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Apparently, dead horse beating is becoming a popular sport around here.  Perhaps we could petition the International Olympic Committee to consider adding dead horse beating as a discipline?

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12 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Apparently, dead horse beating is becoming a popular sport around here.  Perhaps we could petition the International Olympic Committee to consider adding dead horse beating as a discipline?

Only if it's Winter Olympics.

Dead horses really stink in summer.


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38 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Apparently, dead horse beating is becoming a popular sport around here.  Perhaps we could petition the International Olympic Committee to consider adding dead horse beating as a discipline?

I just checked, it is not dead.. it is just mostly dead.



Please, everyone, put your sticks down.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Istelathis said:

I just checked, it is not dead.. it is just mostly dead.



Please, everyone, put your sticks down


Edited by Midnoot
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I am grateful for a batch of fresh voices and perspectives. I hope some will become forum regulars and not disappear. 

The forum needed new... uh, if I say "blood" does that sound bad?

Why would they stay.

This place is hostile and the current clique are territorial, entrenched, addicted and literally have nothing better to do. There is no empathy, no one cares, it's all a sport until it affects the regulars personally .. and it wont, because unlike Second Life's happy and engaged users, they (for the most part) barely are.

The more time someone spends on a forum, the more they feel like they own the place. These forums are their Second Life. This is their house. Strangers walking in and daring to express an opinion are rude, especially an opinion that someone previously got tarred and feathered for!



Edited by Coffee Pancake
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3 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Apparently, dead horse beating is becoming a popular sport around here.  Perhaps we could petition the International Olympic Committee to consider adding dead horse beating as a discipline?

That's gonna be some tender horse meat.

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4 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

There is no empathy, no one cares, it's all a sport until it affects the regulars personally

Not true, Coffee. And unfair to many of us who have reached out to some of those coming here to represent the interests of child avatars.

Of course there has been some hostility. And yeah, it takes a while for newcomers to feel at home here. And at the same time, not all of those who are posting for the first time have been particularly willing to listen -- although they are exceptions, happily.

I agree with Cinn -- I can think of at least two newish people I'd love to see hang around here more, and I, and most of us, would welcome others.

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26 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

This place is hostile and the current clique are territorial, entrenched, addicted and literally have nothing better to do.

I don't know if there are even cliques anymore, this month is four years on the forum for me and this appears to be as much chaos as I have ever seen here... it is like civil war, brother against brother, sister against sister, furry against furry, sister against brother against furry, against vampire.  

In one thread, you will see unlikely people agreeing with one another, in another they will be arguing with one another.  That doesn't seem very cliquish, just more so people sort of being more individualistic which to me, is kind of cool.  I mean, the arguing and insulting one another is not my thing, but people being their own person with their own views and not feeling pressured by others into conformity is cool.

Anywho, I am glad to see you are back here, you always have some good advice and perspectives.  I wish we could get a few other regulars back as well, some of them seemed to have drifted away.


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18 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not true, Coffee. And unfair to many of us who have reached out to some of those coming here to represent the interests of child avatars.

Of course there has been some hostility. And yeah, it takes a while for newcomers to feel at home here. And at the same time, not all of those who are posting for the first time have been particularly willing to listen -- although they are exceptions, happily.

I agree with Cinn -- I can think of at least two newish people I'd love to see hang around here more, and I, and most of us, would welcome others.

It's not everyone, obviously. But it's easily enough to make any one coming here turn and walk away lest they get dragged for daring to ask a question or express upset.

Look around you. No one new is staying. No one actually new ever stays. The in crowd always favors, forgives and protects the in crowd, this is basic human nature.

The forums got a lot of attention when the new rules for child avatars dropped. A lot were coming here looking for news or assistance and the overwhelming majority walked away.

The forums have well and truly cemented their reputation for being nasty.


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Just now, Coffee Pancake said:

It's not everyone, obviously. But it's easily enough to make any one coming here turn and walk away lest they get dragged for daring to ask a question or express upset.

Look around you. No one new is staying. No one actually new ever stays. The in crowd always favors, forgives and protects the in crowd, this is basic human nature.

The forums got a lot of attention when the new rules for child avatars dropped. A lot were coming here looking for news or assistance and the overwhelming majority walked away.

The forums have well and truly cemented their reputation for being nasty.


I am not going to entirely disagree: it does take some people some time to integrate into the forum community. And partially that IS our fault -- although not everyone's, by any means. But we are nothing like as nasty as we once were here.

I'm going to echo Cinn's sentiment in any case, and express my hope that some, like @brodiac90 and @Madi Melodious to name but two, decide to stay. They would be welcomed by the vast majority of us.

