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Sasy Scarborough

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Everything posted by Sasy Scarborough

  1. Make sure you have the most up to date version of Singularity, if all your items are there in other viewers then it is strange for them to not return after logging in somewhere else. Have you tried the SL viewer and then back to Singularity ? I wish you luck but honestly inventory over viewer all the time
  2. I read what you said as meaning it was knowledge to you that LL does things differently that expected all the time.... TOPIC ! I posted on this the other week when all that was going on and I got caught up again the other day, Ethan was kind enough to suggest that my reply was helpful even if not timeline wise. So things will come up if people go searching what they want to know about, and feel it is the best reply or on par with rather than starting a new posting, because I am guessing (not really knowledgeable on all the ins and outs of forums all over the internet) that all have their own rules on that, such as if a thread already exists do not start another etc. I have been trying really hard to check, and only doing unread etc, but someone posted before me so I got caught up with it being current. I also like the lock it down when its old enough, maybe there could be a way to re-open by vote but that seems like more tech than available too
  3. You said ... The only other reason I can see is so that the seller can disable the tint function and charge us for wanting to use it. That's a very shady way to make money considering the function is a core aspect of SL, and the odds of someone including the exact tint someone wants for their color scheme is quite low. That may not be saying every merchant is as far as intention, but it does read that way. There are not that many items these days that would lend themselves to tinting, they are textured, they are not tints, stores are not selling tints they are uploading individual textures for each colour, there may be some older items that had a tint applied but it is usually very easy to spot and not something to support either way. No stores that I support are uploading a base and tinting and saving multiple colours because again the texture is usually all parts of an item, so you cannot tint if it has buttons or a railing etc, it would carry across all. There were so many modern examples of why things are not modify as well, that have nothing to do with tinting, again with all the tech now used in merchandise it is usually very dependent on link sets so to unlink an item because you want to deprim it or whatever may mean the item is now useless, and again you may have a customer that knows to save, knows the outcome of doing so, but you will often have more that do not, and won't tell you they unlinked and or did something against what should be done, and so you can spend hours with them in IM trying to work out why something does not work as it is meant to. There are many that have tinting huds with items, if you are coming across stores that do not offer those options on things you feel need more options, talk to them about it, but for the small amount most creators get for a single purchase or fatpack for that matter seeing as most fatpacks these days are less than some starbucks concoction, to expect them to just open the gates to you getting unlimited tint versions of the one purchase is not so shady, in fact it just reeks of not wanting to pay for someones work. Someone suggested full perms, you can have at that stuff all the live long day. again you seem to think that that is their reason and I explained a few times, at least (made up number) 87% of second life creators want LL to give them the chance to leave tinting as an option, to allow to turn off full bright, to make bigger or smaller as needed without exposing the textures without being able to remove scripts that are needed without unlinking etc. SL is not free to play, they say it is as in you do not have to be premium, but there is a cost to everything, and if you do not have those resources as you mentioned not everyone does and I am fully aware of that, but if you want the things, you should want to pay for the things it takes as much time to package each of those single colours and fatpacks as it does to do the first, you seem to think that because they already have one all the rest are free, they are not, SL is a real estate game in more ways than tier, every single item a store puts out takes up space, costs to have on the walls, costs to list on MP in the sense of if it is purchased there is a fee to LL if it sits there without selling it cost in the time it took to list it, to take the pictures of that colour if shown, to present all the work. then there is the cost of uploads, the time to package to put in systems that also cost money, if not just using the buy option, then the land needed, the more you create the bigger the prim allowance you need, so you need to up your land tier and so on. Home and Decor stores have benefited by mesh in that sense more than most, but they still need to have somewhere for you to see their work. If an item is three years old but someone needs help with it tomorrow it did not deliver, they cannot find the left sleeve etc, you or your staff which you also pay have to spend time sorting that out. No reputable store in SL ever wipes their hands of a customer after a purchase, they are somewhat obligated to provide service to that customer until they eventually leave SL, but we got that item for the price of half a mars bar. If it is a specific colour you want that you cannot live without in that item, maybe there is a conversation you can have with the creator, there are so many events these days for recolouring to be possible, that without it being considered custom for you only, could be a way to have your cake and them benefit from it too. EDIT : you have posted while I was typing
  4. A mall would mean a smaller version of their main, not like an event where only new for the duration, themed or cheaper may be the rule. Or more like the old Quad days, sims shared by more designers, one tp fee giving you more range. You mention mainland, that makes me wonder, would there be sim crossing fees also? It could also mean more sims join together. I know its a fantasy question, but a fun concept on what would be the options S L residsnts would adapt to, Whirly already rigged the system with log in where you want to be lol.
