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Ardy Lay

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Everything posted by Ardy Lay

  1. Are we ignoring the obvious one that Moe mentioned? This, draw distance. The ONLY way I can replicate your complaint is by setting draw distance so that more stuff is being requested by the viewer. Silly me usually has draw distance set to 64 meters because I am not flying a Bombardier Challenger to another jurisdiction to commit a crime; I am skulking around visiting with other people in a heavily decorated area. When I do set draw distance to 225 or something, for whatever reason, then return to the built up area, OW. Yes, time is required to load the THOUSANDS of objects included in the interest list generated by that large radius of inclusion. Since I am only really interested in and looking at a much smaller area, the time required to load the objects in the march larger area feels like degraded performance compared to my previous visit when I had draw distance set to 64 meters. If you really push it, the viewer does eventually give up on loading an object. Wobbling the camera around to force an interest list update can result in the forsaken objects being requested again and subsequently loaded because most everything else is already loaded. Gamer explanation: Remember, Second Life Viewers, no matter who publishes them, are area effect weapons. Use them wisely for less trouble. They are more effective if the selected area is reduced because the level of the effect at any point in the area is limited by the energy divided by volume times time formula.
  2. I screamed about this for a while when they did it. My screaming about it made me very unpopular and I was attacked several times by the self-proclaimed gods of third-party-viewer-excellence. I had to ban some people from all the properties I spend time on and establish a "no third-party viewer evangelism" policy on those properties to eject any additional extremists to the swamps. Good luck getting the third-party viewer(s) fixed. I have found that lots of really beautiful content is essentially unusable because seeing it requires, as you explain, extremely close proximity or bashing the LoD processing in the viewer resulting in EVERYTHING ELSE rendering in excessive detail for the amount of screen space it occupies.
  3. The population in Roblox is children social networking and learning via information exchange. Children have very few responsibilities greater than being well socialized. Second Life is adults. Adults tend to have many responsibilities greater than socialization, and many are just tired of the unfiltered exposure one gets in a mob. Adults often have to compartmentalize and sequester to get any "me time" and what they choose to do in that time is often way more varied than what children have learned to to. Yes, these are rather cloudy sets but they may have some bearing on the populations in the various virtual worlds and online multiplayer games. There comes a time in ones life, when one realizes that, what one called boredom in youth, one calls relaxation in maturity.
  4. All this makes me wonder if Region Director or Presence could raise a call for orderly restart of a region when the simulation process is in duress. I suppose the hard part would be reliably detecting duress. I am happy with a weekly check resulting in approximately bi-weekly restarts. That seems quite reasonable and does work well _for_me_ in the current operating conditions. I "grew up" on weekly whole-grid restarts, and sometimes that was not sufficiently frequent. I do wonder if there are mainland regions that need restarted more frequently than bi-weekly. I used to have to request restarts during some weeks. I agree that the timing of the improvement seems to be related to moving to "the cloud", or a cloud, anyway. I would like to think it is a combination of focused software improvement and the newer hardware it is running on.
  5. Seriously though, are Second Life simulators still in need of a restart every ten days or so? They seem to be working pretty well for me now. Granted, I don't go very many places. We do have a fair bit of traffic in our own regions and those are working quite well when compared to the previous 2 years of pain and suffering with extreme time dilation and very low percentages of scripts getting run time per simulation frame. Recently, I have seen my regions accumulate over 20 days of uptime between restarts and nobody using them had anything negative to say about it.
  6. Second Life was mostly running on 10 to 12 year old hardware that was over-due for replacement, by some business standards. Don't forget that.
  7. Network diagram of Second Life: It's all "in the cloud."
  8. I have not much to add to other than to say "I like fixed schedules posted in ONE place, not strewn around the place so that when a deviation does become necessary, most of the intended audience is looking at here-say because they found it in a copy that didn't get updated." Also, I want to mangle the quoted sentence thusly: You are, rather right in there, being a bit of confusion.
  9. We should go back to turning it off and then back on again every Wednesday.
  10. I think we were told that all of Agni is now "in the cloud" when we were shown photographs of the emptied data center space that LL/SL was occupying. I suppose this does indeed render the detector obsolete as it seems to only react when transitioning from data center to cloud and from cloud to data center. As far as I know, which server update channel a region is in can be changed by LL very easily and that they do change them when testing a target problem fix on a region that has been exhibiting the target problem. In many cases, telling people you are testing elicits bogus perceptions of change, so I understand server update channel not being plastered on the terrain texture as it once was. That was kinda weird anyway.
