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Anxiety - Depression Advice Please

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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Another method that worked for myself and many of the people I have known over the years, was through 12 Step fellowships. Quite a few had tried other methods unsuccessfully until they started to attend meetings and worked through a program that allowed them to identify and work through various triggers that led to depressive episodes. Some by attending Depressed Anonymous meetings or through other fellowships for various dysfunctions, where the depression led to addictive behaviours in trying to cope with it.

I, too, have known others who were helped. People support, going through similar problems, can be amazing.

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9 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If you haven't already, You may want to look into your diet.. Forming the right diet for you can help, not only with depression and anxiety, but with so many other things going on in the human body..

I know it may sound cliche, but there is a reason for that.. we can burn any old fuel that comes along or we can burn what is good fuel that helps..

I say this to a lot of people because when I decided to change my diet, my results came pretty quick..  I was looking for more energy, plus wanted to reduce inflammation..

I won't go into it that much and start sounding like a health food commercial or anything like that..  But it's really amazing how powerful the right diet for us, can improve our lives..

When something ails me, I just look to see what could I put in my diet to help with that and then test it out for a week to see what results I'm getting.. Just make sure to look up the Pro's and the Con's of something to make sure what you add isn't harmful and is more beneficial..

It's something to look into if you haven't already..

I know it was the best thing I ever did for my body and my mind and everything else that goes with it.. This isn't me prescribing it, but more giving ideas on what you may want to look into..

You may be putting something in yourself that kicks those bad things into a higher gear than they are already in..


I just did a quick search for a video that gives some examples of things that can have an impact on what you are worried about..



It really is amazing how much diet can affect our mental state. I was having a lot of inflammation in my eyes and my brain felt foggy, and this sorry state was causing me to feel depressed & unable to concentrate.  Eating more fish really helped (the Omega 3's most likely).

Not saying, of course, that I know this is the case with the OP or anyone else here (that her depression is physical and not mental), but this is definitely something to be aware of.  And sadly, too many therapists don't take it into consideration.

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Since the death of my mother I have terrible anxiety and depression. I have a therapist. But I also do not read or watch the news anymore, between the violence we do to each other and covid top it off the the war in Ukraine, new is bad for my mental. I do spend much time with my family and get outdoors daily. Attending church really helps me.

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5 minutes ago, colleen Criss said:

get outdoors daily

yeah spending time in nature is really helpful for me, and is one of the reasons I want to move to a location that basically has no summer or winter.

Where I live now gets terribly cold in the winter and horribly hot in the summer, and going outside for any length of time is unpleasant.

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15 hours ago, DarkKinGdom said:

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a good day or evening depending on where you are at in this massive world. I wish I was having a good day but sadly I am not.  I have been fighting with my depression, anxiety and panic disorder for upwards of six years. I have been taking medicine for it but it seems that it is not a permanent solution for me. If I stop taking the medicine then it seems my anxiety and depression becomes worse once again. I have tried exercise, all kinds of medication and even yoga. Even music meditation did not help. So here I am on this forum asking if anyone here can help me find a better way to treat this. 

 if you can tell me of a natural way or anyway if treating this or even giving me relief from the anxiety and depression, I would much appreciate it.


Thank you in advance

All the basic things you can do without professional help have been listed.

Food-diet, exercise, sleep, sunshine, blue sky, interacting with people... Reading is another measure that can combat depression and anxiety.

Statistically, religious people are happier.

Until about 1950 smoking was the preferred cure of depression. So, nicotine is a tried and effective measure. Cigarettes will likely kill you via lung cancer, but you won't be depressed while you are dying. 🙄

A current major cause of anxiety is the ongoing propaganda war waged by the six major media companies in the world. If you listen to more than a limited amount of their news or entertainment, you will be depressed and anxious. Until you learn about how propaganda is used and psychological war fair is conducted you'll have no effective protective measures nor will you be able to detect or tell propagandists and wackos from reporters nor recognize when the reporters are off the rails.

Currently the 'actual' news is depressing. There are serious problems in the world. But understand what is true and what is hype/propaganda for click bait. Hear a problem you think can affect you, figure out if it is real, figure out what you can do about it if it is, and get started doing it. The positive thinking and activity will reduce the depression and anxiety.

A professional counselor can help. But using them for a prescription solution (drugs) is not the best solution. Nor are drugs a first step solution in most cases.

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3 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

Talk with friends (in real life, real time).

Don't discount online and SL friendships.

