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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I believe that NOW (not in the past) you need to have a different credit card to back up that second alt. Likely that will not be an issue for some folks. I haven't checked this in awhile, but if that has changed sure someone will pipe in here :D.
  2. Worst case scenario if unhide doesn't work (possibly a garment with auto hide built in that isn't quite right?) is unpack a copy of the body and start over. You can get a redelivery at Maitreya Isle at the terminal.
  3. I just wanted to add along with the creators should do what they D*** well feel like LOL, that after just finishing the Womens Stuff hunt which was all (or nearly all as I saw one that looked like original mesh) it seems like a lot of the full perm creators actually have kits now --- or some anyway as things for Maitreya definitely fit for Maitreya and things for eBody for the most part fit for eBody (those are the only two bodies I have to test with). SO we ARE making progress in that fake naming for a body thing. Thank goodness. I suspect that how many brands folks rig for has something to do with how much the designers enjoy rigging (yes, some actually DO!). There is so much out there I can't see any reason to complain. And if you buy a really off brand body, then you have appliers AND it was your choice to do so. Then again there is always that nudist colony RP thing LOL.
  4. I don't have an answer for you since like Pam I have no idea how your objects were made. :D. I actually had to smile at the title of your post because it illustrates a problem we see often here. Since Blender is such a VAST and COMPLEX program that covers so much there are actually not all that many people that actually "know Blender" other than some long time professionals who make big bucks (and good for them). Hence a ton of videos out there have nothing at all to do with what we need to know here to make game asset mesh for Second Life. Even if you get your lovely ring (and I am guessing it is impressive) uploaded somehow (and I will be interested to see if that can happen for you -- really, I want to know) there are OTHER issues you face like LODs and vertices count and the list goes on an on. I made some very beginning tutorials for folks just learning Blender Cycles. They are VERY simple at the beginning and likely go too slow for you but there might be a hint in there --- and you can see how the rest of us make mesh for SL. Mostly -- it all starts with a cube. That isn't really true, but often and it is a good tag line. Good luck on your quest. https://www.slartist.com/browse-the-tutorial-chic-videos-1-date.html The ones with the Blender icon and they are numbered.
  5. You should be able to right click on your no copy item and choose Move To Default Folder. For COPY items that you have made yourself (this is for other folks) you can COPY from that Marketplace folder and Paste back into your regular inventory should you lose something.
  6. Along with the other comments it should be noted for ALL the new folks that: EACH designer decides how to package there goods so there is NO ONE WAY (would be nice, but nope). Some will have you attach a hud (a picture that shows up on your screen that you click) to open the box. Some will have your WEAR an item (it could be a shopping bag or an owl on your shoulder -- almost anything). Some will want you to REZ the item in a sandbox. And a very few old timers like me who spend WAY too much time opening boxes and typically are selling just ONE item not a collection -- will actually just give you a copy of the item in a folder in your inventory OR the item will appear in your OBJECTS folder. Some "rules" to think about: Best not to WEAR (which can easily take off another garment you are wearing) but to ADD the item. If it is a chair from my place (insert smile here) then you can DETACH said chair but do not DROP it (littering is a bad idea as mentioned). If the item is a box or a crate or something that doesn't open automatically, then you need to rez it somewhere like a sandbox. THEN you can open it. The bad news is that often you have NO idea which of these choices is thee right one. Some creators (clapping here) actually put (rez) or (add) in the description. So for ALL of us, it is a guessing game. Some scripts that are supposed to give you the items will not give out some items depending on the permissions set and so you can ONLY get all the items by rezzing --- even if it is a one sided photo hud (messy). That's pretty much the whole story. Welcome. Stick with it. It does get easier over time!
  7. And I haven't seen the report post option in ages ^^; was wondering where it had gone :D. And NOW of course I see it again LOL. Geeeeez.
  8. And we have seen over and over again on the forums here that these "games" often do NOT pay out. So as soon as you have enough to cash in, I suggest you try. If that doesn't work, don't be too surprised. Head over to Linden Realms where the lindens DO go directly into your linden balance as soon as you run over the appropriate colored pay out pad. Good luck.
