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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Just a note here, since Josh's post may confuse those less familiar with tinkering in computer settings: he has (hopefully!) only disabled the integrated graphics chip here. He should still be using a dedicated graphics card to run SL, otherwise he'll be running into a whole lot of problems. For anyone else coming to this and thinking it's a new post (it's not; it's four years old and mesh bodies as well as the underlying SL infrastructure have moved on now) the usual reason for a mesh add-on to disappear for others but still be visible on your own screen is that it has been detached during a teleport but your viewer still thinks you're wearing it. Same thing with HUDs that mysteriously stop working: they've actually come off but your viewer is still rendering them, and your inventory also still shows them as worn. It's usually caused by having too many things attached to a single point. Once you're dressed and have relogged, make a note of where everything is attached. If you have more than two rigged mesh items on the same point - especially if it's a mesh body part such as the body itself, head, hands, etc - then try re-attaching something to another point (but be aware that some items with root prims - such as hair - may leave you with a small box floating outside your body). To check ghosted HUDs, if you're using Firestorm then you can go to Avatar > Avatar Health > Refresh Attachments. Any ghosted HUDs will disappear from your screen during the refresh and you can then re-add them.
  2. There may be more info at the Omega website, if the notecard isn't specific enough: http://slpoweredbyomega.com/dev-kit-instructions-v4-0/ Things to check: You've enabled the Maitreya HUD's tattoo layer You've used the correct syntax in the notecard You've set the texture to the correct location (eg: omegaUTattoo, omegaLTattoo, etc) If it's not working on your body you can take it to the Omega store and try it on their test mannequins, too.
  3. I note that you're a member of the Lena Lush Body group inworld. That, and the details in your initial post - - suggest that you're wearing a demo of the Lena body and it's a timed demo. A timed demo is one that - after a set length of time (usually between five and fifteen minutes) will 'lock' and stop working, meaning that you can no longer change anything about it. Sometimes the scripts that stop these timed demos from working can cause issues if you're still wearing the demo at the moment of time-out. (I've seen at least one other case very similar to yours.) Since a demo body is - as its name suggests - just for demonstration purposes, it's only intended to be tried out to see if you like it enough to pay for the full version, which doesn't time out or lock. A demo - unless it's marketed as a "wearable demo" - is not intended to be worn full time. Note that a timed demo will usually announce itself with a warning in local chat. Below is a series of local chat timed demo announcements/warnings from a store whose clothing I was trying out a couple of months ago: You should simply be able to remove the body by right-clicking it in your inventory and selecting 'detach'. You will also need to remove any alpha layer that you had to wear with the body. That said, though - - the above suggests that you tried to remove the body via the inventory and have only removed the alpha (hence the 'two skins'. You're seeing the underlying system avatar's skin as well as the mesh body's skin). If you really cannot remove the body by detaching it from your inventory, then your only option is to reset your avatar. To reset your avatar you will need to look at the top menu bar of your viewer. At the far left you will see either 'Avatar' or 'Me'. Click that and - in the resulting dropdown - look for 'Avatar Health'. Inside that pop-out menu, look for and click 'Reset Default Female Avatar (Character Test)'. This will set your avatar back to the basic 'girl next door' look, but it will definitely remove the demo body. You can also look for the small viewer 'Avatar' toolbar button that looks like a man and woman standing together, and click that to see a menu of all the other default starter avatars that you can switch to. Any one of them will reset your avatar and remove the locked demo. Time will not 'cure' an issue such as the one you're having. And if you need to ask what RLV is then you're probably not using it. It's something that only exists in certain third-party viewers, and you have to enable it specifically. ETA: I see from posts that have been made while I was typing that you have contacted Linden Lab Support and they have reset your avatar for you. Please do still read the above, as it explains why you had the issue that you did, and will help you avoid the same thing happening again as well as explaining a bit more about how basic avatar customisation works. It also explains how to reset your avatar yourself, rather than having to contact Support to do it. Don't let a small issue like this put you off. The creator was not "being shady"; they simply used a method to stop people from taking their free demonstration body and using it all the time, rather than paying them for the work they put into creating the full body.
  4. Have you purchased the tattoo applier from a store? If so, then all you need to do is right-click-add the applier HUD from your inventory, then click on it to wear the tattoo on your Lara body. You may also have to go into the layers tab of the body's HUD and set the tattoo layer to show. The above assumes that the tattoo is a Maitreya-compatible one, showing this logo on the ad or HUD: If, instead, you only see the Omega logo on the ad or HUD, which looks like a variant of the below image - - then you'll also need to buy and wear the Omega relay for Maitreya before applying the tattoo.
