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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I don't add, and I don't ask. My contacts list is kept solely for: my partner, my fellow Catwa CSRs, Catwa herself, plus a couple of other people whose stores I blog for, one person who organised a modelling show that I was asked to help judge a few weeks ago, a couple of old and dear friends that I've known for years, and a couple of alts (for ease of money and item transference). That's it. However - despite my profile stating quite clearly 'Sorry, I don't accept friendship offers. No exceptions." - I still receive, on average, anything between five to ten friendship offers per week, primarily from people I've helped in the store's group, or from people who have seen me helping in the group and who want me to be available to help them any time they see me online. And that ain't happening, because the group is there for a reason, and there are boards at the store's landing point that will allow people to contact any of us CSRs instantly anyway. In the past I was less reluctant to accept friendship offers, but after almost 12 years in SL I've experienced every kind of annoyance when it comes to contacts, from the one who sends multiple IMs the instant I log in (before the world has even rezzed around me) every single time (then logs off if I don't respond within five minutes) to the one who constantly asks me what I'm doing and then informs me that they're boooored (because they expect me to drop everything and entertain them) to the one who tries to inveigle themselves between me and my partner of ten years (that one got booted to the kerb pretty damn sharpish). These days I value my peace and quiet. I have enough going on with support IMs and group chat for Catwa. If I chat with anyone in general IMs then it's either my partner (because I drop everything when he's online and he gets all of my attention) or my fellow CSRs.
  2. Then you get the ones who - when asked that 'A, B, C' thing - insist (sometimes rather vehemently) "I've already DONE all that!". So you try to guide them through other things, and - after another 20 minutes of fruitless attempts at fixing the issue - they say something that makes you realise they never tried 'A' at all. So you spend five minutes crafting a sneaky request (worded differently from before) to get them to do 'A' (which they had, of course, "already DONE!") et voila! The problem is fixed... after 30 minutes of around-the-houses, when it could have been fixed within two minutes if they had just paid attention to what you were asking them to do in your very first response. Ah, I love working in support If nothing else, it has taught me near-boundless patience.
  3. No apostrophe, otherwise it becomes a possessive. (Sorry, but the editor in me cringes when I see the grocers' apostrophe!) As an addition, I wouldn't want to go with 'Smee' because that the name of Captain Hook's bo'sun in Peter Pan. My vote would be for Vague Magazine.
  4. Make sure you're actually at the Maitreya store on Maitreya Isle region. A lot of other stores will return a result when searching for Maitreya, because they rig for the Maitreya body and therefore use it in their keywords. Using this SLurl (posted upthread, back in 2015) you will land right in front of the store. The body is visible through the doorway to your left: If you don't see that when you land (and if the store looks suspiciously void of anything much at all, such as ad boards and vendors) then you may be experiencing rezzing issues. Teleporting out of the region and then back in again will usually force items to rez.
  5. The last time something similar happened to me it was so hilarious that I had to immortalise it on Flickr. It was weeks before Skell forgave me Linking because of an f-bomb on the image
  6. As you have seen from the responses in this thread, other people in Second Life are not there for you. They are not there to "be available" to speak to you My autoresponse to non-friends is on all the time. As a CSR for a major Second Life brand I receive a lot of IMs asking for help during each login session, and I simply cannot get to every one of them, so my autoresponse tells people that I may be either AFK or busy and gives them a link to the group support chat where they can ask their questions. Each of those support requests for help easily takes between 10 - 20 minutes of my time, and sometimes someone needs more in-depth (AKA: simplified, step by step hand-holding) help that can take up to an hour or more. I sometimes have multiple of those IM sessions on the go, as well as helping in group chat support while I'm waiting for responses to my IM help. However, even as a CSR I am not expected to "be available" every second of every hour of every login session. If that were the case I simply wouldn't get anything done for myself. I choose when I'm available to work, so - if there are is least one other CSR logged in and available to offer support - I will occasionally ignore the incoming IMs, purely because I'm busy, or I need some downtime, or my partner has logged in and I want to spend my time with him. Sometimes I can even be at a party or event and still be helping in IM or group chat. I love to help; it's rewarding and it's something I'm good at, but if someone then came along and got annoyed at me because I happened to be out shopping when two IMs had come in asking for my help, thereby making me "not available" to be chatted to then they might be even more annoyed by my eventual response.
