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26 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:
41 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

But seriously, spanking Persephone aside, we have to define what love is, right?  That's not being snarky.

That's rich coming from you.  You post this in your new thread...

"It's very easy to diffuse the feelings of angry/upset people -- don't reflect it back to them.  Instead send back love. It can change everything!"

Then turn around and comment to the girl in the Been banned how do I get back in thread..."25 yrs later and she's still not getting in" or something to that effect which was removed.   Wonder why.  Really?  You don't see the hypocrisy?  How was that reply sending love back?  How was that empathic?  

Anyway, back on ignore you go.

lol I didn't even read that thread...all I noticed was that it was from nearly 15 years ago so I thought it was one of those silly necro threads where people were not being serious... so I said a silly remark about how.... it's been tweentee fiiive years and stilllll not innnn.

Was the person who started the thread actually there and still concerned about getting back in 15 years later?

*But Rowan, who ever said you have to be perfect to talk about love?  I've never claimed to be.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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8 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Go to your inbox.  Scroll to the bottom of the list on the left.  It says Disable my Inbox.

They just had to put that in teeny tiny greyed out writing at the bottom. Wouldn't want to make it to easy for someone to find, now would we?

Thank you.  I'll likely re-enable it a bit down the road, but for now, I need a break from the PMs telling me off.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

How the hell did you folks come up with this many peeves in 10 freakin hours?


I blame vitamin D deficiency, don't worry though I have the answer!



Just don't stare directly in the picture, ultraviolet light is not good for your eyes!

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4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

None of my pics are.photoshopped.  I don't mind when people do some touch-up either.  My preference the last few years, for myself and my photos, is shoot as shown in the viewer.  To.that extent, I guess I am a purist but then, I don't really consider my photos art, either.

I don't do much editing - I don't have time for it, nor any desire to do so.  Also, the photo editor that I use most really just gives me simple options to help auto-fix contrast and brightness (as in click button that says "auto adjust").  That and cropping are the extent of my edits.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

But some.people do tend to drag it into almost every single discussion along with performative activism and empathy.

Peeve of.the day...people.

Just to add to this since it was in question...

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In addition to adhering to the Community Standards, please refrain from posting content discussing inflammatory content (Politics, Social Justice issues and Interpersonal disputes)

Unless I'm mistaken, religion and politics are the 2 things one should never discuss along with social justice issues.  

"Many people maintain that religion and politics are topics that should never enter polite, civilized conversation. People often feel so strongly about these areas that things can become heated very quickly, sometimes descending into unpleasantness."

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4 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just to add to this since it was in question...

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In addition to adhering to the Community Standards, please refrain from posting content discussing inflammatory content (Politics, Social Justice issues and Interpersonal disputes)

Unless I'm mistaken, religion and politics are the 2 things one should never discuss along with social justice issues.  

"Many people maintain that religion and politics are topics that should never enter polite, civilized conversation. People often feel so strongly about these areas that things can become heated very quickly, sometimes descending into unpleasantness."

Most definitely.  Those are topics that you will never ever change anyone's mind on, so there is no sense in ever discussing it unless it is a discussion with only like-minded folks or you are wanting to argue.

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Btw, that story about the 2 wolves peeves me because it assumes that people have a "good side" and a "bad side", whereas people who have actually studied human psychology would understand that it's all just learned behavior and often survival behavior that people have learned in bad situations. I'd rather say that there is only one wolf, and it's fighting itself.

Wolves also are not "good" or "bad". They're either more dominant or more submissive, either good at getting along with their fellow pack members or not good at getting along with them. The aggressive, short-tempered wolf is likely to get chased out of his pack eventually, even if he makes it to alpha status for a while, because the other wolves will only put up with his B.S. for so long before they turn on him.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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Peeve: Back To The Future 3 has a big plot hole.

In 1955, a stranded Marty McFly finds the Delorean buried in a cave that Doc Brown has buried there in 1885.

Marty and 1955 Doc fix the 1885 Delorean. Marty then uses the Delorean to travel to 1885 to rescue Doc Brown.

In 1885, Marty accidentally damages his Delorean and it's fuel leaks out.  But Doc Brown is there with his own Delorean he had from the lightning storm in 1955.

