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lordstu Nyoki

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  1. also not sure what the Second Life Server channel is? if there is a way i can get work done would love to know how lol but thank you for doing what you can to help!
  2. yeah my issue is local mesh does not work with scripts and that is sorta the main thing as without that i cant really see if it;s working correctly lol i guess i just have to wait for it to be fixed lol
  3. so.. what has even happened exactly? like what has caused this to happen? seems very weird. a friend told me LL dont care about the test grid and are not supporting it but i assume that cant be correct.
  4. it seems that way i was able to get in on an older version of Firestorm But yeh avi not loading and cant upload mesh so thats put a huge dent into my creating as i dont really want to pay L each time just to test my items even if LL would just love that.. sigh
  5. weirdly enough i just went to take a picture of the white hair and it just vanished XD! so hmm who knows and ty for the info as well :D!
  6. you can get rid of the gray stuff but editing your shape and then closing it but the hair Q_Q the hair wont go away LOL
  7. even mine is doing it i got the white hair as well lmao i think i think it's just a waiting kinda thing so just wait and see what happens i am sure it will be fixed soon and people can just ignore the idiots sadly the world is fully of them.
  8. Is there any guides or videos on how to get something to animate i bought a blade and it has no scripts or animations and i want to find out how i can can get the blade to work by putting animations ECT into it like poses and what not as right now it is just an empty shell and I really want to be able to use it rather than just have it as a static item that does nothing so any help would be amazing!
  9. yeah it's down for me as well in the UK V_V urgh what a pain
  10. So i bought this sword and i really love it but I was dumb enough not to look enough and it has no scripts or animations.. i can't transfer it but i can give permission to edit my objects im just wondering how much it could cost to have it scripted and have animations put into it? not sure if this is the right place to post but worth a try
  11. i should mention that that's not from SL haha its from a game called black desert ^^ but thank you i will look
  12. lordstu Nyoki

    Hair Help

    So i have been looking for HOURS now so though i would try asking here i am looking for a very spastic type of hair but i cant find it anywhere and i would LOVE to have it colours are not important i just want to try and find the same style or very close to it
  13. and this is what its like when i zoom on https://gyazo.com/2adcf141a2912329e726697639226a46 rather than looking right ahead its looking down on me U_I
  14. i really need some help im not sure whats happend or what i did but this is happening https://gyazo.com/85d5d5e0b6f8123c7f55a5204c8a76d I remember my camera being flat and i could look dead ahead but now my camera is facing down and i cant see jack now! and i have no idea how to fix it . its sooo annoying! I_I
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