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Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid?

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51 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

People in general need to stop following the party line and start following their conscience.  

I'm not so sure just how many of them actually have a conscience. That seems to be completely lacking in all too many.

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3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Takes too long to reeducate them about nutrition, supplements and exercise. Majority only know about living better chemically, ie pharmaceuticals.

Okay, another approach to think about is to ask your doctor what they are doing to stay safe through the pandemic.  I'm still encouraging you to talk, talk, talk to your own doctor.  If your doctor won't take time with you past meds, ask to switch to another doctor.  This is a very difficult statement above to understand since none of us know your pre-existing conditions which may need a lot of meds and med monitoring, your age, etc.  But, you need to initiate the talking.  All doctor's in California that I've had ask about our diet and exercise.  How do you think a doctor talks to one who is diabetic?  Just give insulin but not ask about their sugar consumption?  That would be a quack.  Doctors do go beyond meds but you need to talk too and be honest with your doctor. 

Edited by FairreLilette
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5 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I live in a predominantly red state.  Our governor is Republican.  He, for the most part, ignored the white house and followed the recommendations of the health officials.  His handling of the pandemic, in my opinion, has been exemplary.  Politicians need to stop following party line and start following their conscience.  And the science.  I may not agree with other policies of our governor, but on the pandemic, I'm behind him 100% regardless of his affiliation.  The one and only thing he didn't do soon enough was the mask mandate.  He did but then rescinded it after complaints.  He did eventually put one in place, however.

I wish we had more Republican governors like yours. It seems so many have to cater to the extreme voters these days to get elected, and it makes me wonder how the process was different for him.

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've noticed some people post doctors they agree with regardless of whether those doctors are reliable sources.  Quite a few of those doctors have been shown to be conspiracy theorists or just plain quacks.  When the majority of opinions about one doctor are negative, how can anyone in good conscience agree with what they say?  It's illogical.

They have a lot of 'alternative reality' support from lots of people, so I don't think our opinion carries much weight.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I think influence frequently has more power than "actual power" (the law).

Influence came up in the thread about the British Royals and a resident said that the British Royals have no power and have no influence.  I don't believe that for a second but I don't wish to debate it as I cannot prove it but neither can the resident that they don't.  And, money is the greatest power on Earth.  If others say it isn't so that money is also influence, than let others say it isn't so but I don't believe that for a single second.  Money can buy one a whole heck of a lot.  Money can buy one freedom, silence, a female, a death, you name it.  

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Prompted by the fact that I could hardly understand a word the W.H.O's Tedross Mumblerohsoconfuseos said, 🙄 I did my own research by reading everything I could about the Spanish Flu epidemic and concluded it had to be aerosol borne.
I mean really, it couldn't be anything else the way it spreads. 
Hence - a p3 mask from day 1 that I heard about it. 


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I don't understand how others are just now hearing that the virus is airborne?  It has always been airborne.   The video below shows how the droplets move swiftly via indoor air vents.  

Here is the link to the video below - the video's date is May 2020.  


Edited by FairreLilette
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What they fail to understand when you are dealing with unknown hazard.. (chemical or biological) you recommend maximum caution (PPE) most likely means whatever available best.. It is how it works in work safety procedure. WHO thought mask shortage could be a problem for healthcare workers.. but it is not their problem, it is government's problem.

Instead of giving random daily recommendations and debating on daily event they should prepare a procedure for every possible health crisis and act according to plan.

WHO certainly necessary organization. But until this pandemic they didn't noticed by most. Usually they worked on small scale events.. they are not prepared such large pandemic. I am not blaming them but their unprepared answers funny.

IMO organization it self should be reformed and governments must provide more resources to them.. also they should be free influence of any government and pharmaceutical company.

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6 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

My doctor is very open and I've always had good doctors, imo, and sometimes gone to doctors with questions I've written down on a list.  My current doctor I talk to about all my nutrition, supplements I started, and exercise.  He knows all of it.  I keep my doctor informed because I have hereditary high cholesterol and I eat no snacks and eat egg whites only to try to lower it but it's such a stubborn hereditary thing that even with me eating almost no cholesterol, it's still high.  But my doctor knows if I start eating any junk as I will tell him and I did eat a bit of junk for about six weeks after my rl bf moved away so I told my doctor about it and told him that's why I gained a few pounds I didn't want.  Once he caught me with a bag of potato chips as I bought them after exercising and in a hurry to go see him and he said "tell me you aren't eating those?"  LOL  My doctor also recommending boiling all my food.  My doctor believes a healthy diet and exercise are vital to a healthy life.  This is how you establish a good relationship with your doctor.  Your doctor is a part of your support system.  If you don't have one you can talk to easily, find another one perhaps.  

