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Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: Failing everything.

Laptop keys not working again: 1, Q, A, z. (using cut & paste)

Router down after restarting & reconnecting my computer multiple times. (using my backup hot-spot)

Failing at life too. Stressed out & not dealing with stuff well.  😞 


(I missed you guys when I thought I couldn't type anything. )

Stress, like computer crap, can become even more stressful than usual when other, life, things are also piling on. You're being heard. I hope you can take some time for self-care. ♥

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

OMG YES !!!!

Mesh gowns only look good in a pose.  They look stupid when you actually start moving - most of them anyway.  I do have one that does not do the stupid foot flip. Not sure how it was rigged, but apparently not to the foot.  I truly laugh when I see people dancing and walking in them.  Flexi is best for dancing and there are some creators that make some low CI flexi pieces for gowns.

That sounds good, actually! I wonder if they could be rigged in such a way as to tone that down a bit.

Lmao, I have an AO pose where my knee bends and my foot rises behind me a bit, and the trains fly right over my head when I do that. So. Silly!!!!

And I *like* looking silly most of the time, but that's too much for me. 🤣



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45 minutes ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I don't know you, but I've always enjoyed reading your posts. I hope you decide to stay.

I really don't know anyone on these forums. I'm shy and awkward and I get the impression most of the time people don't like me. That is an insecurity of mine, but I also realize all of us have our own insecurities. When I first joined the forums, I came with the idea I was going to try and make friends. That never happened, but I still enjoy reading and responding to some topics. I do this for me. No one else. That's why I remain.

I'm trying to say in a very awkward way that more people understand how you feel than you may realize. I hope if you enjoy taking part here, that you continue to do so. If you're happy not being here, then I understand too. I really hope you feel better soon Silent. Take care.

You are very kind, Dafadilia.


There just is not enough support or understanding for all the different mental health issues that people have. The #BeKind campaign failed because some eople wouldn't know kindness if it bit them on the bottom.


Dafadilia, I have to say that your photos and posts always lift me up. They are full of fun and fantasy and colour and nice. I would find it impossible to believe that anyone would dislike you.


Edited by Marigold Devin
to capitalise a t
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11 minutes ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I don't know you, but I've always enjoyed reading your posts. I hope you decide to stay.

I really don't know anyone on these forums. I'm shy and awkward and I get the impression most of the time people don't like me. That is an insecurity of mine, but I also realize all of us have our own insecurities. When I first joined the forums, I came with the idea I was going to try and make friends. That never happened, but I still enjoy reading and responding to some topics. I do this for me. No one else. That's why I remain.

I'm trying to say in a very awkward way that more people understand how you feel than you may realize. I hope if you enjoy taking part here, that you continue to do so. If you're happy not being here, then I understand too. I really hope you feel better soon Silent. Take care.

You've been rather delightful the whole time I've been seeing your posts. I can't imagine people not liking you, but I comprehend that feeling. I have hugs and tiny mershmellaz...

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53 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If 'aero' means 'air', then there is nothing wrong with using the word 'air'.

The wing of an aircraft viewed in cross-section has a curved upper surface and a flatter lower surface.

This shape is scientifically and classically called an aeroplane.  The word aeroplane also lends its classic Greek name to the whole of the aircraft too, as this is how the aircraft is able to lift and fly. This shape is never called or spelt as "airplane".

As high speed air passes over (and under) an aircraft's aeroplane wing, the shape of the aeroplane wing creates two pressure differences; low pressure on the curved upper surface and high pressure on the flatter lower surface of the wing. This difference generates a pressure difference, causing the aeroplane to lift up and rise.

"Airplane" is a lazy, unscientific, slurring and misspelling of aeroplane and should be avoided.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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28 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: Failing everything.

Laptop keys not working again: 1, Q, A, z. (using cut & paste)

(I bought & used compressed air to blow out the keys.)

