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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Agreed. It does. But whether I was having lag issues or not, the day I was using it to apply the Stray Dog Omega skin, the only way I could initially get it to work (even after clicking to install Omega in the body) was to keep wearing the relay when I applied it, which is why I mentioned it as a possibility, in case the OP has the same problem.
  2. My post was a general musing about the probable reason for the scarcity of mosques in Second Life. I have no desire to begin a debate about what religion is or is not, so I'm bowing out of this one.
  3. Central to the reason behind that would, I suspect, be the proscription of aniconism within the Islamic religion. Creating a Second Life avatar would probably be classed as 'creating an image of a sentient being', viz.: Aniconism came into greater general public knowledge around the time of the Charlie Hebdo attack, but while many people know that Islam forbids images of God and the prophet Muhammad, it's not so well-known that any images of sentient beings are not allowed. If you google Islamic art, you'll see some incredibly intricate and beautiful geometric designs, but none that depict human or animal forms. While I don't doubt that there are a great many Muslims in SL (indeed, one of the best-known SL bloggers is a Muslim) they are very likely to be of the kind that don't adhere to the stricter rules (after all, there are several sects within the Islamic religion, just as there are many forms of Christianity), or who don't equate a 3D avatar as a depiction of a human form in art, and the mosques are probably built for and/or by them. (Disclaimer: Not at all religious, but I read very widely and Islamic art has always fascinated me for its intricacy and beauty.)
  4. If you like the look of Tableau Vivant skins, try Swallow. They have a similar look, and have Omega body appliers. They create for both Catwa and TMP heads. As to L'Etre, there is a sign on the wall at the back of where the male skins were which explains why they aren't there at the moment.
  5. You can find the correct Omega HUD right next to the Jake body in the Belleza store. All you need to do is wear the HUD and click it to install Omega. Then wear it again whenever you want to wear an Omega-compatible skin. It's a bit convoluted in that way, but it's how I've found that one to work best. Some Omega HUDs you only need to wear and click once to install, others you need to just wear each time. Just put the Omega folder in your Jake body's folder, so you always know where it is. Any Omega skin should work fine with it, although you should always demo first. A good tip for demoing is to make a copy of your body and head (if you use a mesh head), put them in a separate folder, and use those for demoing only. That way you don't have to worry about messing up your original or finding an older applier that you had on it and liked. As to Stray Dog, they have a body skin out at the moment. Currently it's Signature and Omega only (both in one HUD). It applies just fine on my Jake body, though it can be a little slow to show up (more than a few seconds). A Belleza version is due out soon.
  6. Oddly satisfying and therapeutic, as well as a pleasant stroll down memory lane. Inventory reduced by 3000 items in the past few days. And no, I refuse to delete it all. It's my history here, so archiving it into prims (and then further prims, etc etc) is my version of scrapbooking
  7. Double trouble from me today Catwa has just released her third male Bento head, called Shaheen. I demoed it, tried several skins on it, and - once I hit this Tableau Vivant skin - I was sold. Look at that profile, damn it! The nose is to freakin' die for. And a set without any filters (or much else! although I am wearing pants...) Credits Skin applier: Tableau Vivant - Nyx (tone 4) Hair: Stealthic - Reach Hairbase: Stealthic - Male Hairbase Eyes: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (first pic = fjord, second pic = olive) Brows: Odeco - Catwa/Omega Men's Eyebrow (shaved) Shirt (left): Body Factory - Brad Shirt Jacket (right): ZED - Lace Up Steel Leather Hoodie Jacket Poses: InDiGo
  8. Try attaching it to the spine point. Wherever you put it, you'll have to edit it into position and probably rotate it around as well. Spine tends to be the point that moves the least with head movements.
  9. Sounds a bit like my current employer, Rhonda. We were given log books divided into monthly sections, into each of which we had to write "what went well this month", "what didn't go well this month", and "what can I do better next month", all judged against some 12-step development matrix. *shudders* Somehow, I don't think my boss wants to see twelve months of "survived another month of this BS" under that first category. So yeah, I'm currently job-hunting. I'd rather sit and push papers around for 8 hours a day than fill out another "development plan" like that.
