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Karl Herber

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Everything posted by Karl Herber

  1. I can vouch for the customer service, they are excellent. I had an issue with the original body shortly after it was released, and one of their CSRs spent about 2 hours with me trying to resolve it. My two main wishes for it are an updated neck fix for new heads (they have one for Lelutka EVO but it doesn't fit Catwa HDPro well), and either tintable nipples or more colour options for them.
  2. I change quite a lot. I switch between human and furry, or an in-between hybrid, fairly regularly, and I also switch bodies; I prefer Hourglass but some clothes I have and like fit Maitreya only, so for those I switch to Kalhene. My overall shape tends to stay more or less the same but the sliders themselves will be different depending on whether I am on Hourglass or Kalhene.
  3. 5 times in 24 hours. It's easy to burn through them in a few minutes when you keep rolling the same crappy one over and over again. I try to avoid re-rolling for the same house type on the same day, I'll try different types, or wait until another day, unless it's a new release with a lot of availability. I wish they'd not count duplicate rolls of the same parcel in that 5. Or remove that parcel from your availability for 24 hours - in which case if that type also disappears, you'd know it's the only one currently in circulation.
  4. Bots often flock into infohubs during region restarts; they try to relog automatically but the home region is unavailable so they all get shuffled off to one of the Zindra hubs instead. If they're at an old infohub (not Zindra) they are probably there on purpose.
  5. Someone thought I was a hucow a couple of weeks ago. If she can't tell the difference between a cow and a horse, I think she needs better glasses. I'm curious about Kupra (I currently use Hourglass, which is a bit dated nowadays) but the sticking points for me are the price and the relative shortage of clothing compared to Hourglass. When (if) Kupra clothing starts to out-number Hourglass clothing, then I might take another look at it. I wouldn't say there's any particular body shape that I wouldn't ever use. I prefer a curvier shape but I have and still sometimes use Kalhene Alexa which is more a slimmer Maitreya type. But there are plenty of bodies I wouldn't buy for other reasons. Lack of clothing support being the main one. I was SO disappointed that Kalhene Erika wasn't made to fit Freya clothes. That would have been absolutely perfect for me. But I wouldn't buy Freya either because it's so out of date and doesn't have BOM properly enabled. I wish Belleza would just give up and sell their bodies with modify perms. Then I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
  6. Not as much as you might think. The pose is a static one, the tennis ball was attached to my left hand and edited into a position to look like I had just thrown it up into the air. Looking at the pic again though, I think I need a better bra. The ball isn't the only thing that's going to be bouncing.
  7. Good lord. I knew Legacy was bad but I didn't know it was THAT bad. The whole of Maitreya is equivalent to just ONE FOOT of Legacy.
  8. My First Life section has this image: and it says "Timezone SLT +8. English-speaking only. Only one other person in SL needs to know more than that." That person is my RL partner who is also my partner in SL (though he doesn't play often). I will tell people that I'm in the UK (though that's fairly easy to infer from the two items of information already stated).
  9. Friending is bugged and only seems to work now if both are logged in at the same time. But if your alt doesn't receive IMs either, I'm wondering if he has accidentally blocked you. Or maybe he's just not into you and he blocked you on purpose. 😁
  10. As an Hourglass user I was really excited about Kalhene Erika, until I tried the demo. It looks like it ought to fit Freya clothes, but it doesn't. It doesn't fit Hourglass or Kupra clothing either. And it's not a case of "almost fitting, an alpha mask will do". It's not even close enough for that. So, yet another new body that no-one is going to buy because the only clothing possible to wear is half a dozen items from the starter pack, and no-one is going to create for because no-one has bought it. I don't know why they didn't build it to fit Freya clothes. They built the original to fit Maitreya,. It would have been a superb opportunity to begin a new body with an already-existant range of clothes. If it had fit Freya or Hourglass clothes, I would have bought it today without hesitation. The ONLY WAY to get a new body established is to build one that already-made clothing will fit. That's why Lucybody is successful, and Kalhene Anya/Alexa.
  11. I have a security orb on my home parcel; only avatars on my whitelist can get in. That said, I've also put in the land description a note to say that anyone can request access if they can message me and tell me why. Sailing passage would be a good reason, and I'm happy to add other local residents who want to sail through. So far no-one's asked, but my orb has caught many avatars with blank profiles and similar names that I presume are bots. I've not bothered with banning them; by the time I get round to doing so, they no longer exist. So I am guessing that they are either used as a one-shot then deleted, or else they are getting ban-hammered.
