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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Thank you! It's a bit outside my usual comfort zone, but I thought I'd push myself in a different direction for a change
  2. State of Flux... Tentacio for Fifty Linden Fridays. Plus all Ritual skins are L$100 until further notice: multiple heads and bodies including appliers and BoM. Full credits here. (This one ended up a lot brighter than I'd expected it to. I think Syd might just kill me for putting him in this much pink...)
  3. Liz Climo's take on working from home:
  4. I think what the OP might mean is 'spankers' and not 'clickers', perhaps?
  5. Update on this. He has just completed his 100th lap, and the total now stands at £13m.
  6. The group chat lag has been getting progressively worse since more people are staying at home. It's especially frustrating for those of us who are marked as moderators for group chats, as we're often the ones whose messages don't get through, and we have to sit and watch while other messages (often with misinformation and the like) do go through from random group members. I've asked on a few occasions if there is any way to fast-track or prioritise messages sent by group moderators and owners, but I'm not sure if the group chat code even allows for tweaks like that. In fact, while I think about it, I'm going to tag @Oz Linden and ask if that could be done. Oz, might it be possible to prioritise group chat messages sent by those assigned to 'senior' roles such as Moderator in groups? Moderators are the ones whose messages sometimes need to be seen urgently, but we suffer the same kind of lag as everyone else. I'm not sure if that's even possible with the code as it is, but if you don't ask... It's particularly vital when there's some kind of trouble (such as an active scammer spamming large events with items with our group's name on them) doing the rounds and lots of people start popping into chat to ask "is this legit?" and our replies are not going through! Not only that, but some people get irritated when they ask a question and seemingly no response is forthcoming, even though I have tried three times to get an answer out to them. It appears to them as 'poor service' when it actually isn't. I end up taking the reply into IM with them, and have to explain that they were not being ignored. Sometimes they accept that, other times they've given up and logged off. Occasionally I get a mouthful of abuse in response We try not to IM unless the person wants to, or if they're being deliberately awkward and causing issues in chat, or if they're struggling to understand because the chat is busy with other questions, or if their query is going to take a long time and monopolise the chat for (potentially) hours. Keeping assistance in the main chat always helps the several hundred silent lurkers always on the edge of the chat window who are just watching. That's why so many large support groups (the one I work in among them) have had to resort to opening Discord channels as secondary avenues of support. It's not ideal, I'll admit, but when you encounter these frustrations on a daily basis it's good to have another - non-laggy (mostly) - place in which to herd cats help people.
  7. A 99-year-old army veteran set out to raise £1,000 for the NHS (the UK National Health Service) by completing 100 laps of his garden using his walker: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52290976 He has just been told that he has raised FIVE MILLION POUNDS: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-52296313/coronavirus-army-veteran-tom-moore-finds-out-he-s-raised-5m-for-nhs
  8. People who are rude and sarcastic when others are trying to help them.
  9. I've been working inworld support for a major creator for over two years. Sarcastic complainers like you (seriously, was that emoji absolutely necessary?) are the ones who cause me the most hassle, and usually take up the greatest amount of my time, at the expense of people who actually appreciate that someone is taking time out of their day to help them. Those appreciative people are also willing to work with me instead of complaining about me. I will normally spend hours of my limited login time, patiently explaining things to people, but when they get pissy at me like you have here, they end up with this kind of irritated response from me instead, because I'm here to help, not to be b!tched-at. However, since I apparently have the patience of both a saint and a masochist, I will point you to the bit in my original post that you COMPLETELY IGNORED:
  10. No need to run the beta client. Just use the web browser version at discordapp.com. That's what I do. I have the program itself for my RL stuff and I use the web browser version in Chrome for anything SL-related using Skell's name. ETA: I do, btw, agree with your gripe about the lack of multi-account support. It's one of the things that users are constantly asking for.
  11. You do not need any installer to have BoM on your Slink body. Just look in your Hourglass folder for a body with the word 'REDUX' in its name. (If you don't see one, then get a redelivery.) That REDUX version of the body is fully BoM, with no need for any installers, relays, or activation. Just add-n-go.
  12. We need a lot more information before we can help you with this, but I doubt very much that it's a 'hack script'. Are you using a system head or a mesh head? If using a mesh head, which brand is it? (Catwa, Lelutka, Genus, etc.) If using a mesh head, which name of head is it? (Catwa 'Catya', Lelutka 'Nova', Genus 'Strong' etc) If using a mesh head, which version is your head? (Catwa v4.5, etc) If using a mesh head, are you using the Bakes on Mesh (BoM) capability, or are you using appliers? A screenshot of exactly what you're seeing would also be very useful in diagnosing the problem. The only 'all white' eyes problem I can think of (and it's coming to mind because you say you're on an island and you therefore might have been swimming in Linden water) is this one affecting much older versions of Catwa Bento heads. That issue was fixed a long time ago, and all Catwa Bento heads are now on v4.5, so if you're using an old Catwa Bento head and that video link shows you the issue you're seeing, visit the store and redeliver your original purchase. Unpack it, and the current v4.5 update will be inside.