  10. Throwback Thursday, to March 2011 after Skell had downloaded the then-Phoenix viewer so he could have makeup layers and multiple attachment points. The full version of this look had something like two belts and three necklaces
  11. OK, I've just done some testing on an alt that has no payment info on file, and it looks as if this issue is probably local to you or your account in some way. First up, my alt's billing information page, with identifying info removed: Hovering over that red-arrowed "add credit card" shows this address in the taskbar: Actually clicking that red arrowed link takes me to the page you're getting, which is accounts-customer.secondlife.com, with the correct fields to add a new credit card: This suggests to me that there's something causing a problem with your alt account, especially since you're not having any issues with your main. You can try clearing your browser cache, and you can try waiting a few days if that doesn't work. But, given the sheer amount of billing issues the Lab have been dealing with, it's possible that something's happened (somehow!) to screw up that account and it needs to be reset, so I definitely suggest opening a support ticket and linking that to this thread for further info, just in case.
  12. Hm. That's what you get when you go to https://accounts.secondlife.com/billing_information/?lang=en-US ? Can you try using a different browser? Also, what country are you trying to access from? I suspect this has something to do with the recent billing issues. That the accounts-customer.secondlife.com page redirects me (while using Google Chrome incognito mode) to a page for Sansar suggests that something is screwed up. Worldpay is a legitimate thing, like PayPal, and the only thing I can find when searching the name combined with 'blank page' is this link, which states: This suggests that the page you're accessing hasn't been fully set up (someone needs to remove that Google Analytics code from the page) and most likely is for Sansar and not for Second Life. I've no idea why you're being directed there, but - as I mentioned before - there have been a lot of issues with billing this week, and some of them are probably still being ironed out. Therefore, first I would suggest clearing your browser's cookies, then retrying the page. If it still doesn't work, try another browser. If that doesn't work, try a browser in 'incognito mode' (most browsers have them; just search how to enable it in your browser). At the end of that, if nothing is yet resolved, then it's time to open a support ticket. Give the link to this forum thread in the ticket so that Support can see what you've already tried, and the code that you're seeing.
  13. I think I've found the problem. Removing all of the numbers after the main address gives us this: https://accounts-customer.secondlife.com/payment-method/card/ Try to access that, and you're given this page: Somehow, you've come across a payment page for Sansar, which isn't yet available. I suggest logging out of wherever you are, then going to https://accounts.secondlife.com/billing_information/?lang=en-US to log back in and add payment information.
  14. Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill No mention of Worldpay. I'm with bigmoe on this: run some virus scans. Also, take note of the full website address at the top of the screen. Pasting it into Notepad can often pick up tricks such as 1 being substituted for lowercase 'L' in the event of some nasty on your computer redirecting you to a dodgy page. Also, I assume you went through the official secondlife.com website to open your account? I know that there have been a few issues with payment and billing this past week, so it's an outside possibility that Linden Lab have added Worldpay as a new billing method and not yet got around to updating the Knowledgebase, but it's a very outside possibility.
  15. Autorespond is an option in the Firestorm viewer. To the best of my knowledge, it's not available in the Linden Lab viewer. To access it, go to: Avatar > Preferences > Privacy > Autoresponse 1 & 2. You will find text boxes into which you can type your autoresponses. Example (please excuse the language. I don't mince my words!) - Once you've set them up, enable them by going to: Comm > Online Status and choosing which option you want:
  16. Credits Crown: Pucca Firecaster for PFC - Infernal Crown (iron) Piercings: RealEvil - Keal Nose Chains Face detail: The Forge - Face Art (black) Makeup: Slackgirl - KaOs Makeup Top: Gizza - North Asymmetric Tunic (black suede) Spiked muffler: Cerberus Xing - Zealot Muffler (cotton black) Hair: Stealthic - Haunting Brow applier: Avi-Glam - LOGO Brows Eyes: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (ocean) Skin applier: Avi-Glam - Liam (T1) Head: Catwa - Daniel
  17. *runs back into the thread* SHOE ALERT, LADIES! This post popped up on one of my feeds a while ago. 50 group gifts, including some killer heels and full oufits, for a group join fee of 49L. Get shoppin'! *muttergrumbles* Why can I never find a good menswear store like this?
