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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I think Ebbe's avatar looks fantastic. No change needed. He doesn't need to look old or distinguished or powerful. It's His World, His Imagination, just as much as it's Ours.
  2. As I recall, Gretchen is one of the default starter avatars? Assuming that she is a system avatar (no mesh body parts) then it should be easy to create (or find) a full body alpha layer. I'd suggest looking on Marketplace first, as there are plenty of free sets of different alpha layers there. You'll primarily want a torso alpha that leaves the hands unmasked, such as a long-sleeved shirt alpha. For the remainder of the body you can either use a pants alpha and shoes alpha, or you can simply create your own in your inventory (New > Clothing > Alpha Layer, then wear it, edit it, and tick the small box beside each section that you want to alpha out, then save it).
  3. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: 2007 was a cruel year to be a noob
  4. Of course. People who are like that IRL don't check their racism, homophobia, misogyny/misandry, etc at the login page.
  5. The attitudes have been getting worse in recent months. We've all been feeling it. It's got to the point where - if I've had a knackering day at work - I will now gauge the general atmosphere of the group before I'll engage for the evening. Some nights I'm just not up for hours of stress, attitude, and abuse in what's supposed to be my down-time after I've already had a stressful nine hours at work.
  6. The inworld support group is called LiveHelp. You can also try the Legacy Lovers group for peer support, but LiveHelp is the official support group. Links can be found here. Legacy make their own default skins, as far as I know. For other brands who also make Legacy male skins, try: Birth, Stray Dog, Not Found, Vendetta, and Clef de Peau. There is a curated Flickr gallery called Legacy Releases where you might find more (check the 'Men' and 'Skins & Cosmetics' sub-galleries). Yes, it's BOM ready. I'm in the middle of writing a blog post about activating BOM on multiple heads and bodies so the below image comes from that:
  7. When someone suggests to your SL employer that "it would be prudent to re-evaluate" your employment status, on the sole basis that you were not 100% enthusiastic about their suggestion that you should devote a lot of your inworld time stuck in an inworld classroom location, hosting video and voice classes teaching others how to do the very thing that you have written multiple blog posts about, and that you spend most of your login time helping out with in that employer's support group, often to the detriment of many other things you planned to do during that login session... Their reasoning? "Firestorm and Builder's Brewery do it!" Yes, that really happened last night. I saw the l-o-n-g (novel-like) offline IM containing that "suggestion". Apparently, telling the suggester that I have written multiple blog posts and help out in that group for the entire time that I'm logged in was "negative feedback", and I "mocked, belittled, and humiliated" them and "made excuses as to why it wouldn't work" by saying the following words: "I've been blogging my way through a lot of How-To's" and (after they had flounced off, announcing that clearly we didn't want to hear their suggestion and that they were closing chat) "Since you've closed the chat you won't see this, but that is what we are here for every hour of the day. Catwa has hand-picked five CSRs who are here to help her customers." That was literally all I said, but clearly that shocking attitude means I should be fired. Oh, and apparently I'm also "a hindrance to educating and helping people to understand the product", I "lack insight and forward thinking", and I "wear blinders that obscure [my] view and keep me from seeing the whole picture". Yay.
  8. Paraphrased support request: [ Pause here to mention that Catwa animations need installers. If the 'animations in inventory have been activated' then they are probably gestures. I'm trying to ascertain exactly what the customer is trying to add. ] [ And, finally, this next bit is not paraphrased ] It's customers like that who make me wonder sometimes why the hell I bother. I do it for nothing. I do it because I love helping people, and because I love the product. But people like that... yeah. They can bring me pretty low. I feel like s**t right now
  9. To narrow things down, I would suggest making test copies of the outfit, with each copy not containing one of the items that's in the problematic outfit. For example: outfit copy #1 would not contain the Spider Demon Legs & their HUD, outfit copy #2 would not contain the Pennywise Bumper, outfit copy 3 would not contain the balloon, etc. Make sure those 'eye objects' are included in each outfit copy, though. Wear each of those copies in turn and relog. If the 'eye objects' stay in place after one specific relog, then the item missing from that outfit copy will be the one causing the problem.