  11. Ignore children with delusions of entitlement and follow the money. 😉
  12. About 3 hours after I logged and had been standing among a group that knew me, one of them said "I don't see Ardy's tail." That's really embarrassing for a furry. But, having been in SL for 13 years the only thing about it that surprised me was something wasn't said sooner. If I was out shopping among mostly human avatars NOBODY would have said anything, except maybe for the rare "Is that a skunk?" "Yes, dear. That's a skunk. They are native to these lands and have been here as long as anybody" or something like that. I don't think anybody has ever reacted vocally to seeing my feet, though, except that one guy .... Hmm... maybe I should go shopping more often and see what kinda hooliganism crops up? Yeah, usually when I say something to somebody it's because I know them and am pretty sure I know what they want to look like. I usually phrase it as a question, such as: "Uh, Larry, do you intend to have 9 paws, 3 tails and 2 heads of did my viewer barf again?" If I do not know them and they are not violating rating on land when I am moderating, I tend to not say anything unless they ask, and oh boy to they ask a lot there. "Why is my head upside down?" "Why is my right hand a sign?" "Why do I have too many feet." or "Why do I have feet at my knees?" are common questions people new and not-so-new to SL have asked when teleporting in. Also common is "Where am I?" Now, that one I just don't get, because they had to chose to teleport there. I usually say "You are here." about the time somebody more helpful gives them a more useful answer, then the visitor usually, but not always, says or does something to get ejected. Then there is "How to I become a furry?" That, like much of Second Life appearance customization, can be complicated to perfect, but relatively easy to begin.
  13. Looking at the reviews I get the impression that an M1 equipped Mac compares in rendering performance with a Windows computer with a GTX 1050Ti or GTX 1650. This does indeed put it miles ahead of the computers using the Intel CPU's on-chip graphics, and thus, makes the MacBook (and PCs) with Intel graphics only look sad running Second Life Viewer. The M1 also does this while consuming much less energy and thus needs less space for cooling apparatus. I am kind of the opposite of an Apple fan but this new development is very interesting.
  14. Which is more lucrative, cryptocurrency mining or providing rendered streaming service for SL users?
  15. I blame the court that decided distributing a derivative work is not a copyright violation for some of the paranoia among artists.
  16. Bet'cha Governance is buried with "He won't stop touching me!" and encroachment reports. Things I have needed Support for: Governance forgot to enable physics on a mainland simulator after dealing with replicating garbage Autonomous vehicles were crashing a mainland simulator because of some newly introduced simulator bug Script time for idle scripts has crept up over time and is causing a mainland simulator to be unusable A required service or capability is unavailable after maintenance resulting in non-enterable regions or other debilitating issues And yes, these do result in abandoned events and lost revenue when renters bail, on mainland regions. Mainland owners are even more stuck than estate owners because we have fewer tools to use and much less authority over the land.
  17. Renter of Estate parcel: "I cannot get to my house. Is there some problem? Is SL wholly or partially unavailable??" Owner of Estate: "I do not know. Linden Lab isn't sharing information with me and there is nothing on either the grid status page or the server blog." Linden Lab: _working hard in the background performing scheduled or unscheduled maintenance _ --- Renter of Estate parcel: "May we use the church at community center for a full hour, for a wedding tomorrow beginning <some time>?" Owner of Estate: "Yes you may. I have added you to the schedule. Be advised: Linden Lab has NOT yet published their intentions for scheduled maintenance of the simulators so be prepared to be flexible." Renter of Estate parcel: "Uhm, how does that translate into smoothly scheduling 30 guests and a wedding party?" Owner of Estate: "I am sorry, I am aware that it does not translate into smooth scheduling for 30 guests and a wedding party. Would you like another date and time?" Renter of Estate parcel: "Ahh... no. We had a difficult enough time getting everyone to agree to the date and time I requested. Can we also have the following hour JUST IN CASE the maintenance interrupts our wedding?" Owner of Estate: " . . . . That hour is already claimed and they have also already been cautioned about potential maintenance on this day. Their group is small, maybe you can share?" --- I know it's hard to plan ahead when you are "publishing" software that is still hot off the compiler and may be clawed back by Quality Assurance testers at any moment. It's also hard to know when we can and cannot depend on the simulators and support services to be available to us. Some sort of compromise between the two must be possible.
  18. Could it be SL is now reporting errors that were previously silently ignored?
  19. "A new week and new...what?" Rant. A new rant by Aishagain. Sometimes it seems they are pulling your chain by... NOT pulling your chain. Much is being done. I just let it happen. My time zone facilitates this. I am working for an RL employer when most SL maintenance is undertaken. Your time zone apparently puts your SL activities at odds with Linden Lab's routine maintenance. I suppose this is why you want more details than I do. I eagerly read whatever information is provided, and, you are correct, there has been little "news" about the details lately. I just assume it's all about making things work better on the new hosting arrangement. I miss the World Map tile updates. I'll be glad to see them return. Would be sweet if they also render sculpted prims and meshes but I won't complain if they do not.
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