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  2. We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is ... well, beautiful. Timing makes a pudding delicious, so furries hear spoons jingling hypnotically in Ahern unless they poke spork into sensitive sexy mice. Whining solves pitchforks, but why and who, Caligula? Who and what mayonnaise does considerable light saltiness Twinkies. Who gesturebated at llamas everyday? Drama! But love is fuzzy. Ironically, yesterday became tomorrow, briefly, softly, invalidating outspoken sloths. The end is final, almost, indefinitely. Boils down across Antarctica volcanically to erupt explosively with chocolate
  3. You really don't know that is how they catch a majorly of the age players do you?
  4. Mhmm. The way I break it down in my mind is ... There are furries just in the standard human bodies with animalistic kinds of fur/skin BoM skins, and even with the special feet and hands they can add, are still merely human and can generally wear human clothes from any brand. Next I find there are anthro types that use avatars from Jomo, TWI, etc that are more "feral"(? someone in the community correct me if that's the wrong term) where they are clearly animals with realistic fur, scales etc and not needing clothes at all unless they have visible sexual or sexually-associated body parts. Then there are the pure animals. The do not have genitalia. My cat and deer avatars from TWI fall into that category, as would anything that RezzRoom made if they were actually avatars (and not just animated props), and I can't see anyone suggesting that my buck or doe would need any sort of covering, even if the doe was a smaller one. Note: Would love to see RezzRoom move into the avatar business. Oh yes.
  5. Guess I don't understand the problem then... I've never ran into any issues at all and its super simple and I never have to manually adjust anything once its saved for hundreds of outfits. Its fine though, everyone does things different ways.
  6. Suspected by whom, and on what basis other than that "It's the sort of thing I expect them to do"?
  7. They offer virtual living NOT your personal virtual privacy. I am not understanding what you are not getting about it. The Second Life product is being used by me the same way it's used by you. Are you seriously telling me I'm not using SL the way it's meant to be used? Why you play SL is not the same as me so yes it's intentional.
  8. This thread is going to get locked if it keeps derailing into transphobia. Get back on topic.
  9. I can't wait till all the people at the meeting that said babies/toddler look stupid with a bra as a modesty layer, because it looks sexual and want it removed, find out that re-evaluating it means they will make it be a tank top or onesie and not removed like they hoped for.
  10. Can't get sauerkraut with my Costco smokie anymore 😞
  11. That's not really the point though, is it. The clue is in the name and the marketting. Second Life is a platform that has, since it's inception build its customer base by offering virtual living and virtual privacy. You're right. None of us are entitled to any of those things. It's LL's platform and they are free to decide that tommorow, the game is called James and you will be listened to by James for as long as you partake in it. But I don't really get the sense you are approaching this thread with such pragmatism. You've yet to show that you understand what the Second Life product is and why it's customers play it. Is this intentional? Because that would seem to not be in the spirit of the discussion, but simply with the intent to rage bait.
  12. Right now, with Reborn, I can do everything you do with Maitreya with out having to add yet more attachments. I can tint any BOM clothing, add BoM layers, all of it. I can also smooth the genital area from the HUD if needed. Why Maitreya still has all those layers is beyond silly to me.
  13. Life is to short to spend it in a state of perpetual anxiety, when the time comes vote in your local communities and countries, secure your privacy, do whatever it takes.. and if you are of the mind that no matter what you do, nothing will change, then there is little reason to torture yourself over it all. Take a breath, have a hotdog, and enjoy the moment. Worse case scenario at the moment, there is no mustard. Enjoy 'yer hotdog 🥰
  14. In general, yes, I agree with you. In specifics with the Maitreya whatsit? Long story short - it just doesn't work that well with outfits. If you try to attach a body that had been set up with it without having it attached, the body will have holes that will only be repaired if you attach the whatsit and then detach it. And it even has its own mini-hud just to control the whatsit.
  15. Hey, it is Friday. Maybe this thread will last until somewhere Monday. I
  16. I never said you couldn't be vocal and you seem to be doing a good job of it so carry on.
  17. A lot of people find identity in a lot of things... including height. Asking someone why they just can't be taller... its no different than only have 1 color of skin and asking everyone why they can't just be that race...
  18. Thank you, I'm so sorry I didn't see this earlier, seems there's either no notification or mine has failed. I'll contact you in-world.
  19. Yeah we have these little thing called "Consumer rights" and "Privacy rights" in my country. I have every right to be concerned and be vocal about my privacy in regards in any and all products I choose to use/consume. 😀
  20. If it wasn't for SL being able to make anything, adding in Mesh and stuff... it would look horrible though. Just look at the default avatar and hair and all that stuff that looks absolutely horrid... lol
  21. Me.. putting my State approved undies on. Only have adult avatars, and don't visit A regions really, but better safe then sorry, and it's kind of funny NOTE: Default Avatars have these undies apparently already.. I'm just using the default skins
  22. You probably should read more history. You may have nothing to hide from the current overloads. What about the next ones? It's usually never about what you say today, to todays overlords. Most of the time it's what you said yesterday to tomorrow's overlords. History has supported this truth over and over.
  23. SL isn't your personal life. All you have to do is shut the browser down and they are out of your face, out of your personal life. It is YOUR choice to utilize the platform for your entertainment. NOT A RIGHT.
  24. Why would it be a wasteland? Almost everyone using any of those bodies are adult and keep on as normal. If Maitreya or any other brand sees a reason (like profit) in making child compatible bodies, then they will. This won't affect anyone but those wanting to make child avatars. Why would you fuse it and have it controlled with a hud? I like having a separate items I can attach, have textured the way I want, and saved as part of an outfit so it can just swap out, no HUD or anything needed. So much easier to swap outfits with push of a button in outfits.
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