  9. So the OP said "recently" for the body and it hasn't been updated since Bento hands so I don't think that is it. Looking up the dress (assuming this is the dress, it appears to be mesh, sculpt and appliers. From the listing: Strapless Chain-Ray Dress. Sexy Sparkly Clubwear Dress with Chains. Includes: - Strapless Chain-Ray Dress in 8 Colors - Sculpted Skirt Prim with Seamless Texture - Fitted Mesh Skirt in 5 Standard SIzes (XXS / XS / S / M / L) - Bangles (Left & Right) - Includes Appliers for OMEGA Applier System - Includes Appliers for Slink Physique - Includes Installer for The Mesh Project (TMP) - Includes Appliers for Maitreya Mesh Body Since the reviews on this are from 2012 and there is a SCULPT, we can assume it is OLD. There is a possibility that it just won't work with a body made five years later. It might actually be "defective". Note to the OP since we say this often. THERE SHOULD BE A DEMO. If their isn't a DEMO with mesh clothing you are taking a big risk. That being said, if in fact it is a product that will no longer work --- the demo would have been faulty too LOL. Now and then, things DO go wrong and it isn't "our" fault. Happens. So starting over with a "clean" out of the box body might be the only thing to do. If needed you can always get a redelivery at the Maitreya store.
  10. As Rolig stated the 8 materials (in your description "colors") is a Second Life limit, not the limitation of the prim to mesh program. So if Program B links the object together (joined in Blender) on export you will have a mesh that when uploaded will come APART again (and often in a very VERY messy way) when it is imported into SL via uploader. Linking into one object is not a solution by any means. ALSO and very importantly -- and discussed many times on these forums so there should be plenty of info in the archives -- the prim to mesh "solution" is no solution at all. It exports VERY messy mesh with too many vertices (a cube has way more vertices than a simple mesh prim) that take a LOT of clean up if you want any kind of realistically low poly mesh -- which is what we need in SL. You still need to learn how to make physics models and perhaps your own custom LODs along with cleaning up the mesh. Realistically it is faster to model from scratch. So the whole prim to mesh system was always a work around when mesh was very new and aimed at folks who wanted to be able to say that the "made mesh" when in fact, they did not :D. Do some searches here on the forums and you will likely see why you would be better of to A. Just build with prims or B. Learn how to model mesh from scratch.
  11. Also there is a stand button on the move and view floater (which I always have on screen :D) that will fill in while you are trying to figure it out. You might also check to make sure that the avatar with issues doesn't have any attachments on that would keep the STAND button from showing up (a hint might be that the stand button is ALSO not on the move floater). Actually from what you described and the two viewers and ONLY one avatar with issues, that would be my guess. So get absolutely naked (nothing but shape, skin, hairbase and eyes -- think those are the things you MUST have on) and relog and see if that fixes it.
  12. I am going to put in a plug for the new FREE MALE all in one (with head but you can make the head disappear if you want) altamura body. I tried pretty much all the male bodies out there and didn't like any of them. I agree that you will have an easier time getting clothes for the most popular male bodies, but a lot of clothes made for other bodies do fit the altamura free avatar. It has lots of alpha slots. Its main negative (well it is free) is that you cannot change the skin. You CAN use a mesh head (I haven't tried just using the default SL legacy head but that might work too) that coordinates to the medium tone of the body. Since a lot of guy clothes cover a fair amount of the body my guy has a pretty good selection to choose from already. The body is in the TeleportHub group vendor ($10 to join). Certainly a good starting place. Examples:
  13. I don't make rigged mesh and I can't (don't) use 2.79 because I had some issues BUT I can say that a lot of clothing makers that I know (and on another thread about weight painting) have gone back to a previous version of Blender or a couple of versions back in one case to get things to work "as they should". Also when 2.79 first came out the Avastar folks were in a tizzy because things didn't work. There was apparently also a new Avastar. So yes, some things did change. I don't know anyone so far who has figured out how to use Blender alone (most everyone making clothes uses Avastar so not that many people trying I suspect). Maybe someone has figured out the issues and will add to this post. Hopefully!
  14. Chic Aeon

    Selling Gatchas

    It likely depends partly on WHERE they are selling inworld. In the gacha sim where I have a store (well a store and a stand) items are scripted so there would be no way to do that. Also it would be against the rules to send someone to another location. So if you decide to join a gacha location be sure and read the rules. There is no way that I know of to have ONE item in two places at a time LOL, so there would be no way to sell the exact same item. You could of course have multiples of some things and sell some on the Markeplace and some inworld. If you have seen what seems to be duplicate sales points it may just be that they have more than one item.
