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Luna Bliss

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23 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I thought it was WE that elected the people in government,as well as They. :P

It is. I always found it odd how some people in democracies (especially people right now in the USA) pretend that they themselves have nothing at all to do with how authoritarian their government is. In a democracy, the government is a reflection of the people. You don't want an authoritarian government? Stop being authoritarian and stop electing authoritarians. This has nothing to do with party either, although hardcore partisans will claim otherwise and blame either the other party or the other side of the perceived political spectrum (left or right). 

Edited by Elysienne Nebula
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53 minutes ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

I'll read over your articles since you took the time to post them. I don't believe everything I read in the press because it's mostly BS anyway, but I will read them just for you mate. More importantly though I want to ask what exactly are you on about? I don't comment on half of your stuff let a lone go out of my way to do so. In fact I'm pretty sure I've even hit the like button on a few of your comments in the past. Not to say we probably haven't disagreed in the past, but I certainly don't go out of my way. lol So are you just looking for conflict where there is none? If your having fantasies about me forum stalking you then me know so I can play along too. lol👍😁😜😎


1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I totally agree that if a job has increased responsibility or danger that any person (whether male or female) should receive higher pay. However, when I stated that women are frequently not compensated fairly I was not speaking to these jobs -- I'm referring to jobs where the responsibility is the same but men are paid more.

I can cite many studies proving this injustice, and have family members who were affected by the dynamic as well.
While your personal experience is important it is not representative of the entire world -- we have to look at all types of jobs, and gather information from surveys and statistics in order to see the big picture. 

This dynamic is insulting to women, of course, but even more important this dynamic lowers the quality of lives substantially, particularly in the case of children living in single-parent homes where mothers are paid less. From a third to a fourth of children in the U.S. live with a single parent, and most of those children live with their mother. Women who unjustly receive less pay for the same work as men is a major contributing factor in childhood poverty.

Well my question would be on these studies when comparing the pay between men and women are their duties the same and are the resumes of their work experiences and other variables included in these studies? Because that would be the only valid reasons I could the pay being different. You are right though. My personal experiences are probably not representative of the world. In truth I've only ever experienced a few cases of discrimination in my life time towards women where I had to personally gut check someone for it. Only one of them were on a professional level and it was when I was a young and hot headed lad. I was a mechanic then and one of my co-workers I caught talking down to this lady like she was stupid which irked me to no end trying to sell her some brand new breaks, rotors, and calipers which she absolutely did not need. The little bolt thingy got all jammed up and all it needed was to be unjammed. All the lady needed was a set of pads. So let's just say I broke the situation down to the lady in a way that she could relate to and I royally pissed in both his and the bosses Cheerio's, by fixing it myself and turned what would have been roughly a five hundred dollar job in to a twenty dollar one. lol They got butt hurt and mad and this pleased me. lol😁

1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:


Because we see more Black people in positions of power, and more women in the gaming industry, does not mean the problem is solved.  It's getting better for marginalized groups, for sure, but a few outliers for a few does not make the problem disappear for all those who endure prejudice and disadvantage.

I'm not saying our problems in the world are totally solved. Far from it in fact. I am saying that to me the word oppress is a strong word and it doesn't apply to today's problems. Are there injustices? Absolutely and they need to be addressed. Are people oppressed? Not even close. People have freedom and people have choices. That is a far cry from oppression. The world is unjust and there are people who prey up on others and those are the people that need to be stopped.👍

57 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It is about money and power, yes. But societies stratify and organize into levels, placing certain types of people at the lower levels where the least amount of benefits are available.  And Blacks have been the latrine of America for years, and still are depending on the area of the country you live in or the person you happen to talk to.

