clothes and other stuff people wear it's really not much. I have hairstyles that are as heavy on triangles as the whole body, I have clothes that are up to 4 times as heavy as the body and so on. It's not some rare findings either, a lot of mainstream and very popular creators that you can find on every big event are the ones who do that, so it's literally everywhere you go to. And that's not even taking rezzed things to account. Those can be even worse, and are very often very heavy on VRAM used. I've seen a rather small skybox at some event recently that used over 1.5GB VRAM. So people on low end computers will struggle regardless, at least for avatars they can enable friends only mode. And last, but not least, there always will be someone one a 1.5 decades old hardware who struggles with SL's performance. There always will be people with different phobias around SL, too. There will be people who are/will get offended with your clothing choice as well as SL is worldwide, so there are people of many religions and beliefs in it. You (nor anyone else) really shouldn't compromise own SL experience in order to make those people happy. They are free to find the SL experience that fits them.
  16. As already mentioned, Maitreya, Reborn and Legacy. Mostly depends on what kind of look you want for yourself. I would definitely not get Freya. it's pretty much abandoned body and while there's plenty of old content available it won't be any better than Hourglass when it comes to new releases and clothes. And clothes might improve a bit with upcoming PBR release, so getting old ones (especially at full price) will feel quite bad as well as missing on all the new shinies. The rest is really up to personal preferences. I've been quite happy with Maitreya for many many years, but these days I rarely swap back to it unless it's for some very specific RP outfit. Newer bodies just look better, much better. Especially if you put them side by side. If Belleza Gen X bodies will get themselves out of the hole they put themselves to with their awful release and pricing, then classic version might become a decent option for the more slim/fit looks. But I wouldn't suggest getting one yet even at their 50% sales, unless just to keep it for later when it might become more usable.
  17. Other things to try. 1. Turn down materials on both body and head to zero/none. Light will reflect differently from different meshes, especially made by different creators, so getting a perfect match is close to impossible. 2. Change EEP to something else. Some of them show neck line more than others. Nothing you really can do about this in regards how other see you, but you can mitigate it for yourself. 3. Try other viewer and/or ask friends to screenshot how you look to them on their end. 4. Try other skin brands/demos. Some creators just... well, are like that. Don't listen to people who will suggest you to get a full body skin (as is full body and face skin in one), the skin still will be split to the head, upper and bottom textures, just combined to one layer, so it really doesn't matter. Some brands like Sessions had a noticeable line between bottom and upper parts on their body skin as an example. 5. Do utilize neck blends (Not ones you can enable from the body HUD. That one you should never ever use.). Not Found has them with their skin for certain, as well as free pack somewhere in the store. Don't forget the BoM layers order. First you add face skin, then you add a neck over it. It really won't get better than that.
  18. I'm saving a bookmark, and if I'll get asked for Lindens in-world ever again I'll send them here.
  19. I have seen quite a few Lindens around over the years. Even around this year's Fantasy Faire alone I saw around 5 or 6 different ones (just around different regions exploring the builds as I didn't went to any performances/events). I saw a few during last year's black friday sales in the popular stores too and one of them was demo-ing hair, so definitely weren't there to clean up some griefer mess or something like that. I'm sure there's more around, either hidden or on their non LL accounts, though. Because each time I see one people tend to swarm around them and it's probably quite exhausting to deal with it everywhere daily.
  20. Not really. There was a major fiber cut in my city a few years ago, which took forever to fix due to some complications and the size of the issue. So for around 2 weeks I did log to SL from less than reliable mobile connection, which is rather fast (90 up/down), but especially on the evenings latency and jitter is quite bad, and there is a packet loss, too. On average I had around 7% packet loss in SL on those evenings when I was online, around 3-4% if it was morning/day. Did I notice it? Yes, I did, of course. Moving avatar around was the worst part with delays and occasional rubber banding. But it didn't get on the way of shopping for stuff and even building much, nor did I disconnect even once not counting a couple of TP failures which happen every now and then as is. @Henri Beauchamp did explain it pretty well on the first page already, including JIRA. It's very not fine on the LL's end and sometimes regions just end up being "busted". Go log at Bisque now until it's restarted(G rated, just in case. One person I know lives there, so we actually tested it last night), you won't see your friends online, nor they will see you online even if they stay in the same region during your relogs. And packet loss is irrelevant, it' server side. Perhaps just for some accounts as someone already suggested, I've only tested on two. Perhaps some other factor is also there, but for me and my friend it's could be reproduced in 100% cases. Simply logging in any other unaffected region fixes the friends online issue. Profile's online status works as intended even when it happens. Region restart fixes it in 100% cases, although temporarily. I have no idea what causes it, though. For all that time this bug is around, which is roughly a year, I have never got this issue in my own region even when it wasn't restarted for a couple of weeks. That said, getting such a big deal from it as the OP did is... well, too much. Just one of many "SL things" we all have to deal with. And I remember reading LL are testing a new fix in their Debug1 region now, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon enough.
