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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

When you wake up and check overnight posts, then realize you must have failed the Captcha test, and been shuttled off to the "cognitively challenged" internet.

You mean the one where you wake up with qwerty across your forehead?

Yeah, that peeves me off, too.

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2 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Vagueness, hints, and assumptions.  I don't read most of the topics, and I'm not interested in who is whose enemy this week.  I can't even keep up with who thinks I'm their enemy this week. :/ 

*slaps you with a glove "I challenge you to a duel." There now we are enemies. Lol Jk. I had to do that Lol. 

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6 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Vagueness, hints, and assumptions.  I don't read most of the topics, and I'm not interested in who is whose enemy this week.  I can't even keep up with who thinks I'm their enemy this week. :/ 

Occasionally, I'm just blowing off a little steam. Sometimes it has to do with SL, sometimes RL. Mostly RL.

Sometimes that is all it takes for someone to declare you an enemy even when whatever you have said (or done) has nothing to do with that person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
25 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

I can't even keep up with who thinks I'm their enemy this week. :/ 

Has this ever actually even been a thing? I'm having a hard time imagining it, Garnet.

The "You're So Vain" song applies soooo many times lately!

If only I could learn to "reframe" things without people thinking it's about them. Maybe I need some kind of hyp-mo-tizing device.

"WhoooooOOOOoooooOooooOOooo..stare into the pendulum..it's not about youuuuuuuuuu!"


Edited by Love Zhaoying
reframe not refrain, oops
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4 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

At the moment I can't think of anyone, which just goes to show I can't even keep up with that many.

It doesn't pay to dwell on who might be a real or imagined enemy in someplace like the forums. Nothing you say is going to convert the jerks of the world, and nothing they say is going to do much except get your blood pressure up.  It's best to just bite your tongue and ignore them. Besides, as Warren Buffet says, "You can always tell someone to go to hell tomorrow."

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Just now, Rolig Loon said:

It doesn't pay to dwell on who might be a real or imagined enemy in someplace like the forums. Nothing you say is going to convert the jerks of the world, and nothing they say is going to do much except get your blood pressure up.  It's best to just bite your tongue and ignore them. Besides, as Warren Buffet says, "You can always tell someone to go to hell tomorrow."

I really do try to remember what I was taught, "Why should criticism bother you? If it's false, it has nothing to do with you.  If it's true, you could benefit from it and should thank the person!" (Paraphrased.)

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The corollary to that thought also applies to the forums: "There's usually at least one jerk in the room. If you can't figure out who the jerk is, it's you."  😎

My peeve for the day: Orange barrels.  In the rain.  On a Saturday.  There's only one way for me to get to the grocery store, two miles from here. It took me almost a half hour this morning to get there.

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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

The corollary to that thought also applies to the forums: "There's usually at least one jerk in the room. If you can't figure out who the jerk is, it's you."  😎

My peeve for the day: Orange barrels.  In the rain.  On a Saturday.  There's only one way for me to get to the grocery store, two miles from here. It took me almost a half hour this morning to get there.

lol! I was quoting my Guru (who was quoting a Hindu Saint), who also said, "Everyone's a little jerky"!

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Its not a peeve, but more of a question. So I noticed on social media, when it comes to photos from SL. The most popular ones are the ones that have you damn near naked, and having a happy trail showing and panties that go up your ***** that looks painful get more views than say someone who takes the time to put together a photo that is very modest and its like say you are out eating ice cream or something. Why does the hypersexual pics get more views, but the ones that show next to nothing get less views? 

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4 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Its not a peeve, but more of a question. So I noticed on social media, when it comes to photos from SL. The most popular ones are the ones that have you damn near naked, and having a happy trail showing and panties that go up your ***** that looks painful get more views than say someone who takes the time to put together a photo that is very modest and its like say you are out eating ice cream or something. Why does the hypersexual pics get more views, but the ones that show next to nothing get less views? 

Where? On Flickr? From what I've seen, the "LOTD" (look of the day) fashion blog posts get loooots of views/likes, too. Even if it's something simple like a t-shirt and some jeans.

It might have to do with the groups the photos are posted to, also. Some are just really active and have tons of people in them.

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5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Where? On Flickr? From what I've seen, the "LOTD" (look of the day) fashion blog posts get loooots of views/likes, too. Even if it's something simple like a t-shirt and some jeans.

It might have to do with the groups the photos are posted to, also. Some are just really active and have tons of people in them.

No you are starting to see this thing where people are wanting to move to twitter to post their nudes and lewds and are getting way more attention than say photos like mine. That don't show anything of the sort. 

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8 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

No you are starting to see this thing where people are wanting to move to twitter to post their nudes and lewds and are getting way more attention than say photos like mine. That don't show anything of the sort. 

OHHH Twitter??? Yikes, yeah I haven't seen anyone posting stuff like that over there. Whoops, thought you meant Flickr, lol.

Knowing how Twitter is normally, though, I'm not surprised by what you're observing! 

Seems like such an odd place to be posting that, though. Hmm.

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