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Linden Lab finally responds to Bring Back Last Name Options JIRA

Jo Yardley

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I followed the links you gave and, I hate to be a wet blanket, but I see little here to be optimistic about. Not even cautiously optimistic. Really all they said is, "This seems to be important to some of you, we'll think about it." Sounds akin to, "Don't call us, we'll call you."  Granted, I'm reading this with a somewhat jaded eye due to my obsrvation of LL's other customer requests.

That said, I hope they do reverse themselves. I'm just not holding my breath because they finally acknowledged a JIRA topic.


PS. THANKS Jo for posting this though. It is interesting.

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Knutz Scorpio wrote:

To this pessimist it just sounds like something you tell to a child to get them to quiet down.

No, when you are telling a child to quieten down you include their middle name as well their last name and with added emphasis.

"Rules of parenting"

Chap III

Rule 4(ii)

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And how exactly will this be implemented for us who had to pick a name with only Resident as an option?

I don't want to remain 'Treyu' if I'm having a last name forced on me any more than I'm sure someone with the name Agfd123 wants to keep that as a first name.

Oh joy,  they can be Agfd123 Flux or Agfd123 Zane now? Man, let me hop on THAT asap, I mean that's great and such a step up! Now along with thier ridiculous name that they had to use to get on the game at all, they have to pick a last name as well to make it even more confusing. Either that or abandon their account with many non-trans items to make a less moronic first name at the cost of wasting days, weeks, months of time and a whole hell of a lot of $ along with it!

They limited the names for a time, screwed us over essentially, and now they want to go back on that? Is this a cruel joke? I certainly hope that, if they do, we newer residents can pick ENTIRELY new names... because I've invested a lot into this account, only to now be told that I could possibly have had a different name in the future... but only be allowed to pick from LAST names? Thanks a lot, LL. ~

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the database could accept just spaces, letters and numbers.

about offensive names, i think we have a filter for that.

Well I hope they would seriously think that part through Canoro

Signed, Sy F E C K 010010010010000001100011011011110111010101101100011001000010000001100010011001010010000001110010011101010110010001100101


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It says pretty clearly they're thinking of putting back the option in the registration proccess. So it looks like I'll be staying Resident. I've invested alot into this account already, I'm not willing to abandon it. A last name would be cool, but I'm not gonna cry if it doesnt happen. I wasnt around when you could pick names, so to me its like a benifit of having been here. Happy for those of you that have family names,  pretty content to be an orphan lol.

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UncommonTruth wrote:

It says pretty clearly they're thinking of putting back the option in the registration proccess. So it looks like I'll be staying Resident. I've invested alot into this account already, I'm not willing to abandon it. A last name would be cool, but I'm not gonna cry if it doesnt happen. I wasnt around when you could pick names, so to me its like a benifit of having been here. Happy for those of you that have family names,  pretty content to be an orphan lol.

Yeah, I'm not going for a last name either. I feel like an archetype with this name.

While I think the option of a last name would be a good idea, it seems like the people who are the most vocal about bringing back last names are the people who already have one.


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"it seems like the people who are the most vocal about bringing back last names are the people who already have one."


Exactly what I'm thinking. As someone without a last name, I'd rather they just kept going the way they were. I'm tired of the bait-and-switch crap in 1st life. I'd prefer not to have it in my 2nd.

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Victoria wrote:
While I think the option of a last name would be a good idea, it seems like the people who are the most vocal about bringing back last names are the people who already have one.



Umm, no not really. I honestly don't give a damn (other than the fact that SL lost some of it's unique flavor and started looking like an AOL chatroom). I've been here a long time and have a great name that I thoughtfully picked out.

It does however, make a difference to every one of the new single-named residents I've helped in the past year since display names came out. Every one has expressed frustration at being "different" and not truly fitting into the SL community, permanently marked as somehow being "noobs".

LL's NOT going to force a surname on you Victoria. When they changed signups it didn't affect us older residents. We didn't have to lose our last names. Any change to the names system would only affect those who signed up AFTER the change.

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/me dons her 'Devil's Advocate' cap and braces:

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I just don't get the argument that the single usernames themselves are responsible for a load of trash, rude, insulting, pointless names. They are not. Unimaginative people are.

Say, John Smith came along and wanted to create an account. He tries to create the single name JohnSmith but it's taken (no surprise really). So he just creates something silly like JohnnyFartPantsSmith. That's not the systems fault though. It's John's fault for being unimaginative when he still had virtually infinate other choices. He could have created something more meanignfuly like TheJohnSmith or JonnySmith or JohnnySmith or JonSmith etc, etc. More to the point, the situation would have been no different with the old provided last names. If Smith were available as a provided last name, John Smith would likely still have already been taken and he would have still likely created JohnnyFartPants Smith.

So, to me, using the argument that single names results in more daft names is itself a daft and flawed argument. Returing to provided last names wouldn't solve that problem.

The sooner we get rid of all old legacy 1.23 based code the better too because no-one has the surname 'Resident' in truth. That's just a nasty cludge for the sake of 1.23 code (and legacy scripts).

To be honest, I'm inclined to agree with Victoria. I think people who are most vocal about it are those who already have a last name. Those who have a single name probably aren't massively bothered and some probably quire like it (as Victoria does). If i'm even more honest, I suspect those with a single name who do have an issue with it have been swayed by someone with a last name calling them a noob or something. Or in other words, as is so often that case with things in SL, the issue is not so much with the process itself, but with the overly-dramatic responses and actions of those stuck in their ways and seemingly finding drama for the sake of it.

Having said all of that, in the interests of choice (something which I'll always support as a valid argument - choice) there's no harm in having both a single name and provided last name option at sign up, if it's feasible and cost-effective.

This is one of those posts that's going to get me some inworld and PM attacks directed at me isn't it?! :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy:

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LL fails during the sign-up process to emphasise the importance of choosing a username that you are happy for others to see and on occasion to address you by. Also, for whatever reason, newbies fail to appreciate that display names exist  or how to change their display name.

You only have one chance to create a first impression and in this respect the present system fails newbies badly. If I see someone with a username such as jsozxcu and no display name, my first impression is "moron".


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Deej Kasshiki wrote:

It does however, make a difference to
every one
of the new single-named residents I've helped in the past year since display names came out. Every one has expressed frustration at being "different" and not truly fitting into the SL community, permanently marked as somehow being "noobs".


Lol exactly, permanent noob, that describes me ^^

 ETA @ Ian- totaly agree there, I picked a username having no idea that would be my character name in the game. It would be of benifit for them to make that a bit clearer when creating an account.  

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LL fails during the sign-up process to emphasise the importance of choosing a username that you are happy for others to see and on occasion to address you by. 


Thank you Ian.  This, exactly.  

I'd read quite a bit about SL before signing up last December, I'd hoped to have some clue as to what I was getting myself into. 

During the sign-up process, when no "pick your last name" option came up, I figured that maybe they'd added this step - creating a username separate from the avatar name. It said that the username was the name I'd use to sign in with and I'd pick my avatar's name later, so  just threw a name in there and didn't even bother to capitalize. 

As far as it being next to impossible to find a decent username, a few of weeks ago out of curiosity, I created an alt account using my display name as username -TinkerDrew Resident.  While I was in the sign-up process, I tried maybe 10 other somewhat random firstlastname combinations and was surprised at how easy it was to find available names.  

But - because of the lack of clear information during the sign-up process, I don't know how anyone would know to do this or understand why it's a good idea.  




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