  5. You are going to create a place for Bloggers to work on their own blogs ? on a blog you are creating ? you are going to pay them yourself, for what exactly ? There are hundreds of Bloggers, how are you choosing who gets to be part of the 'Business' ? do you yourself have a blog, what is your experience and knowledge base on blogging for Second Life ? are you going to charge someone to make the money you will be paying bloggers, can you provide a little more information on what it is you actually want to achieve, are you providing sponsors, do the sponsors pay you to find bloggers for them ? I am really curious on how you are going to work with the Blogging Community as it stands.
  6. I vote for the tp cost, though the outcome would be the return of Malls so one cost 50 stores not like an event but good old fashioned malls. I would end up Sasy5 SLUser and while it would be confused with Sasys all the time, and I would really miss my name but I would remain Alliterative \o/
  7. I just quoted in clumps but you get the picture. Ok so if you are really the age your name says, you have missed a lot of Second Lifes creating history. Does not make you wrong in any way, it just means you see it so clearly the way you think it should be vs the way it is because of so many other things. Mesh is only 2011...NO MOD has been around a lot longer as the standard. Before mesh (and not trying to sound like you have no knowledge but just explaining) there was Prims products only, with anything else texture/system layers. Anything that was prim that was mod could be replicated in world by anyone, you did not have to be a creator or even a genius, if you bought some shoes and had some time to kill, you could recreate them at no cost to yourself at all in a short or long depending on your skill set time. Throw on a library texture and tint away like a crazy person and send copies to everyone you knew, or set up a store and sell to your hearts content, it was very hard to scream theft of a cube that was manipulated in a way that everyone else could do by hand, so your screaming theft was often just ignored. So while some people moved a strand, or edited the size of a belt, seriously belted clothing in prims were the devils work, it was some used as intended, some just didn't wear anything they had to resize and stuck to textures and so on - it was easier to adjust your shape than try and fix a 87 prim linkset. Then on top of that you had people editing these things that were not really meant to be edited in such a way, but more just stretch or shrink and you ended up with buckles falling off and rivets shooting off into the air and customers IMing day in and day out because they could not get something to look how it did in the ad, and you tpd over and it was in pieces and textured with some snapshot they took of their wedding and it was a left shoe. Now in those early years, 7 times out of 10 items were NO COPY......... OMG I KNOW RIGHT, there were limited resources for buying for someone else without it being transfer only, so this meant that that wedding cake cute picture that was now on someones thigh high boot was no copy, so the creator had to then decide if they were even online daily or weekly or sometimes even monthly, to send a new set of boots to the customer, and then the customer still needed it to fit etc, etc. This was time consuming, we did not have vendor systems as such, we did not have a multitude of staff working for businesses that were entrusted enough to send a new copy and so on, so it was all on the creator. Then there were little hacks to SL that meant if the creator set up the package to be passed to giftee they could keep the perms inside as no transfer, so unlimited copies was possible and still gifted, but if the box was rezzed it broke that and you had customers IMing saying they wanted to see the item before sending it so yeah you have that. Way back when all of this and this is a speck of most of what was happening was happening, creators were begging for the ability to choose the permissions more selectively, give people the option to tint and resize only, but not see what made the item the item, not retexture with a RL picture of your pony and three kids by mistake etc, but nope. Then with the system layers, that was a whole other thing, you had people tinting skins and lipsticks and we wont even go into the whole the lipstick layer was on the wrong layer stack than skin and someone at LL randomly one day years later tried to fix that and we all looked like Ronald McDonald for a day - SL IS HILARIOUS! But you also had people using tricks to rip them, and change them and give them to friends or again sell them. The only way to preserve the creators rights in some way in this was to make the layers no mod, why you ask..... Well you see when it is mod, you can see the texture, it might be tiny but you can see it, and you could see that on the sides of the UV someone may have written THIS IS THE PROPERTY OF and it was that kind of thing that often the thieves overlooked when stealing and would end up in the copy and then the original creator had a leg to stand on. They added resize scripting, colour huds to texture change and tint through devices that gave the customer something to benefit from, but still kept their work safer. SCULPTS! When mod the little rainbow that made a sculpt was visible, again they asked, can it be something we check off so that they can still resize, tint etc, but not see what made the sculpt? Nope. So no mod shutters slammed shut all over the place, it did not take long until someone worked out that uploading with an alpha channel meant it did not show the rainbow, so could not be stolen, but still kept the shape, but like most of SL even if 20 people learn of