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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Glad it appeared to go well, Clover. And ugh, I detest that old 'over-qualified' chestnut. What if you actually want a decently-paid job that is one you can do with your eyes shut? Not everyone has ambitions to become the MD or the CEO. Sometimes it's nice to settle into something that's pleasantly routine for a few years while you catch your breath, sort out your life and then make a decision whether you want to move on or are happy to stay put.
  2. This. You want people to read your profile, so I just read it. It immediately strikes me as both defensive and confrontational: the former because you're clearly reacting to things that have happened (repeated accusations of cheating), and the latter because you're telling people to 'f*** off' and 'go f*** yourself'. I'll be honest and say that when I see a profile like that there is no way I would even consider striking up a conversation. It's a huge warning sign that potential drama may follow this person around. Maybe that's why you've worded it that way. Maybe you don't want people talking to you. But if you do want people to talk to you, I'd consider re-wording both your 'about' section and your picks. If you want to mention in your profile that you're in an open relationship, do exactly that. No more, no less. Something like: "I'm in an open relationship, and the others in that relationship with me are fully aware and supportive of it". That's all you need. And if anyone gives you crap about it, mute and move on. Life is too short to be allowing people to know that they've got under your skin.
  3. @Bullqueen Did you do a clean install of this viewer, or did you install it over the top of the old one? Sometimes installing over the top of an older viewer can cause issues, so while a clean install isn't always regarded as necessary it's usually the best option. A clean install involves more than just using the viewer's uninstaller; you need to navigate to (assuming you use Windows) C > Users > Username > AppData > Local (and also the Roaming folder), and delete the contents of the SecondLife folders that are in there, then uninstall the viewer. (Note: AppData is a hidden folder. You'll need to enable viewing of hidden files and folders in order to see it.) More info on performing a clean uninstall here. (Scroll down to comments for Win8 and 10, plus Mac users.)
  4. Since I was going back through my Flickr for something to post as my Throwback Thursday offering in the Vanity Thread, I found something from 2013 that may raise a chuckle for anyone who needs it: I bet Han Solo never had that problem...
  5. Out of interest, I have an outfit from a while back that I really loved at the time (this one, to save spamming any more pics today). I'd love to know what complexity that look is, since it was all feathers and froufrou, flexi and alphas. I'm going to try it on this weekend and report back ETA: It would seem that I used to walk around, silently screaming I KEEL ALL YOUR GPUS! because I just found another one that I want to check.
  6. That makes three of us for whom Thursday is effectively Friday. Me three (as 3ring Binder used to say), although that does mean I have to go in on Sunday, which ain't so much fun. However, only two more weeks and then I start my new job Good luck with the job application, Clover. May your leaves be four instead of three on this one.
  7. Yep. I just edited my post to add that - at busy events - I cap even lower (20,000 sometimes) and more often than not I'll switch on Firestorm's "Show Friends Only" option. That does, of course, mean I have to pay close attention to my minimap so I don't just cannon into people, but it helps the scene to render so much faster, especially since I'm already at a disadvantage due to longer transatlantic ping times.
  8. A little bit of androgyny for this week's Throwback Thursday, from 2014:
  9. That will be because the cape replaces the epaulettes on your shoulders. Those look like they are alpha-layered, to give the effect of multiple gold threads, and alphas are more costly to render. If they're not alphas, but instead are individual threads, then that's even more costly to render. It's hard to tell from the pictures. The cape is a lot less render-intensive than the epaulettes, at any rate. Avatar complexity only affects your computer in that the higher the complexity of another avatar the more work your graphics card has to do in order to render them. Second Life has always been graphics-intensive (back in the day when I was inworld for hours and hours a day, every single day, I had to replace my gpu roughly every 1.5 - 2 years), but with the recent avatar complexity options in the viewer, Linden Lab gave residents a way to set a 'maximum complexity cap' at which other avatars would stop being rendered properly and instead would become solid coloured shapes, a bit like Jelly Baby sweets (hence the nickname they have, of 'jellydolls'). A good average complexity to aim for is 50,000. If you can get below 50,000 then that's even better. I'd say 100,000 is the very high end of what I'd be happy to wear. At that point, you won't be rendered by a lot of people on slower computers or those with weaker graphics cards, since they may have set their avatar complexity rendering cap lower than that. At the end of the day (he says, sounding like a sports commentator) it's entirely up to the user what they wear, but they should realise that the higher their complexity, the more likely it will be that other people around them will only see them as a coloured blob. I have a powerful gaming computer and even I cap out maximum complexity at around 150,000* because I don't want to stress my gpu any more than is necessary. *And when I go to busy events I either shove the complexity slider way down as far as it will go, or I derender all avatars except friends