  18. *hands over a nice cuppa tea and a biscuit* No! I'm a meanie poopyhead, didn't you know that? *swipes away tea and biccy from under Rioko's nose!*
  19. I twisted nothing. You stated that if someone felt the need to correct you on your poor choice of words they should log out of Second Life for a day or two, viz: Since I was the only person who "corrected you" you were telling me to log out of Second Life. No twisting necessary. Telling someone to reread your opinion until it makes sense is, in truth, actually saying "reread my opinion until you agree with it". On your second point ("I have no control over how anyone takes anything I say") you do have some modicum of control, by choosing your words carefully and ensuring that - to the best of your knowledge - they cannot be taken any other way. Want and need are two words that have vastly different meanings, but that are often used instead of each other. In admitting that it was a poor choice of words, hopefully you understand why one person gently and humorously tried to guide you to that understanding (and at least one other person agreed with them). On your first point ("I have no intentions of disrespecting anyone") no disrepect was felt, I assure you. I don't feel disrespected when people mistakenly use the wrong words. I do, however, feel disrespected when they start entirely new threads labelling me a hater: I hope that making that thread helped you to get this out of your system.
  20. Well, you felt the NEED to tell some of us to log out of Second Life and get back to real life. Not entirely respectful, that, so it's swings and roundabouts there. We all have busy and fulfilling real lives, thank you, and we're all "real people", just like you. Just because we didn't all fall over each other to send you our cast-off mesh bodies and heads that doesn't mean we're strangers to the notion of respecting others and helping out when needed. Just take a look at the posting history of any of us: if a question is asked, we do our best to help out, and some of us go to great lengths to do so. Hell, I spent my last half an hour before leaving for work today to write out an entire tutorial for you on how to watch out for Marketplace scams regarding mesh heads, but if you consider that to be "not helping out" then so be it. Your original post asked for people to send you - free of charge - very expensive items. Now you're thanking people for telling you where you can buy the same items, cheaply. Had you asked that in the first place you would have had what you would probably consider a 100% positive and helpful response. Phrasing your question more like this - - would have meant that nobody "felt the need" to say anything except, "Sure, you could try X and Y and Z stores".
  21. Firstly, and for reference to those mentioning it ( @Chic Aeon and @Vertiline Colter ) the Akeruka group gift mesh head offer ended last weekend. The group is now free-to-join again and the gift has gone. Secondly, and to the OP, people cannot send you mesh bodies and heads that they 'no longer want' because these things are always made to be No Transfer, with the exception of gacha heads, which I'll get to in a minute. They are, indeed, not cheap. A good quality mesh body and Bento head will set most people back something in the region of about US$35 in total, and most people demo like crazy before they pick one they like... and then stick with it. If they have a second one, they probably still use it sometimes. As both Chic and Vertiline suggested, if you work at it inworld for a few weeks you should be able to earn enough money to purchase a mesh body. There are plenty of ways to earn money in SL, from picking up free full-perm textures and mesh models from Marketplace and learning to build and sell your creations (which is a lot of fun and teaches you a lot about how mesh works, as your post suggests you want to know) to chasing crystals in the Linden Realms, to other things such as finding a beach or club with an empty pole to dance on for tips. (At least one resident who is active on the forums has managed to kit herself out with a complete mesh avatar by doing that last one, and plenty of clothing to go with it.) If you don't want to work for it, then get a paid SL account. For a US$5 a month fee you'll receive a LS300 weekly stipend every Wednesday, which you can save up to buy the items you want. (As an added bonus, this also entitles you to a free Linden Home to live in, or 512m2 of 'tier' with which to buy a plot of land to live on anywhere you want inworld. As to mesh heads, I've seen several ladies here on the forum recommend the Mayreal mesh head, which is approximately L$500, so I'd suggest earning enough money to get that and use it as your 'getting to know mesh body parts' practice run. You may like it enough to stick with it, or you may want to start saving for a L$5000 Catwa Bento head. Finally, on the subject of gacha heads: be careful when purchasing these from Marketplace. Expect to pay around L$2000 for a gacha 'rare' Bento mesh head. Anyone offering them much cheaper than this could