41 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

A professional counselor can help. But using them for a prescription solution (drugs) is not the best solution. Nor are drugs a first step solution in most cases.

A 5 minute appointment with your doctor will very likely result in a starter dose of anti depressants and they can be very effective. They can and do provide a great deal of help and support for people suffering from this illness, especially if in the early stages of depression. They absolutely are the first step in effective treatment.

You can not "think" your way out of depression or anxiety. Self help coping strategies, exercises, books, "finding $diety" are only effective at masking the problem in all but the mildest cases, and can increase your chances of relapse with catastrophic consequences if attempted without medical supervision.

Depression and anxiety are mental illnesses, that is illnesses that affect the brain which in turn affects the thinking and behavior of the person with the illness. You can't use the organ with the illness to diagnose and treat the illness, no more than you could use a broken finger to apply a splint to said finger.

If you are suffering depression, no matter how mild or under control you believe it might be, add the phone numbers for suicide prevention hotlines to your phone, they can quite literally save your life or the life of someone you know.


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7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

You can get Nicotine in many other things..  Many don't give the amount you will get from tobacco though.. Things in the nightshade family, like Maters, Taters and internet peeners, I mean eggplant..


A typical cigarette contains ~10mg of nicotine, of which ~1-2mg makes it into the bloodstream upon smoking. Eggplant contains ~100ng/g. So, to get 1mg of nicotine from eggplants, you'd have to eat 1mg/100ng or 10,000g. That's 22 pounds. You'd have to eat ~150 lbs of taters or ~300 lbs of maters to get one cigarette's worth of nicotine.

You'd probably couldn't eat enough nicotine laden veggies in a day to match what you'd get from second hand smoke.

Even thinking about eating that much food would probably cause far more anxiety than the nicotine could counter.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Don't discount online and SL friendships.

A 5 minute appointment with your doctor will very likely result in a starter dose of anti depressants and they can be very effective. They can and do provide a great deal of help and support for people suffering from this illness, especially if in the early stages of depression. They absolutely are the first step in effective treatment.

You can not "think" your way out of depression or anxiety. Self help coping strategies, exercises, books, "finding $diety" are only effective at masking the problem in all but the mildest cases, and can increase your chances of relapse with catastrophic consequences if attempted without medical supervision.

Depression and anxiety are mental illnesses, that is illnesses that affect the brain which in turn affects the thinking and behavior of the person with the illness. You can't use the organ with the illness to diagnose and treat the illness, no more than you could use a broken finger to apply a splint to said finger.

If you are suffering depression, no matter how mild or under control you believe it might be, add the phone numbers for suicide prevention hotlines to your phone, they can quite literally save your life or the life of someone you know.


That's a good AMA and APA type response. Big pharma will love it.

I love the 5-minute appointment idea. That should be plenty of time to diagnose what's causing the problem.

If a person were referred for contemplating suicide, then it might makes sense. Or if they had harmed self or others then an immediate dosing might be advisable. It generally takes 2 or 3 days of observation for a doctor to actually have an idea what's going on.

I agree that a prescription can be very effective. Drugs are a treatment not a cure. They are also often a crutch and very often form addictions.

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2 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Big pharma will love it.

Who cares.

If someone has an illness, the needs of that person is what matters. Denying someone treatment because some far flung mega corporation is unethical is itself unethical.

2 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

I love the 5-minute appointment idea. That should be plenty of time to diagnose what's causing the problem.

Getting an appt with a doctor is the gateway to all further medical care, and starting off on some anti depressants is something immediate they can do while the rest of required health care machinery moves into place.


Anxiety and depression don't have to make sense.

No one needs, or should even expect to find a root cause or reason for their illness.


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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Don't discount online and SL friendships.

A 5 minute appointment with your doctor will very likely result in a starter dose of anti depressants and they can be very effective. They can and do provide a great deal of help and support for people suffering from this illness, especially if in the early stages of depression. They absolutely are the first step in effective treatment.

You can not "think" your way out of depression or anxiety. Self help coping strategies, exercises, books, "finding $diety" are only effective at masking the problem in all but the mildest cases, and can increase your chances of relapse with catastrophic consequences if attempted without medical supervision.

Depression and anxiety are mental illnesses, that is illnesses that affect the brain which in turn affects the thinking and behavior of the person with the illness. You can't use the organ with the illness to diagnose and treat the illness, no more than you could use a broken finger to apply a splint to said finger.

If you are suffering depression, no matter how mild or under control you believe it might be, add the phone numbers for suicide prevention hotlines to your phone, they can quite literally save your life or the life of someone you know.