  7. So we're selfish if we don't let anyone and everyone rez on our land? BTW, this is what it costs me: (It actually costs me $210 per month, including VAT.) The last time I allowed rezzing - even for just a few minutes - on my land, this happened: Forgive me if I'm not keen to repeat that.
  8. Do whatever makes you happy, And screw everything else if you ask me. 'Cause life is short and we only got one shot, So let's go balls-out, give it everything we got. Don't let those losers take your magic, baby, yeah. #genderfluid
  9. God forbid that we actually try to be thoughtful and sensitive toward how people want to be addressed. Ma'am. Did you just liken me to a fascist? Oh look: you did! Please show me where I - fascistically - told people how they should say things. By suggesting that a feminine 'dress' theme might mean that traditionally (would you prefer I said 'correctly' there?) masculine men wouldn't want to participate in a dress themed event? Fabulous! I look forward to dressing as a lumberjack for our next 'wood nymphette' themed event! I also look forward to your many photographic contributions to this endeavour, as you have been enthusiastically active in textual contributions thus far, and so no doubt you'll be taking part in the various themed shoots, too.
  10. I took six images that I really loved for the forum's Superheroes and Archvillains photoshoot. Picked one for inclusion in this month's theme, but thought I'd make a collage of them all. I tried to capture the mania of Leto's Joker. Kind of difficult - even with a mesh head, scream animations, and the Axis HUD - but I'm happy with most of these.
  11. NOW you tell me, when I'm finished! I just went with the aesthetic of much of the studio shoots for this character, and those were white and brightly-lit with washed-out colours. If you're happy with a white backgrounded shot for this issue of the magazine, then this is my submission for it I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya... really, really bad.
  12. Then the theme should be something like 'light summer clothing'. I'd take one look at 'sundress' as a theme and wouldn't even consider a pair of shorts to be close to a dress
  13. Nope. I most certainly would not. It's not my thing at all. While Skell has done very specific trashy drag in the past and has been known to cannibalise dress parts for an outfit, an out-and-out summer sundress theme would definitely be one I'd sit out. And there are many other less adventurous male avatars in this forum who like to post photos and who may want to take part, but would feel excluded by a feminine theme.
  14. I'm going to suggest that the themes should be gender-neutral. A 'sundress' (or any other feminine) theme would exclude any male avatars from that month's theme (at least, those that don't want to make a jokey drag post, or who have genderfluid avatars who sometimes wear dresses).
  15. Bunny boy reporting for duty (Not the best of quality to be honest, as it was a quick off-the-cuff photoshoot, but I didn't save the outfit and I'm not finding it all again!) (OK for inclusion in the magazine.)
  16. We're not able to do that. The only person (other than a moderator, who may or may not look into this thread) who can do that is you. You can edit your own post up to 24 hours after you made it, and delete anything in it.
  17. I saw the original post before it was deleted. Sometimes the mere act of getting something written down can pull the frustration about a situation out of your head and onto the screen (or the paper) so that it doesn't bug you so much. Might be safer to do so in Notepad or on actual paper in future, though, because people around here can be quick to quote
  18. So you were happy that some "douche bag random person" found out your RL info? Oh, seems not. What if they had suddenly turned up at your workplace? Or your home? Started threatening your family members? Could you mute and block them in real life?
  19. I don't even know how this happened, but I love it regardless Credits here.
  20. Well I'll be damned if I'm missing out on all the bunny fun
  21. Enjoying a quiet evening with my gorgeous boy
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