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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. This belongs in the Wanted sub-forum, not in General Discussion. You can report your own post and ask a moderator to move it to the correct section. ETA: Or, y'know, you could break the Community Guidelines ("Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion.") and spam the same post across multiple sub-forums:
  2. Obnoxious animated ads in the sidebar at Seraphim. I'm someone whose concentration can be easily and repeatedly broken by something moving in my peripheral vision, so I've now blocked every single animated banner ad in that sidebar. Good luck getting me to shop at your stores when your ads have annoyed me to the point of blocking them, people! This one right near the bottom (WARNING: rapidly flashing image that may trigger issues for those who are sensitive, hence I'm only linking) is nothing short of downright bloody irresponsible. I'm about to try and find someone to contact so that I can report it. ETA: I've emailed Seraphim about it, so hopefully it will be removed, or its owner contacted to switch it out for a static one.
  3. General: Like Stories of Old - Wonderful analyses of movies, always taking a different tack than you might expect. Personal favourites: Inception, Interstellar, Arrival Liziqi - almost certainly a genuine Chinese fairytale princess hiding in plain sight with her adorable Grandma (seriously, go watch; she's perfect) The Guild of Ambience - for when I need background atmosphere Gaming-related: Aavak - lovely Welsh bloke with a delightful habit of storytelling and roleplaying his characters as he plays. Highlights: any of his Rimworld series, but especially the ones featuring Dark Aavak Pete Complete - sounds like a NatGeo documentary narrator. Highlight: his Rimworld ice sheet challenge with Cambiar Gray Still Plays - Chaotic and genuinely, hysterically funny. Enjoys destroying the Earth by giving it more mass than the Milky Way and firing asteroids at it, killing Sims in as many inventive ways as possible, and making his own life hell by spending hours on creations that will achieve the above. Highlights: just about anything Randomise User - Brit with a foul mouth, loves indie games (always covers the Ludum Dare Game Jams). Brings a lot of great, small games to my attention. Highlights: Starbound series with Spoiler Ape, and any of his Starbound building series, and his Sunday Night live streams
  4. Opus... Credits list and full shots to follow tomorrow.
  5. I adore this, Clover. That expression is a tale in itself. I keep coming back to this image, and the story that it paints in my mind.
  6. The best clockmaker on Mars... Toksik, Eudora3D, and Kosmii for Engine Room. It's past 3am and I'm dead on my feet, so the credits list for this one is more basic and doesn't contain body rigs. (Yes, I got Syd into a skirt, and it's glorious!)
  7. You'd likely emerge covered in leather and glitter, but that's not a bad fate, all things considered
  8. Mine are not raw screenshots, if that's what you mean? I don't do anything fancy; I just layer some filters on them Oh, but they dooooo! Check out the creator's Flickr; they definitely have Genus lashes on there
  9. The greed and entitlement come into it when you see something akin to the following: "I've got the free mesh head from A, the free mesh head from B, and the free mesh head from C. Why won't D give me a free mesh head?" You've got three free mesh heads already, sweetie. Why do you need a fourth?
  10. Ooh, SHOES! *watches as Syd grabs the box and legs it* Aw damn...
  11. The gold lipstick was from Izzies, btw. They also have holographic glittery eyeshadow to match. And then there are all the amazing lashes by Venge... *ducks and runs*
  12. #SorryNotSorry Isn't it wonderful? This is the second round (I think it's twice-yearly). It's organised by Walton F. Wainwright, the genius behind ContraptioN. Who also happens to be the man who created that incredible Auxentios Pass region at Fantasy Faire that your photos were taken at. (He built the Engine Room location, too.) I would happily roleplay at Auxentios Pass if he set it up that way for people to use. Oddly enough, I was at ContraptioN a few weeks back, and happened to cam outside the store and noticed something being built on a platform beneath it. It was untextured, but now that I've seen Auxentios Pass I realised that was what I saw, while it was being created.
  13. What error message does the viewer give you when you try to log in your alt account?
  14. In our group, when it gets belligerent (to the point of being disruptive) the person in question usually loses their chat rights for a few days. That tends to work nicely.
  15. Take off your avatar's shoes and look at your toes. If they look very badly textured, with smearing and discolouration all over them then you're wearing an old system skin that's not mapped to your mesh body and head. You might also see white nail textures smearing up from beneath your body's mesh fingernail shapes. Issues like odd markings and patchy textures around the neck and ears can also be a sign of a very old system skin. Modern BoM skins are correctly mapped to mesh heads and bodies.
  16. It might be something to do with the changes in Flickr URLs, which could mean a change in the API. I noticed last night that the suffix of all my Flickr URLs - when viewed directly from my feed - changed from /in/dateposted-ff/ to /in/dateposted-friend/ so - while it's an outside shot - I'd hazard a guess at an API change.
  17. Perfect for you? That's great My avatar is a constant work in progress, because I like to change my look every day and don't like being constrained to one single definition of 'perfect'.