this new way, it does not mean everyone catches up and so no mod was safer. Again all the tech, resizers and so on where often in place. Not perfect but it was something. This was all around the time of the Copybotter tech hitting the grid, did you know that that was developed by people that were meant to be creating something to HELP sl, but turned the gird on its side in the most epic way, stores actually closed down in protest and so on, so anyone that still had mod items again shut those shutters tight. Now in all of this you still think this is silly and does not protect because you are newer and you know and read and etc, and that is great, it is good to know and so on, but the only thing that creators had was this underlying knowledge by them and their real customers that something was NO MOD, so if someone was prancing around in a dress created by a creator that does no mod, and the dress was only sold at RFL in an EXCLUSIVE (that word was used correctly in the olden days) Purple only and only at RFL , in a sage green then all those that knew could contact the creator and let them know that there was a version of their dress on the grid in green, and with much sorrow they would seek it out and do what was needed and have more of their soul traumatised, because they just spent the last 3 days in sleazy malls copying out information for DMCA's on some other items they made, and while they stood there on alts gathering watched people tp in and out and buy the stolen items and talk about how good a deal it was to buy it stolen because it was a whole 200L at the creators store. So when an item is sold no mod, but has a resizer or a tinting and texture change option, and it is seen in green, well everyone is a bit more comfortable, and even though every other dozen or so, one of them may in fact be stolen, because as you said it does not really protect, there is not the anxiety of everything you see in a different colour is theft. Now sculpts resizing was mainly a this way or that, you could not do a lot with it edit wise, so scripting was the way to go anyway, because hand manipulation would have ended up with blobs. Then along came mesh, and mesh was beautiful and looks amazing, but again, modding it is not always a big consideration. A house or decor etc, has to be mod, sure, it makes sense, because you need to be able to turn a rug into a place mat, and who does not love a larger potted plant if you have the space for it. I love tinting a wall that I need to be darker or lighter, or any number of things just like anyone else, but have you ever tried to tint a wall and the whole house turns blue, or you try and move a door and you end up with the bake shadow? or you accidentally rotate somethings texture and you have no idea what you did and why now there is a staircase on your vase? While many do know what to do in these situations, or why they do what they do , a full uv bake for a building while furnished vs each segment having its own etc, many do not, so again they contact creators and they freak out and all manner of letting them know they could just rez another copy does not make a lick of difference when they already furnished that one, or are wearing the clothing in the exact order they wanted to and now that their shoe is glowing orange and their pants come off every time they wear a top, you cannot convince them it is not your fault this is happening to them. So many still leave items attached to right hand, many do not know you can change that. Many do not know that there is now a ring finger setting so if a ring was not made bento but is a singular ring, if you attach to that it will stay in place as it is meant to, people do not always know, so creators have one thing they can do that can make things not escalate into all of their time being spent fixing things, and that is no mod. Again many do, and many can learn and when I joined SL i could not edit to save my life and was terrified to move anything in case I broke it, but now I can edit all the live long day, but it does not mean i won't wear a house occasionally, or accidentally attach to nose instead of pec because i mouse stutter. So there is nothing shady about no mod, there is nothing wrong with spending hours if not days hand drawing every wrinkle or hand drawing every stitch on something and then not wanting someone to tint it fluro green for St Patricks Day, or buying one colour from you and tinting it every colour imaginable even though with windlight and sun direction you look crazy to many if you do especially when facelights and the like come into play. There is nothing wrong with wanting to present their work with those textures used all individually including the details they want and that tinting them does not always help them along. Do not misunderstand sometimes if clothing is mod and i can tint it a little creamier I am happy as anyone else may be, but I am rarely going to wear it out that way because it will in most cases look tinted, and fatpack is my favourite colour. But there is something wrong with saying they are wrong for doing so, or worse calling them shady, because most of them have wanted for many years to give more abilities without losing lots by doing so. I am not going to read back through my ramble because I may add more, and I know it is long because SL history is fun While mod is great, it has its costs and it is not always the customer that pays. Edit : Laughs Maniacally because it did not look that long before I hit submit
  8. I realised, I only brought up unread today, but I did catch one earlier, just dropped this one, maybe it will help someone one day still, a bit of Necro revival might help someone warmer blooded 😋 Why are they necros once resurfacing, wouldn't that make them Zombies ?
