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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I'm also intrigued by the above, because this happens a surprising number of times in SL. Evangelists for a specific brand will go and hang out in another brand's store (usually wearing their favoured brand's group tag) and tell anyone who will listen (or will announce loudly in open chat to their evangelist companions) that their preferred brand is better than the brand whose store they're currently in. Or they will trash-talk the brand whose store they're in. I saw the latter happen in a specific mesh head store just last month, literally minutes after a new head had been released, so the store was very busy and full of people: [Avatar A arrives on my radar with Avatar B, then appears in the store a few seconds later] Avatar A: [just one minute after that, having clearly looked around the entire store in that time] these have got to be the ugliest heads ever i have not seen one thats nice Avatar B: [immediately afterwards] I Am struggling to find one i like also [both teleport out 30 seconds later] And also, very unsubtly trying to entice potential customers to their preferred Other Head Brand, in a mesh head's support group chat: Avatar A: 'Other Head Brand' is having a HUGE sale. Is your head brand having one?
  2. Neither Orwar nor I suggested that Gianni was the best body. We said it was the one with the most clothing support. At the time we wrote our posts, Gianni was indeed the male mesh body that by far had the most clothing made for it by designers, but I mentioned that Jake was rapidly coming up as a close second. And now if you go to menswear events you'll see that Jake has caught up even more and there's a fairly even split between the two. Both Gianni and Jake have their pros and cons, and your choice should not be dictated by whether some random good-looking bloke tells you it's "the best body" - because "best" is entirely subjective. If I were to tell you that the Slink Physique Male body is "the best" for me because it's the one that gives me the shape I prefer to have, because it has a few more "power user options" that I really like, and so on, then your "very good looking male avatar" acquaintance would scoff at me. Slink Physique Male is my personal preference for those reasons, even though not many people are creating for it these days and I've been forced by the market to switch mostly to Gianni. Oh, and it's also cheaper than both Gianni and Jake. Jake had a baptism of fire. It launched with some neck issues (which weren't fixed for a long, long time; well over a year as I recall), and it still suffers from splayed-finger problems if you're not using a Bento AO with high enough priority hand animations. For those reasons - even though I own it, alongside several other male mesh bodies and god knows how many mesh heads - it's still the one I use least out of the "big four". So, in short: no, the quote was not incorrect. You read it incorrectly, and assumed that Orwar stated that Gianni is "the best" body, instead of "the most well-supported [at the time of writing] body". And, if you're sniffing at the price, you're probably not aware that Signature often holds half price sales, which means that the body you deem incredibly expensive actually becomes the cheapest on the market. And now for the advice part of my post: If you're looking to buy a male mesh body, first of all pick up demos of each one. Try them on. Check out the availability of skin appliers for them (and whether options are also available for your choice of mesh head, or - if you're sticking with a system head - for matching system skins). Experiment with the shape sliders to see which body can be figured into the type of physique that you prefer. Then teleport around each of the six main menswear events in SL (links to all, plus galleries of what's available there can be found on the Mens tab of the Seraphim website) and look at the logos on the ads to figure out clothing support for the body that you like the most. Make your mesh body a personal choice, not a decision made via recommendation from some random good-looking bloke.
  3. Well, parts of Flickr are still up and down more than a tart's knickers, but I've been messing with some older images, so hopefully this shows up:
  4. If those are actual lines and they show up in all Windlight settings (even bright, well-lit ones such as Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim), then it's likely a remnant of eye makeup whose applier needed just a tiny bit of the blush area of your head and was left over when you cleared just the Eye Makeup section of your Catwa Master HUD. To that end: try clearing both the upper and lower layers on the Blush section of the Master HUD.
  5. Was it the Melino Style store, by any chance? Daros and I used to love that place and we bought a lot of items from there.
  6. It's the lighting. Either you're standing beneath a light or have one close to you that's slightly above you. If the line follows you around, it could be a facelight or a light attached to your hairstyle (believe it or not, some creators do add those). Go to the Catwa store (make sure you have 'region default' set for Windlight) and see if the problem vanishes there. If so, then it's definitely your Windlight, because the store is set with a region default WL that gives the best possible light for things like matching skins at the neck. Just to be sure, though (since the shape doesn't quite follow your upper lip line) make sure that you've cleared both lipstick and blush areas on both the upper and lower layers of your Master HUD. And also check the shininess setting (tab 2 of the HUD) for both skin and lips. Turn that off and see if the line goes away.
  7. Did you ensure that you masked the underwear layer on all sections of your body? Not sure which one you're using, but they usually come with both and upper and lower half, at minimum. Since the top half appears to work now, check that the bottom half is equally blend/mask/blend when it comes to layering. If it weren't for the sheer stockings I'd suggest just masking the underwear itself. As it's ribbon straps and not delicate lace it should hold up pretty well to masking. However, those stockings won't look good if masked.
