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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. The voice that has accompanied me for my entire adult life. God, how this man gets to me...
  2. Still falls the rain... Toksik and Raven Bell for Engine Room. Full credits here.
  3. That's fantastic! I couldn't see my favourite Firestorm premade setting that I have enabled for everyday use - [NB] Alpine Skinlight RGB - so I'll just import that one as well as some others that I'd manually installed, but that long list of premades is going to save a lot of time in the long run. Thanks
  4. Unfortunately that's just a glitch that currently happens to all of us whenever we're editing any of the original system items - including shape - while using BoM. Nothing we can do about it at the moment.
  5. "Mr Boyle, run up the colours." "Aye, sir." "Note for the log, Mr Watt: 'Engaged enemy frigate at six bells'." "Straight at 'em, Mr Mowett." "Straight at 'em, sir."
  6. I've received a reply from Flickr Support, below: I had also asked if it were possible to reverse the removal of all my images from galleries, but apparently that can't be done, so 12 years of that has gone down the drain thanks to this person's actions. I'm going to tentatively re-enable the gallery option now, and monitor it closely over the next few days. I did find out - much to my regret - that had I blocked the person first (instead of disabling the addition of my images to any galleries) that would have stopped them from being able to add my images, as well as removing any of my images from only their gallery, while leaving all other galleried images intact. That was a big live-and-learn moment, I can tell you. So - if this ever happens to you or to anyone else on Flickr - note that just blocking the person (via the About section of their profile) will be enough to stop it. My kneejerk reaction was to stop the gallery addition, so that's where I headed first of all, and I've paid heavily for it Having had a good night's sleep (after ending up working myself in a migraine over this) I'm now a lot calmer about it, and will be making my Flickr response image private. I may even remove it, since although visitors to my page won't see it I still will, and I don't really want to be continually reminded of it.
  7. Catwa CSR here 'Black paint' when Advanced Lighting is enabled sounds like you've been playing around with the HUDs and have enabled the Environment/Materials options, especially if - when you stand near a light source such as a lamp - that 'black paint' effect looks shiny and metallic. I'm not logged in right now, so I can't check where to find the fix for your body, but click around in the Legacy Edit HUD and try to look for any option that you can disable with the following words on it: Environment Gloss Shine Materials Specular It could be called any of those. If your Catwa head is also showing the same effect, please add your Master HUD v4.5 and go into the tab at the bottom (Skins/Ears). Under the middle 'Materials' section, click the pink 'X' in the middle to remove any specular that you might have applied. Then, go into the 2nd tab from the top (Alpha/Lashes/Tint/Neck Size) and - under the Materials section (to the right of the large shaded tinting box) - click the pink 'X' under the tall pink Glossiness slider. Screenshots below, to guide you:
  8. I finally managed to find a working support link, through the Community Guidelines page. I've just put in a feature request for moderation/approval of images being added to galleries. I've also asked if it's possible to reverse the removal of all those gallery images prior to this evening, but I doubt that's possible
  9. Nothing I can do about it, since - effectively - I'd given blanket permission, as there are no other possible permissions: people can either add your images to galleries, or they can't. I wish that Flickr would allow a moderation ability, so you can approve your images being added to galleries, but that's never going to happen. I found out - rather unpleasantly - during all of this that Flickr Support no longer appears to exist. Half of the 'contact us' options lead to a useless FAQ, and - when the FAQ tells you to choose the 'others' option in Support you get a bit of text that basically says "Look, if the FAQ doesn't answer it, don't bother asking us for help". I've been a paying Flickr Pro member since 2008, so that's not the kind of thing I expect to see. I'm so angry, because - over the course of my 12 years as a Flickr user - other people have added hundreds of my images to their galleries, and my being forced to disable that ability has automatically removed all of those images. Not one image of mine is in any gallery anymore. This has undone 12 years of work building up and curating my Flickr presence. Twelve sodding years. The gallery my images were added to was - to my eyes - unpleasantly named, and only my images were in it. It had been created especially to add only my images, and it was deleted within minutes of my removing the ability to add my images to any gallery (although you can be assured that I got screenshots first). Others who might be into certain aspects of SL might not even be bothered by it, but it bothered the hell out of me.
