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SylviElle Zaftig

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Everything posted by SylviElle Zaftig

  1. Oh yeah I've been using it since windlight was a thing...I don't mind the reduced shadows...for daily use and for taking store pics (I adjust the sun position if I really want some shadows), it's ideal for me. I don't take too many moody pics that need too much depth/shading.
  2. This is Nam's Optimal that I played around with...https://gyazo.com/922204d36b004ff948621f9f7cc8bdde
  3. Bristol will work... thanks! it's a bit dark but at least the skirt is now finally black https://gyazo.com/e0059c1d0f4d4dcb561d461a42fb3ea4
  4. ATM, probably not (re. reflection probe). She might, eventually, when the viewer she uses (Genesis I think? One of those really pared down viewers) gets PBR, I think she said they're waiting for LL to get all the PBR bugginess fixed.
  5. It's a lot less blue...but still blue-ish... https://gyazo.com/0ffdb42a44df78ee484e78738686d3e9, and that setting isn't moddable. And, I know I can't do much about how OTHER people see me, but I'd like to be able to control how I see myself. Maybe normally I wouldn't care so much about this if I didn't have store clothing pics...but I really do want to depict the actual color ppl will be getting on their clothing. PS. And I don't want to have to re-install the non PBR FS version again (and get glitchy!) - also, we're eventually going to have to go full-in ont he PBR viewer anyway, might as well get rid of my "problem" now.
  6. I have, it's not sadly, the owner only uses normal day cycles. She's not on PBR either. She also tries to make sure everyone kind of gets the same experience.
  7. yeah I already have my exposure to the lowest (.5). I'm really frustrated atm cuz there's a gown at VS that I wanted to wear to my Monster event tonight and it looks like this ugh. https://gyazo.com/631801d6e6d111b428e35c423461f107 And it's supposed to be black (in the store pics anyway), it has PBR textures (I can mod and remove but it makes the mesh invisible). I'll watch the vids, thanks so much Scylla!
  8. Ah ok, yes, i've been experimenting myself with personal lighting at least...I'll keep trying and giving that a go...thanks so much!
  9. Finally (re)installed the newest FS viewer as having both the new one and the previous non PBR FS was doing glitchy things to my FS experience. Anyway, is there an EEP I can buy that doesn't make my blacks blue? I'm currently using Midday (Legacy) as it's kind of the most "accurate" color palette I can find (to take pics for my shop)...but if anything is slightly glossy, esp if the texture is black, there's a blue sheen to it. I'd like my pictures to reflect the actual black color and not the bluish haze. I'm not really into mood lighting, I just want my pictures to portray the actual colors. These are not PBR materials/textures, just normal ones. Gyazo: https://gyazo.com/8f2b6022e236a686bd2247f83dc184ec Thanks in advance!
  10. Yes mine got glitched out a few weeks ago which "broke" the auto update "feature". Time to move on when this completely breaks I guess lol.
  11. Thanks, yes, I might have to get that one. I HAD to get it for my alt as yes, the redelivery thing doesn't work at all. Thank you <3!
  12. Hi! Thanks! Yes I know FS has those...great tools...but I DJ and I like the fact that the MT announces to me when someone walks within 36m of me. Plus the RADAR feature in FS is so big and clunky, I like that the MT takes up a small corner and that the list is just hover text. @Ceka Cianci Thanks I'll check there...was just looking to see if anyone had any recommends.
  13. 1 - Is the owner of MT still active? I've tried contacting them a few times on diff accounts...no answer, so I"m assuming not, although they're still selling the MT, but confirmation would be nice 2 - Is there a good NON-freebie replacement for the MT? Something not too expensive, but not free either that does what the MT does? With all those options? Mine is starting to really glitch (my alt's has finally given up the ghost and with no re-delivery options as these were pre-caspervend), there's no recourse to get a re-delivery. I'm hesitant to buy another MT (I've had this since 2006/7ish?) if it's not going to be supported ever. Thanks for any suggestions.
  14. It def won't incentivize it for me. I've been Premium since 2005, so I still get 500L a week. I asked at one of the Office Hours I went to when they were still trying to decide about Prem+ whether my stipend would double as well, and no one ever got back to me. Plus, it should be more than double as it's $99 to $249 a year, In that other thread I asked if there really was going to be a big differencce at uploading to 2048 and some kind soul posted that it didn't look like it. If there isn't, it's not worth the x4 new fees.
  15. Ugh I had an alt who was in my personal group and I completely forgot to turn off liability for "members" and she incurred almost 2KL neg balance when I logged in to her years after I made her lol. PS. That should be turned off for everyone except owner and maybe a toggle for officers by default!
  16. Noooo...I'm not giving textures to someone that I made full perm so they can upload it! Too many nefarious scammy ppl on SL!
  17. Thanks so much! ❤️ I'll stick to 1024. I don't make large scale items, just clothes, so that will suffice.
  18. The battery capacity on that one is great. I have a 7k mAh battery on mine and it lasts days using it to read (i read everyday for hours). If you're gonna use that tab for SL, the 10k battery will be a must esp if you're actually mobile with it.
  19. This is the one my hubby and I got, it's a knock off of course, but for $190 CAD (def cheaper in USD) it was good for our purposes (kindle/manga/the occasional YT vid). https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0CJLC1V67/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  20. @Istelathis Oh I love blustack! And u have a skin on!
  21. Cool that the skin thing is a bug. When I tp'd to one of the mobile destinations listed, I came in as a ghost form (semi transparent with the outline of me and my body and clothing), it fully rezzed the sim really fast which was rather pretty on my phone, but it never fully rezzed my skin.
  22. OH! And i also didn't notice til now, it doesn't show/take the name u give yourself, just your legacy name!
  23. Ah nice, thanks hahah, I NEVER use my phone or tablet for anything serious lol. I read on tablet and play Monopoly on phone lol. I ran the Lumiya viewer on a MUCH older tablet, Android 7? maybe? and it was fine...this on the other hand made my tablet and phone get blazingly hot in the sub 5 minutes I was on.
  24. Update: Force shut down the app, restarted, logged in fine. But this is how I look lmao. This mobile viewer is going to give me a complex! Lol. Lol so I installed it on to my phone...Web Page not available, net" ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. It started up got the SL hand logo but never got to the screen to input my log in info. Then that message popped up. Phone: Another chinese knock off Blackview A100 Android 11 Processor 8 core RAM 6G / ROM 256G Display 1024 x 2400 The phone is probably not beefy enough for SL...I only use it to play monopoly and text my husband (I hate talking on phones - well I hate talking, period).
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