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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I am having a difficult time figuring out what that ransom might be. Linden Lab has to follow US law which dictates that they need to report money going out from them (even if we aren't "employees" -- that was written into the TOS some time ago). You will likely only have to wait until you complete the needed documentation and then get your money. The rest of us did so far as I know. The $600 is PER YEAR not month unless things have changed. Back then I wasn't making much and it was March or so before I had to fill in any forms. I know it isn't fun but you have to fill out w-2 forms for RL work (or I am guessing similar forms if you are outside the US). It is the same. HERE they have no idea "who" you are, so that gets a little more complicated proving that.
  2. That is an EXCELLENT POINT and one I hadn't thought about. Most all my losses (I am not counting notecards and landmarks mixed in with the folders) have been OBJECTS. Not clothing when clothing had its own icon and actually I can't remember losing any mesh clothing either although I only have a few favorites so perhaps I wouldn't have noted missing items. I buy very little as I blog for some major brands and have plenty of great items coming in all the time ---- but that being said, the first time I lost a huge amount of stuff was pretty devastating. I think it is good we are talking about this. I have been talking about it for about seven years but on one seemed to be listening. I have to say that there have been may great improvements in SL lately and perhaps with enough NOISE, some attention will be paid to the inventory and asset server (I have no clue where the problem is :D). So thanks for sharing that thought. I have lost a few textures along the way but not much else but Home and Garden type items. No sure WHY that didn't register until now. It could be a coincidence of course LOL.
  3. Reviews CAN be REMOVED (not hidden) if they are really off target and have nothing to do with the product -- or the person obviously misunderstood and say thought they were buying a baby instead of a baby carriage (not sure WHERE I got that from LOL). People often don't READ. Oh my, that should be in giant text and bold and RED. That isn't the creator's fault but sometime they get penalized. I had a competitor (and alts and friends) write scathing nonsensical reviews of a product that they bought simply so that they could write those bad reviews. I remember Pamela saying the same. That happens. Eventually I wrote a "reply" on the product page pointing out that there was absolutely NO reason for a one star rating since there was an inworld demo AND a marketplace demo. Since then (thankfully) the one star ratings have disappeared stopped happening anew. That leaves me with 3 star ratings when the other sizes of the product all have five stars. Makes ya wonder doesn't it? The Marketplace is the marketplace and while now and then some faulty reviews get removed many do not. And I am amazed how many people DON'T leave reviews. I have sold a hundred or more of some items with no or one review. What's up with that? Anyway, I agree that this conspiracy theory is pretty dumb. That's my two cents.
  4. There is a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE between a "banned" account and one that is blocked or their account deleted.
  5. @DartAgain Woot my @ worked this time. Has anyone READ the TOS of any of the big companies. Most of them have no regard for their "customers" at all. This is not new news but it is getting worse. We can always NOT agree (and I have to some :D) and opt out. I do agree that it is NOT fake money -- anything that can be turned into dollars or francs or pounds etc is REAL, even if it were colored plastic beads :D.
  6. First off no names on the forums so you need to remove her name. SHE, not you, needs to send in a support ticket and ask. If she cannot log in to that account, then that will be difficult. IF she just got BANNED from a sim, then no big deal. She just needs to not enter that land (and if she was banned, she cannot). Land owners have autonomy in banning folks so nothing can be done about that, certainly not by you. If she is actually your alt and she cannot log into her account then you may be able to send in a support ticket FOR her (as her alt). That used to be possible in the past anyway. If someone just told her that her account was blocked, that means nothing. She should TEST that of course. No one will give your information on another account that isn't you, so you might have to prove somehow that she is you IF that is the case. Rules have become more strict over time :D.
  7. You can submit a support case here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ BUT it is very likely since this is all automatic that you actually GOT the lindens you paid for twice. Did you check? If you did (easy to double click) then you could cash out and send the money back to Paypal. There will be fees of course. If you DIDN'T get the money in your account and they can verify then maybe they can fix things. There are two different transaction IDs in your list though. By the way this isn't the official support area, just other users trying to help out when they can. So you do need to write to an actual Linden :D.
