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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Oh honey, they were muted - and abuse-reported for good measure - perfectly calmly. They were also banned from that store once the owner found out what they'd done. Their friend told me they were only joking when they accused me of being a perverted kiddy-fiddler. Hahaha! Do me a solid: next time you are equated with something foul, just have a good hearty chuckle. There's a good girl
  2. 'Credible' and 'Daily Mail'? That's an oxymoron. The minute someone cites the Daily Fail in an un-ironic manner is the minute they've lost their argument. That 'news'paper is known in the UK for its anti-everything OUTRAGE!!!!1!1!! You may as well cite The National Enquirer for all the credibility the Mail has.
  3. When it reaches the point that someone else has to change their behaviour just to avoid it, then it's no longer "absolutely hilarious". People take SL way too seriously? Try having kid avatars calling you a pedophile in open chat, just because you have the word 'gay' in your profile. That sort of accusation can ruin lives.
  4. Straight men wear Signature Gianni body. Gay men wear Signature Gianni body. Straight men wear Signature Geralt body. Gay men wear Signature Geralt body. Straight men wear Belleza Jake body. Gay men wear Belleza Jake body. Straight men wear Slink Physique body. Gay men wear Slink Physique body. Straight men wear Niramyth Aesthetic body. Gay men wear Niramyth Aesthetic body. Straight men wear Altamura bodies. Gay men wear Altamura bodies. Straight men wear ExMachina Davide body. Gay men wear ExMachina Davide body. Straight men wear NX Nardcotix body. Gay men wear NX Nardcotix body. Straight men wear Catwa heads. Gay men wear Catwa heads. Straight men wear Lelutka heads. Gay men wear Lelutka heads. Straight men wear Altamura heads. Gay men wear Altamura heads. Straight men wear Akeruka heads. Gay men wear Akeruka heads. Straight men wear GA.EG heads. Gay men wear GA.EG heads. Getting the point? A body is a body. A head is a head. There is no such thing as a "gay mesh body" or a "gay mesh head". Buy whatever the hell SUITS you, and whatever the hell YOU LIKE. Don't disregard a specific brand because some homophobic idiot told you it was "gay".
  5. Just finished judging a fashion contest.
  6. The OP is struggling to find urban clothing for men, whereas I see it everywhere I bloody go! It's ubiquitous in SL, and it's getting harder and harder to find good quality menswear that isn't 'urban' in some way or another. (Assuming, of course, that the OP's definition of 'urban' is the same as most others'.) There are six main menswear events in SL, and most of them are about 60% 'urban' clothing and/or sportswear, 30% decor, 7% accessories/hair, and 3% other stuff. Also - more often than not - the token male item at other events will be something like a sweatshirt, a pair of sneakers, sweatpants, a template t-shirt, or full-body tattoos, etc. The links below will take you to the Seraphim website pages for each menswear event (or to the relevant website). At the Seraphim page, click the view gallery' link for the most recent entry and you'll see all the items on sale at the event. Links to get there are also included in the posts. The main menswear events, as at March 2019, are as follows: THE MENS DEPARTMENT http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/monthly/mens-dept-the/ MEN ONLY MONTHLY http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/monthly/men-only-monthly/ MAN CAVE http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/monthly/man-cave/ HIPSTER MENS EVENT (not just limited to 'hipster' gear) http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/monthly/hipster-mens-event/ THE MEN JAIL http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/monthly/men-jail-the/ There's also the Signature Event (no gallery available on Seraphim for that) for those using either Signature Gianni or Signature Geralt bodies. Lastly, there are hundreds of male fashion groups on Flickr. A random sample of three that I'm a member of includes: Male Avatars and Fashion in Second Life, The SL Fashion Guys, and Men's Warehouse. Find an image you like in any of those groups, then start browsing through the other groups that it's been added to, and you'll soon find other stuff that you like.
  7. You're right. I should probably turn up in my usual hoodie, sweatpants, and sneakers
  8. I purchased my first mesh hair and outfit in 2012. Seven years ago. From the Community Guidelines: Abuse of Moderation or Moderators: Please honor our moderation process and the decisions that come out of it; they are being made in order to provide you with a productive environment for conversations about Second Life. We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following: Posts that discuss or re-post material that has been removed or locked by a moderator Posts questioning a moderator’s decision
  9. What did you buy, and where did you buy it (inworld from a store, or from the Second Life Marketplace website)? Depending on how it was put into the vendor you purchased it from (or the Marketplace) it could end up in any one of the following places in your inventory: If it was packed in a box it might have gone into your Objects folder. If it was packed in a folder then you'll find that folder listed in your main inventory, under all the other folders. If it was a single item (such as a clothing layer pair of pants) then it will be in the relevant section: all clothing layer items will go into the Clothing folder, etc. There are more places where different things could go, but you get the general idea. Dig around in each of the folders and see if you can find the items you purchased. If you purchased it from the Marketplace, that has its own separate section in your inventory (assuming that you're using the default Linden Lab viewer that you download after signing up). I'm struggling to understand why you're having issues with the 'wear now' option. What are you trying to wear? What avatar are you currently wearing? There are many different types of avatar in Second Life, but until we know which kind you're wearing we can't really offer any specific advice to help you out. For example: if you are wearing a mesh avatar and trying to 'wear now' on a 'system skin' or a 'clothing layer' t-shirt, then there's a specific reason why that skin/t-shirt won't show on a mesh avatar. If you're wearing a system avatar and are trying to add an 'applier skin' then there's a specific reason why your skin won't change to the new one, too. And so on. If you can share a screenshot (keep it PG, please, as per forum rules) of your current avatar and maybe of what the items that you're trying to wear look like in your inventory, we might be able to get you sorted out. You can use a program like Gyazo or Lightshot to share images here, or just take a snapshot to disk and drag it into the section at the bottom of your reply post.