Well honestly I can think of a few races/cultures who have it worse, but here's the thing. The media stirs the pot and as long as races, genders, and any and every other group of people out here stay at each others throats we'll never find that common ground. Who is fighting the most? The poor. Who benefits from the chaos the most? The rich. If you sit back and I mean really sit back and listen to the world you begin to notice some things. For example let's take the crime rate. Why is it the media determines the level of out cry and urgency on which murders get handled with a sense of urgency? Why is every murder not handled with the same level of urgency? Death does not discriminate. People do. So until the day and time we as a people can stand together united and enforce laws so harsh no one will ever consider taking a life again the media train and the rich dictates who lives and dies.🤦‍♂️

The reason we can't is people don't want equality. Not real equality. They want to oppress each other and/or play victim. It's why that word is thrown around so much. Nobody wants to solve the real problem. They'd rather solely focus on their own groups goals and agendas while stepping on the backs and necks of others. You see nobody wants to admit that though because then they'd have to own up to and admit their own stupidity and contributions to the problems. So what happens? The problem continues to grow and more people suffer for it.😕

Take the pandemic for example. In the movies people have sense. Tell them to stay in doors so they won't die and they do. Common sense right? One would think so since it's not exactly rocket science. Yet we still have groups of special bus morons who go out and get themselves and other people killed spreading a deadly virus. In the movies idiots like this would be shot down as not to kill everyone in sight they come in contact with. In reality they are allowed to basically murder with no punishment at all. Because people can paint it any color they want to, but make no mistake that is what it is. Murder. Yet our society allows it. Why is that?🤔

I am well aware the world has problems. I just won't subscribe to it's any one groups fault. It's all our faults. We are all equally responsible for the world we create and live in. The real question people need to ask themselves is what are you going to do about it to make this world a better place? That change will take place when we all stand together. No more groups. Just the people. That's when we'll have real peace my friend.😎

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1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Guess you were censored...


Sorry I just seen this comment. Probably what happened is the first part of the conversation we were having that started this thread got removed because it was off topic. Remember this conversation started over in the Gacha thread mate. lol So not really an issue. lol👍😎

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Getting rid of government is not a panacea.

I am pretty sure the word I used was reduce, not eliminate. I mean it looks like reduce on my computer. I know it can often be easier just to change what someone says and then argue against your own version, but no one here would do that.

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23 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

People tend to forget it's not about the race. It's about money and power. Those who have and those who don't.

In some societies, the US and the UK among them, though, money and power are very unevenly distributed between different ethnic groups.     It's only within my lifetime, for example, that it's been unlawful to discriminate on racial grounds when selling domestic property in the UK or the USA, with the result that. if you're white, you're a lot more likely to have inherited at least some of equity in your parents' home than if you're black, because of the comparative ease (or otherwise) with which your parents or grandparents were able to obtain a mortgage and buy a family home.

Similar considerations apply access to education, health care, and so on, when you're a child, and even before you're born, because of the environment in which your mother lives and  the sort of health care available to her.

I've got where I am in part because I'm bright and good at what I do, but primarily because I've had a series of very lucky breaks, and one of my main strokes of luck was being born to parents with plenty of money who lived in a nice house and were able to send me to a good school, and generally offer help and material support when I needed it.     

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55 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

. More importantly though I want to ask what exactly are you on about? I don't comment on half of your stuff let a lone go out of my way to do so. In fact I'm pretty sure I've even hit the like button on a few of your comments in the past. Not to say we probably haven't disagreed in the past, but I certainly don't go out of my way. lol So are you just looking for conflict where there is none? If your having fantasies about me forum stalking you then me know so I can play along too. lol👍😁😜😎

I remember you laughing quite a bit during a thread during a really stressful period last year.  Not just at my posts, but others too.  I mean you laughed at a post where I discussed the liberation of Dachau.  If that’s not trolling I don’t know what is.  Or maybe you figured my posts were “BS” like the media (as you say) & just clicked a reaction without reading.  Who knows.   (just a fewTo refresh your memory):  





Edited by Pixie Kobichenko
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1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Eliminating government is not libertarian, it is anarchy. There are anarchists who advocate just this, but I am not one. This article is about eliminating a local government, but I have never advocated this. In fact if I had my way local government would be stronger as many issues would be transfered from national to local control. 

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14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm so confused, is website pictures? 

Those are screenshots I took from scrolling thru a thread in June 2020 regarding BLM & Juneteenth.  They are of my comments in the thread.  The 1st screenshot is of a comment I had made that included a screenshot from The Tulsa World (newspaper) discussing the arrest of a Tulsa Public School teacher protesting during Trump’s re-election rally here.

