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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Oh good grief (It's 3:30am here. I probably just woke my neighbours up laughing that much!)
  2. Well I'm enjoying some nice deep house and electronica at OPAQUE right now. I'm not exactly dressed for dancing on the beach, but eh
  3. Heels on, baby! Credits Pants appliers: Tamiron Forge - Don Juan Jacket: Gabriel - Half Top Jacket Boots: Cubura - Men Boots (Slink) Necklace: RealEvil - Savage Necklace Piercing: Cerberus Xing - Spiked Drill (silver:Bento) Hair: Doux - Victor (B&W) Ear piercings: Cerberus Xing - Metal Quills (silver) Nipple piercings: RealEvil - ReVoX Nipple Piercing P2 Cuff: Cerberus Xing - Soldered Armlet (onyx) Face tattoo: XAnSA - Geometrica Face Tattoo Makeup: Zibska - Efina Uomo liner Nail appliers: Odd Eyed Cat - Clawz Base Slink Nail Polish Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink Dynamic Male Head: Catwa - Shaheen Skin appliers: Avenge - Matthew (peach)
  4. /me discreetly toes some spare batteries under the stall door
  5. I, too can "say so". Until a few years ago, I would often be inworld for many hours - even while I slept in RL - and so any queries that came to me regarding my store had to wait until I was awake and at my desk. I had a note in my picks about it, but since that was before Firestorm and its autoresponse options, that was the best I could do. Nowadays it's good practice for any business owner who may be inworld but not at-keyboard to set up an Autoresponse to let customers know their query will be dealt with as soon as possible, but if the business owner doesn't use a viewer that has autoresponse as an option, that's not possible. ETA: Also, it's a bit unusual to say the least that the support person you spoke to doesn't have enough powers to offer you a group invite themselves.
  6. - Store an absolute eye-watering nightmare to navigate - Completely proprietary system that's incompatible with every other system - Can only buy via adding cash to their own payment system, in certain increments that can usually never be fully spent (because most things cost odd amounts), but you can't get that excess money back - Only updated once (over two years ago) and still not Bento-compatible. Bento was promised in their last Facebook update... in December 2015. - Basic body for women (L$2500) has an alpha HUD. Basic body for men does not; men have to buy the Deluxe body (L$5000) to get an alpha HUD - Creators had to give their textures full-permission for inclusion in the Style HUD - Everything hosted on their own servers, so that if/when those shut down all TMP bodies and heads will be rendered useless: at best stuck in the last skin/outfits used, at worst... who knows? - Dev team rumoured to have split, so no future updates What's not to love?
  7. Those are the only skins in the store right now, and there are no skins on MP. All of them were removed for reasons that I won't go into here. The store is slowly releasing new skins, which are the ones shown in my screenshot. You will not be able to purchase any of the old skins, and even if you contact the designer I doubt very much that he will sell them to you, even privately. The older skins were removed for a reason, and that reason is why they can no longer be sold. If you can make it inworld and go to the L'Etre store, you'll find a sign on the back wall of the store that explains why the skins have been removed. Your best option is to demo some of his new skins and see if they come close to what you're looking for. Remember that you can change the makup and brows and many other things on applier skins, and the underlying shape of the mesh head that you use is also important when creating a specific look. Even if you did have the original skins, unless you had the exact same mesh head and underlying shape measurements, they would not look the same on you as they do on the pictures you shared. Good luck finding something similar that works for you
  8. Unfortunately, you've learned the hard way why you should always demo everything you buy, if a demo is available. Especially in the case of something as expensive as a Bento mesh head. However, you do not have to buy a female mesh body. It's the underlying shape that's important here, not the mesh body that covers it. I've seen one or two ladies in the Catwa group chat who have successfully worn a Catwa female head on a male mesh body (Signature was one of the bodies they tried, I recall) by just creating a new female shape and wearing their male body over it, then editing the shape to look more masculine. What you will need to do is the following: 1. Make a copy of the female shape that's included with your mesh head, then wear it. This is important, because - in order to get the same look for the head - you'll need to start with that shape. 2. Wear the mesh head and Slink male body and start to edit the body sliders of the shape to get them as close to your original male shape as possible. Some things will be different. Obviously, the breast sliders on the female shape will equate to the pectoral sliders on the male shape, etc. You won't be able to achieve exactly the same look, because of variants in the sliders and how they interact depending on whether the shape is male or female (eg: shoulder width or arm length) - and this is also why copying your original male shape measurements onto the new female shape won't give exactly the same results - but you should be able to come reasonably close. The shape might be a bit more bishōnen than your original shape and it will take a lot of work, but it's the best that can be done with what you have. And, in future, remember to demo!