  10. I've been invited to judge a fashion show on Sunday. Figured I should dress up a little bit for the occasion
  11. I refuse to purchase from a vendor that contains a morphed image on the ad. I want to see what that skin or hair looks like fully on a Second Life avatar, not what it looks like plastered - however skilfully - onto a real life model. Yes, I could pick up a demo and try for myself, but morphed ad images are misleading, since we don't only take in the actual item on sale when it comes to considering a purchase; we take in the surrounding areas of the image and how that affects us and makes us feel, too. With regard to morphed vanity shots on, say, Flickr? It's a personal choice, and personally I don't like them. They feel lazy (regardless of how much work has gone into the actual morphing) because the person in the image has put their face on a real life image of 'perfection'. It's as if they feel the avatar isn't 'good enough'. But I guess that's no different from the morphing and photoshopping that goes on in beauty and fashion ads everywhere. In short: not a fan, but that's just my preference.
  12. I just noticed this, so I've posted the same warning under each of those four posts elsewhere on the forum. There was already one reply saying what a generous offer it was... That reply did, admittedly, suggest that the OP posted any fees upfront so people wouldn't find themselves caught out by unexpected expenses, but it completely omitted that one of the options is explicity warned against by Linden Lab.
  13. You've posted this four times in various places on this forum, so I'm following up with the same warning for other people in each of those places, which pertains to the text I've bolded and put in red in the quote above: We want to remind everyone that giving another Resident access to your account or account information, by any means and for any reason, is both dangerous and not permitted by the Terms of Service. An account is intended to be used solely by its creator, and keeping your account details secret and secure helps you keep it that way. [ source ]
  14. We want to remind everyone that giving another Resident access to your account or account information, by any means and for any reason, is both dangerous and not permitted by the Terms of Service. An account is intended to be used solely by its creator, and keeping your account details secret and secure helps you keep it that way. [ source ]
  15. This belongs nowhere, so it's going here I just checked out last night's Oscars red carpet photos over breakfast, and a stream of delightedly-shrieked swear words left me when I saw Billy Porter's outfit. GAH!
  16. As I mentioned earlier, it's your settings. Depending on which viewer you're using, you can alter those settings so that you can view people with any number of complexity. Like you, I have a gaming rig with a "beast GPU", but I still usually keep my settings for viewing others capped at around 150,000 to 200,000 and the only jellydoll avatars that I see tend to be way over 300,000 and wearing old flexihair or complex jewellery. And, with regard to my own complexity, I try to keep that below 75,000. Usually I'm around 50,000.
  17. For future reference, it's incredibly helpful if you can state whether you want male or female skins. You have no profile picture here on the forum that could act as a clue, and only mentioned "a Catwa head" without any mention of which one, or of which body you're using. The only potential clue that we have to go on is your mention of freckles being "adorable" (but hey, guys can have adorable freckles, too!) I had to log in quickly and check your inworld profile to find out that your avatar is female. That said, I think Marianne also assumed you might be male, since I tend to get 'paged' here for male items, as per - Unless she's just paging me for Catwa help in general - which I will always offer whenever I can - but I think she knows that I specialise in male items when it comes to actual customisation. Sadly, this time around I can't help, as I have little to no knowledge of female skins. Sorry!
  18. Try following this video that I've just made.
  19. This section of the forum is for feedback about the forum itself, so your post doesn't really belong here. General Discussion might have been a better place to put it. That said, use the camera controls to cam down into the floor and grab the rug from inside it.
  20. Just to clarify, since Marianne has also shown you how to use the tattoo and clothing options on the Belleza HUD (combined with Omega appliers) - those are not something you'll need in order to wear the skin applier that you've purchased. You can happily ignore those. (Sorry, Marianne! I suspect that the OP will just get confused if they're shown about the various layer options when they've only just begun to understand what Omega is, and they don't actually need those layers at the moment. Too much additional and unnecessary-for-now information tends to lead to more confusion.) In short, @Juventud22: once you have the Belleza body, do the following: Add the alpha layer from the body's inventory folder. This will render your system avatar invisible. Add the Belleza body. Add the Omega Installer for Belleza. Once it's on your screen, click it and wait for the installation text to complete. (You can then remove the installer.) Add the skin applier, and - once it's on your screen - click it. The skin should apply to the Belleza body.
  21. Just to clarify this: they were blue not because of your own complexity, but because of your complexity settings. Your own complexity is definitely something you can keep under control, by wearing optimised content. The reason you saw that person as blue (and they were probably a jerky blue 'blob' - which is nicknamed a 'jellydoll' within the SL community) is because their own complexity was higher than you have your viewer set up to render. You can choose the level at which you render avatars around you. It's not recommended to use the 'unlimited' option, since there are griefers around who will happily use graphics crashers, just for fun.
  22. I'm not inworld right now, but Belleza's creator is called Tricky Boucher. Look up that name in 'people' search, then check the account's picks section. There should be one for the store that you can use to teleport there.
  23. Yes, Jake is the Belleza male body. You can pick up the Omega installer for Jake either next to the body at the Belleza store inworld, from Omega Systems here on Marketplace, or from the Omega Systems mainstore inworld. (If you join the Omega Systems group - which is free - and wear the group tag while purchasing inworld the installer will only cost L$99.) Since this one is an installer, you'll need to wear the Jake body, add the Belleza Omega installer, click it after it appears on your screen, then wait for the installation text to appear in local chat. After that you can remove the installer (although do hang onto it, as - if you make a copy of the body or it's updated at any time - you'll need to reinstall Omega compatibility into it again). Be aware that Jake is a fully human body, so if you want paws instead of hands and feet you'll need to find those as well.
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