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21 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: How we as a society have become so scared of discussing sociology.

Note: This is a highly abbreviated version of a rant I'm gonna go post on my Facebook page, and it is actually SL- related.

There was a discussion last night in my inworld mental health support group chat that ended up getting shut down by one of the moderators there. I think they were right to shut it down, because hot topics can upset people and thus don't belong in a mental health support chat - unless they're personal and have a trigger warning first. It started innocently enough.

Someone complained that people are so argumentative lately that it would take an alien invasion to get us to work together. I said "Damn, C'thulu cultists!" in reference to people who'd rather side with invading aliens than work with other people to fight them. This lead to a short discussion about H.P. Lovecraft being a notorious racist and with me saying " Race is an arbitrary construct used to divide people and to oppress some people". At this point the moderator stepped in and told us to change the subject as this one was becoming political. I said "ok" and we changed the subject.

My peeve is that it's getting so difficult to discuss social issues unless it's in an echo chamber like on Facebook or Twitter. We can't discuss them on this forum and we can't discuss them in many places inworld either.

I have to skip getting into the weeds of how social issues have been contentious throughout history because this would be viewed as political, but my concluding point was that Politics aren't just about which party someone votes for. Politics are about how much control people should have over other people. This is a psychological question as well as a socio-political one.

End of peeve/ micro-rant.



The world, as a whole, has gotten more female-otter-y. From COVID, to orange leaders, to invasions, to inflation to... well pretty much everything. Everything has gotten more echo-chamber-ish. It is ironic that the very media that makes an exchange of ideas so much easier than it used to be, also has made us more insular. Seems true, here, also, where the shutting down of free discussion seems to be going hand-in-hand with more female-otter-y behavior, and while one can posit that the ottery behavior lead to the shut down, it is very possible that the opposite is the truth.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

People that insist on posting a huge wall of text without any capitalization or punctuation.  How in the hell do they expect anyone to read that crap?


Or white spaces. Or line breaks. Or...
About a year or so I had to deal with this... ♀ otter person, who boasts on her profile she only punctuates when she's pissed off. True enough. It was impossible to read her blather. So I decided to piss her off so I could read her. :)

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52 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

People that insist on posting a huge wall of text without any capitalization or punctuation.  How in the hell do they expect anyone to read that crap?


And I get it.  Some people post things from their phones.  I do,.too but I still capitalize, punctuate and spell check on there.

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2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

plastic silverware, plastic glass, plastic candles - are these actual things, because I don't know what else to call them sometimes.

Normally, fine distinctions between very similar items don't really matter much to most people.

Other people are just too persnickety.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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"Words are hard!" my daughter tells me and I'm inclined to agree sometimes.  They can be hard for disparate reasons.  For my daughter who is on the autism spectrum, they are hard to attach to the thoughts and feelings she is overwhelmed by.  For my 67 year old brain, they are elusive.  I know that there is a word for what I'm trying to say and I used to know what it was but I can't recall it into active memory and so I mutter about the thing, you know, the thing that I can't remember what it's called but it will come to me in 5 minutes or so when I've forgotten why I was trying to retrieve it in the first place.

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52 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:


People who can't tell the difference between a cup, mug, glass, beaker, or pot and call them all "cups".

I get abuse because I call just about everything "socks" from thick athletic white anklets to sheer, expensive hosiery. I know the difference, I just don't care. I hate socks, of all kinds, and avoid them but will put on socks if I have to, like with a fancy dress. "Oh ffs, they are not socks!"

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5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I get abuse because I call just about everything "socks" from thick athletic white anklets to sheer, expensive hosiery. I know the difference, I just don't care. I hate socks, of all kinds, and avoid them but will put on socks if I have to, like with a fancy dress. "Oh ffs, they are not socks!"


3 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Socks are shin length, or shorter. Any higher and they're stockings.


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