Router down after restarting & reconnecting my computer multiple times. (using my backup hot-spot)

Failing at life too. Stressed out & not dealing with stuff well.  😞 


(I missed you guys when I thought I couldn't type anything. )

Don't forget the On-Screen keyboard option Persephone. If it continues then a cheapie USB keyboard can extend the life too.

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13 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:


"Airplane" is a lazy unscientific slurring of aeroplane and should be avoided.

Is perfect then for lazy, unscientific types who aren't Greek or want to sound like they using older English because I only see aeroplane used in books written over 50 years ago.

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27 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

"Airplane" is a lazy grammatically wrong slurring of aeroplane and should be avoided.

It all depends on whether you are on the North American side, where the airplane was successfully flown for the first time. The word "airplane" was used on the American side of the Atlantic in 1906 and was adopted by the U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ten years later. On the other side of the Atlantic, British spelling followed the French model and settled on "aeroplane".  As with a great many words, using the variant that is preferred on the opposite side of the Atlantic will mark you as an outsider and, perhaps, a bit stuffy. It's all rather silly.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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9 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

It all depends on whether you are on the North American side, where the airplane was successfully flown for the first time. The word "airplane" was used on the American side of the Atlantic in 1906 and was adopted by the U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ten years later. On the other side of the Atlantic, British spelling followed the French model and settled on "aeroplane".  As with a great many words, using the variant that is preferred on the opposite side of the Atlantic will mark you as an outsider and, perhaps, a bit stuffy. It's all rather silly.

And here, I think, you are getting to the crux of the matter. Considering other remarks, about stupid people from "other" countries, and similar remarks, I think these oddball things are really just veiled, Anti-American, hate speech, and done in such a way as not to contradict community guidelines. I could be wrong, of course.  I noticed this a while back, but wasn't going to say anything, but since you pointed out "depends on which side of the ocean you're on..." :/ 

And yes, that would be a peeve of mine.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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10 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

It all depends on whether you are on the North American side, where the airplane was successfully flown for the first time. The word "airplane" was used on the American side of the Atlantic in 1906 and was adopted by the U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ten years later. On the other side of the Atlantic, British spelling followed the French model and settled on "aeroplane".  As with a great many words, using the variant that is preferred on the opposite side of the Atlantic will mark you as an outsider and, perhaps, a bit stuffy. It's all rather silly.

Sarah posts quite often about the "correct" spelling and usage of words. I try not to reply, so thank you. 

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1 minute ago, Seicher Rae said:

Considering other remarks, about stupid people from "other" countries, and similar remarks, I think these oddball things are really just veiled, Anti-American, hate speech, and done in such a way as not to contradict community guidelines.

I refuse to be drawn into any such discussion and I recommend avoiding it completely here.  I'd just leave it as a rather silly thing to get excited about unless you are doing research in etymology. Our language admits a wide range of variant spellings and pronunciations, many of them accepted as regional or national standards. In polite discourse, we recognize each other's differences -- sometimes quietly thinking of them as "quaint", but usually not being so gauche as to say it out loud.  ;) 

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5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

And here, I think, you are getting to the crux of the matter. Considering other remarks, about stupid people from "other" countries, and similar remarks, I think these oddball things are really just veiled, Anti-American, hate speech, and done in such a way as not to contradict community guidelines. I could be wrong, of course.  I noticed this a while back, but wasn't going to say anything, but since you pointed out "depends on which side of the ocean you're on..." :/ 

And yes, that would be a peeve of mine.

I don't think it's technically hate speech, but it is myopic. The English language is used in several countries with minor variations. There isn't just one correct way to spell our words.

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1 hour ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I don't know you, but I've always enjoyed reading your posts. I hope you decide to stay.

I really don't know anyone on these forums. I'm shy and awkward and I get the impression most of the time people don't like me. That is an insecurity of mine, but I also realize all of us have our own insecurities. When I first joined the forums, I came with the idea I was going to try and make friends. That never happened, but I still enjoy reading and responding to some topics. I do this for me. No one else. That's why I remain.