  18. Catwa CSR here. (If my name looks familiar then it should do: that head was created for and named after me ) I can get you fixed up in no time, so I'll go into detail first, then summarise at the end of this post. As Lindal has already mentioned, please ensure that you're wearing the starter shape from your Skell head folder. That sets the ideal starting shape sliders for your face, from which you can then begin work customising yourself. From the angles that you've given us, I'm not sure if you're already wearing that or not, but I think you might be. Clearing the neck size mismatch Next, please add your Legacy body Edit HUD 1.1 and - near the top - look for the neck size option. You currently have it set to the one on the far left, which is the 'classic' setting intended to work with system bodies. You need either the setting on the far right or the setting in the middle, both of which are the 0% Body Fat options (one is a slightly alternative 0% fit). Below is a screenshot of the section you're looking for: Clearing the neck texture mismatch Out of the box - with both head and body on default skins - you will still notice a texture mismatch. This can be rectified by purchasing head and body appliers in the same skintone from the same skin store. Legacy is a little less well-supported than the likes of Belleza and Signature when it comes to male body appliers, but the following stores have Legacy appliers: Birth, Stray Dog, Not Found, Session, Vendetta, and Clef de Peau. There are more out there, but off the top of my head and without logging in to check my reference notecards that's all I can think of. There is also a Bakes on Mesh (BoM) option, which allows your head and body to 'bake' your underlying system layers (including skin) onto the mesh itself. Newly-created body- and head-specific BoM skins look no different in quality than applier skins, but if you pick up old, original system skins and try those with BoM you will have varying degrees of success. If you want to give BoM a go, then please let me know in this thread and I can walk you through doing that. (I do have a blog post explaining it in detail, but we're not allowed to link to our own blogs in this section of the forum, so I will just paste the full info here if you need it.) When matching head and body skins always use a bright Windlight. You're currently using default midday, which casts shadows that will make matching difficult. If you're using Firestorm, go into the Quick prefs menu (bottom right of your FS taskbar - the Phoenix icon) and find the "[NB] Alpine Skinlight RGB" Windlight that's right near the bottom, just above the Torley [TOR] presets. If you're using the stock Linden Lab viewer then please teleport to the Catwa store to do your skin matching, as the store's Windlight is set specifically to help you do that. If you want to see how badly default midday can cause neck seams, take a look at the image below. It was created by Gac Akina (Stray Dog designer) and he used a blank coloured texture so that you're not distracted by skin details. On the left is a Windlight that's good for skintone matching (note the overall single colour), and on the right is default midday (note the shadows and especially the streak of light between the two neck shadows where head and body meet): You can see there that the actual skin itself doesn't matter; the default midday setting is the cause of neck seam issues. Some creators are more adept than others at mitigating those issues when they're working with fully-textured skins. (Please note: the above images from Gac Akina were taken before EEP [Environmental Enhancement Project] was released into the stock Linden Lab viewer a few days ago. EEP alters the lighting, so the above may not be 100% what will be seen in that viewer now.) Fixing the hairbase issue For the hairbase, your Volthair 'Logan' comes with three types of hairbase: Catwa, Omega, and a classic layer. Please ensure that you're using the Catwa applier when you try to add the hairbase. In addition, you're still wearing the stock Catwa hairbase, which is visible on your head. This is on the upper layer of your head, so please add your Catwa Master HUD v4.5 and - in the topmost tab (Mouth.Hair) - check the 'upper' box, then click the 'clear' button on the right. This will remove the hairbase texture from the upper layer of your head. Then add your VoltHair Catwa hairbase applier HUD and click the colour that you want to apply. If it offers you a menu of where you want it, please choose 'lower'. If it still doesn't show up, go back to your Master HUD, back into that topmost tab, and this time check the 'lower' box. Beneath that, grab the black circle of the Blend slider, drag it all the way to the right, and then all the way back to the left again. That should trigger the texture into rezzing. Summary Wear Catwa starter shape from head's folder Add Legacy Edit HUD and select one of the 0% body fat options Change Windlight to a bright one that's good for skin matching Same skintone from same designer on both body and head Clear Catwa default hairbase from head Ensure you're using the Catwa version of your hairbase applier Hairbase goes onto lower layer > toggle blend slider right, then left If you need any more help, just come back to this post and let us know
  19. Read while the letters still remain... Salem for Engine Room, Raven Bell, Dreamcatcher, and Venge for Fantasy Faire, plus Zibska for Vanity Event. This iridescent hair has the most breathtaking materials I've seen in SL thus far. Full credits here.
  20. That shirt does come with a rig for V-Tech and several female rigs as well, so it would be perfect
  21. Visiting Fantasy Faire. I was blown away by the Auxentios Pass region, built by Walton F. Wainwright of ContraptioN. It gave me incredible Frostpunk vibes.
  22. I'm one of the CSRs for a major mesh head brand in SL, and you're absolutely correct regarding your first point. If you're asking for any help with a specific brand then obviously it helps us to help you if we know which brand. Each one is different in many ways, so if you were to ask us, "How do I enable Bakes on Mesh on my head?" we could give you some generic advice ("Take off your alpha layers, then look on your head's HUD for a BoM button to click. It'll probably be in a tab called skins, or maybe a tab for extras or settings,") but we could offer you exact advice if you asked, "How do I enable Bakes on Mesh on my XYZ head?" ("Take off your alpha layers, then look in your XYZ Edit HUD v1.0, go into the Extras tab, and click the 'Apply BoM' button in the Additions section of that tab"). In that sense, it's fine to mention brands. In fact, in most senses it's fine to mention brands here, unless one is actively criticising them on a 'name and shame' basis, which is not allowed in this forum.
  23. My reply to you is in your other identical thread in the Your Avatar forum:
  24. All of those brands are very different from each other in how they look, so to answer your question of: - the answer is YES, the base is very important. And that 'base' needs to be the included 'starter shape' that all of these heads include in their folders. There are very very few Bento heads out there that can be put on over your original system shape and still look good. All of them will have the same slightly odd look to them (what you're calling 'viper') if you do that. This is why they include that starter shape: it sets the ideal slider parameters for you to then begin working with to mould the head (and body) into something you like.
  25. When they're wishful thinking along the lines of Oh, so that's where you keep your pet elephant? Cool! then yeah
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