  12. This version of my avatar is made up of separate parts; the skin is from an older furry avatar, I made my own textures for the head and feet. The head and tail are from the Cerberus Demihoss, the hooves are the Dainty Horse feet from Sweet Elite.
  13. I use Hourglass, and actually you can use both together, if you use the original (non-Redux) version. This version can be converted to BOM the old-fashioned way, using the Omega relay from Omega Solutions. So you can then use a BOM skin and tattoo layers, with applier layers over the top. The only drawback to this, is it will not accept system alphas, you can only use the hud for alpha. It is never possible, with any body, to have any BOM at all if you have an applier skin. That applies to all bodies including Slink and Maitreya. I set this version up for myself to use just in case, but so far I have not used it. I still don't own any body appliers.
  14. This makes me think that the MP ought to include the upload date of the item. A lot of stuff on the MP has no reviews at all.
  15. I have the Kalhene body and most Maitreya clothing fits well. The only issue is with high-waisted pants; the Kalhene body is much slimmer in the waist than Maitreya. You need to look for clothes labelled to fit "Classic" or "Standard sizes". Most of it will be older stuff, not many creators make these any more. They will have their own special alpha layers included. Don't throw away the clothing you've already bought though. One day you'll almost certainly buy a mesh body that fits at least some of them.
  16. You all have inspired me so I made a mural on my new Stilt (yes I gave up the chalet - though I love them, I love being on water better). One on the outside... And one on the inside.
  17. You flew right over me while I was sailing down that river . I was looking for boat rez points, and it seems there are only two; one in the middle at Running Bear and one at the north end in Buffalo Springs. There is no rez point at the southern end of the river but there is one nearby in the Stilts at Tiki Twilight. A couple of things bother me about this whole map issue. First, the person apparently working on it previously was Oz, who is no longer employed by the Lab. Second, now that a resident (thanks @Eddy Ofarrel) has stepped up to the plate, makes me wonder if LL will not even bother trying any more, since we have a (sort of) alternative. And the in-viewer map will either be left as it is, or quietly removed altogether with the response "You don't need our map any more. Go and use Eddy's map instead". I wonder if it's possible for an avatar or bot to take aerial snapshots of regions that are missing from the map (Chalet regions in particular) that can be added to Eddy's map? I tried to make one yesterday but struggled to fit a whole region on-screen at once.
  18. I didn't forget last week but I did struggle to find something silver, and ended up having to buy something new. But hey, it was L$1 so I'm not going to complain! Blue was much easier.
  19. I got a chalet in Alpen Springs. Haven't done much in it yet but I like it.
  20. There doesn't need to be. Once a group notice is in place, any member can go into the group notices and pick it up from there as often as they need to, for a whole two weeks. Self-service "Redelivery" is already built-in to the way groups work. If two weeks isn't enough to give everyone a chance then Catwa needs only to post a second notice 2 weeks after the first. The only reason I can see for not doing this is that she won't get that L$1 per head from the 15,000 or so members who are already members of the Catwa groups, so she would lose out on about US$60. Linden Lab should bill her for more than that, to account for the downtime for everyone else. And the Marketplace TOS needs changing urgently.
  21. Same error for me too. I guess free heads on the MP isn't such a great idea after all.
  22. Another trick is right-click and "Attach To" and pick an attachment point that is not the right hand. Vary the point chosen so you don't wear multiple things on the same point. I use pecs for tops, shoulders for jackets, hips for skirts and pants, feet for shoes. The point you choose doesn't matter for rigged mesh, it will go to the right place on your avatar no matter what attachment point you choose. However, unrigged mesh and non-mesh you should leave them where they are.
  23. There's no reason why you have to drop out; there are still bodies which allow both options. Maitreya being the main one. Legacy too, I believe (though I don't own that one). It's only a thing I do because I chose Slink - if it's a bother for you then simply don't choose Slink.
  24. Is Amacci still around? They certainly used to have a style like that with a system layer hairbase and attached bun (which would be copy/mod so you could make two and shrink one to get that double-bun effect). Ooh yes they are, and they still do it; Second Life Marketplace - Amacci Hair Attachment ~ Knot - Dark Brown Pack
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