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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Just some random studio shots of Skell's androgynous 'Syd' persona that I took last night, using some new poses from Hotdog. I'm really pleased with the lighting and post-processing on these: Two more behind the spoiler tag, because I couldn't choose which ones to post and I'm not going to spam four images into this post
  2. Put it this way: when Maitreya upgraded 'Lara' to Bento hands they did it for free, and didn't expect those who already had the body to fork out another L$2,500 for the upgrade.
  3. LOL, I didn't even notice the '1' was related to land impact. I thought it was L$1
  4. The price is different (maybe it was a special offer or a gift at the event?) but it looks exactly the same as this beach umbrella by Schadenfreude:
  5. It depends on the head. For Bento heads it's usually preferable to use the included starter shape (or a purchased shape that is created specifically for that head, although even those can cause issues sometimes), which you can then edit from there, as very few of them are rigged to work out of the box on old system shapes. We get asked this question a lot in Catwa support, and we always recommend simply writing down your usual body slider settings (Body, Torso, Legs tabs) - which takes about a minute or so. Then, when you get a new mesh head simply make a copy of its default shape and change the body settings to be the ones that you wrote down (again, takes just a couple of minutes). You can then work on tweaking the head to customise it more to your liking. With regard to the below - - @Nalates Urriah will probably be along soon to tell you how she does exactly that, using shape export and editing XML files.
  6. @Kyezell My guess would be twofold: Your cached version of this hair is corrupt, which is why it's rendering like that for you. The clue to that is in the 'squaring' effect that's also causing issues with the bun on the top left of the image and in the longer sections behind the neck. Alpha glitching on the hairbase would be understandable if the hair itself has feathered textures that would negate the need for one, but from the look of the ad image it doesn't. In addition to the above, she is standing against an alpha texture (the palm fronds behind her), which is glitching through her hair. There is also the faint possibility that you were cammed in very close from a great distance away, which could also cause that kind of glitching, regardless of your draw distance and LOD settings. Your settings seem to be fine, although I would lower your LOD to 4 at most (there is no need to override the defaults to change it to 8, and any creators who tell you that you need to do so in order to see their items at their best are simply not optimising their content well enough) and pull down your draw distance - unless you're taking landscape shots where you need to render that far out; it's simply not necessary to have it that high when you're doing close-up avatar images. At that high an LOD setting - combined with your draw distance of 1024 - your GPU is having to render in incredible detail the tiny prims on a necklace that someone is wearing in the next region. And, while your rig is powerful enough to handle that, it's just not necessary, especially if you're working up-close. Optimise your settings according to what you're shooting inworld. You can save multiple graphics settings in Firestorm, which - as a photographer - I'm sure you know already, but you'd be surprised how many people don't
  7. Presumably you'd already done this before I suggested it? Because otherwise less than one hour isn't really enough time for someone to see your message. (Not everyone is present at the keyboard, even if their avatar is inworld.) If the yacht is so large that it's encroaching onto your property then you can simply return it. Keep on doing this - over and over, if necessary - until the neighbours get the hint. If, however, it's not over your property then you must be sailing through their property, in which case are you sure it's the yacht that's causing the issue and not something else, such as No Object Entry settings on their land? (Also, we're then getting into the whole "who has right of way/right of privacy" thing, which is already being thrashed out elsewhere on this forum, for the enth time.)
  8. Reading the text under the error code explains what you need to know, even if it's worded rather clunkily. It's telling you that you need to have five posts ("5 content items") on this forum before you can change your signature. At the time you took this screenshot you had only made four posts, so it told you that "you need to make 1 more" post to get your total up to five. This post right here is that "one more post" (your post count is now five). So you should now be able to change your signature.
  9. Other than asking them, and maybe sending them a screenshot of what their items look like at the midnight time setting (because they may always use a daylight setting and not realise how ugly they look at night) then there's nothing you can do to "stop them" from having the items rezzed out. However, if you're using the Firestorm viewer, you can derender the items so that you no longer need to see them.
  10. Pissing people off makes you happy? And yet here you are, insulting "old people" just for a laugh. Tell me: what do you regard as "old"? I'm genuinely curious at what age you consider people to be unworthy of respect.