  10. Oh boy... Maybe make that a pot? Two pots? Sod it, gimme the whole tea urn.
  11. I had a feeling it was. Glad you found it!
  12. I think he might already know what being a piñata feels like, seeing as how he's currently serving 16 years in prison for sex offences...
  13. The issue wasn't that you might have changed your wording about it being cartoonish. The issue was that your review accused the store owner of copyright theft. If you knew that the item had been ripped from another game (eg: you could show screenshots from the game showing the exact same item there), you could report it all you wanted, but the fact remains that only the owner of the Intellectual Property for that item can get anything done about it, via the official route of filing a DMCA. For example: If you knew that an item had been ripped from World of Warcraft, only Blizzard Entertainment could file the DMCA to get it removed. If you'd reported the item as "this is ripped off from WoW" then I doubt very much that Linden Lab would do anything about it, unless the store owner was using words such as 'WoW' or 'Warcraft' in the description or keywords, which would then violate the Branding section of the Marketplace Listing Guidelines. It's not possible to leave a review on a Marketplace item unless you have purchased that item. Therefore the reviewers were 'genuine buyers'. As Pamela pointed out in the reply above me, paying for reviews is not against the rules, and it does happen. I've occasionally seen creators state - when they send out a notice about a new item - something along the lines of: "The first ten people to leave a Marketplace review get their purchase cost refunded," which is, technically, payment for reviews. Note the wording there: "leave a Marketplace review". Nothing about positive or negative. The only way that would be against the rules is if the notice said "The first ten people to leave a positive Marketplace review get their purchase cost refunded". And you're getting pulled deeper into that drama. My advice would be to just let it drop and move on. And, in future, I suggest taking a little more care with how you word Marketplace reviews so that you avoid potentially libelling store owners.
  14. The point of making the build that simple was, as others have mentioned, to make it as easy to navigate and as lag-free as possible. Since this was a charity event, it's especially important to focus on making it easy for people to move around and buy things, because the higher the number of purchases made, the more the charity benefits.
  15. You are not "on some forums"; you are on the official Second Life forums, the rules of which state the following: You are, indeed, bringing it to LL's attention, but not in the way that you'd hoped. By stating in your review that "it looks like it has been ripped from something" you are accusing the store of copyright theft. Since that is a serious allegation to make, I'm not surprised that the store owner has flagged your review so that Linden Lab can take a look at it. You know that these are 'made up' reviews created by that group? You have proof of this? They might not simply be genuine reviews from buyers? People who buy and love items from a specific store tend to join that store's group, so the fact that people in the group have written reviews for that store's items is not incontrovertible proof that they are 'made up' reviews. Section 3: Flagging an item on the Marketplace: Since your accusation is that the store's group members are creating positive 'made up reviews' to counteract your "this is cartoonish and looks like it's ripped from something else" negative review(s) then you should flag each positive review as being one that violates the guidelines for writing a review on the Marketplace, namely this section: Reviews should not be left by the seller of that item, whether with the selling account or an alt account. Note: There is nothing in the review listing guidelines that forbids reviews by accounts that are not those of the store owner or their alt(s), unless they are paid-for reviews. Be aware, though, of the policy for dealing with flagging, taken from section 4.2 of the Managing Your Marketplace Store guidelines: If an item is flagged, the item goes into a queue. Based on the flagger's rating, the flagged item will move up or down in the queue. People who abuse flagging will be ignored.
