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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

You're right. It no longer matters since humans have already screwed things up so badly there is no fixing it. Might as well just continue on as we have been and damn the consequences! Full speed ahead!


I know you're being sarcastic here...but I'll answer as if someone else wrote this, and meant it.

Humans have always altered their environment. It's what we do. It's possibly the main trait that's led to humans becoming earth's dominant species.

Sometimes, this works out well. Sometimes, terribly. And many times, it works well for a while, at a relatively small scale, but when it's scaled up, there are Unintended Consequences.

Ecology, at present, is a very inexact "science". It's more a matter of studying how things work in nature and learning how they interact, and much less a predictive discipline, where an ecologist could say, "do this, and this, and then that will result in this desirable outcome."

We will continue to be us, altering our environment in an attempt to "improve" on nature. We'll continue getting it right sometimes, and wrong sometimes, because our knowledge and our foresight is far from perfect.

Hopefully, we'll also keep trying to increase our understanding, so we get it right more often.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet peeve: being misunderstood!

   No, Love, don't be peeved about your misanthropy - embrace it!

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14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet peeve: being misunderstood!

This happens so often in forums that folks really should expect that it will happen to them a few times.  Typed text has no body language, no tone or voice inflections, etc....  


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11 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Sometimes, this works out well. Sometimes, terribly. And many times, it works well for a while, at a relatively small scale, but when it's scaled up, there are Unintended Consequences.

You're really underselling just how completely screwed we are and just how huge our impact has been.

There is no "balance to be found". There was balance and then we showed up and messed with everything, waiting for a new balance to be found while we continue to poison the well is not really a solution.

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19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'd be tempted to say that it's simply an issue of too many bodies now available, and the time and effort it takes to rig for them all. But to drop the most popular one doesn't make a great deal of sense to me, unless there's something else at play.

I remember when this started happening to Slink Physique. I really hope we don't find ourselves in the situation where there is only one well-supported slim body available -- and that, a vastly overpriced and overly-complex one.

I do have the Legacy body, and once Mandala comes out with rings for the body. I am switching back. However, I think it has more to do with people complaining it is somehow to hard to rig for. I mean some of these creators will happily rig for Kupra and act like it's a peach to rig for that. Lol 

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28 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

You're really underselling just how completely screwed we are and just how huge our impact has been.

There is no "balance to be found". There was balance and then we showed up and messed with everything, waiting for a new balance to be found while we continue to poison the well is not really a solution.

No, I'm not. Yes, we're in a bad situation and it's getting worse. But we MUST continue to manipulate our environment in an attempt to fix things. We may succeed, and we may not.

Your "solution" appears to be eliminating our species to "restore the balance". The universe may wind up doing it for us, as it has for a great many species before us. But simply lying down and letting it happen isn't an answer either.

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On 6/17/2022 at 2:49 PM, Krystina Ferraris said:

Poor kitty glad to hear she’s ok 🥹

I really really am scared of spiders, scorpions and the likes, I can wholeheartedly say I never was and never will be an arachnologist 😨

There are no native poisonous spiders here, actually none that can bite and pierce the human’s or other large animals’ skin either thank goodness. However in recent years, weird species of widows have been spotted here and there, likely travelling with bananas or other tropical fruit. I hope to never find one 😨

Yes that kitty who had been bitten by the spider turned out fine, and sat in my lap the whole time I was at the cat foster mom's house, adopting my new kitty.

There are cat foster moms all over the US, working hard to find homes for cats so they won't have to be euthanized. We have a great program where I live, and the foster mom was so attached to the kitty I adopted from her that I wondered if we'd need to have joint custody! lol  They work closely with vets and so Cordelia came spayed, chipped, and with all vaccinations. Plus, she was socialized well and got along with both humans and other cats.

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On 6/17/2022 at 1:35 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya bleach is my go to thing for any critters.. I pull everything out that can get hurt by it and then just coat the room..

Like my bathrooms,I hit all the trim any little gaps and the whole floor,walls ceiling, tub, shower.. anywhere they can cross..

It burns their eyes, burn their bodies, plus they can't breath.. if they get it on them, it's not an instant kill, but give it a little bit..

They hate bleach, they hate citrus and spearmint.. I have spearmint all around the house outside..

But put the bleach down and they don't even like to try and cross that..

Just make sure you have a lot of ventilation or it can mess you up for a few days. my nose was running for two days straight and I still have a few more rooms to do.. I had to take a couple days off from bleaching.. hehehehe

Be careful with that bleach!  I am highly sensitive to it, or perhaps the chlorine that is in some bleach, so since they put it in our water supply I get bottled water instead, and even have a showerhead that filters out chlorine.

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

There is no "balance to be found". There was balance and then we showed up and messed with everything, waiting for a new balance to be found while we continue to poison the well is not really a solution.

Somewhat related: Ironically, the "smog" problems in some cities were improved after the 70's, and "superfund" pollution sites in the US. Nice things like that. But the horse done left the barn!

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22 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The best thing that works against critters is food grade diatomaceous earth..

I use that in my garage on the floor, and under the back deck (to reduce fleas, as it's actually a catio where my cats get to play).

