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Everything posted by OptimoMaximo

  1. It's not a bug, it is intended behavior, on LL side. I wanted to make an exporter from Maya to the encoded mesh asset and i understand that it was done becuase of the different standards in different softwares (ie: Maya uses centimeters, 3dsmax and Blender use meters). It's not a matter of the embedded arbitrary measurement units from years ago, which Maya and 3dsmax never had, btw. I agree it shouldn't be handled that way, there are many enforced rules/limitations that i can't see a reason to not enforce a measurement unit over any other too. Not if you build with a conversion in mind anyway. Blender units equal meters units since quite a long time, by now. The issue sits in the unaware modeler that builds eyeballing from a reference. In reference to each other objects, everything was scaled correctly. Just not matching meter scaling.
  2. Signatures need to be activated for display in your forum profile setting... on MP, look for MyAniMATE_Maya_System and it should come up promptly =)
  3. Read the viewer code, and you'll realize that Collada metric units get discarded and only THEN the scale is applied, in the third tab of the uploader, despite the size being displayed just next to the scale factor. Internally, the mesh is "translated" to fit a cube with 65535 coordinates values and the final size doesn't really matter.
  4. If you're exporting BVH files with translation enabled script (should be the 1.6 if i remember correctly), that's the assumed behavior. Your animation should include ONLY rotation when joint positions are defined within the mesh itself. The bvh exporter writes down the position of the joints regardless of keyframing, and not finding any, defaults to the default location, the effect you're seeing. Check my forum signature for a animation export solution for Maya
  5. Yes, there's my plug in to export animations in native SL format (.anim) Check my forum signature for a link to get it However, the problem with the regular skeleton files from the SL wiki is the different standard assumptions for joints and world orientations when rigging, in comparison to animation when it comes to export a bvh file or a .anim file. Basically, the scenes you get for rigging can not work for animation "as is".
  6. You might want to try The World Machine for your terrain generation. The free version allows the export in exactly the same format, encoding and texture size required by SL's terrain =)
  7. i guess the problem is the IK chain length, involving the extra spine bones that are folded over on each other. I did quit using Blender and Avastar before the version 2 was released, so i can't be sure. However, try to look for any options that let you remove the extra spine joints, if any available. Another possible cause is the Blender version: the 2.79 version is known to have broken the previous versions rig systems, the only reliable version to use Avastar with, as of yet, is 2.78
  8. Accuracy is one of the most hidden features in 3D modeling softwares other than CADs and solid constructors, but they are there. It needs much dedication to the software and gathered experience to find them out and start to use them properly. I use Maya and it allows me precision down to 1/1000th of a centimeter at its default settings, and can be set to even higher precision.
  9. If you find this one out, please let us all know
  10. Depending on the software you use, there are UV mapping transfer tools. Maya has Transfer Attributes that can work on meshes with different topology based off the items' world position.
  11. Did you enable textures at full resolution in the viewer's developer menu? It's another bad advice some creators give out and can bring powerful machines to their knees
  12. Set the alpha mode as None and this effect will be gone. As a side note, it's best to set the background to a neutral normal value instead of black, even if you set the padding as you did. The value is very easy to remember, most precise if you use a 0-255 RGB encoding: R=127 G=127 B=255
  13. That is a per-object limit, means you can have up to 110 joints binding a single mesh object. This was done, i guess, to push people to make rigged stuff in pieces, so the deformations calculations wouldn't involve too many joints at a time. You should consider to have the hands and the head split into separate objects and upload them as such (in the same collada file or separate files)
  14. Fine grain details are very easily lost for the reason ChinRey above points to, even if they are quite visible in the normal map image. To make them stronger, you might want to increase contrast on the R channel and on the G channel in a 2D editing software capable of handling color channels (GIMP and PS can for sure) and run some sharpening filters. Leave the B channel as it is, that marks the top height. Edit: or use any other software you like, of course
  15. You can try the TPose by going to pose mode, select all bones and ALT-R to reset all rotations. FBXs imported to Blender usually keep the exported pose as rest pose, but you never know
  16. Hi! i'm quite experienced with both softwares, and i know what happened to your dev kit First, it comes with Y axis up because that's Maya's default, and the fbx exporter can do world axis orientation change upon export, which, again, as default is set to Y axis up, regardless of the orientation you've been using. Since it's a conversion, the root node (a group in Maya, usually, but i seem to recall Blender uses Empties) has rotations on it and therefore making that change triggered a whole reorientation. I think you can solve the issue with the import settings in Blender (assuming a binary FBX anyway) In the import window, where you select the file, on the bottom left side sits the operator panel, screenshot First, never use the marked feature, it breaks something on the weights of your exported models that are attached to the imported skeleton from time to time. I wasn't able to reproduce this issue consistently so i don't know how and if it is possible to fix that. Knowing that Maya default is centimeters, you MAY try also to set the scale to 0.01 because, as far as i know of this FBX feature, it refers to the linear unit written in the file, where 1.0 means meters. In this section, make sure to turn on the marked option, because Maya uses joints and the user can have them to be oriented in any possible way, Blender instead assumes the local Y axis to be always pointing along the hierarchy line. After the import, you may occasionally get skeleton and meshes of different sizes. In Object mode: Select the meshes and make sure the scale is set to 1, then select the skeleton and see if there is an Empty as parent. Take this root and make sure the scale is set to 1 here as well. If all went well, UNPARENT anything that is parented to the Empty. If something explodes or scales uncontrollably during the "scale back to 1" part of this procedure, step back and go to the Armature modifier to remove the object name from it After the detach, you can keep going with the scale fixing. After the scale fix, you can add the skeleton name back to the Object field in the Armature modifier. Notice that Maya users can work both in centiimeters or meters real scale, so after all this fuss you may end up with a VERY tiny avatar (around 2 cm tall). If that's the case, you can grab the skeleton (always in Object mode) and scale it up to 100, the bound meshes will follow. Then, CTRL-A -> Apply scale. Also notice that it will certainly come in as facing the +X axis, that is the avatar actual orientation. To attach it to Avastar, you'll need to rotate the imported model+skeleton accordingly (facing -Y) and CTRL-A -> Apply rotation Edit: If you don't use Avastar then leave it as facing to +X, the native Collada Exporter will work just fine Hope this helps =)
  17. You should tell us what you did in the first place. I'm assuming hat you haven't used the standard finger pose and applied the joint position by freezing transformations. The best bet about this is to use a specific bind pose for the actual placement. Do your positioning, rotate the joints as needed to fit inside the fingers but DO NOT freeze transformations. When you go to Skin -> bind skin, open the option box and make sure the checkbox for "allow multiple bind poses" is turned on, Max influences at 4 or lower (4 is the maximum allowed for the SL character) like shown in this picture These are the settings i use for my works, i leave the checkbox "Remove unused influences" off as i'm used to do that manually AFTER i make sure that everything works as expected in Maya and BEFORE exporting. Consider that once a joint is removed from the skin cluster, you can't paint its weights until you Add its influence again, and the copy weights tool respects this behavior too, therefore i work like this BUT you are free to find your own best practice. The REALLY only important settings in the picture for your issue are marked in red marquees. Hope this helps!