very well be a scam artist selling empty boxes. Before purchasing any expensive gacha item from Marketplace, click to view the seller's entire store. If all that you see are four or five copies of the same rare gacha mesh head (and nothing else) being offered at the same ridiculously-low price, then walk away and do not purchase. An example of why you should walk away: The current rare gacha Bento mesh head that's doing the rounds on Marketplace is the Genesis Lab 'Flor' female head. It's been out at The Arcade Gacha event this month. Playing that gacha machine costs L$100 per pull, and it contains two rares: that female head and a male 'Ethan' head, and the 'commons' are some skin appliers, cigarettes, and cigars. I spoke to four acquaintances of mine who each played the hell out of that machine, trying to get the heads. It took an average of 28-30 pulls for each person before the female head was won. That's a total cost of between L$2800 and L$3000. Admittedly, still cheap for a high-quality, full-featured Bento mesh head. Not once in all that time (approximately 120 pulls on the machine) did the male head appear. (Yes, granted: there will be times when someone walks up to a gacha and gets the rare item on the first or second play, but that's usually after several people have been frustrated with tens of commons before it. Most of the time, a rare is exactly that: very hard to get.) For four people to achieve roughly the same results suggests that the gacha script was probably set so that there was a 1 in 30 chance (3.333%) to win the rare female head. For a single person to have a Marketplace store with four copies of that rare head in it suggests they played enough times to get five copies: one for themselves and four 'spares' to sell, which would be a total gacha play investment of roughly L$15,000 and 150 pulls on the machine. And they will have won hundreds of the common items, which you would naturally expect also to be in their store. If the store is devoid of everything except four identical rare mesh heads, each selling for L$1000 or lower, you'll probably be spending L$1000 for an empty box. It's a very common scam on the Marketplace. Caveat: yes, I know there are some very rich and gracious souls who genuinely do play hundreds of times on gacha machines and sell their rares extremely cheaply. So, if you're one of them, don't come piling on top of me. You're about as rare as those heads, whereas the scam artists are the commons... Oh, and this? There is a huge difference between wanting something and needing it. I would love a new Mercedes-AMG GT Coupé but I know that it's a want and not a need. There are plenty of cheaper vehicles that are far more within my price range and will still get me from where I want to go. And I certainly wouldn't be asking for people to give me their old, unwanted sports cars just so that I could get used to them
  22. Right now I'm doing the Important Stuff: getting snuggles from the rezday boy himself. It's my gorgeous fella's 10th today And then... I got bubblegum in my hair. Never a dull moment when he's around
  23. Yes. It's always helpful to check the Status page at https://status.secondlifegrid.net/ before asking in here. Invariably you'll find the reason behind major inworld issues there.
  24. On the first point, you need to check the inworld profile of the creator in question. Look at both their main 'about' section, and also their 'picks' section. Most creators will put in one or other of those locations how they would prefer to be contacted. Some of the larger designers have Customer Services representatives that you need to contact instead, rather than contacting the designer directly. Whatever they state in their profile, go with that option. If they have not stated how they prefer to be contacted, then gather all of your questions and/or information into a notecard. If it's a query about an item purchased and not received, make sure to include your transaction information. You can access this by logging into the main Second Life website and going to Account > L$ Transaction History. Make sure you title the notecard clearly, and once you've saved it you just drop it anywhere on their profile inworld. If you don't have this option (eg: I'm not sure if web profiles have it as an available option) just open a new IM session with them and drag the notecard into the IM window, then close the window. Regarding your other query, do you mean the names above other people's heads have vanished? If so, open your Preferences menu (Avatar > Preferences) and look under the first tab. 'Name Tags' should have the 'on' radio button checked, as below: As to your final question, what do you mean by "my account" where you see various listings? Do you mean here on the forum? If so, then clicking on your name will take you to your profile page and you can see who - if anyone - is following you here. It just means the same as following someone on any social media account: you can follow people to be kept up-to-date with what they're posting, etc.
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