  15. When I did some tests six months ago the search feature was more or less useless and so I gave up on the whole thing. SEARCH (then anyway) was using something like Google rather than an inhouse search engine (like Oh perhaps the search listing you paid for ? :D). Hence I made a page which people could see if they KNEW it was there (you don't have to pay for that) but the chances of anyone actually get there via the search engine (again six months ago). There had been complaints about this all along (in the forum archives) so wasn't new news, just new to me. So I gave up. I agree it would be VERY nice if the search feature actually worked :D.
  16. The other (more fun I think) way to find 512 plots is to go somewhere on the mainland (likely you ARE on the mainland) and open up the map. Look for yellow squares which means those lands are for sale. The smallest ones -- usually rectangular -- are the 512s. You can click on the dollar sign associated with that lot and see the price. Prices will range from less than $1 per square meter (so less than $512) to "outrageous" prices. You can teleport from the map to see the properties that look interesting. You can also see --- just from looking on the map -- if the property currently (this can always change) has empty land next to it. Quite a bit of the empty land is in maintenance and owned by Governor Linden (Linden Lab) which is usually a plus as you wont have neighbors close by. NOTE THAT IF YOU BUY MAINLAND YOU NEED TO KEEP BEING PREMIUM IN ORDER TO KEEP THAT MAINLAND PLOT. That is not the rule with private land. Have fun!
  17. We can no long see 32 day (or I can't anyway). We can only see JANUARY now. All of December is grayed out. OK. I just checked AGAIN and now it is working for me. This has been changing by the minute (maybe just for me) for over a day now. I sincerely HOPE it is really fixed now.
  18. Well all that chatter on the forums about making non-premium less inviting has proven true. I just noted (after half a day as I am slow sometimes and super busy right now, so preoccupied) that right below the transaction calendar the text reads: Only dates in the last month are available. So not only did Premium get a bonus with a longer range of transactions, those of us that are NOT Premium (and working hard and cashing out hundreds and thousands each month) DID get downgraded. This is not the least bit handy for those who are in venues that span months. This COULD of course be temporary, but if that was the case, the note on the transaction page should have addressed that.
  19. You can find out a LOT of info by reading the comments in the reviews. It doesn't do everything that the most popular mesh bodies do so read carefully --- especially since there is no demo. That being said I am very happy with my free MALE altamura avatar and it has lots of limitations, but it works very well and the hud is great and easy to use. There are enough clothes out there to make it very usable. This seems to be a bit along those lines. So depending on what you need it might be perfect. I didn't see any mention anywhere about it being BENTO. It came out at the beginning of this year. The head issue is likely that the head is a big head (fitting for a big gal) and so some hair won't fit. My Letluka has some issues now and then with that.
  20. LOL. And now, it works (the first time anyway) but ONLY for January, not past dates. They must really be having a time! Happily it will be my bedtime soon.
  21. Typically unless they told you they would refund, they send you your stipend even after you cancel ===until your time is up. So they don't actually CANCEL when you cancel. It is working again for me now. I made another post on this with the fact that it wasn't REALLY FIXED. So maybe someone saw that, or they already knew. So could also have just been a timing thing. It has been a tough holiday season with lots and lots of issues. So hopefully things will get calmer. EDIT THAT. It worked ONCE, then if I tried another search all the dates but today were blocked out. Refresh did not fix. So not really fixed.
  22. I am starting a new thread as the one from yesterday is hurraying that things are fixed. I DO think they were fixed for awhile but at 6:30 I went to check and THEN I could only see one day; all other dates were grayed out. RIGHT after adding that to the old thread, I went back and NOW (6:40 SLT) I get the same error page with $0 sales as yesterday. HMMMMMM.
  23. The problem is NOT resolved (or isn't at the moment anyway). I THINK it was resolved, but going there just now (6:30 SLT) I can ONLY SEE TODAY. All other dates to search are grayed out.
  24. OK. I believe ya. Just saying that is NOT the norm and having a notecard in the box isn't exactly "binding" just like not putting up your EULA on the Marketplace or inworld for full term builders. This has been discussed many times so no need to go there again. From your description it seems like there are different versions for the scripting. I know of some home builders that give out "the rental" version as the norm. Most of the folks I hang around with don't get THAT fancy LOL.
  25. Well it may not have updated but the Aditi inventory has BOTH Agni and Aditi inventories so if you upload a lot (and my alt definitely does) and don't delete THERE, you could easily have a huge inventory. Do you have the NEW things that you bought since then? That's the OPs issue it seems. I pretty much don't clean out her Aditi inventory and sometimes that has been a VERY GOOD THING building-wise
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