  10. Oh, I have so many... Below is just a small selection of them. The vampire - The android - The faceless - The demon - And the one that has been with me as a persona for Skell for the longest time: the Gentleman Bastard -
  11. When you get likened to your literary hero, you may as well go all out with it. (Yes, I even hid the fingernails on my right hand, to mimic Stephen Maturin's three missing fingernails.) An infrequent triple-image post from me, with slightly different photo treatment on the full-body shot than on the close-ups. And I was so glad I finally managed to find the perfect sideburns for this look. (Not sorry about the tintype borders. I love 'em )
  12. No greater compliment could I receive, thank you! Stephen Maturin is something of a hero of mine: learned, a natural philosopher (as was I, in my own field, for 20 years), and - underneath his quiet exterior - an agent for the Admiralty and a complete badass. (I also loved Paul Bettany's portrayal of him in Peter Weir's movie version of Master and Commander). I own all of the books - including the unfinished 21 - and it's rare to run into a fellow aficionado of the Aubreyad in the wild. My collection of Age of Sail literature is frankly rather embarrassing, as I own a great deal of it, and my brain is such that it retains random, useless facts about Ships of the line, gunnery, and naval battles. Mind you, given the issues I was enduring last night while taking this photo, I could have happily taken to Firestorm's neck the very catling that Stephen took to Pontet-Canet's "still beating common carotid" in The Fortune of War...
  13. We are so fragile... (We are also getting seriously hacked off with the shadow glitches and tiling issues in Firestorm. And yes, I could have logged out of FS and into BD to re-shoot, but I had the perfect angle and the perfect lighting, and there was no way I could have recreated it exactly. It was only the resultant snapshot to disk that was looking like crap, so I ended up hiding UI and HUDs and taking a print screen.)
  14. Baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice... Dreamcatcher, S0NG, KMH, Lueur, and Krankhaus for Cyber Fair. Full credits here.
  15. Just coming back to this, now that I have had time to re-read thoroughly and am not bashing out a quick response to the original question before I have to go do something else! @clone00345 The redelivery terminal will always send you a package that appears to be the version number of your original purchase. You clearly made your purchase when the head was at v4.0. The terminal is not scripted to increment up every time there's an update, purely because it can only redeliver the name of the item that you originally bought. Catwa has to load the update bags named in a specific way so that they appear to be your original purchase, because that's the way her system works. That's why I stated in my response to "redeliver your original purchase, unpack it, and your update will be inside." Never go by what the unpacked, redelivered item name says; always open it and then you'll find your update inside. @Matty Luminos All of the Bento heads have been v4.5 since Dec 2019
  16. Love the simulation we're dreaming in. Dreamcatcher, S0NG, KMH, Krankhaus, and Strange Merchant for Cyber Fair. Full credits here.
  17. @clone00345 You can update your Catwa v4.0 head to v4.5 for free at one of the redelivery terminals in the store. The terminals look like this. Just redeliver your original purchase, unpack it, and your update will be inside. To transfer your look from the old head to the new head, follow this video. If you don't want to update and make use of the new BOM button on the skins tab of the v4.5 Master HUD, then you can pick up the free Catwa BOM relay from the gift room at the store. It's a group gift, so you'll need to be in one of the (free-to-join) Catwa groups, then click the relevant small box for your group beneath the bigger ad for the relay. An Omega relay is not needed in order to use the Catwa BOM relay and activate BOM on any Catwa head. It works as a standalone. For the record: ALL Catwa Bento heads - male and female - are now v4.5. Non-Bento heads are v4.10 (female) and v4.11 (male). Non-Bento heads will not have their HUDs included to include a BOM button. They require use of the BOM relay HUD.
  18. Thank you both One quick snap from me this morning, of Skell's 'Syd' persona, taken right before I logged off last night.
  19. Great to hear it! As mentioned in my post above, we can only control what we see in SL. Other people may use different Windlight settings, or different graphics settings, so as long as your avatar looks good to you that's the most important thing.
  20. I met with VonWulfen inworld. It seems that the disappearing hair issue is a combination of LOD and graphics settings. This is what I see when camming back from him with Firestorm's LOD set to 4, and this is what I see when it's set to 2. He told me it looks much worse than the second video to him, which is likely his graphics settings. I gave him screenshots of my own graphics and hardware settings and he's going to try Firestorm viewer to see if that helps (for him, anyway; anyone on the LL viewer with its default LOD of 2 will still see that hair begin to degrade at distance, but we can't control how others see us in SL anyway). I was surprised to learn that creator's hair degrades at distance, tbh. They're quite a major designer.
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