 The 3rd is a comment I made discussing a gun rights advocate & police trainer  Velk was holding up as an authority to be trusted- the website called insider quoted this person talking about how “you” become used to shooting & killing people, & how great sex is after killing a human.  

  The 2nd screenshot is a comment I made about my grandfathers military unit participating in the liberation of a Nazi death camp.

  The last screenshot was my response to an image someone had posted depicting a white male holding a sign acknowledging the wrongness of his previous mindsets in regards to race relations.

Each of my screenshots shows Velk loling as a reaction to my posts- ones talking about murder- was simply refreshing his memory since he claims he didn’t do exactly that.

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4 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

Those who own the land and the means  of production, distribution and exchange, I think, and how it affects those with less power depends, ultimately, on what the law allows those with more power to get away with and from what the law fails to protect those who lack the power and agency to protect themselves..

Isn't it then somewhat ironic that those who see themselves as lacking the power and agency to protect themselves then support and promote those who will, showering them with lands, power and finances to save the powerless with. But power corrupts and what starts as saving the powerless turns to preying on them.

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3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Isn't it then somewhat ironic that those who see themselves as lacking the power and agency to protect themselves then support and promote those who will, showering them with lands, power and finances to save the powerless with. But power corrupts and what starts as saving the powerless turns to preying on them.


A lot of it, especially in my state has to do with religion & reproductive rights.  Even tho they vote against their overall best interests, there are specific issues here & voters won’t be swayed.

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22 minutes ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:


A lot of it, especially in my state has to do with religion & reproductive rights.  Even tho they vote against their overall best interests, there are specific issues here & voters won’t be swayed.

The bigger picture is how as a population we see ourselves in need of saving and as in the case of climate change, virus and vaccines, etc we have demanded to be saved from those and give those who promise solutions money and power, even to the point of subjecting us to lockdowns, quarantines, carbon taxing, forced vaccines etc. Then we cry because those who promised us safety and security, did so at the expense of life and liberty. This goes beyond party politics, race or gender.

Edited by Arielle Popstar
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37 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

The bigger picture is how as a population we see ourselves in need of saving and as in the case of climate change, virus and vaccines, etc we have demanded to be saved from those and give those who promise solutions money and power, even to the point of subjecting us to lockdowns, quarantines, carbon taxing, forced vaccines etc. Then we cry because those who promised us safety and security, did so at the expense of life and liberty. This goes beyond party politics, race or gender.


 "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

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7 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

Well I don't know what your background in security is, but mine is over 20 years in both Homeland and private sector and if we want to get technical about it then fine. When it comes to evacuations only key personnel stay behind. So if that's you then you get the dollar more same as me. Otherwise your hump is on that boat mate. lol😎


And I have no idea who you are and IF you're telling the truth.  Having been around US Military and some Aussies while deployed I AM certain that very few US Military use the  term "mate' when talking to other people other than the Brits, Aussies and NZ. If I am security then it is my responsibility to get all non-security personal off the ship in your scenario. If you had ANY working knowledge of security, you would know that.    AFTER all non-essential personnel are evacuated, THEN the rest of us would jump ship or grab a raft.  I MIGHT leave you there, because I'm quite sure you would have royally p***** me off  by that time.

And to be clear, putting a stupid smiley face doesn't really add credence to what you say.

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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:


 "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

I am not sure that a guy famous for flying a kite in a thunderstorm is a great authority to cite on safety  

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1 minute ago, Aethelwine said:

I am not sure that a guy famous for flying a kite in a thunderstorm is a great authority to cite on safety  

It goes deeper than that. I've already fallen down one rabbit hole on the forum today.  I think I'll skip the next one and just fall down the rabbit hole of "torturing mesh pieces to fit".

Not that you've extended an invitation. I'm just a bit surprised someone started to catch on so quick. 

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53 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

I am not sure that a guy famous for flying a kite in a thunderstorm is a great authority to cite on safety  

It's also an analogy you could use for literally any offense minor or not. I'll try saying that to a cop next time I get pulled over for speeding. I don't think it will get me very far.

