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Try out the new Received Items Beta


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Hello everyone,

We really appreciate the feedback you are sending in, and are reviewing this thread closely. We understand that the feedback you provide to us during this Beta phase is critical in the decisions we make moving forward with this product.

It will take us some time to review all the feedback, however we will address these concerns. Keep an eye out for that coming next week.

Please keep the constructive feedback coming!

The Commerce Team

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I'm eager to give this a test.

Given that I'm at work, and I've not had a chance to read through all 11 pages of comments so far, I'm understanding that all items received into inventory - SLM items, transferred items, and items picked up from the grid - will all go into this folder?

Why not call it "Marketplace Items", and have it only receive items delivered from the Marketplace? That's kind of what I understood this was for - Direct Delivery of SLM items.

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It should be called what it is supposed to be and do nothing beyond what it is supposed to do.

A Market Place Purchases Folder.   Only purchased items should go in it and it should have the ability to receive sub folders so items that belong together stay together.

To have it as a dumping ground for every incoming item will just create a bigger mess.

The only additional function that would be great would be if In World purchases could go there also.  In which case it could simply be called, Recent Purchases.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

They can't differentiate between an llGiveIventory function from a vending system object versus another object that's using llGiveInventory.

Or even just buy prim content or buy prim actual item.

I'm aware of this.  Shall we call it a new feature suggestion.

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Elle74 Zaftig wrote:

Isn't llGiveInventory supposed to give you the items in a folder?

If it is, then it's broken for this test, it kept giving me my items in single pieces from one object!

llGiveinventory always sent items "bare" without creating a folder.

There is another function, llGiveinventoryList, that does create a folder, but it only works if the avatar is online and in the same region.

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Latest behavior while on the GC Test regions on Aditi --

If you are in the same region as the giving object, nothing at all has changed with llGiveInvenory that I can see. Testing shows me that the IM cap still eats llGiveinventory offers, and the Received Items folder is not used.

If you are on a different region from the giving object, Received Items is used, but the IM cap still eats offline inventory offers.

The items do not appear in your inventory until you accept, so no you cannot rez them before accept. Once an object is in Received Items, you can rez it from there, but the viewer disallows things like rename until it is moved to a regular folder.

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Some parts of the idea is great, but If I take something out of my inventory, and set it out, then take it back in. I would expect it to go back in the same organized folder I put it in, in the first place. I Don't want this to cause me to have to always reoganize every item I take back into my invenotry. I already spent time to put it in it's place.

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I've been in Aditi testing with an alt, and only one of my avatars actually got a Received Items folder, in spite of logging in, logging out, passing forward and backwards different types of item, notecard, object, etc. Straightforward enough, but where I could see the merits of this if we were all still on viewer 1, on V3 it's just more clusterf4ckery, more stuff to read on an already too busy UI.

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I have a better idea, why not focus on the 'bugs' you have, like the fact that officers of group are being charged fees dispite the fact that owners accounts are present to incur such charges and setting for officers to pay these charges is unticked on your official viewer settings.

Before entertaining the idea of introducing new 'features' How about fixing the flaws in the system that allows the same person to create multiple accounts at one stage up to 4 a day to abuse a residents that pay you 195US each month with rascial abuse and threats of making you be witness to his suicide via IM each and every day?

How about addressing the 50 Avatar names that have all had abuse reports filed against the same user and ignored by your AR feature and stop him from being able to grieve sl residents?

How about deciding that no one should have to tolerate this daily abuse for 11 months and focus on implementing a system that can totally ban serial violators?

Received Folder indeed, you have enough to do already.


Yeah Yeah off topic, the point is who asked for this?

I know other things that have been asked for and ignored, Your focus is misguided.  Can the receive folder. The entire program has enough serious flaws when you get those things right we might be happy to embrace new ideas.




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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Hello everyone,

We really appreciate the feedback you are sending in, and are reviewing this thread closely. We understand that the feedback you provide to us during this Beta phase is critical in the decisions we make moving forward with this product.

It will take us some time to review all the feedback, however we will address these concerns. Keep an eye out for that coming next week.

Please keep the constructive feedback coming!

The Commerce Team

OK, this wasn't the kind of response I was wanting from you, CTL. 

Reading between the lines, it looks like you are saying:

"Oh s&%t, we need some more time to figure out how to tell you people that this is rolling out anyway, so check back next week sometime and hopefully we'll have come up with something by then."


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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

LOL  Marcus....



LL Commerce Team wanted our feedback and thoughts.... but now that they saw the overwhelming response that their grand idea is a concrete balloon.....  they really dont know how to reapond.