  10. Flickr harrassment. I'm linking only, because boy did I curse up a storm. I'm absolutely livid right now. (I've set the image to a Moderate rating because of the language. If you're not signed into Flickr then you won't be able to see it.) ETA: After a good night's sleep I've now got a more level head about this, so will be setting that image to private and will edit this post to remove the link. I have, however, been quoted, so if you follow the link in any quoted post please note that you won't now be able to see the image.
  11. It's a very common scam, and it happens a lot at stores selling mesh heads and bodies. At Catwa we've seen a slightly different version of it, where the unsuspecting shopper is told that there is an unmissable "today only!" discount offer, but it's not at the mainstore. They then get teleported to the special "offer location" - which is a quickly-rezzed store set up in a sandbox. Once there, they pay the scam vendor, the expected mesh head never arrives in their inventory, and the store disappears from around them. Our support group then gets the dubious pleasure of the customer's ire. ETA: Additionally, I frequently have to ask club hosts to detach their auto-greeters when they're at the store. These tend to be set up to say "Hi, [name], welcome to [location]!" so it looks as if these people are official store greeters, when they are not.
  12. Last time I did this I played the bolshy git who refused to play along. Figured Skell's grown up a smidge since then, and Cris looks to have taken his place in that role anyway
  13. I watched the video last night. Think I can finally die happy, now that Patch has mooned* at me *watch to the very end
  14. Hold to the time that you know... I've been going back through some images from late last year (so yes, not how my avatar looks today) and decided to edit this one. It allows me to remind you lovely people (ladies and V-Tech users, specifically) that all skins by Ritual are currently L$100 until further notice. BoM versions are included in almost all packs (although please try a demo - especially if using V-Tech, as one or two of the skins don't include V-Tech BoM options) and they have lots of fantasy tones, as well as non-fantasy. The MP store holds some fantasy versions, but visit the inworld store for the full range. Not shilling for the store; I'm just a longstanding very happy customer who wants to share a great sale Full credits here.
  15. Yes, because the cleavage tattoo layer would be on the upper torso part of your body and the face skin would be on your head. Just ensure that you ADD and not WEAR when you're putting on multiple tattoo layers.
  16. Absolutely not and I would be very wary of buying from any store that expected you to "buy the head and find out yourself". With a Bento mesh head you need that underlying shape, as it sets the ideal starting parameters for that particular head's sliders for you to then work with and customise to your preference. Sure - if it's a popular brand of head - you could also buy a third party shape created for it, but - for male avatars particularly - you very rarely get demos for those shapes anymore, and even if you did those would also be no-mod. Without a modifiable shape you have no way of knowing whether you can mould that demo head into something that you'll be happy with. Obligatory disclaimer: I work for a large mesh head brand. This reply is not a shill for that brand, nor am I suggesting that you should try that brand; rather I'm strongly suggesting that you be wary of any store where the so-called 'advice' is "you'll find out when you pay for the full priced item". There are many, many other mesh head brands in SL, so try as many of those brands' demos as you need to.
  17. Some say prayers, and I say mine... Dreamcatcher for The Fantasy Collective, plus Naminoke for Wanderlust Weekend.
  18. LOL, that'll teach me to try and guess! The lips look very much like Catwa's Baisers head. Regardless, you should doubtless have a head alpha included in the folder.
  19. You can use your body's Bakes on Mesh (BoM) ability to 'bake' that Mudskin system skin onto the mesh of the body, so that it matches the Mudskin head applier that you want to use. All major mesh body brands now have that ability. You will need to do the following: Remove your body's alpha layer (if you're wearing a full head and body alpha you will need to take that off and wear only a head alpha) Add your Legacy Edit HUD and click through to the Apply BOM button as shown below on my male HUD: BoM will not work properly if you're wearing an alpha layer (your body will either appear bright red or invisible if you're still wearing a body alpha), which is why I suggest only wearing a head alpha. You haven't mentioned which brand of head you're wearing, but it looks like it could be Catwa Baisers. If it's a Catwa head, then inside the head's folder you'll find a pack of alpha layers. Wear just the head one that's included.
