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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Well, I think I've found my album of the year. Playlist below (click here if the embed doesn't give you the full YT playlist).
  2. Birth for Uber. And yes, the skin is called 'Dagger' and it's on the Catwa 'Skell' head, so it's sorta-kinda Skell Dagger
  3. Been playing this game a lot lately, since it's my go-to stress-reliever. This song always plays at night when you're down on one of the planets, and it's beautifully peaceful. The whole soundtrack is amazing, but this particular song lowers my blood pressure like no other. Hunkering down at night in a shelter that you've built (or found), with a crackling campfire and the wind soughing gently outside, or snow blanketing the roof while this music plays; there's no feeling like it.
  4. Playing my go-to game of the moment: Starbound. I've been exploring an ocean planet, and my Glitch (medieval robot) character discovered an underwater city. Seems he's not impressed with the games on offer in the arcade: Son, I'm disappointed in you. You're wearing a cat on your head, ffs! Screaming Fashion Agent should be right up your street! (God, I love the random clothing items you can find in this game )
  5. Little light, shining... Vendetta for Skin Fair. Full credits here.
  6. A track record of good quality photography that proves the blogger knows how to showcase a product and make it look its best. The designer who will offer sponsorship to a complete newbie to blogging is vanishingly rare, so you'll need a portfolio to show them. Every single blogger application form requests a URL where your work can be seen, so begin by building up that portfolio. The best way to go about this is to do two things: get yourself a blog set up, either on Wordpress or Blogger get yourself a free Flickr account. Ideally, to keep within Flickr's guidelines (and not to annoy the pro RL photographers on the site) ensure that you go into Flickr's settings and mark your images as screenshots Both Wordpress and Blogger have built-in image storage options. Blogger gives you 1GB and Wordpress gives you 3GB for free accounts. To maximise this - especially if you plan to include multiple images per post - ensure that you save your images at a pixel resolution no larger than they display on your blog's theme. You can save as JPG or PNG, with the latter being higher quality, but the tradeoff is that PNG files use a lot more space. If you save as JPG with a high quality resolution (I personally use 12, which is the highest quality Photoshop allows) then you can maximise your storage space. Examples below, saved as full sized (3765px in my case, although I shoot at 5000px and had cropped that image down) and blog theme sized (750px in my case) - This is what the resized PNG file looks like: That's perfectly clear enough for a blog post If you plan to only have one image per blog post, then you can simply link to one that you've uploaded to Flickr, so you can safely ignore the above. Begin posting to your blog. Upload one or two high-quality, high-resolution images to Flickr and use those to link back to your blog, so that people can go there for more info (or for your credits list, if they want to know where you got that amazing hair!). Don't overdo it on Flickr, as a free account only gives you 1000 images, so keep your best for there and put the full set (resized appropriately) on your blog. Give full credits for what you're wearing, both on Flickr and on your blog. On Flickr, also ensure that you tag every store whose items you're wearing. Designers often search their store's tags to see what's out there. Follow on Flickr the stores and designers and other bloggers that you're interested in (but don't expect them to always follow back. While there is a 'followback' culture on Flickr not all of us SL bloggers subscribe to it!) Next, search on Flickr for the creators of the items you're wearing. If they have groups that you can join, do so and add your photos to their groups, but PLEASE keep it relevant. These groups receive a lot of spam from auto-adders, so only add your images to their groups if they contain items from their store. There are also many "Look of the Day" and "Avatars of Second Life" types of group on Flickr that you can add your images to. And - with all of these images - bear in mind any maturity ratings that they have, especially if any of your images contain mature content. If you plan to participate more here on the forum, make a signature that links back to your blog and/or Flickr. Add your images to the two vanity threads that we have going on here (How Does Your Avatar Look Today, and The Vanity Thread. Black and white images can also go in the Blanc et Noir thread) and slowly you will build up your follower count. (Please ensure that you only post - at most - three images in a single post on those threads. They do move fast - especially the first one - and people will probably get annoyed if they have to scroll past 10 images from the same person!) Once you start to get noticed by followers, you might also start to get noticed by designers, so keep an eye on your 'People You Follow' page on Flickr and you'll occasionally see a notice that such-and-such designer is looking for bloggers. Initially you'll probably have the best success with smaller, less well-known stores. Help them out at the start of their