  5. I don't think there's much specific consideration behind the themes, other than - at least for the last couple of years - a brainstorming session of "What is associated with this number?" 15th birthday theme = crystal: the traditional gift for a 15th wedding anniversary. 16th birthday theme = the 1950s and it's already been announced as "Sweet Sixteen" which is a title that many associate with several songs from the 1950s.
  6. I look at it this way: the standard menswear offering - the sameoldsameold hoodies, jeans, sneakers, sweatpants, and sportswear - is ten-a-penny in SL. It's ubiquitous, and if a guy can't find that when there are six monthly menswear events stuffed to the gills full of it then there's no hope for him. If a creator of that kind of stuff stopped selling, then - unless their quality was truly standout and stellar - their disappearance would probably only be noticed by those in their update groups. However, there are also people who make the slightly more unusual stuff: the Hotdogs, Gilds, and Contraptions of this pixel world. I want those people to stay in business, because they're making something different, something that I love and that inspires me. That's why I share all of my style credits to Flickr and am happy for others to inspect me and find out what I'm wearing. More people buying at those stores means those stores keep making stuff for me to buy. Style isn't down to just wearing brands; it's how they're worn, how you combine them. If you've put together a look featuring items from 15 different stores and he's copied the exact same outfit, down to the very last detail, then you have cause to challenge him with a "Dude, knock it off with the twin thing, or I'll start wearing tacky velour tracksuits or drag". But if he's just picked up on some pants or a shirt or an accessory and he's wearing that his own way, he's most likely just happy that you've introduced him to a great new store.
  7. Bit of a poor Photoshop job (cut me some slack; I'm off work sick ), but this is why your legs appear to be much longer than they are: Inside the yellow box is how tall your avatar actually is, from the top of your scalp to the base of your heels. If your feet were flat, that is what you would look like. Cover up the red box with your hand, and you'll get an idea of how proportionate you actually are like that. Everything inside the red box is the height being added to your avatar by the fact that you're on tiptoes (high heels) as well as the platforms of the shoes themselves. The red bracket inside the red box is the same size as the red bracket inside the yellow box, and from that you can see that the tiptoes and platforms are adding almost the full length of your shin onto your avatar height. In short: it's just the shoes (Plus, in that shot at least - as Orwar said - the angle of the shot is making you look even taller, since your camera is around mid-thigh-to-knee height and looking up.)
  8. You mean other than "Ooh, contentious topic! Let's see if we can get them bickering for at least 10 pages!"?
  9. Too shamelessly, totally too easily led. Too tempted to be so pure. There'll be angels. There'll be glorious redemption. Credits Gild for FaMESHed and The Men Jail, KMH for Salon 52, and Vendetta and POUT! for Skin Fair. Skin applier: Vendetta - Yvan* (T4 - Catwa, Omega) Top: Gild - Interval-T One Arm (Gianni, Jake) Pants: Gild - Pocket Jump Pants (Gianni, Jake) Hair: KMH - Hair U101 (naturals) Eye appliers: ARTE - Galaxy Eyes (Catwa, Lelutka) Makeup appliers: POUT! - Petroleum Eyeshadow (Catwa, Lelutka, Genus, Vista, AK deluxe) Brow appliers: Alaskametro - OnFleek Eyebrows (Omega, system) Tattoo applier: White Widow - Lights Out (black - most mesh bodies, plus system) Head: Catwa - Skell* Body: Signature - Gianni Piercings: Catwa - Bento Face Piercing* Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears *review copy
  10. Read my lips, Phil: Kindly stop trying to pull me into this debate. When someone has stated that they are not interested in debating, and a second person - ignoring their wishes - tries to draw them in regardless - that's verging on trollish behaviour. And you're better than that, aren't you?
  11. I freely admit my ignorance concerning scripted agents and/or bots, so I'm not here to take sides. Nor am I here to be 'edumacated' by anyone, since nobody but Linden Lab has the authority to inform me either way of their 'official status', therefore - if they have declined to do so - then there is no 'official status' to be had, and thus nobody can claim to be right or wrong. And just like a lack of consent doesn't mean 'yes' so a lack official information doesn't mean that one user's definition is better or more 'right' than another user's. However, that's beside the point. The point of my post here is that this, Phil - - is wobbly ground. Just because you don't remember someone being active in the forums in the past (or even ever, until recently) that does not in any way mean they are unaware of what's going on regarding technical and other aspects of Second Life. Do you remember me posting on the SL 'blogorums' (as I believe they were nicknamed) after RA closed down? No, because I stopped posting altogether at that point, and only returned 'relatively recently'. But that doesn't mean I am unaware of everything that occurred within SL during those years. That said, some advice for Selene from a certain Sicilian:
  12. If it's relatively small amounts (L$30 or less) that appear to be going out on a weekly basis, then it's most likely a group liability. It will show up on your transaction history (linked by Qie in the post above) like this: Destination: [Group Name will be here] Group Liability If you see that, then the named group has some land set to show in search, and is charging some of its members the weekly fee for that. See here for more info about group liabilities.