Great you have a doctor you trust and use as a sort of accountability partner, that is quite cool. The last regular doctor I saw was about 30 years ago. He tried pushing some anti depressives on me when my mental health wasn't even being discussed or an issue but he just seemed to think they were good for everybody because they worked for him. I had known enough pill pushers on the street that I didn't need one hitting on me in a doctors office. I do have a parent who is very much into alternative health so over the years some discussions and "tips" from her carried me since then, other then for a couple of isolated injuries and one heart attack a few years ago. Even the heart specialist I was referred to I stopped seeing when he also started pushing the pharmaceuticals on me. Known too many who started taking one and soon were on multiple pills to deal with the side effects of the first and in the end it was the pills that killed them. I stick with regular fruits and vegetables along with moderate meats and carbs and minimal to no junk foods or drinks. I do like my coffee though!

My looking into covid treatments has nothing to do with lacking a good doctor, but an interest in alternatives rather than what is considered mainstream health as that is too generalized to be of benefit to everyone. One size, drug, treatment does not fit all.


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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

I don't understand how others are just now hearing that the virus is airborne?  It has always been airborne.   The video below shows how the droplets move swiftly via indoor air vents.  

Here is the link to the video below - the video's date is May 2020. 


Yes, the studies have been there for airborne and aerosols even before the pandemic but it didn't translate to an updated guidance by WHO or CDC. That was the point.

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7 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've noticed some people post doctors they agree with regardless of whether those doctors are reliable sources.  Quite a few of those doctors have been shown to be conspiracy theorists or just plain quacks.  When the majority of opinions about one doctor are negative, how can anyone in good conscience agree with what they say?  It's illogical.

Well then by the measure you use, why would you trust anything that comes from a pharmaceutical company when in spite of the FDA and CDC oversight they have manufactured, tested, promoted and sold multiple drugs which were later shown to be dangerous, tests fudged to get them passed, paid shills to belittle, minimize and cast doubt on anyone who had been negatively affected by those drugs before they were finally called to account in class action suits? It's illogical.

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14 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Yes, the studies have been there for airborne and aerosols even before the pandemic but it didn't translate to an updated guidance by WHO or CDC. That was the point.

Why do people need to rely on those two organisations updates and guidance to protect their own health? At the very start of the pandemic the virus was spreading through the air vents of passenger ships at an astonishing rate (this being January, February). There is only one way that can happen and people should have the common sense to proceed accordingly without updated WHO or CDC of whom have always been extremely slow to update.

If people dont understand that can only happen through aerosol and airborne spreading then they really need to go back to year 9 science.

Even as far back as February it was known that the virus spreads by aerosols and was airborne. Are you saying that people need to wait until WHO or CDC give guidance? Why cant people just use common sense.

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2 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

Why do people need to rely on those two organisations updates and guidance to protect their own health? At the very start of the pandemic the virus was spreading through the air vents of passenger ships at an astonishing rate (this being January, February). There is only one way that can happen and people should have the common sense to proceed accordingly without updated WHO or CDC of whom have always been extremely slow to update.

If people dont understand that can only happen through aerosol and airborne spreading then they really need to go back to year 9 science.

Even as far back as February it was known that the virus spreads by aerosols and was airborne. Are you saying that people need to wait until WHO or CDC give guidance? Why cant people just use common sense.

There is a contingent here who seem to believe that if the WHO or CDC didn't say it, it didn't happen. I think it is some sort of need for an authoritarian figure or organization they can put their trust into and tell them what their opinion should be. Either them or a factchecking site!

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I've seen very few people here who only believe what the CDC or WHO says.  Most seem to get their information from all types of credible sources.  Finding credible sources has become more difficult in recent years as so many post erroneous or misleading information.  Therefore, people do use fact checking websites and often more than one.  The problem arises when people don't check their facts or citations in any way.  Finding truthful information is difficult.  Finding a random conspiracy.site to back an off the wall agenda is simple.

As far as Covid being airborne, I didn't need anyone to tell me that.  It seems like the majority in this thread didn't need to be told either.  I assumed it could be and acted accordingly.

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8 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Influence came up in the thread about the British Royals and a resident said that the British Royals have no power and have no influence. 

That was me. I need to add something to it. The people here don't elect the Prime Minister. The Queen appoints the Prime Minister, but, in normal circumstances, she always appoints the leader of the party that won the election.

She does have the power to sack the Prime Minister, and not only in the UK. She is the head of a number of countries, and she sacked the Australian Prime Minister not all that long ago.

