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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Almost all of them stolen/copybotted from Second Life. And don't tell me they're not; I work for one of those Second Life mesh creators, and I regularly receive reports and screenshots of content theft on OpenSim grids for the creator I work for. Again, many of them stolen. See above.
  2. You can speak for yourself and all of your buddies, but you do not speak for me, or for all of the residents of Second Life.
  3. 17 so far, including one older thread that's been revived: People > General Discussion What would YOU do if you were Linden Lab? A brief note on pricing changes, which ran long. Wow Linden Labs, Just Wow. How LL can make more money, and sell abandoned land. What are your opinions on the new "Land Price Reductions, New Premium Perks, and Pricing Changes "? Group Shuffling reaches new level $99 problems Most exciting = all new membership level Idea for LL to consider Premium only for... Couple of questions about the new premium prices Commerce > Merchants Reducing Group Allowances for basic members could seriously hurt your SL income Cashout Fees To Rise to 5% The new featured are Ridiculous..a creators perceptive An even smaller piece of the pie Land > General Discussion Mainland boom set to slow down with new coming changes? Answers > Technical Group limits changing? (old thread, revived)
  4. I'm dreading logging in today, to be honest. It can be difficult enough to keep a large group on track at the best of times...
  5. This might be a good point in the thread to celebrate what could/can be done with a system avatar. I already spent yesterday digging all the way back through over 3,500 photos in my Flickr archive for another project, but I've just gone back far enough again to find some images that feature no mesh body parts whatsoever. Yes, some of the clothing is mesh (but even more of it is system and sculpt), but the avatar itself is wholly system. No mesh head, mesh body, mesh hands, or mesh feet. Let's show the possibilities and what we could/can do, shall we? (For the curious - and from my memory - the only mesh items in those shots are: the shirt in the top-right image, the armour in the left-central image, the kilt and boots in the right-central image, and the fur stole [and possibly the necklace?] in the lower-middle-centre image. All other 3D pieces were sculpt.)
  6. Thank you so much, Belinda Your images are already great, and you've thrown yourself into SL photography with as much enthusiasm as you did customising your avatar (I still remember that thread - heh!) so you'll probably progress much more quickly than I did. I'm not that talented at setting up a scene, and I rarely have the time to find the perfect location, so I've found my niche in the styling itself, and in setting most of my images against a plain background, working with lighting, and a bit of filter post-processing. It's what works for me, so the more I do it I suppose the better I get at it.
  7. Signature's hand animation option just cycles through all the hand poses, including the silly ones like flipping the bird etc. So yes, a Bento AO is something of a must. Try demoing the Vista 'Gerard' AO. It's one of the few male Bento AOs out there that don't have the ridiculous stance of putting your feet almost a metre apart and pacing around like you want to headbutt everyone for eyeing up your partner. Plus the face AO version of it plays nicely with Catwa Bento heads (albeit one or two of the eyebrow animations are a bit Evil Genius-like, which is kinda fun.) Salt and pepper hair is tricky to find. Some of Exile's older ones have a decent greyscale texture (haven't really checked the newer styles, but Kavar's not brought out a male hair in at least a year anyway). And if you want a facial hair applier in a similar colour, try Mister Razzor. They have some great grey-streaked ones. (Example of both the old Exile greyscale hair colour and the s&p Mister Razzor beard here.) With regard to him looking pissed, try editing the brow shaper to bring up the inner brows a little more, maybe? Otherwise, great job!
  8. I've spent the last two hours digging back through about three old hard drives and my entire Flickr archive for a specific project that caught my imagination today. Since I posted the latest update to Skell's persona of the Gentleman Bastard (which gained almost ridiculous traction overnight on Flickr) I thought it might be interesting to go back and find all of his previous incarnations. So that's what I did. Some of the older photos are a bit fuzzy because they were taken at a lower resolution (or smaller size) but here he is, going all the way back to 2008. He started out as a roleplay character - a thief, but a gentleman thief; a bit of a wicked, tricksy grown-up Artful Dodger-type - but as he's grown older he's grown harder and colder, as evidenced in the attitude of the most recent image. Also, I'd forgotten about the old eyepatch, so I might edit the newest version to have a slightly damaged right eye applier texture (maybe a milky 'blinded' one, or something like that). And yes, of course the skintone has changed over the years, but there's not a lot I can do about that; I just worked with the skins that were available to me at the time. I retrospectively blogged the creation of his character over one night of roleplay back here in 2014, but one of these years I'll write his full story...
  9. I use mine for nefarious purposes*. Oh, and alt parties *not really
  10. Quickest way to launch it each time is to pin the two programs (image and gif) to the taskbar, then just click the one you want to start up. Saves having to dig around in folders etc. Both programs are simple to use: just click and drag a marquee around what you want to capture. The image version will simply click, and - a few seconds later - open a new tab showing your image. The gif version will start recording the second you let go of the mouse. You can pause it, stop it early, or stop it altogether from the little control panel that is at the top (or bottom) of the marquee.