  21. Surves are useless anyway, mostly depends which group got more people to rally up for voting. Some creators who still try to do those surveys even ask to not share them in the body groups to avoid it, but I'm sure some people do it anyway. Lucia Nightfire's list is better if you check the trending tab and see what got more new hits in the last week, two or a month. That said, both Kupra and Gen X bodies are not in a good shape now according to Lucia's stats. Kupra is not quite in a full decline yet, but almost there, and gen X bodies just get so few new users even with their 50% sales non stop. But I'm not seeing any creator dropping Kupra or Gen X for Erika either, it's in as bad spot as it ever was since release, so no point to drop one of less relevant bodies for another less relevant body at all. Long term I'd say Gen X is still the best choice between Kupra and Erika. It has a minor chance to grow a bit if they'll keep doing 50% sales non stop or finally drop price permanently (and then do 50% sales from that price, at least for black friday), but the latter two are just not very relevant with one being phased out by Reborn and other never being relevant for 1.5 years since its release.
  22. Try to post again in Lel's discord, especially in the help channel. They do have nice CSRs, but obvious they are not online 24/7. You may also check Thora Charron 's profile to see the full list of CSRs to contact either in-world directly. Aside of already suggested cache clearing you can also give LL viewer a try, don't touch any settings, just log in and check if it's the same. But before that you can try to repair transparency and materials in the Lel's hud (the cogwheel icon) and/or grab a head redelivery. Although if you have some friend to check how it looks for them and they see you normally, you may skip redelivery/repair part as the problem will be on your end. Either viewer settings (which you can check by logging on LL viewer with default settings) or drivers most likely.
  23. It's not even weekend yet for some (more or less) usual troll topics, but here we have this one. But yeah, can't say it's a very unique or new idea and somehow it always puzzles me when some "mighty premium users" that pay "whole" 99$/year (~35$ if they save the stipend to pay for the next year) think they actually contirbute more to SL's economy than those "basic peasants". Except that lots of those "peasants" myself included pay for all those private regions/estates that are 209$/month per normal 20k region (and another reminder that you don't need a premium account to buy a region from LL, it only applies to the mainland). On top of buying LS$ to actually decorate and furnish those regions as well as usual dressup and other expenses depending on one's interests in SL. Most fun or sad part, depends how to look at it, is that some of those "I'm special" types actually believe it, despite... well, usually being a non-factor compared to actually heavy spenders.
  24. Hopefully you do realize that it's not any different on the MP and you're limiting yourself (depends on what kind of stuff you shop for, though) a great deal as so many great creators either don't have MP stores at all or haven't updated theirs for years. Shopping on the MP won't help you if the product is broken, if it's not an actual product listed (either by mistake or otherwise). I suppose you can leave a bad review no one cares about to feel better. But it won't help you to get the product assuming you'd contact merchant just like the OP did before leaving said bad review. And in case creator leaves SL and decides to disable their store for one reason or another and delists everything, you won't be able to get a redeliver either (it's always a good idea to just keep the original box anyway). At the end MP is not any different from any other vending system, except with a terrible UI, terrible search algorithms since recent "improvements", poor choice that is plaqued by keywords spam and countless FP retextures listings, and fake reviews. The rest is all the same and "buyer beware" applies to it all not any less than to in-world shopping.
  25. Only because they knew there are plenty of people who actually love gachas and didn't care about the whole "it's because of the laws and not out fault" kind of reason. They'd keep them in the previous form if they could as the new "miepon" replacement is nowhere as popular. Even if one gacha focused event just can't let it die and instead of closing like the other one now has double amount of events per year (8 instead of 4). That said, this new casino thing is atrocious. One thing is when people/users try to find workarounds, they always do and always will. But since it's LL and they even promote it via their official channels... Meh. I'm all for LL finding ways to make some extra money so SL would be around for a while longer and so they'd slice down another few $ from the region's tier, and hopefully without taxing merchants/users with extra purchase/cash-out fees. But this is not the way. Mobile viewer, visual upgrades, better starting avatars/experience are all decent ways to get new users and keep them around for more than a single login, so eventually some of them would "invest" into getting L$, land and so on, all of which would make LL money on the long run.
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