But she doesn't have the sort of power that was talked about in that thread. For instance, she can't decide that the railways need to be nationalised again, and cause it to happen.

end of sidetrack

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11 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Okay, another approach to think about is to ask your doctor what they are doing to stay safe through the pandemic.  I'm still encouraging you to talk, talk, talk to your own doctor.  If your doctor won't take time with you past meds, ask to switch to another doctor.  This is a very difficult statement above to understand since none of us know your pre-existing conditions which may need a lot of meds and med monitoring, your age, etc.  But, you need to initiate the talking.  All doctor's in California that I've had ask about our diet and exercise.  How do you think a doctor talks to one who is diabetic?  Just give insulin but not ask about their sugar consumption?  That would be a quack.  Doctors do go beyond meds but you need to talk too and be honest with your doctor. 

Hey Fairre, yes that’s true but I just wanted to say that doctors are humans and not infallible. They have opinions too and they can be wrong. People should follow their hunch and get a second opinion if they’re not happy with the outcome of a visit or feel it has not addressed their issue.

Docs do a lot of stupid things too but they’re not going to tell you that. Many drink a bit too much and smoke too, and also self medicate. Some go on trips with ready available drugs from the practice too, but they won’t tell their patients that either😀

So all I’m saying here is trust yourself first of all, you know your body better than anyone else and know what’s normal for you. I know what’s normal for all my pets, one of my horses always had a hot coronet band but that’s normal for him. It wouldn’t be normal for another one of my horses though. 😀

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6 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Even as far back as February it was known that the virus spreads by aerosols and was airborne. Are you saying that people need to wait until WHO or CDC give guidance? Why cant people just use common sense.

I think its not about people but governments.. People does what ever they feel right to do in time of crisis. Some people don't care or they don't have time to investigate about health crisis or rumors about virus.

Usually government handles things.. like lock downs, mask distribution, hospital and financial organization, providing correct guidance for clueless people.

I consider my self clueless because early days of pandemic we watch or read random "experts" who giving random advises it was highly unprofessional and most advises mixed conflicted with each other.. one group said masks necessary other not necessary.. another group says some random drug helps patients other says it is not proven with clinical data and not reliable

This is why WHO have to give accurate information. This is why governments paying for advice (It is funded by various governments: https://www.who.int/about/funding/assessed-contributions)

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Gosh, I'm shocked someone posted an easily debunked doctor!  😆

Anyone can be mistaken, and sometimes to present an argument someone will select evidence to fit... but it is another thing entirely to be caught misleading, especially on advice that is so high risk. 

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2 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

I think its not about people but governments.. People does what ever they feel right to do in time of crisis. Some people don't care or they don't have time to investigate about health crisis or rumors about virus.

Usually government handles things.. like lock downs, mask distribution, hospital and financial organization, providing correct guidance for clueless people.

I consider my self clueless because early days of pandemic we watch or read random "experts" who giving random advises it was highly unprofessional and most advises mixed conflicted with each other.. one group said masks necessary other not necessary.. another group says some random drug helps patients other says it is not proven with clinical data and not reliable

This is why WHO have to give accurate information. This is why governments paying for advice (It is funded by various governments: https://www.who.int/about/funding/assessed-contributions)

I have no idea what sources you were looking at as far as early pandemic goes, however some common sense must be used. If you have the flu you distance yourself from others and dont generally need to take any advice from 'professionals' to tell you if you sneeze or cough it will 'fly' towards you. If you see news of ships isolating passengers in their rooms and still getting it, you should be able to tell that it is airborne or aerosol.

If you travel on a plane with a sick person in business class with a common cold do you get sick at the back of the plane? No, therefore common sense would tell anyone, or at least should, that if a person on the plane many metres apart from someone that coughs or is sick with covid means it is spreading a different way and is airborne.

Are we now apart of a world that people need to be told what to do before doing something that is logical?

As soon as I saw the virus had spread to Italy and was running rampant in one town there as well as china, I knew it was going to be a pandemic. It wasn't that hard to tell, or at least I thought it wasn't.

As far as masks go, the reason why the jury is out as to whether they work or not is because in med school surgical masks are not taught to be a method to stop virus's. My cousin is a ER nurse and was on the board of directors of a hospital and he said that masks are changed regularly during surgeries as they have a very short use rate with a surgeon having many mask changes during one procedure. Suggesting people wear a surgical disposable mask for an entire day to stop a virus goes against everything that he was taught about those kind of masks.

Edited by Drayke Newall
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@JoJo Aurelia

That's really sad. I'm sorry.

When Trump got in the Whitehouse (by the system, not by the popular vote, which went against him - twice), I said he was a dangerous man. I didn't expect him to be dangerous in the way that cost your brother, but he was. Many people must have formed their opinions of covid-19 from the falsehoods that he spouted, and chose to do what they wanted regardless of any rules.

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