  9. I don't mind at all. His makeup is certainly always on-point
  10. I can't help you with finding similar skins, since I don't shop for female skins. Perhaps some of the ladies of the forum will better be able to do that for you. However, those images all come from hairstyles by Doux, which is L'Etre's sister store. While I would assume they are wearing L'Etre skins in the previews, that's not a given. Also, L'Etre have withdrawn almost all of their skins from the store and are only slowly releasing new ones, so the skins in those images might no longer be available. Here's a screenshot of all the female skins currently out at the L'Etre store:
  11. And over here avec credits Credits Senzafine, Sad Harlekin, and Drastic for Genre. Hat: Senzafine - Golden Age Tricorne Hat Eyepatch: Sad Harlekin - Death's Stare Eyepatch Coat: Deadwool - Duster Coat (black) Hair: Exile - Broadcast the Boom* Hand ornaments: Drastic - Slink Tentacle Jewelry** (darks) Boots: Phunk - Black Pirate Boots Piercings: RealEvil - Savage Ear Piercings Tattoo applier: DAPPA - Fear Tattoo (Omega) Skin applier: Avenge - Matthew (peach) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Nail appliers: Koffin Nails - Kreeping Kraken Facial hair applier: VOlkstone - Mike Facial Hair (Catwa & Omega) Brow applier: Odeco - Catwa/Omega Mens Eyebrow Shaved Head: Catwa - Daniel Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink - Physique Dynamic Male Poses: CheerNo *review copy **Note: These are rigged to Slink female hands. They will mostly work on Slink male hands, but one tentacle will poke slightly through your finger. IMO the difference is negligible, but do try a demo if you're uncertain.
  12. When you want to wear more than one alpha layer, you need to right-click and select 'Add' from inventory, instead of either double-clicking to wear, or right-clicking and selecting 'Wear'. You can wear up to five alpha layers, so that's the way to do it.
  13. It's something that I've considered for more androgynous looks, but it will be tricky to find exact matches for several reasons. For example: if you wanted to use a female head applier on a male head with a male body you would need to ensure the designer of the female head applier also offered male body appliers in exactly the same skintones. Then there would be issues with the neck seam, since male skins are usually designed with an Adam's apple, not to mention the shading would probably be different in general. This can, of course, be covered up if you're happy to wear a choker or collar all the time, but if you're not then neck fixes and neck sheaths probably won't cover up the difference. Your other options, if you want a more bishōnen look, are to either create a new shape on a female base and wear a slender male mesh body with it (eg: Slink Physique) or to use the female Maitreya body with the V-Tech flat chest mod. The latter does limit your skin options somewhat, but it's something that many of SL's fembois and bishōnen use.
  14. Skell Dagger


    First of all, is your system capable of running Second Life? You can find a list of minimum requirements here, or you can use the Can You Run It? page and input 'Second Life' into the search box. Possibly one of the most important requirements is a separate graphics card. While you can run on integrated graphics, your performance will be so degraded that it's not worth it. Also, make sure you're on a wired connection if possible; SL doesn't run too brilliantly on wireless. (It is possible, but you'll experience some loading issues.) Next up, have you managed to get inworld at all, to the point where your avatar has loaded before it crashes? I see from your profile that you're a new account, so I assume that you're simply trying to get in for the first time. Does everything around you appear while your avatar does not? Or is nothing really loading at all?
  15. Agreed, but the fact that they put her in a long skirt likely contributed to the reasoning behind sidesaddle. Long skirts in RL can be gathered up to ride astride, but mesh skirts in SL don't play nicely with wide-legged poses, and I suspect they tried it and thought it didn't look too good. If they'd given her something like breeches to wear instead, that would probably have worked better.