So instead of wasting time with 88mph trains, why not just syphen/drain the fuel out of Docs Delorean to fuel Marty's Delorean (after tank is fixed)?

Then before going back to 1985, Doc and Marty can bury the 1885 Delorean in the cave "again" for Marty to find "again" in 1955!

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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6 hours ago, Istelathis said:

The purists, of course, will stick with drawing on cave walls and forgo any aid from their computers.  None of that cheating with photoshop either 😜


(generated through AI, I ain't got no time for finding a cave and I most certainly am not an artist)  

I wonder if this image will end up on google search sometime in the future.

I wonder what archeologists in the future are going to think of that image. 👽

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5 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Years ago, I had a photo done by one of the 'top' photographers in SL.  I think he's retired now but does some vendor work.occasionally.  When I got my picture baxk, I was dumbfounded.  Who the hell was it a.picture of?  He'd photoshopped my features!  My face!  Me!  He could have done a little with highlights or background and even hair and I wouldn't have cared but my face?  

Now, when I see any of his work I wonder what the person might actually look like.  🤔

So weird. He was doing a portrait??? That ended up not even looking like you? Did you pay for it?

I kinda do that by accident sometimes: for some reason, I'm really not very good at photographing other people. Go figure!

There are so many different reasons why people do photography in SL that I think it's mostly pretty pointless in getting prescriptive about how it's done -- although making a portrait unrecognizable is kind of ridiculous.

There are people who just like to do Instagram shots of themselves, and others who want to document their memories and experiences of SL .There are people who use it to tell stories, like @Istelathis -- funny ones, in her case. All of those things are entirely legit, mostly pretty cool, and require different approaches to photography.

There are also people who take more "arty" shots, but who pride themselves on working just with the tools in the viewer -- like @Seicher Rae, for instance. Also entirely legit, and I get it because sometimes working against constraints makes one more creative. I have a great deal of respect for that approach, even if it is not what I choose to do.

I see SL photography as a tool to make what I hope are interesting and nice looking pics. I do like to document my experiences here sometimes, but mostly my photos aren't really "about" SL -- they just happen to use it as a creative digital platform.

And I think the reason i mostly use my own recognizable avi is that it helps me feel emotionally connected and engaged with the photo, because I identify so strongly with "Scylla" -- something I discovered 13 years ago when putting together an exhibition on virtual gender violence. Taking a pic of a Dolcet machine is one thing -- taking a pic of oneself being barbecued and vivisected is quite another. I think my pics are better because I feel I am "in" them and they are, in some sense, happening to me.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Btw, that story about the 2 wolves peeves me because it assumes that people have a "good side" and a "bad side", whereas people who have actually studied human psychology would understand that it's all just learned behavior and often survival behavior that people have learned in bad situations. I'd rather say that there is only one wolf, and it's fighting itself.

Parables often split aspects of reality into parts to further clarification, but the parable of the wolves is speaking to the dynamics/energies that exist within us as one person and we are never all one or the other.

Taking my daily entry into SL, I view the parable as a message of hope because I have a choice as to whether I'm going to participate in activities that enhance my life in SL, or detract from what I'd like it to be.
It feels like a blessing to me, to have this choice, but it's also a great responsibility.
If I fail to choose the positive path it's no cause for condemnation though. Knowing what is possible does not mean we need to condemn what is.
Likewise, if anyone is still overly conditioned by past trauma and has not reached the ability to choose wisely there is no cause for condemnation.

The parable is basically revealing that we have an opportunity in our life not to be miserable if we desire this -- it's a message of great hope, this ability to be conscious and have choice.

That's why in SL I have a chanting class, a class where we process grief, a  class for landscape artists soon to begin, and frequently create nature designs.
It's why I go to all the rituals/guided dances and therapy groups.
It's all to keep my spirits up, to remind myself what is possible, so I can make better choices.

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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: "I got bored/upset by a post so decided to create a thread that is about as deep and original as a noob asking how to meet women. To prove a point."

And as long as you tack on "in Second Life" , you can use it as a place to post pretty much any nonsense you'd like???   No way!  😁

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

And as long as you tack on "in Second Life" , you can use it as a place to post pretty much any nonsense you'd like???   No way!  😁

I miss those threads, where I felt the need to often add an obligatory, "..in Second Life."



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