  9. Ugh I got got again, thank you Ethan 😁
  10. If you want to find a job, you need to communicate that need in a professional manner, the title of your posting with all the e's makes you look like you are looking at employment as fun. If you worked in a business for 5 months not knowing how to send a notice is a big hole in knowledge, no one has to teach you that, you need to just learn, you can either ask a friend with a land group or a group that has no one really in it to let you practice or open your own group so that you learn the ins and outs of a group and how they work, notices are not the only skills you need when it comes to group knowledge. Learn about land settings, know how to articulate what is needed to be communicated to customers in the type of work that you would be considering. Learn how to edit prims, make vendor boards, replicate them and move 50 of them from one side of a room to another turning them around and setting them against another wall. Understand what permissions are and what you need to look for in other people setting them. If you want to work in another club, go to as many as you can, and watch what people do, work out what you can do better, have ideas, write them all down. Working in SL is like working in RL and in some cases often harder as you are dealing with so many other things that can transpire day to day. Good luck with the hunt.
  11. hi, I hope you work it out, but just to mention that you say a SELLER and i know you cannot name names, but you mention the store and the items, and that store does not deserve to be dragged into it as they didn't do anything wrong and it can be misread. The seller is not a seller they are a Gacha RESELLER so that needs to be clear that you got scammed (potentially) by not the creator of the items but someone claiming to own them and selling them on.
  12. 327,354 - 29,037 Elements and I deleted about 60K of items last month
  13. I know this is old now, but make sure you have the option to warn you about trashing no copy items checked in your settings, it saves you from such a horrible thing happening in future, as you have to agree to trash the item. It is under notifications in preferences and pretty much all the delete warnings should be active
  14. I have noticed a lot of NEW oldies lately, people that made accounts way back, left and have only now returned and everything is new to them.
  15. I was reading through and had literally had a lovely memory about the same place It was one of the best locations in 2006, the flying pigs the huge mall space that looked like an open fronted doll house. The club that had dance balls for tinies as well as regular sized people, which I thought was the most considerate thing ever. The trivia games, and there was an outdoor chapel area for weddings and a dungeon for sex. It was so everything. I was once having a time to myself day after working, and was sitting on the seats in the chapel, and I got an IM from the owner of the Sim asking if I was ok, she was concerned, I was fine and I told her thank you for caring enough to IM... she was really lovely and I often think of that sim no longer being around as being a loss for newer Residents in the years after that.
  16. Do you know that you yourself were banned by a particular admin ? is this something you asked them about ? not all bans are bans by the people inhabiting the space at the time. I once tried to tp to an event run by a good friend, I was banned. I had never been banned before that I knew of anywhere. I asked the friend she came up with the name of the owner of the sim, I looked further did not contact anyone else, but then realised that one of the renters of a parcel on the sim was someone that had been declined group rights in something commercially related, her response to that - of which I had no clue of because I did not ever need to be there - was to ban me This happened years before. The owner removed the ban when the friend told her I was banned. I have also seen sims with people on ban lists because they rented from a rental sim business, and previous renters had banned people, those things do not usually get wiped away. So if you actually feel you have been banned from a location you have never actually been to or done anything on, then contact them politely and ask if it could be removed if you really feel you need to be there. If they really do not want you there, then you have to reason that if you are a good person that you do not need them either. Also in some cases someone reads cannot teleport into a region because it is closed to the public or under construction as a ban, make sure it is not just that.
  17. Make sure you always set permissions on the ground rezzed, and then when you take back to your inventory check them again, also a good thing to do is send to an alt before you send to anyone, that way you will know exactly how they are getting the items. If you are using a 3rd party viewer maybe check if the same issues are happening with the SL viewer.
  18. My bestie and my Mum know. I once tried to encourage the telstra (phone) tech support guy to join. My Mum knows all about Hair Fair, she loves that we do that, she knows all about the fashion and the blogging etc, the hilarity though at first was every time I would show her a look I was taking pics of she would ask if I made it, because she knew people made things here - My Mum has very high opinions of her daughters skill set - I had to keep explaining no, and she would say you could and walk away LOVE YOU MUM!