  8. Well two things come to mine. In theory the land owner can RETURN or DELETE the "egg pooper" from the land. Simply search for it on the area search tab, find it and send it back. It is possible that the actual object that "poops" the eggs is invisible, so picking up any eggs won't do any good. If that is the case, area search should find the object's place of residence and you can actually "see" the object (even though invisible) by using Ctrl + Alt + T (show transparency). You can THEN click on the very red object and delete. That's all I got :D.
  9. OK. Click and drag works for me. Thanks. And "how" are we supposed to KNOW that? I still like the previous method better LOL. Appreciate the help, guys.
  10. Obviously things work differently in different browsers. Very nice photo though! I'll keep working at it.
  11. I WANT to upload them to a post :D. That was sort of the point and we used to be able to do that. I will try your cursor trick though. Workarounds -- the next frontier. thanks.
  12. When I was new in SL I used tga, but my current graphics program cannot SEE tga (as an image) in the Windows explorer -- so THAT doesn't work well at all. Also using a texture with an alpha channel increases the texture download in world needlessly and takes longer to rez. You can of course take an alpha texture that you uploaded by mistake and change that in the build menu to "none" but that texture is still having to be rendered -- is that not correct? Best to just pay attention when you save from Blender. The bug of course is only in Blender, not other software. Still, you can easily forget that you have your export to include an alpha channel in your graphics software and end up with a larger file.
  13. If we took up a collection of "strange occurrences" concerning the asset server in Second Life, we would have several large books at least. STUFF HAPPENS which is why I shy away from no copy items. And aside from a few furniture stores and gacha items, no copy is not the norm these days. THAT I am happy for. Just take a deep breath and count it as yet another magical experience in our virtual world. That, or get an ulcer and that is fun at all!
  14. Take a deep breath. In the OLDEN days when people actually EARNED some interest money on our money (in banks and such) then keeping creator's US funds would have been good for LL because of interest. But these days with interest so low -- not so much. If you want to delve into conspiracy issue territory you might say that a bumper crop of extra money could act as collateral for loans. I doubt that is a viable theory. Most likely as others have said, this is simply a way to make a bigger fee since there is only a cap now for folks that send out very large amounts each month. So all of us little folks are paying a bit more. It adds up. According to numerous reports if you show The Lab that you used your full processing limit three months in a row, they will (in theory anyway) then increase your limit. Several people have reported that info. I never applied for an increase as I knew it was useless. While I had "some" extra money in my account and planned to take it out on the quarter, leaving a ton of money in SL is likely not the smartest move anyway. While nothing is safe, at least the banks in the US have some safety backing should they fail. It should also be noted that we "signed" agreements to all of this by accepting the Terms of Service. ^^ So, our responsibility too. Their grid; their rules. That hasn't changed.
  15. For a physics model you (simplistically) need to define the areas that you want to be "solid" as simply as you possibly can. Here is another example. Honestly, your first project was beyond anything comfortable or practical. That is the biggest problem. Because there are other things that you noted wrong too. Jumping into the deep end of the pool without learning to float can be dangerous. I will leave you with this simpler example -- look at the photos. There are LOTS of posts and videos on making house physics for SL models.
  16. Wow. I didn't know that. I think I have only seen blue. That isn't my house by the way; it is the "store" for Home EXPO that we have so we can set up our builds early. I was thinking about the set to phantom thing also (cringing a bit but thinking). The physics though is just one of many problems, so others need to be solved too. A good lesson for folks to start small and learn as you go :D.
  17. Well now you know. You REALLY need to make a physics shape from scratch either using cubes (that is my method) or planes. The parts of the physics model are NOT connected (in that their edges don't touch). While I am not the best physics model maker, here is an idea of how it works. I also strongly suggest breaking up your model into sections. Then again, someone may have better advice. Here is a post on physics that might help:
  18. There are many wonderful things about the new forums, but the attaching photos is very problematic. Sometimes (well often for me) we need to continue writing after adding a photo. OR we need to add one photo, explain what that is about, add another and explain etc -- especially when we are trying to help someone learn how to do something. I have had issues with this from the beginning and if we CAN type after adding a photo (even editing later doesn't work for me) then I guess I need some instructions. Instead I had to add a second post just now which certainly isn't the best method. So, if an embedded photo option could be added to the toolbar buttons that would be great. I guess I could upload the photo somewhere (I don't use a picture storage place) and then link but really, I just want to be able to upload screenshots quickly when explaining how to do something and ALSO be able to continue on with the explanation. Thanks for considering.