  13. The Jake body is very well supported. It's now the second most popular body to rig for at menswear events, after the ubiquitous Gianni. By the time I got to this thread the OP had already made their choice, but for any other guy querying which body to buy, my advice is always to consider what kind of build you want your body to have vs how easy you want things when using the body and its HUD (and also finding clothing). While a muscular body such as Gianni can be slimmed down if you're not fond of the bulky shoulders, it takes a lot of slider work to do so, and you need to use sliders you might not instinctively think to use in order to change the deltoids (focus on the shoulders, neck, and pectorals, and also lengthen the legs a little bit - Gianni is very top-heavy with shorter legs than torso). Other bodies - such as Jake - need care with skins, as they have muscle tone (and arm veins) built into the mesh itself, and the body has a very pronounced inguinal crease that - if you choose a skin that has a strong IC built into it - can make you look as if you spend hours in the gym every day.
  14. You can hide the ears on Catwa heads. If you want to buy ears from elsewhere to use with a Catwa head (once you've hidden the Catwa ears) some stores you can buy them from include: L'Etre Swallow Mandala Please be aware that you should not wear the 'Catwa Ears NoBento' that come with any of the Catwa bento heads, unless you plan to use animated ears from other creators. The 'NoBento' ears will remove the scripts from the ears in your Catwa head, which means that - if you ever want to use the head's ears again - they won't take any appliers, and you'll need to redeliver a fresh copy of your head.
  15. I've long adored KOOQLA's incredibly characterful skins, and wore them a great deal back in my system days, so it's fantastic to see creator Rocketta Haven's new male 'Vergil' skin (Catwa head and Belleza body only) out at Skin Fair this month. Credits Skin applier: KOOQLA - Vergil (Catwa head, Belleza body - Stardust tone) Shirt: Contraption - Jaspers Waistcoat (unisex - Suav) Hair: Dura - U87 Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Charm Eyes* (daylight - Catwa, Omega, own brand) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) *review copy
  16. What inspires my style? I actually have no idea; it's just sort of... innate? I don't mean that to sound conceited, but I don't really think about inspirations too much. I read widely, look widely, watch widely, listen widely. Over the years that's all amalgamated into something that means I can look at a clothing item or accessory and immediately start forming a look around it in my mind, considering what I can wear with it, what pieces I already have and what pieces I will need to buy, etc. Yes, I'm interested in RL fashion, and yes I even have a Pinterest account for Skell so that I can point designers to it for "Things other than sweatpants that I'd love to see made for guys in SL". I follow the fashion weeks (to a point; certain designers, primarily), and there are one or two people IRL whose sense of style I really love. But I rarely (if ever) emulate in any way unless I'm doing a deliberate spoof or tribute. Instead I try to discern what it is about something that makes me love it, and distil that into something else that makes me feel the same way. (If that even makes sense!) I guess others could describe my style in some way (I always joke that it's "Model T Ford - any colour, so long as it is black") but I'm a little bit too eclectic to put labels on myself. If anything, my style follows my moods, the music I'm listening to (invariably, my Flickr image titles come from the lyrics of a song I'm listening to at the time). Sometimes I even follow my darker emotions, and have been known to respond to things that make me angry (such as experiencing homophobia inworld) by pushing the envelope even more than usual in a direction that I'm certain the person who has angered me would hate. I can be petty like that. In short: I'm all over the place. SL fashion is my playtime; a time when I can just let my creativity go nuts. Most of the time it appears to work pretty well. But I always accessorise...
  17. Listening to Eno's Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks IRL while Skell enjoys a cigarette and a glass of red before he turns in for the night...
  18. Twisted Hunting at Sn@tch. Also just applied for a blogger position for one of my favourite menswear stores. I doubt that I'll get it (I suspect they might want 100+ likes on Flickr photos, judging from the application form) but nothing ventured nothing gained.