  16. That tattoo is brilliant, Clover My second look for today is kinda neo-future. Finally making use of the unisex free hair that Tableau Vivant had out at SL14B (it's still free in their store) and this amazing mask from sYs. I may be living in this look for a while, since I bloody love it: Full size here. Credits Mask: sYs - Jezebel Mask (black metal) Top: Gabriel - Gladiator Long Shirt (black - gacha item) Boots: NeurolaB Inc. - Runner Hi-Boots Combat Unisex Pants applier: Sn@tch - Second Skin Leather Pants Hair: Tableau Vivant - SL14 Gift* Armour: The Forge - Daerwen Armour Male (black) Tattoos: sYs - Syborg Tattoos (system layers, Slink, and Maitreya) Rings: Absolut Vendetta - Icarus Bento Rings (Slink) Skin applier: Swallow - Martin (ivory) Nail appliers: Odd-Eyed Cat - Clawz Base Slink Nail Polish Head: Catwa - Daniel Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink - Dynamic Male Poses: Le Poppycock *SL14B gift and still available (free) at the Tableau Vivant store.
  17. I think the sidesaddle was done to keep it reasonably historically accurate, even though the avatar is a generic fantasy one. I understand your point, but I suspect that was why it was done. I agree, though, that it would have been nice to give the female avatar an astride option as well as the sidesaddle one.
  18. Are you wearing anything scripted (eg: RLV items such as OpenCollar) that may reset your camera angle? I assume you've also tried hitting CTRL+9 a few times, as well?
  19. Updating an old look Full size here. Credits Coat: sYs - Hoth Coat Boots: sYs - Doom Boots (old item, may no longer be available) Pants applier: Sn@tch - Second Skin Leather Pants Hair: Exile - Bad At Love* Eyewear: XRAYED - Shades 1.0 (free on Marketplace) Piercings: DirtyLand - B.S. Face Piercings Belt: Lapointe & Bastchild - S'Wear Celtic Belt (plain) Rings: Absolut Vendetta - Icarus Bento Rings (male - Slink) Earrings: RealEvil - Savage Ear Piercings Skin appliers: Swallow - Martin (ivory) Nail appliers: Odd-Eyed Cat - Clawz Base Slink Nail Polish Eyes: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Head: Catwa - Daniel Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink - Dynamic Male Poses: R.icielli *review copy WARNING: As it is, this is a very high-complexity look, at 149,940. The (sculpted) boots, while fabulous, have a rendering cost of 72,728.
  20. Try holding down Shift and clicking the Esc key. That should reset it.
  21. Napoleon: Two of the things that we learn as we grow older are tact and grace. One of the least tactful things one can do is assume a woman's age like you just did, and LittleMe will be very graceful indeed if she ignores your assumption..While I don't doubt that your heart was in the right place in trying to pay her a compliment, it would have been less of a backhanded compliment if you'd not included that part. This is a thread for sharing pictures of our avatars. I suggest that - as LittleMe asked a few posts ago - we return to that theme.
  22. Did you do a clean install, as per the instructions in this video? If you didn't then do that first, and follow the instructions exactly. If you did, then the next thing to do is download and install the official LL viewer, and see if your outfits and landmarks are still missing. If they're fine in the LL viewer but missing in the Firestorm viewer, then I'm pre-emptively paging @Whirly Fizzle to make her aware of this so she can help you out with more Firestorm-specific advice. If they're also missing in the LL viewer, then your inventory has become corrupted and you'll need to open a support ticket to get it fixed. (This takes about 10 minutes and you need to be logged out while it's done. You'll be given instructions on what to do.)
  23. Napoleon, those epaulettes are alpha layers. All that means is that they have transparent sections. Perm (sometimes 'full perm') means you have all available permissions: you can copy, modify, and transfer the item. Full permission items are usually made for other creators to buy and customise how they want before they sell them to their own customers (with some of the permissions removed). Alpha clothes, as I explained above, have transparencies or 'see-through' sections. Mesh clothes are those made in an external 3D program such as Maya or Blender. Mesh can be rigged to multiple bones in your avatar's skeleton so that it moves smoothly when you move, or unrigged, which means that it's not fixed to any bones. You can't edit rigged mesh or move it around, but you can edit unrigged mesh (assuming the permissions allow you to do so). Prim clothes are made with the internal building tools that are available in the Second Life viewer. In case you come across them, you may also find sculpt (or sculpted/sculpty) clothes. These are created using different external tools. As to this: A graphics card (or GPU = Graphics Processing Unit) is a piece of hardware inside your computer. To replace it, you need to buy a new card, open up your computer, remove the old card and replace it with the new one.
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