  11. You'll get used to moving your cursor out of the capture area Gyazo is amazing. All of us CSRs in the Catwa group use it, because it's invaluable for making on-the-fly videos to show people exactly what to do when it comes to fixing issues or working with their mesh heads. Most of us pay the yearly fee for the full version, which allows for one-minute gifs/videos, and keeps a full gallery of all your captures.
  12. If I may make a suggestion? That is a gorgeous image, but what it needs is not a frame. Instead it needs some negative space; some room for the image to breathe. I hope you don't mind me making some minor edits to your image, but I've put behind the below spoiler tag two examples of how adding some negative space on one side of the image (remember the Rule of Thirds!) allows it that breathing room. The negative space draws the eye to the subject of the image, and - depending which side the space is on - it can also affect the mood of the image. Personally - of the two edits - I would opt for the second image with the white space to the left, because it draws the eye to (and accentuates) the curve going up from your shoulder, past your neck, and up to your ear.
  13. I reached out to Arianna in IM last night and stayed online later than I normally would just in case she was in a much later timezone than me, but she was offline and hasn't responded. (It's a long holiday weekend, so that's understandable.) However, her blank profile with nothing but an old system avatar profile pic that looks nothing like her avatar in this thread leads me to wonder if she might be posting here using an alt whose offline IMs might not go to email (or whose email doesn't get checked). If that's the case, then my inworld offer won't even be seen. Issues like this can best be diagnosed in person, since I can verify if what Arianna is seeing is what I am seeing, but unfortunately - if she is on a later timezone - I won't now be able to stay online late again until next weekend. To that end I will suggest that she joins the Catwa Head Friends group and asks another of my fellow CSRs to help, if I am offline when she next logs in and she still needs assistance.
  14. Would he prefer to be called the Gangster of Love? Or just... Maurice?
  15. Soon after Ebbe took over as CEO Linden Lab released a "What would you like to see from Marketplace?" questionnaire. One of the things I asked for was an on-site RSS feed where you could add your favourite stores and your feed would update every time those stores released something new, or even an RSS button for each store's page so I could add them to my own feed reader. The favourite stores option has now been added, which is great, but we still have to click into them manually and sort by newest first to see if they've released something new. I do realise that I could subscribe to inworld groups and mailing lists, but I'm already up to 60 groups and multiple lists, so I'm reluctant to add any more. I also subscribe to store Flickr groups and I follow blogs, but I would love an option to check for updates on a single page.
  16. Two things to check: That you're not wearing two copies of the body (sounds bizarre but it can happen, especially if you're using outfits and the 'add to outfits' option). That you've not applied the tattoos to more than one layer, as this will cause them to suffer from the OpenGL alpha glitch problem that SL is somewhat renowned for. On your body's HUD, make sure that only one of the layers is enabled, out of the tattoo, underwear, and clothing layers. Also, is this happening at heights above 1000m? Does it also happen at ground level?
  17. Apologies for not getting back to this sooner, Arianna. I saw your post about how a change of hairbase had fixed the problem and thought you'd simply discovered some glitch I'd not come across before! I completely missed your follow-up post saying that the issue had returned. Some questions: 1. Do others see you with that white line, or is it only you that sees it? If it's only you then Nextio's suggestion to clear the viewer cache is the correct thing to try. If only you are seeing a visual issue with regard to your head and everyone else sees you without that issue, then it's usually either a cache problem on your end, or some setting that you've either enabled or disabled. 2. Did the white line show, even on the freshly-redelivered copy of your Catya head, out of the box and with the default skin applier? Please check again by re-unpacking that delivery and adding the newly-unpacked head, then verify (without changing anything else) that the Shininess setting outlined below has the slider all the way to the bottom (or click the 'x' beneath the slider) for the button skin and both sides of the lips button (one side is for the upper layer of the head and one for the lower layer) - 3. Did you teleport to the Catwa store (with 'Region Windlight' enabled), as I suggested in my previous post, and check for the white line while there? 4. Please also go into your viewer's Graphics Preferences settings and ensure that both Hardware Skinning and Anistropic Filtering are checked. Exact locations of these may vary depending on your viewer, but in Firestorm they're in the locations outlined in the images below: If you'd like me to help you one-to-one (I'm a CSR for Catwa; you'll find my name listed in Catwa Clip's profile picks if you want to verify before contacting me) then let me know when you'll be inworld today. I'll log in especially if I'm not already inworld, and I'll also reach out to you in an IM once I log in later today; just respond once you're available. My timezone is GMT, so I'm on SLT +8.
  18. That was the decision I weighed up, too. The hair works surprisingly well, so I decided it was worth the $$ in the long run. And I've worn it several times since then.
  19. Just be warned: they were only in the fatpack of that hair...
  20. First couple of images as an 'official' for Zibska. Much gladsome shrieking was had when I found out I'd landed that gig, because by god I freakin' love Zib Scaggs' work!
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