  19. The skin applier in your image will not work on a Catwa head. It's made for the Signature head, as per the Signature's 'Gianni' head applier description at the top and the Signature 'S' logo at the bottom. If you want a Catwa head, make sure you look for the Catwa 'cat' logo on the advert. As far as I can see at the inworld store, that applier is only available for Signature heads. You're in the correct place for appliers that will work for Catwa and Niramyth, though. Both the Nivaro and Birth stores (located at the same place inworld) have Catwa and Niramyth appliers that work together. They're two of the few stores that do. Keep looking and you should find one. The look that you want is very commonly seen through Second Life, so it won't be difficult to get. If you can't find a skin with the same slashed brows and facial hair, you can still use a browless, clean-shaven skin and add slashed brow appliers and facial hair appliers. Incidentally, Niramyth have updated their bodies to include an 'SL neck fit' which means they should now work (after a fashion) with any mesh heads. That's why Catwa stopped including a Niramyth version of each head in its own folder.
  20. "Would you set another place at dinner for my friend here?"
  21. Anyway, Jedi side-jaunts notwithstanding, this is what I've been wearing for a few days now. I love this look, so I was faffing around with Windlight and filters earlier:
  22. *eyeballs the amount of Sith on recent pages* "I have a bad feeling about this..."
  23. That's one of the default Catwa hairbases, and - because of the colour difference and its overall solidity in shading - it's not going to work very well with that facial hair (which is maybe either Mister Razzor or Volkstone?) I'm actually going to suggest that you make another purchase, if possible. You can either pick up the Modulus hairbase, as Marianne suggested, or go to the Stealthic store and pick up one of their two hairbases. Both options will match to your particular facial hair better than the Catwa hairbase will. Not sure on the Modulus hairbase (since I never use that one) but the Stealthic one will apply white, so use this video tutorial to tint it a darker colour to match your hair. (It's for tinting eyebrows, but the principle is the same. Click the left side of the hairbase icon to tint that; it's the one on the bottom-right of that set of icons.) The next thing you need to do is get to grips with layering. Your Victor head has two layers: upper and lower. It also has multiple areas, which are each on both of those layers, so you have things like: upper hairbase, lower hairbase, upper blush, lower blush, etc. What tends to happen with most full facial hair is that it needs to take up multiple areas of your head: blush (the cheeks section of the beard) lips (the moustache section around the mouth, plus any upper chin facial hair such as a soul patch that touches the lower lip) the hairbase (the sideburns section of the beard) The reason why that gap appears is that the sideburns area of your hairbase wants the same part of your head as the sideburns area of your beard. And, by default, all appliers - when applied from their own HUD - will go on the lower layer of your head. To fix this, so you can layer them properly and get rid of that gap - you need to save the appliers to the Catwa Master HUD, and use that HUD to apply them to the upper layer of your head. You'll need to be wearing the following HUDs: Catwa Master HUD M Your hairbase's applier HUD Your facial hair's applier HUD That's going to take up a bit of screen real estate, so move them around until you can see what you're doing. Once they're all on, follow these instructions exactly: Go into the Hairbase, Blush, and Lips sections of the Catwa Master HUD, and - ensuring that you have the Lower button checked at the top of each of those, click the Clear button. This should remove your hairbase and facial hair entirely. Click your facial hair applier to apply it. Go back to the Catwa Master HUD, and into the Hairbase section. Make sure that you still have the Lower button checked/ticked at the top of that section. Look for a save square in the Hairbase section that has the word 'empty' in it, and click the black 'Save' button under it. (You might see something appear in the save square - such as a logo or icon or a bit of shading - or the word 'empty' might just disappear.) Now click your hairbase applier to apply it. You'll probably notice that cut-off sideburns line appear on your facial hair, as shown in your image, because both the hairbase and beard can't occupy that same section of the head's Lower layer at the same time. Go back to the Catwa Master HUD and into the Hairbase section where you saved the bit of facial hair. This time check/tick the Upper button at the top. This will let your head know that you now want to apply the next item to the upper layer instead of the default lower layer. Click the save square (not the black 'save' button) that you saved the bit of hairbase to earlier. It will apply to the upper layer, and fill in that gap. What you'll now have is the following: Your beard on the Lower layer in the Blush and Lips areas Your hairbase on the Lower layer in the Hairbase area A small section of your beard's sideburns on the Upper layer in the Hairbase area Points to note: if any of the hair looks faded, check the Blend slider in that section of the Master HUD. It should be all the way across to the left. If it's not, pull it across to the left, and the layer should render fully. If you have any other questions, as Marianne mentioned, check out the tutorial on my blog that she's linked to. You can also join the Catwa Head Friends group inworld and ask questions there. My fellow Catwa CSRs will be happy to help you, either in group, in IM, or in person if they're available to do so. (Apologies in advance for any typos; I'm hammering this out while scarfing down breakfast before I leg it out the door to go to work!)
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