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I am not going to entirely disagree: it does take some people some time to integrate into the forum community. And partially that IS our fault -- although not everyone's, by any means. But we are nothing like as nasty as we once were here.

I'm going to echo Cinn's sentiment in any case, and express my hope that some, like @brodiac90 and @Madi Melodious to name but two, decide to stay. They would be welcomed by the vast majority of us.

Out of the population of child avatars who came here looking for answers and reassurance. You're hoping the two who stuck their neck out and gave as good as they got might hang about.

The governance meeting was maxed out with 100 people from that community, we expect the next one will be equally well attended.

Forum isn't fit for purpose.

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2 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

You're hoping the two who stuck their neck out and gave as good as they got might hang about.

I merely named the two who most seem to have acclimatized themselves to the place. As Cinn says, we're always looking, or should be, for new and fresh perspectives, and I'd welcome any who decided to hang about, as you put it.

And no, the forum is not "fit for the purpose," and never has been. That's been true of every major change or crisis that has brought people here in the past, and not just the current one. Some of that has definitely been on us -- and some of it has been because some of those new voices were merely here to unload, and were not particularly interested in what we had to say either. That's been true before, and it's been somewhat true of the current instance as well. The forum should be a place for discussion, but there are definitely some who treat it as a dumping ground for one-sided histrionics and rants. (We actually have a few somewhat longer-term forumites who also fall into this category.)

None of this is very new. The main difference is that those running child avatars tend to identify as a coherent community. But what has been clear, despite that, is that community or not, they are still very much individual voices and perspectives. Not all of those are ever going to fit in here, and probably don't want to. But I hope that some will.

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To me, the forums operate a bit on a tide system. There are times when folks are helpful, discuss silly or serious things in good faith and while things sometimes get heated, it tends to cool just as quickly. At other times it's a free for all slugfest with personal attacks, hateful political content masquerading as "just asking questions" and an overall attitude of if you can take the shot, make it a nuke.

Lately it has swung hard towards the latter but I'm sure it will swing back again in the coming months. Welcoming however, this place is not right now. Or maybe that's just me. I do feel like I need to take a break from here, because all the spiteful sniping is getting to me.


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11 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Lately it has swung hard towards the latter but I'm sure it will swing back again in the coming months. Welcoming however, this place is not right now. Or maybe that's just me. I do feel like I need to take a break from here, because all the spiteful sniping is getting to me.

Nah, it is not just you.  I think perhaps, it might be dying down now though.. the red tide may be over.  How many fish were baited in it, and we will never see again is anyone's guess though.   I don't think it can get any worse than the last subject the forum has been fixated on, I'll be glad if we never go through that again.  Hopefully, from here on out, it will just be about things like the mobile app, thunes, security orbs, and the such.  

I do worry that it may have driven a lot of people off of the forums in general though.  I was really close myself, to abandoning it, which probably would have been a good thing 🙃  I spend waaay too much time here.

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1 minute ago, Istelathis said:

I was really close myself, to abandoning it, which probably would have been a good thing 🙃

Don't you dare.

Yeesh, I once had to take Lil to task for threatening that.

What an unruly mob you all are! Sit down and behave!

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If you take a little nip of poison every day pretty soon you won't even notice the effects.

Similarly if you visit these forums regularly enough after a while you barely even notice the toxicity.

In order to function as members of any society we must learn to tolerate the behaviour of those we interact with regularly, but in doing so we risk normalizing that behaviour.  Then, when someone new appears who isn't acclimatized to the toxicity and (rightfully) points out how toxic it is those who have become desensitized to it see it as an overreaction, with some even going so far as to come to the defense of the seemingly (at least from an outsiders perspective) indefensible.

Regardless of if you approve or merely tolerate the behaviour of the members of any community you consider yourself a part of, that behaviour will be seen by some as representative of the community as a whole, and by extension each of its individual members.


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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Seeing those who disagree as an enemy, threat, or "less-than".

To quote Jo Cox "We have far more in common than that which divides us".

It seems silly to focus on differences of opinion when there are so many other things that we could agree on.  Our very presence on these forums is evidence of shared interests and yet at times it seems like some people just come here to argue.

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I've been a forum regular for a long time.  I've seen a lot of nasty people come and go, and I've seen a lot of really nice people too. I tend to ignore the nastiest ones -- I've never blocked anyone -- but even the people who post crackpot, paranoid, asinine things have occasionally had interesting things to say.  I think it helps that it takes a lot to trigger me into firing back a response to something I find offensive, so I sit through much of the chaos. (Right now I'm on vacation and haven't had good Internet most days, so that helps too.)