Can't tolerate the dust inside though, unfortunately.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Be careful with that bleach!  I am highly sensitive to it, or perhaps the chlorine that is in some bleach, so since they put it in our water supply I get bottled water instead, and even have a showerhead that filters out chlorine.

Ya, you definitely need to have a weakened mixture.. It really doesn't take too heavy of a mixture,maybe 3:1 with water being the 3..

Myself I do a 50/50 if I'm after something, but normally use a 3:1 for just regular cleaning..

For drinking water, we just use a Zerowater filter system.. I didn't really know how good it was until I compared to other filter systems, just a few minutes ago..

I guess we just lucked out, because when we got one, it was to just get something better for the house than tap water..

I don't like any bottled water because they just don't taste good to me.. Plus all the bottles.

I was surprised when I started looking around at reviews and tests.. I even found a news report on them..

One trick we do to get more out of our filters is, we have the big tank version and then got a pitcher version which the filter fits both..

When our tester for the water reaches .06, we put the filter we are changing out, into the pitcher and the new filter into the bigger tank version.. Then filter through the pitcher with the .06 filter, then pour that water into the big tank version to get filtered through the new filter..

So you end up with super filtered water.. hehehehe

It's sounds like a lot more work than it really is, but it's not.. hehehe

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

For drinking water, we just use a Zerowater filter system

Thanks, I just might try that out. I thought about a faucet purifier too but it's kind of in the way at the sink.

I'm a bit wary of the plastic contamination in the bottled water I order, even though they're the huge bottles and so supposedly less likely to break down as those flimsy plastic ones. Plus, a couple times they didn't thoroughly rinse out whatever they used to sterilize the bottles...probably bleach!   :(

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12 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Thanks, I just might try that out. I thought about a faucet purifier too but it's kind of in the way at the sink.

I'm a bit wary of the plastic contamination in the bottled water I order, even though they're the huge bottles and so supposedly less likely to break down as those flimsy plastic ones. Plus, a couple times they didn't thoroughly rinse out whatever they used to sterilize the bottles...probably bleach!   :(

Ya the tanks are so much better, because you can have them doing their thing, in the fridge or on the counter or where ever, while still having access to your sink..

The real good ones for the sink take a long time to fill a pitcher..

If you do get a Zerowater. Just make sure you do that part under the video.. It's not just for super clean water, but also gets you more life out of your filters ,which will save you money as well as prolong the life in the filters in the big tank..

How long they last is gonna depend on the water coming into your house in your area..

I think we get a month out of our filter with water coming from our taps..Our TDS meter, which comes with the Zero water tank, reads in the lower 160s.

I found a video on what we do with our filters. just in case you ever look back on the post for information :)


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I guess I am late in discovering this (because I'm really bad about keeping my inventory organized)...but it REALLY PEEVES MEEEEE!

I use Outfits a lot, but I don't use the Outfits floater part of the Appearance menu. I use the Outfits folder in inventory.

Mine is organized, like all of my inventory, with several levels of folders. Under the main Outfits folders, I have folders for Formals, Swimwear, Dresses, Pants Outfits, and so on. Many of them have seasonal subfolders, for Spring, Fall, Summer, etc.

So, I went to make a new folder, and the system would not let me. I was told "an item is not compatible with the Outfits folder".

It turns out that this is due to what LL calls a "bug fix" to the Appearance floater. Well, isn't that just dandy!

Now if I want my Outfits organized, I will have to re-name over 700 Outfits.

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2 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

So, I went to make a new folder, and the system would not let me. I was told "an item is not compatible with the Outfits folder".

It turns out that this is due to what LL calls a "bug fix" to the Appearance floater. Well, isn't that just dandy!

Now if I want my Outfits organized, I will have to re-name over 700 Outfits.

I don't keep too many outfits - a dozen or two max -- but I also use the Outfits inventory folder for managing the Outfits rather than any other window, and I do use a nested folder structure. 

So.. what exactly is the issue that I will possibly run in to?  Or you can point me to a JIRA or anything other write-up about it.

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Lil, go to your Outfits folder in inventory. Right click it. You will see there is no choice for "new folder".

If you have a folder (not an Outfit, a FOLDER) already in there, right click that. You'll see you can create a new sub-folder.

But, if you do, you cannot then move that sub-folder up to the level just beneath Outfits. If you try, you'll get an error message.

There have been several JIRA issues on this including one by me: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232282?filter=-2

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13 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Lil, go to your Outfits folder in inventory. Right click it. You will see there is no choice for "new folder".

If you have a folder (not an Outfit, a FOLDER) already in there, right click that. You'll see you can create a new sub-folder.

But, if you do, you cannot then move that sub-folder up to the level just beneath Outfits. If you try, you'll get an error message.

There have been several JIRA issues on this including one by me: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232282?filter=-2

Ok - So, for now, to get around the issue, I'm guessing I can maybe do this:
Create a new Outift, which will then be a folder directly under Outfits.
Create a sub-folder in it and move all of the contents of the new Outfit folder into the sub-folder.
Rename the higher level folder to the new 'outfit group name' that I want.
Rename the lower level folder to the true outfit name that I started with on the higher level folder.

Luckily for me, I don't create top level folders very often in Outfits.

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