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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. The non-Bento Catwa heads (such as Justin) have two layers for the hairbase, so apply the hairbase to Layer 2 and the beard will go on its only layer. They should match up that way.
  2. It's my direction, my proposal. The 'Saturday night snap' seems to be a thing for me these days, so here's how Skell looks tonight. Pretty casual, all things considered
  3. Not sure if this has already been shared here, but someone just messaged me on FB with this, and I laughed so hard at the end that I think I might have broken something
  4. With one of these. Most taxi drivers in the UK now have them, and many small business owners use them.
  5. You missed a trick there with that animation name, Cris. FIFY:
  6. A hug is the perfect gift; one size fits all, and nobody minds if you return it... Unisex self-hug animation by Catwa for Manly Weekend (already out now at the store landing point, and also on Marketplace). Full credits here; short video of it in action here.
  7. Since every brand of head does this differently, it would be tremendously helpful for us if we knew which brand of head (and which head name, since within some brands there are different types of head) you are using.
  8. One voice at a time... Zibska for We ❤️ Roleplay, plus a gorgeous new texture add-on pack from ContraptioN. The lipstick is currently free at the La Malvada Mujer store (alongside lots of other items) for one more week. Full credits here.
  9. I'm not familiar with this body, but one thing to check is what the inventory icon for the tights looks like. If the icon looks like either a pair of pants or socks, or a pink squiggly 'dragon' then it's a system layer and your body is using BoM (Bakes on Mesh) in order to show it. To fix that, just take off the system layer and your legs should return to normal. If the icon looks like a golden cube that - when added - puts a HUD on screen that you click to apply the tights, and if clearing and resetting all of the layers didn't work then you may need to get a redelivery of the body from the eBody store and use the new copy. In either case, I would check the WORN tab of your inventory and look for any icon that resembles a pair of pants, socks, or that pink squiggly 'dragon' (which is the icon for a tattoo layer), just in case your body is using BoM and you have something else on that's causing this black texture. If you can't find anything, then redeliver the body. As I said, I'm not familiar with this body. Someone else who is familiar with it may come along later with more in-depth knowledge of what could be causing the issue, but as someone who works as a CSR for a major mesh head brand those are the things I would ask you to check first of all if you came into our support group for help with a similar issue. I hope you can get it fixed quickly!
  10. Surface tension... Cureless Redlabel and Soul for The Men's Dept. Full credits here.
  11. Stuff You Missed in History Class: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/stuff-you-missed-in-history-cl-21124503/ The Order of the Good Death: http://www.orderofthegooddeath.com/podcast Damn Interesting: https://www.damninteresting.com/podcast/
  12. Depending on which Catwa head you bought (Bento or non-Bento) the developer kit will either be included in the head's folder (for the Bento heads) or free beside the head's ad board in the store (for non-Bento heads). It includes a notecard explaining how to use it.
  13. To be fair, the higher quality look is all mods, and the ray tracing that is being used there - if the comments are anything to go by on this kind of video - requires a pretty powerful computer. That's probably not the sort of question you should be asking someone who is a CSR for Catwa I don't personally think that it is, but I was just stepping in (apologies, Lillith!) to clarify something that was clearly intended as a compliment. ETA: I'm going to add to the above in that I also think the quality of that photo in particular is really good. The composition and lighting, the whole look that you had going on there; everything combined makes it seem a 'step up', if that makes sense. That's not to belittle any photos that you've taken in the past, but we all improve as we continue doing something that we love, we get better at it, and sometimes it takes changing one thing to inspire us to do that - either consciously or subconsciously.
  14. I get what Lillith is trying to say here. I think that when she likened your 'new look' to Minecraft with all the bells and whistles she meant especially Minecraft with additional texture packs, shaders and ray tracing, which actually makes it look amazing. There are tons of YT videos showing before/after with that kind of thing, but here is just one example. (Disclaimer: I don't play Minecraft and have no interest in playing it, but I occasionally watch some of the building videos because - like the classic prim-building in SL - it interests me to see how people put things together.)
  15. One thing I would suggest checking, and that's for any gloss/shine/environment/materials (it could be called any of those) settings or values on both the head and the body. I recall quite some time ago someone on this forum having the same issue, and it was fixed by changing something to do with that on the Genus head. Check the body also, though, just to be sure. If you have different levels of glossiness/shine/etc on the head and the body it can give the same 'line' effect at the neck, no matter which brands you're using.
  16. Absolutely! The second I saw that sign, my brain went "MINE!" LOL! I have several homes, and the one I usually use is a lot less glam and a lot more cosy. However, I've been picking up so much gorgeous stuff at weekend sales lately that I decided to start work on an additional home that is more glam. Only this corner is done so far, but I love it.
  17. 'Working' from home... Full credits list here.
  18. Yep. We had a doozie earlier. Paraphrased: "I'm so disappointed with Catwa because she's not giving away any head for the worldwide crisis." Didn't know that giving out free mesh heads is the cure for COVID-19...
  19. I wouldn't want to be a CSR in the Genus group right now. They're going to be fielding a lot of anger from people who scrimped and saved to afford their Genus Strong head, only to see it given away free, even if it is a slightly different version. Those who can afford multiple heads can afford to be magnanimous, but I feel sorry for those who struggled to afford just that one.
  20. Welcome to Second Life The bit I've quoted up there is important if we're going to be able to help you. Second Life doesn't work like many other games (and I use that word loosely, so as not to drag this thread down into the 'game vs virtual world' debate), in that here you generally don't just choose one avatar and then everything you buy or pick up to customise it will automatically fit it. Scylla has given you a great basic rundown of the difference between system (or 'classic') avatars versus mesh avatars, but it would really help us to help you if we know exactly what you've bought! I'm not talking about clothing etc, but rather about the basics such as skins, and whether you've purchased a mesh body and/or head, or whether you're sticking to the system avatar that you started out with and just want to customise that a bit more. It also helps to know the gender of your avatar if you're happy to give that, and if you're going to use a gendered avatar as opposed to a non-gendered avatar (and even with a non-gendered avatar you will still start out with a specific male- or female-gendered body, unless you purchase one of the specific 'androgyne' bodies). You also, of course, have the option of other avatars that aren't even human in appearance. There is a large furry community in SL, as well as communities for other non-human avatars. As you can guess, this all means we can help you better if we know what you want to look like! Assuming that you're opting for a human avatar, there are a multitude of ways to customise it in SL, and they can be quite confusing for a newcomer. Just a small handful of examples: system/BoM [Bakes on Mesh] skins or applier skins (and for Catwa? Lelutka? Genus? Belleza? Maitreya? Slink?) standard sizing mesh jacket or Maitreya-rigged mesh jacket (or Belleza-rigged, or Signature-rigged, or... etc) makeup for Catwa or Genus or Lelutka or LAQ or Omega (or any other brand!) additional consideration for male avatars: unrigged facial hair or Bento-rigged facial hair (and - if Bento-rigged, for which brand of head and which exact head) If that all looks confusing, then I'm afraid it rather is when you first dive into SL! This is why we ask the questions that I've asked at the start of my reply, to find out exactly what you've bought so far, so we can offer you the best help we can based on what we know of your choices. So: are you sticking with the avatar you started with, and want to customise that? if you've bought a body, which brand did you buy, and what's the name of the body? if you've bought a head, which brand did you buy, and what's the name of the head? have you bought a skin for your avatar? If so, what does the icon for it look like in your inventory, and does it state something like Catwa or Lelutka or BoM (or anything else like that) in its name? Your answers to those will help us to let you know what to do in order to make your avatar look fantastic
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