blogger-hiring journey and you might make a good designer-friend for life But don't let that stop you from applying to the bigger stores; just don't get disheartened if you get turned down. Be aware that designers will set time limits on you, so the more sponsors you have, the more work it can be to put together a cohesive look that features enough items to fit each time limit. Always bear that in mind: each designer will ask for - for example - one post a week, or three posts per month, or something like that. Other more practical things you'll need: a good collection of poses a working knowledge of Windlight settings and how to light an avatar and/or scene a mesh body (and preferably a mesh head, although the latter isn't always critical) from one of the major, most created-for brands, to maximise the amount of designers whose blogging teams you can apply for maybe pick a lane that's less-travelled by other bloggers. Be the 'Goth blogger' or the 'avant garde blogger' or something like that Blogging is fun and can be rewarding (in a non-material sense) as it offers a fantastic outlet for creativity. But - and I say this to everyone who comes here with a similar question - do it for the love of it, and not for the material side of getting sponsorships. Go into it fully prepared to spend a considerable amount of money before you start getting free stuff. (That's less of an issue for female avatars than it is for us guys, as there's so much great free and cheap content out there for the ladies.) Above all, enjoy it! (Sorry this was so wordy, but I do like to ramble (it's a characteristic of my blog posts!) and since I'm currently furloughed from work - like many others right now - I have a lot of time on my hands )
  7. If your Not Found skin has either a system option or tattoo options, then add that first of all Check that your Victor head is v4.5. If it's not go to the Catwa store and click the redelivery terminal at the landing point. Redeliver your original purchase, unpack it, and the v4.5 update will be inside. Take off any old version of the head and HUD and wear the new versions Take off ALL alpha layers that you're wearing. Yes, you'll look a bit strange at first, but keep going... Go into the v4.5 Catwa Master HUD, the tab at the very bottom (Skins/Ears) and click the BOM button in the top right (it looks like this) Go into your Signature body's HUD > Settings tab (the 'cog' icon) and click 'BoM - Bakes on Mesh' (image here) Your Not Found BoM skin should now be showing on both your Catwa head and your Signature body Add the tattoo layer hairbase. Your avatar will turn grey for a few seconds while the layer 'bakes' onto your head. Make sure to ADD and not WEAR that tattoo, especially if your Not Found BoM skin comprises tattoo layers as well Lastly, make sure you're wearing the Catwa Master HUD that you saved the facial hair onto, and follow the steps that I gave previously to layer the facial hair and the tattoo: apply the tattoo first (it will go onto the lower layer of the head) and then check the UPPER box on the Master HUD for each area that you saved the facial hair to (blush, lips, hairbase) and apply directly from the Master HUD You will find that your system eyes will now also be 'baked' onto your Catwa mesh eyes. If you want to continue using eye appliers look in your v4.5 Victor folder for something called 'CATWA ALPHA Pack [Use for BOM]'. Wear that to unpack it, and ADD the 'CATWA ALPHA EYES'. Your eyes will turn red, but that's fine. Just find your eye appliers and re-apply them and you're good to go. If you need any more help, just holler
  8. Catwa heads are the only ones with two layers. Every other mesh head only has one, so you'd be even more stuck with another brand You can only layer two items on a single area of the head, not three, so if all three items (hairbase, facial hair, and face tattoo) want to use the same area then that simply isn't possible, and in that case I would definitely urge you to consider the Bakes on Mesh option. From what you're saying, it sounds as though your hairbase has sideburns that touch on the blush area, and both your facial hair and your face tattoo need the blush layer as well. Is that correct? If so, then no, you cannot layer all of those in any way - on any brand of mesh head - using appliers alone. The Bakes on Mesh option will depend on which skin you're wearing. If there is a BoM update for it, then pick that up and look to see if any of the three items you want to layer (hairbase, freckles, or facial hair) come with a BoM or system tattoo option. If they do then you can get the look that you want, with a combination of BoM and appliers. Let me know if that's the case, and I'll walk you through doing that.
  9. For anyone feeling off kilter, this blog post by author Chuck Wendig is a good read. (Warning: in usual Wendig-ian style, it contains no small amount of swearing, but in that cathartic kind of way that's very satisfying to read.) http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2020/03/19/its-okay-that-youre-not-okay/
  10. Felt like doing another 'BoM Redux' - recreating an old look (thank god for all the style credits I've been putting on my Flickr shots all this time!) using Bakes on Mesh. This time I redid this old white and gold look. New version is below: It felt so good to be back in a Slink body and my original shape. This was always the shape I was happiest in.