Though I suffer neither anxiety nor depression, my emergency backup kid has both, as well as ADHD/executive function disorder. He's had some success with various medications, particularly in rotation. Unfortunately, he uses medication as an excuse to not do other things that might help, like keeping his life simple so it requires minimal organization and planning.

This is the second edge of pharmaceuticals in general, they sometimes allow us to ignore or avoid preventative and therapeutic behaviors.

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26 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

There is no cure for depression.

Really!?!  You should probably give a definition for what you mean by "cure".

Otherwise, you are saying once a person is depressed there is no way not to be depressed?

Depression comes in various forms. There is a pathogenic depression caused by physical imbalances in the hormone system or physical disease. There are psychogenic causes that psychological counselors deal with to resolve the issue. In both cases there are "cures".

And there is the common depression that comes with the loss of a loved one. Time usually cures that form depression.

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36 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Who cares.

If someone has an illness, the needs of that person is what matters. Denying someone treatment because some far flung mega corporation is unethical is itself unethical.

Getting an appt with a doctor is the gateway to all further medical care, and starting off on some anti depressants is something immediate they can do while the rest of required health care machinery moves into place.


Anxiety and depression don't have to make sense.

No one needs, or should even expect to find a root cause or reason for their illness.


You are jumping way past what I said. You went right to DENY THEM TREATMENT...  you are being silly.

An appointment with a doctor is usually a good thing. But 5-minutes and give them a pill... you have really missed the point of my comments. I am encouraging a person to consider how the doctor is treating them. You seem to be saying 'just get a pill'. And this in an age when are finding the FDA has been on the take and denying statements that work and promoting drugs that do more harm than good.

You are right anxiety and depression don't have to make sense to us. But, the cause and remedy for those do have to make sense us.

And the idea, "No one needs, or should even expect to find a root cause or reason for their illness." negates the need for any medical or psychological treatment.  Think you might want to re-word that sentence?

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There’s no cure for depression, but you still have plenty of options for treatment, all of which can improve your symptoms and minimize their impact on your daily life.

You might think, “But if my symptoms go away, that means I’m cured, right?”

Not exactly. Symptoms might ease you to the point where you’re able to return to your usual routine, but you could still notice lingering changes in your mood and mindset. Plus, depression often happens in episodes, so it’s possible to have another episode later in life.

You can be in "remission" but there is no CURE meaning you will never get it again. You may not but that doesn't mean you are "cured".



Edited by Sam1 Bellisserian
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1 minute ago, Nalates Urriah said:

An appointment with a doctor is usually a good thing. But 5-minutes and give them a pill... 

That is the point to be fair. For someone to open themselves and post a question like this on a forum suggests, at least to me that they have exhausted a majority of the methods people have responded with. The doctors don't always do what's best and the medications are problematic. Antidepressants can take months to "kick in" and usually your symptoms will get worse before they get better. Patients literally have to prepare themselves for the possibility of straining a few relationships (if not ending them completely) and losing a few jobs (if not walking out entirely) whenever they decide to take a doctors advice and take a medication and whenever they decide to try a new medication. As for anxiety, the medication is arguably as addictive as pain medication. When I was on them I couldn't tell if I was still feeling anxiety when I woke in the morning or if I was just jonesing for my meds.

There's no easy answer or method. People can try to make suggestions of what has worked for them or what has worked for people they know.

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Lay or take a nap on lush, soft grass. Often. Birds singing, wind whispering, preferably in a garden exuding luscious scents.
"Feel and live" music, if you can. Find an instrument or a combination of, which strikes a mental chord. (pardon the pun).
Diet for sure. Some foods you just know & feel are exactly what you need. (less refined foods).
No human rubbish - TV, media, socials. Books? yes.
Examine flora and fauna in detail, (perhaps), wonder at its intricacy and beauty.
Breathing exercises.
Get a 1 day old baby budgerigar, nurture it, love it and it becomes your saviour and best friend. (R.I.P my beautiful Humbucker ❤️ Hummie). 😻
Hummie saved my life and I am eternally grateful.
*It WILL bite you between the nostrils and make your eyes water with pain - but it's totally worth it). 😂

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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There are any number of factors that can contribute to depression. Your safest approach is to consult with your doctor.  If you do not have one, check with your insurance.  If you have none, please reach out to your local hospital, they can likely assist you with finding care you can afford, if not free.  
Please do not be convinced by previous suggestions to just mantra & motivational poster yourself out of depression.  
best wishes 🤗 

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