  20. Indeed. Pink was historically worn by men and not by women.
  21. Menswear in SL. AGAIN. The new 'collection' at Man Cave has - once more - got me alternating between simmering and despair.
  22. I believe (although I could be wrong) the lowercase thing happens if you've ever set a display name for yourself. If you compare my inworld profile with my partner's, he has changed his display name a few times, so his username always shows above his head as daros.jewell, whereas I have never set a display name and mine shows as Skell Dagger. (Note: I always have display names on.)
  23. It's not 100% always the reason, but it's worth checking since it's the other main reason why this happens. Additionally, if the creator offers system tattoo options for the hairbase then you could go fully-BoM and use those. They are lovely hairbases, I agree! ETA: An example of why this might occur is if the hairbase was originally texture-modelled on another brand of head (for example Genus or Lelutka) and 'tweaked' to fit onto the Catwa template. Or if a 'middle ground' has been achieved where the same texture will work on multiple brands of head. I doubt that's the case here, as any creator worth their salt would check their work on all heads that they're advertising it to work on, but it's one other reason why these lines can happen.
  24. I'm sorry to hear that. Usually using the upper layer fixes this issue, but there's one other thing that can cause it: the creator not going over the edges of the hairbase template to ensure full coverage. I note that you have an 'original' last name, so you can probably recall some old item of system clothing from way back, when the creator only went up to the very edge of the template lines and thus caused a thin white line where - for example - the shoulder section of the arm template meets with the shoulder section of the torso template. The same thing can happen when a creator only goes up to the lines when creating a hairbase applier. I've spoken to Catwa about this myself in the past and she has shown me images to explain how this happens. Since you mentioned in your first post of this thread that you would like "an understanding of why this happens so if I make my own hairbases this does not happen" then that is what I will definitely suggest if you create your own hairbases: always go over the template lines that are shown in the dev kit PSDs. If you open up the dev kit files (the kit is included in your head's folder, with links to download the PSDs) you will note that it's split into three sections: face-front, head left, and head right. The hairbase covers all three sections, and the 'seams' that you're seeing will always fall where those three areas join.
  25. Catwa CSR here This problem can sometimes occur when you're applying the hairbase to the lower layer of your head (and most appliers will automatically default to the lower layer when applied from their own HUDs). All Catwa Bento heads have two layers: an upper and a lower. To apply to the upper layer instead: With the hairbase applied to your head directly from its HUD, open your Catwa Master HUD v4.5 and navigate to the Hairbase tab Click one of the small black 'save' buttons under one of the existing hairbases. Ensure that the 'lower' button at the top of that section is checked/ticked before saving Do the same thing in the Blush tab, again ensuring that the 'lower' button at the top of that section is checked/ticked before saving For both of these, you might see an icon appear in the box above the 'save' icons, or you might not. Just remember which one you used Now click the 'clear' button on both the Hairbase and the Blush tabs, to make yourself bald Go back into the Hairbase tab, and this time ensure that the 'upper' button is checked/ticked at the top of that section. This time, click the box above the 'save' icon that you used, which will apply the hairbase directly from the Catwa Master HUD onto the upper layer of the head Go into the Blush tab and do the same thing - check/tick 'upper' and apply directly from the box above the 'save' icon you previously used FInally - in both those sections, and still with 'upper' checked - ensure that the blend sliders are all the way across to the left The above looks very long-winded and detailed I know, but I've broken it down into very basic steps since I don't know how knowledgeable you are regarding the workings of Catwa Bento heads and their HUDs, so I apologise in advance if it was too simple! Let me know if you need any more help, and I can create an on-the-fly video to walk you through it
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