  11. Please look at the image that I linked to. That shows you exactly where to click on the Master HUD.
  12. Catwa Bento heads (of which Victor is one) have two layers. As the name suggests, these allow you to layer two different appliers, but you need to save one of those items to the Catwa Master HUD in order to do that layering. Clear face of both tattoo and facial hair Apply the facial hair. It will default to the lower layer of your head One at a time, clear the following sections using the Master HUD: blush, lipstick, neck tattoo, hairbase. (Ensure that the LOWER button is checked when you do this.) Note down which ones the facial hair appears to be on (in other words: if a piece of it vanishes when you clear that section) Re-apply the facial hair Again in the Master HUD - and with the LOWER button still checked at the top of each, save the facial hair to the sections that you noted down Clear your face again Apply the tattoo. It will default to the lower layer of your head Go back to the Master HUD, and this time check the UPPER button on each section where you saved the facial hair. Apply the facial hair directly from the Master HUD. Because you now have the UPPER button checked, the applier will go directly onto the upper section of the head, layering over the top of the face tattoo This image shows you - using the old Master HUD - how to do this. The demonstration is with eyeshadow and eyeliner, but you go through exactly the same steps (just in different sections of the HUD) for anything else that you want to layer. I need to re-make that tutorial using the new v4.5 HUD, but the principle is the same, regardless. I am sure that someone will probably come along shortly and tell you that Bakes on Mesh is the solution to all your layering problems (and indeed it is a great solution), but the above is how to layer if you only have appliers and your facial hair and tattoo don't come with system/BoM layers. (With BoM you would also need a good quality system-style, Catwa-mapped BoM skin, so it gets a little more expensive if you go down that route and don't yet have all the BoM items that you need.)
  13. Feeling resigned. I guess at least the UK government is going to pay 80% of all employee salaries while furloughed
  14. Your noctural midnight... Zibska for Skin Fair. Full credits here.
  15. [14:19] Second Life: The message sent to CATWA HEAD Friends is still being processed. If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server. [14:20] Second Life: The message sent to CATWA HEAD Friends is still being processed. If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server. [14:22] Second Life: The message sent to CATWA HEAD Friends is still being processed. If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server. [14:23] Second Life: The message sent to CATWA HEAD Friends is still being processed. If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server. I have asked time and time again for moderator messages to be prioritised, because it's infuriating when everyone else's messages - including those with incorrect information that I'm desperately trying to correct - go through, but mine don't. ARGH!
  16. Let me see. I believe this is how one 'tags' people here: @Scylla Rhiadra Always available to assist, my dear. @Tolya Ugajin The name of my tailor is Mr Masa Plympton. Here is his business card. @Da5id Weatherwax My good man, this is casual wear. I believe that I did mention that I was relaxing in my study. I might also add that it is terribly discourteous to point out what one deems as faults in another gentleman's apparel in front of his host. Or perhaps you are after the position yourself, hm?
  17. The most peculiar thing just happened. I was relaxing - cognac in hand - by the fire in my study when a circle of light appeared on the ceiling. Within the circle I recognised the shadow of a full Windsor knot, but the reason for its sudden arrival perplexed me until my footman leaned over, cleared his throat discreetly, and murmured, "It is the Skell Signal, sir." Ah! A call to arms, then! Might I offer my services to this noble cause?
  18. Second set of suggestions: power-cycle your router for 2 minutes (switch it off and remove it from its power source - unplugging from the wall socket if necessary) then power it up again full clean reinstall of your viewer. Assuming you use Firestorm, follow the instructions in this video to the letter (I can no longer link to the Firestorm video because - for some reason they've removed it from YT). Make sure you go back in and restore your settings from the same tab that you backed them up, once you're logged inworld again
  19. ContraptioN's "SK3L3T0 Series Prosthetic Arm" enables you to have only the hand showing. Multiple metal colours, too. I wore it with that exact same dress (using a male avatar, but it also contains female body fits for Maitreya, Slink F & HG, and Belleza Freya) in the below image and it fitted perfectly -
  20. Have him re-apply his body appliers again. I noticed a few application issues with my Gianni body when I updated. That may fix it. Failing that, ask if anyone else sees him that way, or only you. If it's only you then you may need to clear your texture cache.
  21. Not sure what's up with all the colour lately, but I'm here for it
  22. Scars we cover up with paint... Zibska for Skin Fair.
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