  13. If those shoes are heels then the hover height is working exactly as it should do. You're having 'no problems' with the heels, so hover height is A-OK when wearing them. Did you put the hover height in your shape edit window to 50, as shown by Lindal? Because that's where that should be. Now, how about this hover height - the other one that she mentioned - below? See that it's currently set to 0.175? That is the on-the-fly hover height adjuster that is used when you wear heels that have no shoebase (or for when the shoebase isn't quite right). It adjusts your avatar's height off the ground, or off anything else. If you're sitting down on a poseball (or any animated furniture) while wearing heels that have that specific hover height adjustment panel set to accommodate your height change (so that your feet don't sink into the floor when wearing those heels and standing - and yes, this will also happen even if you take those heels off but don't change this number), then you will hover 0.175m off that poseball or animated furniture. That window is there for you to make quick adjustments to accommodate that, without having to go into Edit Shape. This is what you'll need to change that to when sitting down. It takes all of a couple of seconds to click the toolbar button and type in the number, and you will be sitting correctly on the furniture: The 'newbie' thing is because you're a newbie to the forum - having made only one previous post here. (The date of that post - July 2018 - does not make you an 'oldbie' on the forum; the 'newbie' simply refers to the fact that you don't post here much at all. It's numbers, not time.) It is not suggesting that you are a newbie to Second Life. See above. I probably shouldn't have bothered after such breathtaking rudeness from you towards two people who took time out of their day to help you, but you clearly didn't seem to understand how to thank those people for the suggestions given, so I thought that perhaps some pictures and simpler language might help.
  14. EDIT: Clearly the forum glitched out massively while I was writing this post (it timed out when showing the preview), showing only the images and not the text or quotes, so I'm going to edit this and re-post.
  15. Pretty fierce in my dancin' shoes... Boys to the Bone for The Men's Dept. I may be biased, but I love this look. (And why yes, those are indeed Maitreya fit pants on a male body; they work beautifully under this jacket.) Full credits here.
  16. CheerNo for The Men & Women Jail, and also for The Men's Dept. Guys, you have got to try this body hair - especially if you're fed up of enforced shaved armpits There are three versions, of which this is the lightest. (And you can blame the boots for inspiring this one...) Full credits here.
  17. I suggest trying that below 1000m in height. Mesh can have issues above that.
  18. You don't need to do that. I'm a Customer Service Representative and Manager for the Catwa store, which is why I'm giving you this personal, in-depth assistance here. What I showed you will work. There is nothing wrong with your head. I used exactly the same head, head version, hairbase applier, and facial hair applier that you are using One thing I need you to ensure that you are doing: that facial hair contains two appliers - one for Catwa and one for Omega. Make sure you're using the Catwa one and not the Omega one. Its name is Volkstone Odin Facial Hair - Catwa Applier [GIFT].
  19. Check the blend slider on your Main HUD for Layer 2 hairbase. Look at the faded slider underneath the boxes. The vertical line should be all the way to the left. If it already is to the left, pull it to the right and back to the left again:
  20. Oh for... I wish people wouldn't DO that! Here I am, offering assistance in this thread, and several other people have already offered assistance in a completely different section of the forum, so this was probably a waste of my time.
  21. Try the below steps, in the order given: Check for transparent sections of any other HUDs covering the one you're trying to click. Toggling CTRL + ALT + T will show transparency in red (same shortcut to switch it off again) If using Firestorm, go into the viewer menu: Avatar > Avatar Health > Refresh Attachments Remove all of the HUDs that aren't working, then teleport to Hippo Hollow region. Re-attach the HUDs once you're there, and try them again Redeliver all items that have stopped working, and use fresh copies
  22. No Bakes on Mesh is necessary in order to get this hairbase and beard to meet correctly. I've just logged in - and I happen to have that Volkstone facial hair applier as well as the Stealthic hairbase, and (of course, since I'm a Catwa CSR!) the Justin head - so @FernandoSaussure please follow the below instructions: If you would prefer the instructions in video format, then I've also done that for you. Please click this link to watch a video showing how to layer the hairbase and facial hair correctly.
  23. You're not using a Legacy body, by any chance, are you? If so, check your Edit HUD and click the Camera button at the bottom of the Style tab: The last time I had issues like yours, that was the cause of it. I'd clicked that button to see what it did ('poke dem buttons' is something I always do, since I like to learn everything that a HUD is capable of!) and I'd forgotten to un-click it.
  24. I think mid-May is over-optimistic, but when it is all over, and when it's safe to do so, the first thing I will do is visit my elderly mum and give her a big hug.
  25. Normally that would be the correct advice for a Catwa Bento head, but the Catwa non-Bento heads have only one layer (with the exception of the hairbase, which has two). The cut-off at the sideburns in Fernando's image shows that the Volkstone beard is intended to go up and meet whatever sideburns are there on the hairbase, but because he's applied the hairbase to Layer 1 - the same layer that the beard wants to take - there's that sharp cut-off section on the facial hair. The very tip of the Stealthic sideburns do go slightly onto the blush layer of the head, but that shouldn't matter in this case, as the Volkstone beard should go up further than that and mask the faint cut-off.
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