All in all, I agree with Scylla that the forums today are much less toxic than they once were. There was a stretch of years when I lurked in the GD forum but didn't bother posting anything because it felt like a cesspool, but those years are well behind us. I do like seeing what new people have added, so I hope they keep on posting.  That includes most of the loud, annoying ones, as long as the larger number of sane, fun-loving folks don't let the place slide back to cesspool days.

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4 hours ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

To quote Jo Cox "We have far more in common than that which divides us".

That's a nice quote. Obviously it's meaningless garbage, but it sounds good, scans well.


4 hours ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

It seems silly to focus on differences of opinion when there are so many other things that we could agree on.

Does it? it's our differences that define us as individuals.

Ant's never disagree, they all work together to serve the will of the hive.

How dull.


4 hours ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

Our very presence on these forums is evidence of shared interests

No, not "interests" plural, "interest" singular, we (well most of us" log into SL.

That's it.

Yeah, some of the home invasion rabble like to shop for clothes, but them being home invasion rabble outweighs the fact that we buy our shoes at the same store.

"Oh nice shoes, I have a pair of those too, NOW GET THE FORK OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU  CRIMINAL SCUMBAG!"




See how the concept you've promoted falls apart the moment you actually think about it.


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4 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

That's a nice quote. Obviously it's meaningless garbage, but it sounds good, scans well.

Thanks, I'm glad you hated it! :)

6 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Does it? it's our differences that define us as individuals.

Ant's never disagree, they all work together to serve the will of the hive.

How dull.

Believing that we have to concentrate only on our differences and ignore our similarities in order to maintain our individuality?

How divisive, contentious and adversarial!

9 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

No, not "interests" plural, "interest" singular, we (well most of us" log into SL.

That's it.

That would be ignoring the fact that we all have common interests that brought us to SL to begin with, I doubt many residents woke up one morning and thought "Today I'm going to log into a virtual world I've never even heard of for no apparent reason at all!".

14 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

See how the concept you've promoted falls apart the moment you actually think about it.

Not really.  I do however see how someone who views it through an entirely negative, divisive and pessimistic lens could cherry pick certain words and phrases in order to point out how naive anyone suggesting that people be nicer to each other must be.


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8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I am not going to entirely disagree: it does take some people some time to integrate into the forum community. And partially that IS our fault -- although not everyone's, by any means. But we are nothing like as nasty as we once were here.

I'm going to echo Cinn's sentiment in any case, and express my hope that some, like @brodiac90 and @Madi Melodious to name but two, decide to stay. They would be welcomed by the vast majority of us.

It is nice of you to say so. I'm still waiting for that invite to your art exhibition btw! 

However, with the notable exception of a few, the environment here towards child avatars has been pretty hostile. I'm honestly not surprised really since it only seems to mirror the sort of contempt we face in world as well. 

I post in spite of it - child avatar views should be represented - no one else is going to do it for us. 

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22 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

It is nice of you to say so. I'm still waiting for that invite to your art exhibition btw! 

However, with the notable exception of a few, the environment here towards child avatars has been pretty hostile. I'm honestly not surprised really since it only seems to mirror the sort of contempt we face in world as well. 

I post in spite of it - child avatar views should be represented - no one else is going to do it for us. 

I also think you seem cooler than a lot of the newbies on the Forum. Thanks for that!

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3 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

I've been a forum regular for a long time.  I've seen a lot of nasty people come and go, and I've seen a lot of really nice people too. I tend to ignore the nastiest ones -- I've never blocked anyone -- but even the people who post crackpot, paranoid, asinine things have occasionally had interesting things to say.  I think it helps that it takes a lot to trigger me into firing back a response to something I find offensive, so I sit through much of the chaos. (Right now I'm on vacation and haven't had good Internet most days, so that helps too.)

All in all, I agree with Scylla that the forums today are much less toxic than they once were. There was a stretch of years when I lurked in the GD forum but didn't bother posting anything because it felt like a cesspool, but those years are well behind us. I do like seeing what new people have added, so I hope they keep on posting.  That includes most of the loud, annoying ones, as long as the larger number of sane, fun-loving folks don't let the place slide back to cesspool days.

Peeve: Sometimes I wish that I was around in the "bad old days" of the Forum. Maybe I would be a better Forum citizen (or would have quit the Forum long ago)! 

Didn't know what I was missing out on all these years, talking with all you wonderful folks.


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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Sometimes I wish that I was around in the "bad old days" of the Forum.

Don't wish for that.  It was pretty awful at times.  I can say, though, that forum squabbles rarely continued inworld. Forum "enemies" could meet inworld civily usually.  The forums themselves were for armor-shielded residents who knew how to take a punch or those who learned to dodge, evade, and parry the next attack. You had better be able to defend your stances with facts.

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