  11. You're welcome One thing I forgot with regard to the body appliers: another reason why you may not see body appliers in a store is that their head appliers might match to body appliers from another skin store. For example: Insol head appliers match to Bold & Beauty body appliers, and male head appliers by Not Found match to male body appliers by Clef de Peau (not sure about the female appliers; possibly the same?). If this is the case then there should be a notecard in the head applier's demo folder that tells you at which store you can find the body appliers.
  12. Yes, appliers created for one specific head within a brand should work on another head within the same brand. As always, the advice is to demo. Demos cost nothing (usually) and they can save you from making costly mistakes in the long run. However, the majority of head appliers aren't created for specific heads within a brand, and they won't say as much on the ads. If you can't find one for your specific head, try demoing any Lelutka head applier and you should find that it works just fine. With regard to body appliers: If there is no applier at all, it may be that the head appliers match to the default skins of a specific body (in that body's HUD). Or it may be that the creator only makes for mesh heads and system bodies (this is unlikely these days, but for older appliers it may be the case). To solve the Maitreya/Belleza issue you could try demoing any Omega body appliers that the store has (you will need the Omega relay/installer for Belleza in order to do so). Be aware that Omega appliers tend to be created using one body, and they may not fit perfectly on another. As before, always demo.
  13. Here we go again with using "old" as an insult. Bless your youthful heart; one day you'll be there yourself.
  14. This Ultravox classic from their Monument tour: Because I was at Eclipse Event and saw this radio tower that made me think of their album covers:
  15. You can just open the People floater in Firestorm, right-click on the name of the person you want to look at, and select 'Zoom To'. Your camera will automatically go to where they are and follow them, without any effort on your behalf. I did that to four people who were careening around my home region in Jeeps last night. I don't use orbs or banlines, so they were bashing into the walls of my home and just blasting around all over the place. I guess they were having fun off-roading, but if I'd been on the ground I would have been bloody annoyed at their constant smashing into my home. I was 1700m high in a skybox, but I was cammed onto the lead vehicle, until it hit the region crossing and what was clearly an orb of the person living on the edge of the next region, because the Jeep went flying backwards through the air, all the way across my region and into the one behind it. The other three vehicles followed it, and there they remained on the minimap: three motionless and one of them circling for about two hours. For all I know they're probably still there.
  16. The seagull is a much-maligned bird but with good reason, because it tends to fly in, make a lot of noise, and crap all over everything before it flies off again.
  17. Is it possible that you've blocked/muted PMs from any of the people involved in the conversation?
  18. It's possible that the person who sent the message has subsequently deleted it before you could read* it. That's an option on PMs, at the top right of the screen: *Obviously, you can read it in your email, as the full text should be there, but if it's not available in your PMs section, then I'd guess the sender deleted it.
  19. Apart from the unexplained multi-region bans, the above should be making alarm bells ring, OP. If there are "numerous incidents that are too many to mention" giving cause for concern then you should be listening to your gut instinct, not trying to find a way around it or discover why the multiple bans happened. Write those numerous incidents down on paper and take a good hard look at them. Are they worth taking a risk for?
  20. Signature body appliers will work on either Gianni or Geralt, but - as always - I strongly suggest trying the demo first. Aeros body appliers are not cheap, at around L$900 per single skintone last time I looked, so make sure you can work with them first of all. In addition, the Maxwell avatar is an older one, whereas the body appliers shown there are much newer. Even in the case of skin stores who create only for mesh heads and mesh bodies, if they change their body appliers they will usually not match to the old head appliers. Almost all of them will, however, update their head appliers accordingly, but system skins are very very unlikely be updated to match. I own several older Aeros system skins (used to love them) and I recall they were very detailed. Just how well they will work against a mesh body applier I don't know. You won't be able to use the neck sheath on the Signature body to blend them, as - even though you can tint it - it will be a plain band around your neck and will stand out against the detail that I know Aeros puts into their skins. It might be worth looking around the store to see if they offer any blenders or a neck sheath applier. It's doubtful, but worth digging around to see if they do (or even contacting the creator to ask if one exists, or if they would consider creating one). Give it a try anyway, and - if funds will run to it and you're willing to maybe leap into a new look - maybe consider a mesh head. You might be surprised at how close you can come to your original system look when you 'go mesh'.
  21. Hotdog, Contraption, and Cerberus Xing are all at Neo-Japan, too. Just sayin'
  22. Aeros do have Signature appliers at the store. Just walk past the head appliers in the front row and look to your right:
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