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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. The reaction is even better than the book. My stomach hurts from laughing!
  2. That moment when you get home from a round of SL shopping... only to realise you still have your full (invisible) photoshoot lighting rig on...
  3. Also, this? Belittling someone by suggesting that all they do is shop is not the most effective and convincing method of putting your point across.
  4. I spent an entire semester studying statistics, and that is not how it works. Your dataset of "people whom I rent to on my once half-region/now whole region" cannot be expanded to extrapolate quantifiable data for the entirety of Second Life, as you appear to claim below in your generic "biggest complaint coming from SL residents" statement: Incidentally: where are your numbers? You claim that statistics can be personal as well as global - - but (once again) cf. above where you appear to suggest that "nowhere to go" is the "biggest complaint from SL residents". What you mean is: "It's the biggest complaint coming from the limited subset of residents I have access to on my rental region." That is the only quantifiable data that you have access to, and I doubt very much that Linden Lab will reduce tier for everyone based on that.
  5. Bigmoe, please don't respond to their posts, thereby pushing them back to the top of the forum again. You don't even need to view the posts in order to report them: just hover your cursor over the post title in the main forum thread list and the Report Post option will pop up. They've now moved to the Chinese area of the forum, so if someone would like to head in that direction and keep reporting, I have better things to do now.
  6. Oh, it's very obvious that it's not a bot. Bots don't check the reactions to their 'work'.
  7. Hey, Crystal Doggy Nips (or whatever your name is) - I see you peeking!
  8. (I think I might keep going; this is turning into a rather fun little game )
  9. Since some poor sod on the moderating team is going to have to deal with this morning's mess, I've been having a bit of fun with my spam reports. Apparently stinky crystal nipples, magic dogs, and explosions are now all the rage!
  10. No, it doesn't mean that. It means that you can look back 90 days into the past to see from which locations and which computers your account was logged into, during those 90 days. 'Device' means 'computer'. Since English is not your first language, I suggest looking in the International Forum to find a forum for your language, and asking your question there.
  11. This is probably connected to your other main thread in the forum: If your account is on hold, I'm assuming that "this notice from my account" that you mention was an email sent to you by Linden Lab? If you look at the list it should show you everywhere that your account has been logged into over the previous 90 days. Most of them will be your own logins, but if your account was hacked then - for example - if you live in France and you see that someone logged into your account from Ukraine you'll know that someone in Ukraine had your login information and password, and that person could have done something with your account that goes against the SL Terms of Service, which caused your account to be put on hold.
  12. I never learned how to play, so I broke the game... Toksik and Cubic Cherry for Neo Japan. Full credits here.
  13. You didn't miss much. Apparently everyone in the US has been killed, Donald Trump and Philip Rosedale are deader than dead, and some fairy princess is going to take over the world.
  14. There's still a load of spam posts in the Your Avatar sub-forum, so LL clearly aren't done yet...
  15. Pretty certain I know who this might be (initials are the same as popular table condiments) as that person has also just completely lost it again repeatedly on Facebook. Their inworld 'About' Chinese profile text Google Translates perfectly (which GT never normally does, so it indicates having been checked and cross-checked to ensure it looks right) as "My new life has begun". What a bore.
  16. There's a third option with that glass, yknow: it's too damn big
  17. Remember to breathe... Vendetta for Neo Japan. Full credits here.
  18. Doesn't matter. I still give it pre-emptively - just in case - because that's what I like to do. Have a good one.
  19. Here's a pet peeve that just happened and that annoyed me no end: when I'm working in Catwa support group chat and someone comes in with a question. I start to help (as do a few others, publicly, in the chat) and suddenly the person being helped stops responding to us, going completely quiet. A while later, they come back to tell us that they've "had help and someone told them to do XYZ". Look, if you KNOW the answer to an unusual query before the rest of us have had a chance to finish asking the questions that will ascertain exactly what the issue is (because - in this case - the eventual issue was not what was originally asked about) then give it publicly in the chat so that everyone can benefit from it. Or let us know that you're taking that person into IM to help them, so the rest of us can leave you to it. It's especially annoying when the one who takes the questioner into IM isn't even active in chat, but is just lurking. Please, don't do that. At best it's discourteous; at worst it's downright bloody rude.
  20. Thank you, but I'll pass on that offer. Incidentally, I know that I'm right. I'm a manager and CSR for Catwa, so I'm perfectly aware of how they work, and despite your nicely-worded opinion, I was still happy to help you
  21. The 'stupid shadow' on the eyes is on the eye texture itself, and is not due to the eyelids. The v4.5 Catwa Bento heads all contain an eye HUD that allows you not only to apply the included eye textures, but also to move any applied eye texture (or BoM/system eye texture) around on the eye however you want to. You can see the 'stupid shadow' showing in this video that shows the HUD in use (originally created to show how to move the 'rolled eyes' textures common to one creator's earlier work downwards), when the eye textures are moved down too far. In that video the eyelids have not changed; it's just the shadow on the texture showing. That shadow - alongside small veins and red shading - is intended to convey realism, as opposed to a non-realistic completely bright white sclera. The rigged eyes on Catwa heads (and indeed on any mesh heads) are created in such a shape and positioned in such a way that they don't poke through the head when in different positions, such as looking left or right, up or down. One of the most common questions relating to eyes in the Catwa support group is "My eyeballs are poking out underneath my lower eyelid when my avatar looks around", and it almost always turns out that either: the person asking is using unrigged eyes and has pulled them too far forward, or they have edited their face sliders to excess, which means the rigged eyes will poke through, no matter what In addition, for Catwa rigged eyes to sit correctly your eye depth slider must be set to 50 on the Bento heads, or as near to thereabouts as looks good on your preferred shape. If you really don't want to use the Catwa rigged eyes then you can pick up the bag from the floor of the gift room at the store. That bag contains (among many other things) a set of unrigged Omega eyes, which you can wear instead of the rigged eyes. Using the rigged eyes as a guide (see this video) you can position the unrigged eyes centrally, then detach the rigged eyes and pull the unrigged eyes as far forward as you like, to remove that 'pulled eyelid' look. And we will then be ready in the Catwa support group to explain to you why your eyeballs are poking through your lower eyelids whenever your avatar looks left, right, or down...
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