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5 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

And I have no idea who you are and IF you're telling the truth.  Having been around US Military and some Aussies while deployed I AM certain that very few US Military use the  term "mate' when talking to other people other than the Brits, Aussies and NZ. If I am security then it is my responsibility to get all non-security personal off the ship in your scenario. If you had ANY working knowledge of security, you would know that.    AFTER all non-essential personnel are evacuated, THEN the rest of us would jump ship or grab a raft.  I MIGHT leave you there, because I'm quite sure you would have royally p***** me off  by that time.

And to be clear, putting a stupid smiley face doesn't really add credence to what you say.

First you're right you don't know me. You can take my word for it or don't. I really have nothing to prove to you. Given your nasty ignorant smartass attitude I don't care to know you. Second being around the military vs being raised up in the military in a generational military family from day one of my life and my background there is absolutely nothing you can school me on and I sure as heck don't got nothing to prove to the likes of you as I've said. It is clear to me though based off the ignorance and nastiness of your statements you don't know crap from crisco. Being around the military as you claim you obviously skipped the class about following orders. You certainly don't know the first thing about security procedures which is clearly obvious to me. Nor is it my job to teach you. As for your dirty little comment about leaving me. You wouldn't have the chance because someone like you wouldn't be working with me in the first place. People like you who think they know everything and act as you clearly do get people killed. You wouldn't have lasted a day in my shoes. And to be entirely clear I am smiling at you now because your a bad joke. lol😎

One last thing. As for your issue and anyone else's for that matter with me using the term mate when I speak. You got no idea of my heritage or background or how it is part of how I speak. I find it amusing that you think you are such an authority on where the term originates from or even attempt to speculate on why I use it. Let alone even act as if only certain people are allowed to use it. And the reason I don't explain it is because I absolutely love when people make the ignorant statements such as the one you clearly have made. It makes it easier for me to see how full of crap some people really are. So stick that in your credence. lol Have a nice day mate.😁

Edited by Velk Kerang
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8 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

I remember you laughing quite a bit during a thread during a really stressful period last year.  Not just at my posts, but others too.  I mean you laughed at a post where I discussed the liberation of Dachau.  If that’s not trolling I don’t know what is.  Or maybe you figured my posts were “BS” like the media (as you say) & just clicked a reaction without reading.  Who knows.   (just a fewTo refresh your memory):  





The posts don't really ring a bell right now mate. I'll look them up and see if I can remember. I did get in to it with some people getting nasty with me on here last year at one point. I don't recall us ever getting in to it though. So I can't really say if we did or didn't. I only ever actually hit the laugh button on one persons posts purposely to irritate someone because she kept popping mine on every other post so for a laugh I returned the favor and she cracked it on me by sending me little hate messages in PM's and we talked for a bit and I told her look let's just chill with the nonsense already. It was funny at first, but it's going a bit far. So we chatted a bit and called a truce I guess you could say. Dang that sounds so childish. I'm literally laughing as I am writing this crap. lol I mean as silly as it sounds sometimes it just goes like that on these forums. Someone will act like a jerk and then you got stupid comments back and forth and they pop laughs on your stuff and I'll generally pop one back too as my way of saying ya I am laughing too mate. lol😁

As for us though like I said I can't honestly recall right now why I would have hit those reactions. Looking over the photos I dare say we were probably discussing politics which honestly I should just stop doing that all together. lol If it's the thread I am thinking about which I'd have to look up then as I recall there were some people who got nasty with me because they didn't like my opinions which is usually the case on here. I do see one name that stands out to me because this person seemed to have an issue with just anything I ever said. Even if I complimented this person she had an issue with it. lol So best guess your comments may have been popped during that whole heated conversation.🤔

In any case the why is not important to me right now. What is important to me is that I feel like you took my actions personally and to heart. So on that note I genuinely want to apologize to you for anything that I may have said and/or done whether intentionally or not. I am sincerely so very sorry. I had no idea I made you feel that way or that I made you think that I had some personal issues with you. I can assure you that I don't. I don't even have issues with people who have been nasty to me on here. Life is way entirely to short for all of that. I will ask you though if at anytime in the future your feeling some type of way about something I've said and done then by all means please feel free to PM and contact me personally. Again I am so very sorry if you took anything to heart. It certainly was not my intention. *Hugs.*😎

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