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Rival Destiny

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  1. Thanks for the info Arwen. Good to know that it's not just my hamster falling off the wheel these past couple of days.
  2. OK for anyone else that has had or will have this issue, it appears to be some sort of lag. After a few hours, I was able to sort as before then became stuck on another criteria. Still stuck on the criteria this morning, but have an idea it will become unstuck at some point in the future. DB issues perhaps, or the hamster responsible for sorting my mp store by criteria falls off the wheel more often lately.
  3. Store is stuck on 'age: oldest first' & am unable to chose any other option. This just happened today. I have relogged but doesn't fix it. tia
  4. One of my fave movie scenes! Rival (closet facelight wearer)
  5. :matte-motes-shocked: As I live & breath !! Glad to see you've been so diligent Toy & I hope it pays off in the end. We can only hope!
  6. Not sure of anyone else, but I can't even see the tattoo to attempt to identify it. Do you have another photo that is closer & shows the tatoo itself? I saved to my computer but when zooming in is just a blur.
  7. I had this problem also for the past few days & could not figure it out. It ended up being Adblock Plus - disable for sl seems to work but if anyone has any other suggestions, would be awesome. Meanwhile, I'll leave this here in case someone else has issue with Adblock Plus. Rival
  8. Wow Thanks! This is the exact hair. I'll contact the creator & see if she will sell to me. Rival Edited to add: I have sent IM to creator & now wait with my fingers crossed. thanks again!
  9. Yes someone in my original thread mentioned something about PS'g the image. I appreciate your input & believe that what you say may just be the case here. Sigh ... I leave thread up for now but if nothing else occurs I'll get the mods to delete it. Rival
  10. Yes I sent her a facebook request today but have not heard back. Now that I have offerred the reward, & in all fairness, I will sit back & wait & see what happens. But this is a wonderful clue for someone to take and run with. Thanks!
  11. Am unsure if I should put this here or in the 'Employment' section as I think my inquiry falls under both categories. Having said that, please feel free to move if necessary. For a few months I have been trying to locate a specific hair in SL but have been totally unsuccessful. So, to make this search a little more effective, I am offering a reward of L$1,000.00 to the person that locates this hair for me. Need larger photo for more detail? http://tinyurl.com/o6qoq2k I do have a few stipulations: Must be the exact hair, no look alikes.It must be for sale by a legitimate merchant, either the creator or the entity that has permission to sell it (NO Copybott or Ripped Hair) You must agree to have your name posted in this thread at the end of a successful search Terms: Payment will be made upon my approval & acceptance of all stipulationsIf found, IM must be sent to me in world (Rival Destiny) which will date stamp your claim to the reward should there be more than one successful person.Am probably missing some fine points but I think this pretty much covers what I require. Please feel free to ask any questions or post any suggestions etc. Thanks & good luck!
  12. Nema Galicia wrote: I realy like the idea,but would want it so we could narrow down who can see our list. LIke only close firends and family ect. Thanks Nema! One of my comments here outlines this aspect Nema...the feature could go through web profiles where you can assign permissions as we do for web profiles.
  13. Aztek Aeon wrote: A Wishlist would be a fabulous idea, Rival! Thanks Aztek! Rival
  14. Thank you for your input! I hope that a few more people can take some time to weigh in. Rival
  15. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: I have no issue with tyhis as a feature, i loved the old wishlist feature on Xstreet. As to "But you seem to merely want to question the logistics and implementation and argue the fine points of implementation." You seem to have come around to my point of having part of it on an inworld profile, as opposed to earlier when you said "it sould only be on the MP and has no place inworld." When talking about a new feature idea you will get people giving suggestions and add to the base idea. Seeing as you wont be the one implementing it or even making it, perhaps you should not take it so personally. You have your opinion and everyone else has their own as well. Yes sorry I wasn't clearer in my posts & that you misunderstood what I have been saying. I don't recall discussing the logistics of how this would work, but I did say that having the Wish List mixed in with our Profile feed would not be a good idea. With regards to what should be on the MP and no place in world, is the actual list. Very possible I misunderstood but that's to be expected when discussing how these things will work. Everyone has something to contribute and not all of us are going to be bang on. When I first began looking at this, I had a rew ideas already and adding the routing of the purchase through the in world profile was just one of my ideas. I hadn't expected this thread to include discussion of the logistics in such detail but I think it may be a good thing. Putting all our heads together I'm sure we can come up with something that would be suitable for everyone. I am just hoping to see it come to fruition. My glass is always half full Rival
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