  8. This is the good old OpenGL alpha bug, and it means that - unless you mask one of those layers - you can't wear them both at the same time without one of them glitching. The solution is to wear the tattoo in blend mode on the tattoo layer, then have a visible (but with nothing on it) underwear layer that's masked, then add the underwear in blend mode on the clothing layer. The masked layer between the two blended ones will allow them both to show.
  9. Wait... I get a WHOLE CORNER of the world? All this time I've been making do with one region. Get off my quarter of Second Life, all you whippersnappers! This oldie wants to race some mobility scooters and you're ON MAH LAWN!
  10. This forum has had three iterations. If all of my posts from the original forums had also carried over when this one came into being then when you checked my profile a little while ago in an attempt to prove me wrong about my own participation here you would have seen how far back that participation (and, therefore, my memory of those countless complaining "I want a discount/rebate/my money back!" posts) actually goes.
  11. Your company is not Linden Lab. You have every equal chance of getting a Linden Home as any other premium member. If you happen to be at work or asleep or away from a computer during one release of homes, you might just as easily be at home, wide awake, and right there at the keyboard for the next one. Every single time there's some kind of issue or outage to do with Second Life, we always get people posting in here saying they're entitled to a refund. You have at least ten benefits because you're a premium member. If you only joined in order to get one of them - specifically a houseboat/new home - and you have no intention of using any of the others, then perhaps it would be wise to pull yourself back to a free account until such time as the clamour for them has died down and each new release takes longer and longer to fulfil.
  12. Should they also receive a discount if they: don't use all of their increased 60 group allowance? log on daily and thus don't have any use for the additional number of notices/IMs that can come in before they get capped? don't pick up the free premium member gifts? don't need to access busy events and thus don't take advantage of premium membership priority entry? only use one worn animesh slot and don't need the second one that premium members are entitled to? don't use voice morphing? don't use premium-only sandboxes? don't spend all of their weekly stipend? don't use Live Chat support? Because, if so, then damn. I'm due a massive rebate for numbers 3, 5, 6, and 7...
  13. I'm going with Patch chewing the cables as stress relief from all the yelling from those unable to get a Linden Home
  14. Oh my lord, that is such a wonderful compliment. Thank you so much!
  15. R.I.P. (Rest In Pouts) Grumpy Cat (Credit where it's due: cartoon by Sh***y Watercolour.)
  16. Given how passionate I am about helping guys to look good in SL, it was a no-brainer for me to try and help a guy who was asking for male avatar customisation help in the forums a few days ago. I was about halfway through typing my reply when I realised that he'd already asked a similar question a few months earlier and received a detailed answer from me, to which he had never responded. So - instead of trawling back through hundreds of posts in my own archive to find that thread - I decided it would be far quicker to check his archive for it, since he didn't have many posts at all. And that was when I found the post elsewhere on the forum where he expressed to a female avatar (on the same day that I'd replied to his original post) his evident dismay that he was having to "talk to gay guys" about his looks (although what kind of conversation he'd thought he was having, when he hadn't even bothered to reply to me before... well, that's anyone's guess) and he asked that female avatar to IM him with some help. I then returned to the post that I'd been planning to help him with, deleted what I'd already typed, and closed the thread. *sigh*
  17. Don't give them ideas (But thank you!) Thank you so much
  18. If, by 'Maitreya fitted torso' you mean the V-Tech mod, there are a lot of suggestions in the below post. Some of those designers (off the top of my head at least Krankhaus) also fit for Kuroo, and possibly Kemono:
  19. Good grief, get a sodding grip. God forbid a real disaster ever befell you if you're reacting like this to not being able to get a bit of virtual land. And before someone rants that I'm probably typing the above while sitting smugly on my houseboat and eating Raisinets: 1. I'm English. No such thing as Raisinets here. 2. I don't own a Linden Home. Instead I've been paying roughly $250 a month to Linden Lab for the past 10 years (and I've been inworld for 12 - just like you - before you tell me I'm a noob compared to you, thereby deeming my words invalid) for a full region.
  20. If the Bento heads that you've been trying look squashed to the point of distortion then you're probably not wearing the correct shape with them. Many (if not most) Bento mesh heads ship with a 'starter shape' that you need to wear in order to set the ideal starting face sliders, which you can then begin to tweak from there. If you're wearing your old system body shape, or the Maitreya body shape, then most Bento mesh heads will look squished and odd. If you like the body of your current shape, just edit your appearance and note down all the sliders under the Body, Torso, and Legs tabs. Then put on the mesh head's shape and transfer those numbers across, and re-save it. You now have your preferred body numbers and the ideal starting face numbers in the same shape.
  21. Every time it rains you're here in my head...
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