  19. I was going by the original post info only, and then confused by the LL assumption, but now knowing it was not an assumption of the word plants all is good. I still consider Plane to be more of a back end wordage, as it is a plane we use to create other things same as we use cubes or cylinders etc. Calling something a plane when it is not just a flat object can confuse the issue, but I understand now it being a plant the usage was to explain the lack of back faces etc, I think many got a bit confused by plane created objects when mesh first came out, I would not say as mentioned earlier that my snowdrift or sand piles are planes, because it is not necessary in that context, but plants you do move around them differently so the invisible aspect could make or break the desire of that type of plant. Thanks for clearing it up Blush, always on the look out for good plants. Edit : look at that not only is his store named mesh plants, I have used them for Hair Fair in the past \o/
  20. Oh it actually is a plant, I thought from what was said earlier " My item is described as 'very large planes with some slight curves and a high quality clean texture'. This isn't hidden in a long description. It's on the second line of a short description." it was sheets of planes with small curves for like building or something and the customer did not get what they expected, but if the picture was a plant, well that makes sense that LL said they could have read it as plant, that was where my plank part came in building pieces. @Blush Bravin I would not have put the two together in RL and SL to be honest. my partner builds everything mathematically, my bestie builds everything organically and I snap her things to the grid so that he does not tell her again why they should be . Planes have not come up since school until SL and creating them, to connect the two would have been a ohhhhhhh like blah blah moment, so again not something most shopping on MP casual user of SL may have.
  21. This just came up in my feeds, and it is pretty awesome showing us exactly how teachers/students are using SL
  22. I doubt very much that Plane is misread as Plant, but I do however imagine that someone buying a plane may not actually know what a plane is. It is 3d software speak, not so much end user in SL buying a thing that they want to do another thing speak. I know what a plane is only because I have created them, use them often for things, but if I told a friend that does not, or a customer that does not, that my snow ground was a plane because the other side has no function, they may not know what that really meant. If we are going to misread that word in that sentence, it would be more likely read as 'planks' as in building materials, than plants.
  23. For fun to practice your PS or just because you like it, go for it. For ads, no for all the reasons mentioned and the economy one the most, it is great to show you support other content and vice versa, I have seen a store wear another store and then the other store see they did and go shopping in their store etc and so on, it is a nice compliment to creators when other creators wear their items to feature their own, it means they hold that item in as high regard as they do themselves. I remember this being a thing for a bit, I remember one particular skinner doing it and people got really upset with what they saw as her saying sl hair was not good enough, it was not her intent, it was just because she found these fun hairstyles already made to add to her pics and she was having fun, sometimes that is all it is, but she understood the need to return to wearing SL content instead. Not sure if the same person, but everyone likes playing with new toys
  24. Yes, just me having feelings, nothing really can be done about it by anyone other than themselves as you said.
  25. Years before Gacha events I came across a Latex store that had a LUCKY DIP machine, I played that 15L a play machine something like 37 times and did not get a double until the 26th pull it was insanely fun, the store had literally put her whole collection of items into this machine, random colours she didn't release and so on. Then the Gacha event happened with the Chocolat sims, because culturally it is very popular and they did the red bags/boxes rezzed on the ground and you purchased them and you got what you got and it was all little token items, little toys, or food like stuff, it was adorable and cute and taught SL about something popular in other countries. The sims were packed and then they had to suddenly sell them, so when they did others took over and did a few more gacha like events, then it stopped. Then once mesh came along and items in volume could be created faster, and it took over in a big way. I like some of the creativity of Gachas but I don't pay to win anything particular, I will play with the idea that I like it all and it benefits my inventory ( I have never sold a gacha item, I will give them to my friends ) if I search rare in my inventory it is crazy how many come up, and are usually unpacked. If I like everything in a machine and win a rare first go I usually throw more money at the machine, because it feels kind of odd to win a house for 50L , but there are times when I will just play that one time and that is it, so is there a benefit, because there are stores now that only seem to gacha release, and then only get maybe 50 - 250 L off of me, but when/if they did actual releases may get 500 + For bloggers, decorators and those that just like redoing their space often, gachas are a bonus, because again we could win a house, a backdrop, prop pieces, decor that would have in the past been 250+ a piece now for 50L . I did recently read that a sim owners whole sim was returned to them, a full main-store, and because of the amount of rare and common gachas she used to decorate it, the Lindens would not roll her sim back, so years of work had to be redone to fix something not her fault, that was a big eye opener on whether having gachas laying around is a good thing. What I don't like is hearing of OCD people playing that makes me really sad and a lot do it, so they play until they get all the pieces of a set, and that is dangerous. I also do think that it is gambling, I do think that it plays into that part of people that have that kind of addiction and it feeds it, and that can be very hard to then turn off in the RL for some, so I feel that is dangerous. I also think breedables are gambling and the hundreds of USD and in some cases thousands that some spend on them is horrifying.
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