I'm trying to say in a very awkward way that more people understand how you feel than you may realize. I hope if you enjoy taking part here, that you continue to do so. If you're happy not being here, then I understand too. I really hope you feel better soon Silent. Take care.


1 hour ago, Charalyne Blackwood said:

You've been rather delightful the whole time I've been seeing your posts. I can't imagine people not liking you, but I comprehend that feeling. I have hugs and tiny mershmellaz...

Since some of us are alternating between group hugs and migraine meds... let me slip back into the group hugs (and I love mershmellaz, and just had three big ones irl)...

Back in 2020, while I was still here, Daffy contacted me off-board, very kindly, very sweetly, and it meant a LOT to me at the time. I just happened to reread those notes and teared up a bit, with, "awww geez, that was kind" sentiment. So yeah... sometimes perception isn't reality folks and what we think people are feeling about us isn't really the case... just our insecurities welling up (as Daffy mentioned above). 

I'm such an introvert in both lives, but if I hung out with people, both Charalyne and Daffy would be on that list. Oh, wait, I just posted I hate lists... disregard that... lists are alienating... See, this is why I don't hang out with people. You wanna talk awkward?

Edited by Seicher Rae
typing. words. is. hard.
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@Rolig Loon The Wright Brothers built their aeroplanes using the guidelines and principles of aeronautics written by Sir George Cayley (1773-1857), the English-born "father of aeronautics".

The Wright Brothers admitted it even themselves, after their own first powered flight in the "Kitty Hawk Flyer" in 1903, stating on public record that they could not have been achieved their flight without Cayley's lifetime of aeronautical research work, which was published for all to read and use.

Cayley even flew small unmanned model aeroplanes and gliders himself, literally over half a century before the Wright Brothers were even born! So to say the Wright Brothers "invented" the aeroplane is both inaccurate and untrue.

The Wright Brothers didn't even achieve the first ever powered flight, the honour went to Henri Giffard of France in 1852, who flew a steam-powered propellor driven airship (the Giffard DirigibleHALF A CENTURY before the Wright Brother's own first flight of 1903.

As with most "history" that originates from North America, it is often untrue or warped in such a way to show the US in the best possible nationalistic light, even at the expense of actual facts or truth.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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1 minute ago, Seicher Rae said:


Since some of us are alternating between group hugs and migraine meds... let me slip back into the group hugs (and I love mershmellaz, and just had three big ones irl)...

Back in 2020, while I was still here, Daffy contacted me off-board, very kindly, very sweetly, and it meant a LOT to me at the time. I just happened to reread those notes and teared up a bit, with, "awww geez, that was kind" sentiment. So yeah... sometimes perception isn't reality folks and what we think people are feeling about us isn't really the case... just our insecurities welling up (as Daffy mentioned above). 

I'm such an introvert in both lives, but if I hung out with people, both Charalyne and Darry would be on that list. Oh, wait, I just posted I hate lists... disregard that... lists are alienating... See, this is why I don't hang out with people. You wanna talk awkward?

*sprinklez tiny mershmellaz over you and offerz hugz*

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4 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I refuse to be drawn into any such discussion and I recommend avoiding it completely here.  I'd just leave it as a rather silly thing to get excited about unless you are doing research in etymology. Our language admits a wide range of variant spellings and pronunciations, many of them accepted as regional or national standards. In polite discourse, we recognize each other's differences -- sometimes quietly thinking of them as "quaint", but usually not being so gauche as to say it out loud.  ;) 

Wise not to be drawn in, and I wasn't trying. Honest. I attached to your post just because of what I said, you brought up the "side of the ocean thing" and it is something that, correctly or not, has been bugging me based on other things that have been said. That explanation aside, I'm still not trying to draw anyone in and my number in my sig line is probably about to jump to three, already. :)

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