  19. Since we can't seem to edit AFTER adding a photo to our reply (I have tried so many times) I am continuing here. You can only have EIGHT materials assigned in Second Life per mesh object. Any more than that the uploader divides the mesh up "for you". That could be an issue. Textures don't upload with your mesh (at least many of us haven't been able to do that for EVER LOL. You also need to MAP the textures to your model by unwrapping. You may not have done that. There are other things that can go wrong certainly but I have never used Sketchup (purposefully) so can't point out specifics. Most folks would have uploaded this in SECTIONS, not as one giant mesh. Or, if they are proficient as a linkset with a separate physics model for each piece of the linkset (this could negate some more than 8 material problems if their are those). Uploading some photos of what you did in Blender (or explaining more) might be helpful to folks trying to help you. Good luck.
  20. Well first off that is a complex project even for someone who knows how to build buildings in mesh for SL :D. Second, Sketchup has many issues inherent when importing into SL. From scratch in Blender would have been a better choice. "Easy" doesn't mean it will work well :D. That being said you likely still have a variety of issues. One being the physics. You didn't say how you made the physics models or how you imported them as physics files with your model, but if you can't walk through one of the doors, then something is obviously wrong. You can see your ACTUAL physics shapes by turning them on like this:
  21. Blender Cycles Tutorial - Displacement and Shine Part 1 is up: SLartist here: https://www.slartist.com/displacement-shine-part-1_f129d7183.html YouTube here:
  22. Also note that there is a bug in Blender that will save your texture as ALPHA on the second (or third etc) baking. So you might have been doing the correct thing (assuming you were in Blender) and just got caught by that. Make SURE whenever you save your texture in Blender that it says RGB and not RGBA. Again this will SHIFT without you doing anything. Hopefully they will fix this eventually a:D. Just make it a habit to check for now.
  23. Try NCI (New Citizens Incorporated) which has been around forever since that is where "I" learned stuff and I am OLD. They have classes and LOTS of new folks. There are likely some free things there but for fee things, it is best to watch for groups that give gifts. There are some groups you can join that have announcements for gifts but I am guessing we are not supposed to list those. Also there are some nice free things on the Marketplace, it just takes a lot of looking.
  24. You cannot reset mainland to another rating, so no. There WAS an official document in the wiki a couple of years ago that explained how you could have a STORE for the public (I am in moderate) and still have adult items for personal use. Maybe you can find that, but in general it said that you needed to have a forced landing point as WELL as having things set to private. The problem that I see is that you are in GENERAL which is way different than MODERATE. In the olden days this would absolutely not be allowed (the adult furniture. It is also not allowed for venues (sales events) that are in a GENERAL sim while they are (apparently from what the owners say) allowed in a MODERATE sim. This makes little sense to me, but hey. I doubt your cherub is a big deal but you MIGHT want either put up a security orb or move to moderate lands. Maybe someone official will answer your question. I agree that it is a VERY GRAY area and NOT ENFORCED. Still, good to follow the rules. Good luck.
  25. Just wanted to add that each time I had major losses they were ALL top level folders that I had made myself. Looking at my screenshot they would have been along the lines of my backup folders shown there. Now a good conclusion to jump to would be that my losses had something to do with the asterisks -- except that I only started adding those a couple of years ago and had plenty of major losses before that with UNasterisked folders :D. My lastest losses were folders similar to the ones here that say "**Backup Swanbridge mid June 2016" except that they were for another sim. I had multiple backups there too taken over time and they all disappeared. I had not been cleaning or arranging things in those folders and generally seldom or never went in there. It DOES seem to me that as someone said, deleting a single item (or a small group) within a folder can trigger the deletion of the whole folder and it could be that a DMCA deletion (or plywood box if that is still happening) could trigger this issue -- in that case it would have been NOTHING we had control over. That is for general giant folder losses -- the odd missing textures (and I have lost plenty of those over the years) could be a different issue entirely.
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