  16. By my own admission? I don't see where I was actually denying anything that you appear to think I am now admitting. And yes, I have met the kind of mainlander that you are talking about. In fact, I've met precisely three of them in a total of nine years. That's one every 1000 days, or a 0.1% occurrence, which is not exactly the hotbed of misery and awfulness that your posts are implying. Since I don't expect my world - either SL or RL - to be 100% sweetness and light with everyone being perfectly pleasant to me (because people are people), I am quite capable of handling those rare occurrences with humour and irony instead of letting bitterness fester inside me to the point where I'm insulting every person who lives on mainland. And therein lies what I actually took umbrage at: you calling me, my partner, and everyone else who lives on the mainland educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place. I also took umbrage at you implying that I am (and my partner and everyone else who lives on mainland is) insane, by your constant sneering dismissal of us as madlanders. Your lack of addressing in your response my clear dislike of those insults can only mean one thing: you meant them. Either that, or you were so caught up in proving your point that you simply forgot to apologise for calling me, my partner, and a very large number of other people educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place. Regardless, I won't hold my breath waiting for that apology, mainly because I'm busy getting a load of tar out of my damn hair. Have a care with how you wield that brush in future.
  17. The style looks very similar to TAOX Tattoo. I can't find that exact tattoo on their Marketplace store, but it might be worth checking their inworld store.
  18. Absolutely not. Use your own alts to test this kind of thing. While your intentions may be purely honest and honourable, a product such as this - a scripted item designed to move money (indefinitely once debit permission is given) between multiple avatars - is going to be looked on by anyone with even an ounce of nous as a potential scam.
  19. As someone who has lived on the same Mainland parcel since 2008 (and who has subsequently bought up almost the entire region) what I have taken away from parts of this thread is that I am: Arrogant and ignorant Whiny A Premi-Nazi Educationally sub-normal Self-entitled Living in a hovel Living in a hateful place A little tale that I always remember whenever someone annoys me in SL: People who have annoyed me and my partner in SL include: The woman who rezzed a huge tree on the parcel boundary, so close that the branches filled our house (this was before we could return encroaching prims). After we asked her to move it, she rezzed a huge wall covered in pictures of her face (upside down, for some reason), laughed in our faces, and told us "you won't be there for long". We ignored her. Nine years later, we can't even remember her name, we're still there, and we own almost all that region. We outlived the b!tch. The woman who rezzed hundreds of animated objects, from breedable horses to full-bright waterfalls and rolling tumbleweeds that lagged the region to soup. We simply moved up to our sky-based homes (yes, in the plural) and waited for a few months after a couple of 'abusing sim resources' ARs. She's long gone. We outlived the b!tch. The woman who had a Meeroo farm, with hundreds of the 'adorable' little creatures running around, again lagging the region to soup. She'd bought all the surrounding parcels and banned us both by name after we asked her to consider moving her pets to a less-laggy area in the sky. She lasted three months before she abandoned the parcels and we bought them. We outlived the b!tch. You see, we're stubborn bastards. We don't run halfway across three regions to try and get away from people who annoy us. We dig our heels in and stay put. We have outlived ALL the bitches. If that makes us educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place, then that's what we are. And we're pretty damn happy about it.
  20. There's now an illustrated list of all the freebies and dollarbies out at Hair Fair on their blog, in case anyone wants to grab some bargains. That post deals with just two of the four regions, so check the blog for a post about the other two in a few days.
  21. Credits Exile for Summerfest '17, plus Kitt Ragu for ::K::, Scars, Stray Dog, and VRSION SLASH at the Mens Dept. Hair: Exile - Walking the Wire* (reds HUD) Vest: ::K:: - Trucker Vest Homme (black) Pants: Scars - Ripped Knee Pants (black) Boots: VRSION SLASH - 5 Urban Boots (BR) Skin: Stray Dog - Lewis (tone 4) Bracelets: RealEvil - Ikal Bracelet (male) Headphones: Swallow - Headphones Skull (gold/black) Piercings: RealEvil - Savage Face Piercings (male) Rings: Absolut Vendetta - Icarus Bento Rings (male) Eyes: Insufferable Dastard - Dreamer Eyes (blue-green) Head: Catwa - Daniel Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink - Dynamic Male Pose prop: WetCat - Best Song Ever unisex prop *review copy (Complexity: 55,955)
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