They know full well that any response from them to defend the new feature that they likely will be deploying (regardless of our hatred for the idea) will just get us more angry. 

They know that they painted themselves in a corner and moved this idea too far down the road to implementation (i.e. the posting from SLUniverse from a TPV developer makes it clear that they have already instructed TPV companies to incorporate this new feature) and cant back out now even if they wanted to.  This is typical LL Commerce Style.  As such, they cannot post a response to tell us what they know we want to hear from them..... "
Thanks for the feedback and its clear that this feature is not wanted in the state we have it so we are shelving the idea

So really..... if you were Brooke or anyone that drives the "LL Commerce Team" forum postings.... what would you say if you were them?    Not what would be the right thing LL should do.... how would you wiggle out of this next big mistake of theirs?

Well if *I* were on the commerce team I would have halted this whole idea as soon as someone spouted off with it.  You know...because I actually HAVE in inventory inworld and I know what it's like to maintain one.  Obviously nobody on the commerce team does.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

........ but If I take something out of my inventory, and set it out, then take it back in. I would expect it to go back in the same organized folder I put it in, in the first place. I Don't want this to cause me to have to always reoganize every item I take back into my invenotry. I already spent time to put it in it's place.

Totally agree. In my opinion this is the great fault.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Hello everyone,

We really appreciate the feedback you are sending in, and are reviewing this thread closely. We understand that the feedback you provide to us during this Beta phase is critical in the decisions we make moving forward with this product.

It will take us some time to review all the feedback, however we will address these concerns. Keep an eye out for that coming next week.

Please keep the constructive feedback coming!

The Commerce Team

I am concerned that you are stating that you are moving forward with this project.   This in spite of the rather resounding dislike for the feature as implemented.   I am rather afraid that you (the collective you) are not going to listen to the many issues raised, but wull instead just go ahead and implement this the way you wish it to be implemented and the user community can just lump it.


 I will state the primary objections.   the RI is going to be an almost unmanagable sink for user assets,  it is going to produce an enormous amount of support requests to support teams.

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I appologize ahead of time if this has already been addressed, but I've been told that ALL things taken into inventory will go into this folder.  That this would include picking up a build for example.  I am a creator/builder in sl and I have my inventory organized the way i like it.  If I pick up items from a build, they go into the folder & sub folders that I originally placed them in when I created them.  If they now will be going into this 'NEW RECEIVED' folder, I will only have more work to do to keep my inventory organized.

If this is true, I totally am against this as well.

my 2 coppers :)

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Like Sassy stated right in her first post here, this is so blatantly proof of the inability of LL to figure out what comes from the MP, so, instead of giving us what had been announced since DD was first spoken of, which was one folder for all MP purchases, now LL realizes they can't figure out what comes from where so they announce a new "feature" to DUMP everything received in this new folder.

Such a screw up, it's unbelievable. And more so the only reply to 10 pages of comments is clearly a "oh right...err...ok sorry, it's being shipped already, next week we deal with the flaming and more jiras you all will surely open".


Honestly, this is surreal. 

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I think the idea of direct delivery has by and large more good points to bad, and sticking EVERYTHING New there is a good way to give better inventory control without new things being stuck here there and everywhere, BUT, I also agree with the concerns that if Returned and Taken items go there as WELL, it rather defeats the purpose, since it'll be back to a mix of new things and old things. Which means it'll be just as big a mess as it is now. Seriously consider leaving the functionality of the Lost and found folder... it does what it's supposed to do, so why mess with it? Especially when merging it with Received Items means that it severely erodes the use of HAVING a received items folder.

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This inventory tool actually doesn't sound completely useless to me.

That is, it sounds almost as helpful as creating a special folder for items that are not to be automatically deleted when the viewer crashes; a folder into which items cannot be assigned to enter as a default.

If they keep having new ideas, I suppose it's a statistical inevitablity that they will finally run out of bad ones, so I guess maybe they should keep trying. 

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Ok so i tried out the new recieved items thing and i have to say NOOOOOOOOO stop chaning things on us..this time around your making it so organizing our invents is a much harder thing instead of having someone send me say a note card and by accepting it i would normally know to look in my note card folder to find it simple huh? well not with this i will have to sort thru all the recent items in this new folder to find it ..then relocating it to the original place it should be such as the note cards folder in this case ...your doing nothing but makeing us spend more time on our inventory when we all know its already a pain to deal with and most if not all peeps hates to deal with it and reorganize it so make us spend more time in sl doing what we dislike ...yeah thats not a good way to get people to want to stay in sl now is it ...maybe its just me that thinks this idk....overall ...not happy one bit with the new folder.

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