  18. Yes, i'm keen of PBR, and there's a HUGE difference, when using 3D softwares, between specularity, and reflectivity. Because a specular reflection is the AMOUNT of light that gets to bounce off a surfac e, the REFLECTIVITY is the amount of environmental color light that goes back to camera. For your nonsense, there are TWO different inputs for these attributes, so your claim that they are the same is TOTAL BS. But you're the render goddess... so now explain RIGHT here how to make a copper material from these. Honestly, without googling it. If you do and try, you will find out that what i've been saying is the most accurate description in laymen terms, which are still probably too complicated for an Erectus like you. Let this stuff to Neanderthals, CroMagnon and Sapiens and try to keep up and learn from the people you are insulting with your blatant ignorance on the matter. The worst part in the insult generated from your ignorance, is that you also dare to look down at people like @Cathy Foil , for one, and all the others that overtime have DEMONSTRATED, unlike you, to know and understand 3D softwares, each one in their own field of interest at the very least. EDIT to add: i use MANY different shader models for different types of works in my RL jobs. Since this is not PBR, just legacy shaders, i can gladly cover all of those i know how to use, PBR for game engines, legacy or PBR for different renderers, no problem.
  19. Too bad for you that i'm doing rendering for more time than you ever did or will. Keep dreaming to be a super educated technician. You're just an arrongant ignorant. You could get more chances to talk to me and be listened to only if you could manage to explain what reflectance at normal is and apply it on rendering. Since you don't have a clue about physical behavior of materials reacting to light, how do you claim these quoted statements? Which you have also modified to suit your stupid irony. Metals reflect environment light, your oversimplification of my words just shows your total lack of comprehension of this matter.
  20. Study shader models, then. You're ridiculously ignorant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blinn–Phong_shading_model as the Homo Erectus you represent. Before shooting sentences, read up and APPLY the reading on 3D softwares, you'll realize that YOU are wrong. You don't deserve any more of anyone's time in this forum. I already told you to NOT shoot sentences that can too easily be disproven. Now shut up.
  21. I'm sorry Cathy, the statement from Vir is in this thread, he says bake on mesh isn't aware of materials. So i understand what you mean, but this implies that i have to be the creator of all involved layers to bake, so that i can create as many normal/specular maps combinations as the clothing items number i have available. And then, apply them when a certain baked combination is being formed by the user. This isn't feasible. Plus, i can't do this procedure with older content from other creators. This is what discourage me. LL has proven million times that their choice is likely to fall onto the cheapest and least committing solution. So you will understand me if i'm not gonna hold my breath for this. I will be glad to have been wrong, if what you envision here is going to happen for real. no you don't miss it any day of the year: it begins right at the moment you log into SL and has a break when you log out. I disagree with all the supporters of Bake On Mesh, and i think they can't see my point as well as you do think they can't see your point, but for gods sake dare i insult them. Your spite and acid irony really shows the total illiterate you are, under all standpoints. Not only you fail at making your point across in such a way that people is more inclined to listen and understand, but you totally lack understanding of 3D platforms and engines. You claim "disasters" that can be easily overcome if they really wanted this feature. The problem lies in the feature being exclusively based on avatar attachments, instead of having an actual development of the material system that could layer materials and lighting textures, improving the rendering and making things lighter by extending their shader, which takes a nice overhead at current state and can be optimized while improving it.
  22. I also think that the custom pivot should be a on-demand behavior that can turn itself off if a requirement like being within the BB space isn't met. Only specific content actually needs this feature. That's the same case for particle emission, isn't it? IF LL does it right, that would be a great feature.
  23. They will implement it lousily as usual, if you @Beq Janus don't work on it. Please, pretty please give us custom pivot points. It's a standard thing everywhere and simplifies a lot of different applications.
  24. oh actually missed that part. If it is serious memory of a small, squashed green monster, that was me (with another avatar name). I've never been human in SL, creatures and monsters rock
  25. oh and i should also mention that from the moment i started reading this thread, i decided to NOT attend the bake on mesh meetings because of its current futility. I was there for bento at the beginning, i won't participate anymore because trying to talk Lindens to reason and having them WORK on stuff instead of patching up existing features is breath lost in the wind.
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